Unzipped: An Urban Erotic Tale

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by Noire

  And at that moment it was Irish who broke.

  “Let ’em go,” he sobbed in miserable defeat. His eyes touched Yoda’s in broken submission, imploring mercy from a kid who was young enough to be his son.

  “Tell Mookie I’m sorry. Tell him it’s my bad. I’ll give up everything. Call off the narcs, the AG, and them RICO muhfuckahs too. I’ll close down my center and leave the block and never step foot back in Harlem again, I swear. He has my word. And Diamond can stay right here with him if she wants to. She ain’t gotta leave. She can do whatever she wanna do up in that club and I won’t say shit, I swear. Just let my babies go.”

  Smoke was spreading through the apartment rapidly now and the girls’ screams were wild and heart wrenching. Irish wished he could cover his ears and block out the horrible sound of their beautiful voices.

  Yoda looked down at Zeta’s body on the floor, then touched the gat in his waistband and laughed, shaking his head in disbelief.

  “Big bad-ass Irish Baines. I had you going, didn’t I? You really thought I was on your team, didn’t you? Well, I fucked ya head right up. I ain’t on nobody’s fuckin’ team but my own!”

  Yoda’s ugly smile disappeared. “I used to hear legendary stories about your exploits when I was a kid, yo. They used to say you had ice cubes in your nuts. You was the niggah upstate, man! They still talk about how you wrecked shit on the tiers and cut the most brutal killers down in a vicious fashion. You call yourself counseling and mentoring young cats when they come through ya fuckin’ bullshit little center, telling lil Gs how to be real men and live they fuckin’ lives, and look at you now. Sitting here begging like a little bitch. Shut the fuck up Irish! Them babies ain’t going nowhere but to hell with you and the rest of ya fam!”

  “But they kids, man …” Irish moaned. “They just innocent little kids …”

  “Fuck them kids!” Yoda snapped. “Mookie ain’t tryna just dead you, man. He wanna teach you a fuckin’ lesson. What the fuck was you thinking when you called in them blue boys? Your woman sucked Mookie’s metal dick ’cause you talk too fuckin’ much! So stop all that whining and respect ya inner G, muhfuckah! Go out righteous! The same way you made all them other niggahs go out back in the day when the Glock was in your hand.”

  “Please,” Irish begged, not giving a fuck if he sounded like a bitch or not. The smoke was getting worse now, and so were the little girls’ cries.

  “Tell Mookie he wins! He’s the niggah and these here are his streets. We had a deal, Yoda. Me and you had us a fuckin’ deal! But I ain’t asking you to let me go, though. Leave me to die right here with Zeta, man. Just let my babies go …”

  “I said fuck them babies!” Yoda exploded, kicking Irish deep in his stabbed gut. “You shoulda thought about them lil ugly bitches when you was doing all that talkin’ to them Alphabet Boys, muhfuckah! And oh yeah,” he said with a devious glint in his eyes, “deal or no deal, the next time five-oh goes looking for your trick-ho daughter they betta check the city dump ’cause that bitch is dead and rotting with the rest of Harlem’s trash.”

  The roar that came out of Irish’s mouth was beyond pain. There was no doubt in his mind that this backbiting, double-crossing bastard was speaking the truth and his youngest daughter had been snatched from this world. Irish howled so agonizingly that he sucked in the toxic smoke and choked on his cries.

  Yoda coughed against the smoke too. He pulled his shirt up over his nose then backed away toward the door. Irish watched helplessly through the grayish haze as the come-up kid, who was once his most reliable inside man, jetted out the house and into the fresh night air.

  I’ma get y’all back, Irish vowed as swirling gray terror swept over Zeta’s body and rose like a cloud over his head. All of y’all! Somehow, some kinda fuckin’ way, even if I gotta do it from the pit of my cold fuckin’ grave, I’ma pay y’all muhfuckahs back!

  Irish Baines squeezed his eyes and coughed as he struggled to take his final breaths. The last things he heard were the heavy footsteps of Mookie’s hired killers running outta his house, and the pitiful sounds of his granddaughters’ dying screams …

  Somehow, someway, Irish thought as smoky blackness descended upon him, I’ma get y’all bastards back!

