Wicked *itch: Magic and Mayhem Universe

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Wicked *itch: Magic and Mayhem Universe Page 7

by Teresa Gabelman

  “Nothing to be sorry for,” Zelda replied with a wave of her hand. “Just know that you are welcome in Assjacket. I understand what it means to be alone.”

  Something passed between herself and Zelda, which not only surprised her but comforted her. In that instant, she realized she had found a friend, a true friend. “Thank you.”

  Zelda gave her a nod. “Now, about your problem.” She looked toward Mira and Kira. “From what Thorne has said, you have a big problem. I personally have never heard of this warlock, Orjyll, but he sounds like a real asshole. And your cousin’s curse cannot be undone except by her, so...” She looked at Steve, who still had his arm around Mira. “You’re pretty much screwed.”

  Wicked watched the tears fill Mira’s eyes and felt terrible for her. She also noticed that Kira quickly glanced toward Ronan in disappointment. Interesting.

  “Do you think Baba Yaga could help them?” Bruce, who was unusually quiet, spoke up.

  Zelda actually rolled her eyes. “Maybe, but Baba “Pain in my Ass” Yaga is not available at the moment. She’s somewhere with my dad doing Goddess only knows what, so I’ll have to get back with you on that.”

  Wicked glanced at Steve to see him biting his lip. She actually laughed at his pained expression when he looked at her. She knew he was dying to ask about Baba Yaga’s name, but refrained because of Ronan giving him the death stare.

  “Have you tried to reach your aunt with a letter?” Zelda asked. She too was grinning at Steve but was asking Kira the question.

  “I have no idea where she.... Oh, you mean... no, I haven’t.” Kira’s eyes opened wide with hope.

  “I wrote my aunt, sent it out to the universe with a little magic and she received it. She had died a while ago. So whether your cousin is alive or dead, it’s worth a shot,” Zelda said, then glanced at Steve and laughed. “No, Baba Yaga is not her real name.”

  “Thank you!” Steve said, as if he’d been holding his breath.

  “Listen, I really wish I could help you more, but that’s about all I can do,” Zelda told Mira and Kira. “If you can get a hold of your cousin, that can eliminate the curse issue. With the warlock, I’m afraid the only thing you can do is kill him before he kills you.”

  “That’s the plan,” Ronan said, his voice full of anger and determination.

  “If you hear anything on your end about him, we’d appreciate a heads-up to where he might be,” Steve added, more serious now.

  “Absolutely,” Zelda agreed. “Now come and enjoy some music and food. These Shifters know how to cook.”

  “Thank you.” Kira smiled at both Mac and Zelda. “And if there is ever anything we can do for you, please don’t hesitate. Wicked knows how to get a hold of us.”

  “Sounds good,” Zelda replied, then looked toward Wicked. “Why did you move your business outside of Assjacket?”

  “Well because I...” By the look that Zelda was giving her, Wicked knew she knew the full reason why she left. “I needed mortal business also.”

  “But that is not the only reason,” Zelda said knowingly. “Well, I just want to thank you. Your concern for our people is truly appreciated.”

  “What are you talking about?” Thorne frowned first at Zelda, then down at Wicked.

  “She didn’t want to bring danger to Assjacket, Thorne,” Zelda answered for Wicked. “She knew by helping Kira and Mira she was putting herself in danger. Witches can pick up on magic. We each have a different... what I call beacon when we use our magic. So if this warlock has someone powerful helping him since his powers are bound, then they could have found Wicked and by doing so—”

  “That was your fear?” Thorne said, his eyes searching hers.

  “I couldn’t put innocent people in danger.” Wicked shrugged.

  “I’m sorry we’ve brought this to your door.” Mira’s voice shook.

  “We have a protection shield around Assjacket,” Zelda replied, without a hint of concern. “Even if she had used her magic to the fullest, while here, no other warlock or witch could have picked it up, no matter how powerful they were, because I’m more powerful than them.”

  Wicked felt so much better hearing that, but she still was more comfortable being outside of the Shifter town because of the fear of bringing them trouble. It was her trouble to deal with, not theirs.

  Wicked followed everyone out and wondered what it would feel like to really belong here with all these people. She really liked Zelda and Mac. So far, all the Shifters she had met were awesome, well, except for Porky.

  The tempo of the music slowed down, and Bruce groaned as he passed her. “Would it kill people to listen to a little rock ‘n’ roll?”

  “I fucking love that cat.” Steve chuckled, then glanced at Wicked. “If you ever want to sell him, call me. Mira needs a familiar.”

  “Ah, no, Mira doesn’t.” Mira chuckled with a shake of her head.

  “He’s free to a good home.” Wicked snorted under her breath, knowing full well she could never get rid of Bruce. Unfortunately, it was impossible since he was her familiar.

  Before she knew what was happening, she was pulled into Thorne’s arms as they slow danced alongside other couples. She loved the feeling of being held against his warm body, but she was still unsure of where she stood with him. At that moment she didn’t care. She loved to dance, especially in his arms.

  “You have nothing to fear,” he whispered to her, making her worry she’d spoken her uncertainty aloud. “Nothing will hurt you.”

  Wicked prayed to the Goddess he was right, but she wasn’t thinking about warlocks hurting her; that was never her real fear. She was worried about Shifters, a panther Shifter to be exact.

  Chapter 12

  The dancing and eating lasted well into the night. Wicked had to admit she was having the best of time. Kira and Mira stayed but soon said their goodbyes. Steve and Ronan had to get back to Cincinnati. Kira was afraid to stay too long, not wanting to put any of the Shifters at risk from Orjyll, even though Zelda had promised that wouldn’t be possible because of the protection shield over the town. They had left with Steve, promising to be back for a tattoo in the near future.

  Another slow song played as she was once again in Thorne’s arms. She had noticed some very pretty Shifters glancing Thorne’s way, hoping to catch his eye, but so far, his gaze had not strayed from her, and that sent her heart fluttering erratically.

  “I think a few females are wanting to dance with you,” Wicked said as they moved slowly to the music.

  Thorne looked down at her. “Why would I even think of dancing with anyone else when I have the most beautiful woman in my arms?”

  Yeah, okay, that gave him major brownie points. Feeling content, she sank against his body, letting him move her around the floor. Her eyes closed and she prayed to the Goddess this feeling lasted. She was tired of being afraid. Sick of the doubt that always hovered over her like a black cloud. She was so ready to just enjoy life, and that was exactly what she wanted to do with this man.

  “You ready to go?” His breath tickled her skin, sending desire through her.

  She nodded against his chest. “Yes,” she whispered.

  He took her hand and led her through the thinning crowd. She spotted Zelda, who was looking straight at her. A smile appeared on the beautiful woman’s face as she gave Wicked a wink. Wicked grinned back and then waved. Mac and Thorne gave each other a nod, and then they were out the door walking through the darkness of the hardware store.

  Once outside, Wicked stopped and smiled up at Thorne. “Thank you for an amazing night.”

  “Honey, the night isn’t over yet.” He winked, and that’s the exact minute she admitted to herself that she was totally 100 percent in love with this man.

  “I was hoping you’d say that.” Wicked flirted, then laughed when Thorne groaned.

  “Don’t look at me like that until we’re somewhere I can take full advantage of you.” Thorne’s voice lowered in that sexy slow timbre that made her melt

  Every part of her body responded to him, craved him, and she couldn’t wait to be exactly at the place where he could take advantage. His kiss was slow but didn’t last as long as she would have liked. Which was a good thing since they were standing in front of the hardware store.

  He gave her a wicked grin as they both turned hand in hand, only to face Porky, who held a gun. Before either of them could react, the loud pop exploded as pain slammed into her chest.

  Everything happened as if in slow motion. She even tried to lift her hand to stop Porky with her magic, but it was obviously too late as she was falling backward. Thorne’s bellow of rage echoed in her ears.

  Her fall was cushioned by Thorne as he gently laid her back. Her eyes saw only dark sky with the sprinkling of stars. The pain, an intensity of fire, burned through her body.

  “Fuck!” Thorne hissed down at her. “Wicked, look at me. Don’t you dare close those eyes. Wicked!”

  A shooting star flashed across the sky before Thorne’s face obstructed the view. She opened her mouth to say something, but all that came out was garbled words. She swallowed hard and tried again.