  Pearl Baines was one of the more fortunate young girls to come of age on the cold streets of Harlem. Pregnant at fourteen by one of the slickest niggahs on the hustling scene, Pearl could have easily slid into the gutter just like so many other young chicks in her man-eat-dog town did. But Pearl and her twin sister Diamond had something that the average hoodrat in Harlem didn’t have. They had a father and a mother who loved and supported them, and who bent over backward to provide them with a solid foundation to build their lives on.

  Diamond had always been the bold and daring twin, while Pearl grew up quieter and much more reserved. Both girls had gone through a stage where they were hot in the ass and rebellious as hell though, and with bodies like theirs it wasn’t hard to see why. The Baines sisters were straight Harlem stunnas, and they attracted mad sexual attention from young boys and grown men wherever they went, whether they wanted it or not.

  Pearl had been born two minutes earlier than Diamond. They weren’t identical, but there were a lot of physical similarities between them. For one thing, the sisters had bangin’ bodies. They had been blessed with phat ghetto asses, devastating hips, and big round breasts that had sprouted fully and deliciously by the time they were fourteen.

  And both of their faces were deceptively angelic, with perfectly proportioned features, innocent eyes, and sexy lips shaped explicitly for providing pleasure. Diamond had smoldering, cat-shaped brown eyes, while Pearl’s eyes were a little lighter and even sexier. It was impossible to say which sister was finer, because both of them were gorgeous as fuck and they both knew it. But there were a couple of differences between them that were pretty obvious from first glance.

  For one thing, Diamond’s skin was lighter. She was a straight-up redbone with hints of natural blond curls in her hair that got even lighter under the summer sun. Pearl’s skin was richer. Deeper. She was honey colored, a stunningly soft-baked tone that put you in the mind of sweet corn muffins just as they were beginning to rise.

  Their differences didn’t stop there though. The twins had personalities like night and day, with Diamond being the wild chick who craved dark excitement and couldn’t help but heed the call of the streets. She switched her ass around on the avenue looking for the biggest high-post ballers she could find, and then jumped in their whips and rode with them all night, getting high, dancing in clubs, and enjoying life as the prettiest bitch in the hood.

  But Pearl had a little bit more class about herself. She was a private person, kinda timid really, and she warmed up to strangers or new situations much slower than her sister did. Pearl had been traumatized as a child after living in several homeless shelters with her mother and sister while her father pulled a bid upstate.

  Whereas young Diamond seemed to accept being surrounded by crackheads, winos, and dope fiends as a natural part of urban life, Pearl had been scared out of her skin by the harshness of her surroundings and had developed a shy aura of nervousness that had never entirely left her.

  Their mother Zeta was a down bitch who rode hard for her family and did her best to protect her girls from the predators in the shelter and in the streets. Instead of sitting around waiting for her man to hit the bricks, Zeta used the system to her advantage and went to school to get her degree in social work.

  Although her mother was loving and progressive, the streets were ever cold, and each night Daddy’s Pearl prayed fiercely that her father would hurry up and get out of jail so he could rescue them from the human rats and roaches that scurried around Harlem looking for fresh victims each day.

  Sure, Pearl had gotten older and partied and done her share of dirt in her wild teenaged days, and she was always down to get her gushy good and wet. But Pearl was no match for the fearless daring of her twin sister, and after get
ting pregnant at such a young age, Pearl had gotten her shit together and come to her senses.

  Diamond had gotten pregnant too, and it wasn’t hard to figure out why. The twins had come up surrounded by street niggahs with nothing but money, drugs, and sweet young pussy on their brains. Their father Irish Baines was legendary in the hood, and even though he’d crawled around in the gutter in his heyday, Irish had rehabilitated himself and opened an outreach center called No Limitz that attracted street-hardened young men from all over New York City.

  Irish worked hard to reform those young hotheads. He believed they all deserved a second or third or even a fourth chance, and he never turned anybody away if they wanted to make a new start in life.

  And that was how Pearl got hooked up with a shiesty young kingpin named Scotch Allen. Scotch had just established a small drug empire in East Harlem when he got knocked in a raid. One of the conditions for his parole was that he had to go into a rehabilitative program and stay there for two years.

  Scotch was one of the few street nigs who had ever managed to outslick Irish. He was fine and built, and played his hustler’s hand in stealth mode. Pearl was the only thing Scotch actually saw when he entered No Limitz. He spotted her high, shapely ass and his eyes zeroed in on it like two scalpel-sharp laser beams.

  “Just lemme get the head wet,” he whispered in Pearl’s ear one afternoon as he nudged her knees apart and sucked on her sweet neck. They were humping up against a bathroom wall at No Limitz while Irish was in the main classroom giving his other protégés an exam. Pearl had been doing some typing for her father, and when Scotch saw her leave the main office and go into the ladies’ room, he made sure the coast was clear, then jetted into the bathroom behind her.

  Pearl was sprung. Scotch had been pushing up on her for a minute now, and even though she’d tried to play it off like she wasn’t interested, her panties got soaked just from looking at his fine ass. He’d snuck in the bathroom and kissed her before, and once he’d popped her titty out her shirt and sucked and tongued her nipple until she came, but today was different. Scotch had gotten her jeans and panties down to her ankles and was massaging her wet clit with his rock-hard dick. Nothing had ever felt so good to Pearl before. It damn sure didn’t feel like this when she mashed her clit up with her fingers—that was truth. Pearl had been schooled by her parents on all the tricks of horny young dudes, and she wanted to say no and tell him to stop. But Scotch was so damn gorgeous and his probing dick had her clit deliciously swollen and warm juices were running all down her inner thighs. Pearl’s body tingled from her nipples to her knees, and there was nothing she could do except open her legs wider and let Scotch put out the fire that he had stoked up in her.

  Pearl felt a brief surge of pain as her virginity was taken, but it was quickly replaced by the most exquisitely hot feeling of pleasure that she’d ever experienced. Her pussy slurped and slupped and clenched tight on his dick as Scotch drilled her gently up against that wall. His hands cupped her puffed out ass as his lips trailed from her earlobe to her neck to her nipples, and then back again.

  Scotch was patient and attentive with the sweet young thang. He made her nut twice before allowing himself to burst, and they squeezed each other tightly and panted and moaned in desperate whispers as orgasms surged between them like electricity.

  Scotch was all over her after that, feeding her dick 24/7. That shit was so good to Pearl that she made sure it was kept on the low. And when Scotch asked her to cover for him around the center here and there, she did it without question. Pearl didn’t want a damn thing to interfere with the sweet words Scotch whispered in her ear or the sweet wood that he was putting between her legs.

  So the whole time Irish thought he was showing the young’un how to strive for legitimate gains and walk in the light, Scotch was selling mad dope underground and laying deep pipe in Pearl’s young pussy every chance he got.

  But that wasn’t all Scotch was doing.

  He had parlayed his drug game into a highly profitable sex game too, and he had a string of young chicks turned out on the track, giving up the booty for big bucks and bringing him home the doe.

  Hell, Scotch was so slick and charming that he was conning Irish, conning hoes, conning his parole officer, and conning Pearl too. But all that changed when Pearl found out she was pregnant, and then two months later her twin sister Diamond, popped up pregnant too.

  By Scotch.

  Pearl had hung her head in hurt and shame. The whole thing had gone down in such a grimy fashion that the embarrassment of it all still fucked with her. It was bad enough that your twin sister was going behind your back and getting her tip drilled by your so-called man, but the way Pearl found out made it even more painful.

  At the tender age of fourteen Diamond had been getting high and running the street for months, staying gone for days at a time and worrying the shit out of their parents. Irish took it really hard that his daughters were so wild because he knew the streets and he knew the evil that lurked in the hearts of gangstas. He saw how the predatory niggahs at No Limitz sniffed around his daughters’ asses, and it frustrated him that other than beating his girls down and locking them in a room, there was little he could do to keep them away from the lure of the streets.