  “No, shush, don’t talk.” Thorne looked around, then yelled something, but there was a ringing in her ears, and she couldn’t make out what he said.

  Suddenly people’s faces stared down at her. Zelda leaned over her. Her concerned face was intense and focused. Zelda shook her head, her mouth moving, and Wicked tried so hard to hear what she was saying.

  Even though it hurt like nothing she had ever felt, she lifted her arm and searched for Thorne. His face reappeared, calming her. She knew he took her hand in his and squeezed. He spoke, but what she paid attention to was the tear that slipped from his beautiful eye.

  Wicked tried with everything she had to heal herself, but she was too weak, and this definitely wasn’t a paper cut. Oh God, she was dying. She couldn’t die. Not now. Not yet. She wasn’t ready. Finally, the ringing in her ears eased.

  “Dammit, Wicked.” Thorne hissed. The big bad Shifter looked scared to death... because of her. “Hold on. Stay with me.”

  “Wicked!” She heard Bruce calling out to her in panic.

  “We have to get her to my place,” she barely heard Zelda saying. She sounded so far away, yet she was right there. “She’s not a Shifter, but I’ll do my best to—”

  “We got him,” someone shouted in the distance.

  “He’s mine!” Thorne bellowed, but his eyes never left hers. “Hang on, Wicked. I’ve got you.”

  “She’s losing too much blood,” Zelda said, her voice calm. “We need to get her out of here.”

  “I have to pick you up, Wicked,” Thorne said as he positioned himself. “Hold on, baby.”

  The pain from being moved almost made her pass out, but she fought it. A loud moan escaped her lips as fire pierced her chest, shooting agonizing pain throughout her whole body.

  “I’m sorry,” Thorne whispered, and she could tell he was walking quickly. “I’m so sorry.”

  Wicked closed her eyes against the pain, but the darkness scared her, so she opened them quickly. She felt herself being carefully put into the back of a car, and Wicked did everything in her power not to cry out. The last thing she wanted was to upset Thorne. He was trying not to hurt her.

  All she could do was stare up at him, feeling herself getting weaker and weaker. Zelda was hovering over her also from the front seat, and she felt magic around her.

  “Dammit, hurry up, Mac!” Zelda’s voice no longer sounded calm. “I can’t do this in the car. I need to be home.”

  “Don’t you dare close those beautiful eyes,” Thorne ordered, his voice softer than she’d ever heard him.

  “Thorne, I’m going to have to put her out,” Zelda said, as the car came to a quick stop.

  “No!” Thorne shook his head. “She has to stay awake. She can’t close her eyes.”

  Wicked’s gaze left his to slowly move to Zelda, who was looking at her with a worried frown. She really didn’t want to close her eyes either, too terrified, but somehow she knew Zelda was right.

  “I’ll be okay,” Wicked croaked and felt a tear slip from the corner of her eye.

  “No!” He shook his head, his eyes narrowing in fear and anger.

  “Do it,” Wicked coughed out, as she reached up with everything she had to touch Thorne’s cheek. “I love you.” There, she said it. If she went to the Goddess, she knew she had said her piece.

  Wicked felt her eyes getting heavy. Panicking, she started to fight it, but couldn’t. Darkness shadowed her vision as the last thing she heard was Thorne’s cry of fear as he called her name over and over again until everything was silent.

  Chapter 13

  Something furry tickled her cheek close to her nose. Her eyes felt heavy, and she couldn’t seem to open them.

  “Dammit, Bruce,” a familiar voice hissed close to her. “Get off her pillow.”

  “No!” another voice hissed. “I’m her familiar. The closer I am to her, the better.”

  The darkness was heavy within her, but the voices of Bruce and Thorne had her fighting it. Panic attempted to settle in as she tried and tried to open her eyes, but nothing she did worked.

  “You’re making her restless.” Thorne’s voice was clearer to her. “Get away before I skin you alive, damn cat.”

  “Try it, buddy, and I’ll take your balls off with one swipe of my claws,” her familiar warned.

  Excitement overcame her fear. She wasn’t dead. At least she didn’t think she was dead. She tried again to pry her eyes open and she saw a sliver of brightness. Oh, Goddess, she really wasn’t dead. Instead of opening her eyes fully, she tried to speak. Her lips moved only a little, a small sound escaping, but Thorne and Bruce were too busy fighting to hear her.