  Besides, he understood that shit. He was their father, and for over twenty years he’d been attracted to the street life too, so he knew the call of danger and excitement was coded in their blood right along with their DNA.

  But Diamond had gotten real sick one day and had been taken to the emergency room. Irish was crushed to find out that his baby girl was not only pregnant, but that she had also come down with a bad case of gonorrhea.

  “It’s a good thing you brought her in,” the doctor told them as Irish, Zeta, and Pearl gathered around Diamond’s bedside. The cold streets of Harlem had run Diamond into the ground and she also had pneumonia and a high fever. “Certain sexually transmitted diseases can be very dangerous to a developing fetus, and your daughter is going to need specific treatment to ensure the health of her unborn baby.”

  Diamond had started crying so hard that her mother Zeta burst out crying too.

  “Don’t worry, baby,” Zeta sniffled. “It’s gone be all right. We’re gonna take care of you and get you those treatments, Diamond. You and the baby are both gonna be all right.”

  “But you don’t understand!” Diamond had moaned. She looked at her sister Pearl, who stood there with her hand on her five-month pregnant belly, and then ducked her head under the hospital blanket and mumbled.

  “Pearl needs to get the treatment too.”

  Everybody in the room froze.

  Irish moved first.

  “Come again?” he said, moving closer to the head of Diamond’s bed. “Yo, baby girl, I didn’t catch that. Run that shit by me again?”

  Diamond dug herself further under the covers and practically whispered. “I said, Pearl needs to get the treatment too.”

  It was Zeta who moved this time because Pearl sure as fuck couldn’t budge.

  “What you saying, Di?” Zeta urged, tugging down the covers so she could see her young daughter’s face. “What in the world are you saying?”

  Diamond broke.

  “I said”—she flung the covers off and sat straight up in the bed—“Pearl needs to get the muthafuckin’ treatment too, god-dammit! Whatever fuckin’ diseases I got up in my ass, they got in there the same way this fuckin’ baby got up in there! And I got ’em from the same niggah I got this baby from too!”

  All eyes were on Diamond as she spit out the culprit’s name.

  “I got it from Pearl’s niggah! SCOTCH!”

  Forgiveness had not come easy for Pearl. Young and dumb, she had fallen deeply for Scotch’s gaming lies, and had given her heart and her soul to him, not to mention full and complete access to her beautiful young body. Scotch was slick and fine, and he had sold her a silky bill of dreams by drilling her with tales of how much he loved her, and promises of how he was
gonna get her out of Harlem and be her man for life.

  Finding out about him and Diamond had been a painful blow for Pearl, but her reaction to their lies and betrayal had actually helped her discover something deep about herself: she could be a monster when she needed to. Pearl had lost her quiet demeanor right along with her mind as the humiliation of Scotch’s deceit pressed down on her. For the first time in her life she allowed rage to consume her as she waited until Diamond was out of the hospital, then ran up on her in the street and kicked her fuckin’ ass!

  Diamond didn’t have any wins when it came to her raging sister, either. She took her ass-whipping in stride because she knew she had it coming. Shit, Pearl was done being walked on! Done being scared to stand up for herself and for her proper respect. With her newfound courage she’d shaken off her tentativeness and went after a piece of Scotch’s ass too! She’d taken a nice little slice of his neck meat, and he was lucky she’d fucked around and missed and cut him high when she was trying to cut him low.

  Diamond had apologized over and over again, swearing all out she felt like shit for hurting and betraying her twin.

  “I’m so sorry, Pearl. Please believe me. I can change. I swear to God I can. If you would just forgive me, Pearl, I can change!”

  Pearl was straight disgusted with Diamond. Her sister had gotten down just like a regular Harlem chickenhead, just like the kind of gutter chicks that Pearl had grown to despise and had sworn she would never be. It was hard but Pearl went ahead and gave her sister the forgiveness she needed, but even after Irish Baines had seen to it that Scotch was dealt with in the proper street fashion, the knowledge of what her sister had done behind her back was still embarrassing and painful for Pearl.


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