  She just kept at it until finally her eyes were open against the brightness of the room. She let her eyes adjust, blinking them rapidly. Once the brightness didn’t hurt, she shifted her eyes to see Thorne glaring at something to her right. Slowly glancing around, she saw Bruce sitting on her pillow pointing at his balls, telling Thorne to kiss his ass. A chuckle escaped her lips. She was truly alive.

  “Wicked!” Thorne’s face appeared in front of hers. “Jesus! Go get Zelda!”

  Bruce moved his furry head in front of Thorne’s, looking down at her. “I swear I’m going to make your life hell for scaring me like that, Wicked!”

  “You already do,” she croaked, then licked her dry lips. “Water.”

  Bruce snorted. “Yeah, she’s going to be fine.” He hopped off the bed and left the room.

  Thorne grabbed a glass and then slowly helped ease her head up. The water hit her lips, and she drank until she choked.

  “Slow down.” Thorne pulled the glass away and set it back on the table. “Better?”

  Wicked nodded as he gently laid her back down. Her chest and shoulder only stung a little with pain. She looked down to see she was in a pretty lavender gown. A white bandage peeked out from underneath.

  “You scared me, Wicked.” Thorne frowned down at her. “Don’t ever do that again.”

  Wicked glanced up from the bandage. “Well, I hope I never get shot again.” Her eyes widened. “What happened with Porky?”

  “I killed him.” Thorne’s voice hardened, as did his eyes.

  “Oh, Thorne.” Wicked knew there were certain rules that Shifters had to follow. “Please tell me you didn’t. I don’t want you to—”

  “Mac is taking care of everything. Actually, I had his blessing,” Thorne replied, then smirked. “He told me that if I didn’t do it, he would, and there was no way anyone but me was going to rain down vengeance to that son of a bitch.”

  “Why did he do it?” Wicked asked, searching his face. This man had killed because of her. She really didn’t know how she felt about that, but she was too tired to analyze it.

  “Because he was a sick, mean son of a bitch,” Thorne growled. “I’m sorry I brought him into your life. I never reali
zed just how mad he really was.”

  “How long have I been here?” Wicked wanted to change the subject. It was over, time to move on, and the more she thought about it, the more her fear crept back. She was finished with fear. She was ready to live.

  “Only a few days.” Thorne frowned. “Zelda worked on you for an hour before she finally got you stabilized.”

  “She sure did.” Zelda walked into the room without knocking. “And it about kicked my ass.”

  Wicked looked around Thorne to see Mac and Zelda step into the room. “Thank you.”

  Zelda headed toward her and sat on the edge of the bed. “No thanks needed. You actually started to try to heal yourself, which I think is what really saved your life. How’re you feeling?”

  “Not too bad. Just a little sore and weak.” Wicked smiled at her, but then looked toward Mac, and her smile faded. “Please don’t do anything to Thorne for killing Porky.” She needed to make sure that Thorne wasn’t just telling her things so she didn’t worry.

  Mac stared down at her, his frown turning into a grin. “Don’t you worry about a thing. Thorne is in no trouble here. If he hadn’t taken care of business, I would have dealt out justice in the exact same way.”

  All Wicked could do was nod, but tears flowed from her eyes. Everything was hitting her at once, and it was a little overwhelming.

  “Okay, it’s time for all you boys to get.” Zelda glanced away from Wicked to glare at Mac and Thorne, as well as Bruce, who just stared at her. “Go. Shoo. I need to help Wicked with some womanly stuff.”

  Wicked sniffed, trying to get control of herself, and she really did have to pee.

  “Thorne, I’ll zap your ass right out of this room,” Zelda warned. “Now get before I turn nasty. Ask Mac exactly what my nasty looks like.”

  “Yeah, come on, brother.” Mac waved Thorne toward the door. “You really don’t want to be on the receiving end of Zelda being pissy.”

  Thorne leaned down and kissed Wicked. “I’ll be right back.”

  Wicked nodded with a sniff. Once all males were out of the room, she looked to Zelda. “Thank you again.”


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