Why We Love Serial Killers

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by Scott Bonn

  Praise for Scott Bonn’s

  Why We Love Serial Killers

  “Powerful and a must-read! Dr. Bonn examines the serial killer, as depicted in fact and fiction, as a timeless cultural imperative. . . . Insightful, compelling, and an excellent source of myth-busting information for laymen and professionals alike.”

  —Burl Barer, award-winning crime author and radio host

  “Considered one of the world’s top experts on criminal behavior, Scott Bonn has delivered a book which is so powerful and provocative, you cannot put it down. Indeed, through his diligent work and unparalleled access to these infamous killers who’ve committed some of the most horrific crimes of our day, he provides chilling and critical insight into these deviant and pathological criminal minds . . . and reveals the truth behind the headlines.”

  —Rita Cosby, Emmy Award–winning television host and bestselling author

  “Scott Bonn has taken on one of the most horrifying, disgusting, and chilling type of criminals—serial killers—and illustrates their enduring appeal. Using social constructionist and functionalist analyses, he delves into society’s strange attraction to these infamous murderers, provides insight into some of America’s most famous examples, and explains why we are so attracted to the nuances of these people’s lives and motivations. Squarely looking the news media in the face for sensationalizing and even romanticizing these criminals for the sake of ratings and raising the public’s fear, Bonn answers the questions about why we remain lured by these stories, our fascination with them, and why the serial killer will long endure in our consciousness as a repulsive yet captivating character in criminology.”

  —Peter Adler, Ph.D. Professor of Sociology, University of Denver, and Patricia Adler, Ph.D. Professor of Sociology, University of Colorado

  “In Why We Love Serial Killers, Drew University criminology professor Scott Bonn, PhD, simultaneously examines the public’s and media’s fascination with the monsters among us and the ways in which that attention impacts them. He writes about serial killers’ behaviors and the research—from the FBI’s original work to more recent models—that informs the law enforcement professionals charged with profiling, catching, and studying them. A real bonus: Dr. Bonn’s correspondence with Dennis Rader (BTK or “Bind, Torture, Kill”) for its insight into the mind of an especially chilling murderous psychopath. As such, it is a stark reminder that, irrespective of any deceptively benign appearances to the contrary, ‘they’ are never like ‘us.’”

  —Sue Russell, award-winning journalist and author of Lethal Intent, a biography of Aileen Wuornos

  “Scott Bonn’s book, Why We Love Serial Killers: The Curious Appeal of the World’s Most Savage Murderers, makes a significant contribution to our knowledge of a subject that seems to fascinate many Americans. Interest in serial killers, Bonn reminds us, far outstrips their murderous activities that make up only a small portion of murders committed in the US. In addition to dispelling myths about serial murder and murderers, he gives an in-depth profile of some of the most notorious killers, including fascinating insight on Dennis Rader, the BTK Killer who has become Bonn’s pen pal and confidant. Bonn uses a constructionist perspective to help us understand this fascination with these psychopathic murderers, showing how their creation satisfies the needs of a broad segment of society. All in all, Bonn provides a noteworthy contribution to the literature of the field, one that opens new doors for understanding the inner drives that propel these killers into committing their ‘savage acts.’”

  —Larry Siegel, professor of Criminology and Justice Studies, UMass-Lowell

  “Many of us are fascinated by serial killers but have little understanding of why that is so. In Why We Love Serial Killers, Dr. Scott Bonn delves into intriguing social-psychological issues that surround our curiosity and even obsession with the world’s most ruthless killers. He carefully and vividly explains our fascination with evil and shows powerful evidence that the news and entertainment media glorify serial killers and turn them into what he calls “celebrity monsters.” Along the way, he defines serial killers, explains how their often psychopathic minds operate, identifies their varied and complex motivations, and offers new and unique insights into two infamous serial killers—the “Son of Sam” and “Bind, Torture, Kill”—based on his personal contact with them. Dr. Bonn delivers a brilliant examination of the most dangerous and unremorseful humans on the planet. This book is thought-provoking and it debunks popular stereotypes about serial killers such as they are all young white males. Dr. Bonn has authored a must-read for both the amateur and professional or academic enthusiast of crime.

  —RJ Parker, bestselling true crime author of Top Cases of the FBI

  “For those of you that are interested in serial killers—why they do what they do—and want to go the extra mile and delve into their disturbed minds, this book is a must-read! Author Scott Bonn explains how their evil minds work and also takes on the challenge of debunking myths that go along with them. He explains their twisted fantasies and motives by getting it straight from the horse’s mouth—the killers themselves. He also discusses the members of our society who collect the belongings of serial killers, including hair, clothing and even dirt from their crime scenes. There isn’t a stone left unturned in this book, that is, if you want to learn about the worst killers on the planet.”

  —Victoria Redstall, author and investigative journalist

  Copyright © 2014 by Scott Bonn

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  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available on file.

  Cover design by Anthony Morais

  Cover photo credit AP Images

  Print ISBN: 978-1-62914-432-0

  Ebook ISBN: 978-1-63220-189-8

  Printed in the United States

  This book is dedicated to the victims and their families.


  Foreword by Diane Dimond


  Part 1: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Serial Killers (But Were Afraid to Ask)

  Chapter 1: The Strange Allure of Those Who Kill and Kill Again

  Chapter 2: Debunking Popular Myths about Serial Killers

  Chapter 3: Is Criminal Profiling a Science, Art, or Magic?

  Chapter 4: Inside the Pathological Mind of the Serial Killer

  Chapter 5: The Motives, Rituals, and Fantasies of Serial Killers

  Part 2: Up Close and Personal with Two Infamous Serial Killers

  Chapter 6: From Son of Sam to Son of Hope: The Strange Journey of David Berkowitz

  Chapter 7: The Unrepentant Sexual Psychopath Known as “Bind, Torture, Kill”

  Part 3: The Sociology of Serial Murder

  Chapter 8: The Profound Impact of Serial Murder on Society

  Chapter 9: Subjective Reality, Moral Panic, and Atrocity Tales

  Chapter 10: The Making of Celebrity Monsters

  Chapter 11: Collectors of Murderabilia and the Son of Sam Laws

  Chapter 12: What We Can Learn from the Monsters We Make




  About the Author


  There is a bible story about the circumstances surrounding the death of Jesus that resonates today.

  When Pontius Pilate gave the gathered Passover crowd its annual choice of which prisoner to crucify and which to spare—Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews, or Barabbas, the notorious murderer—the crowd instantly chose to exercise benevolence for Barabbas. As depicted in mounds of scholarly biblical studies and in the film, The Passion of the Christ, Barabbas is portrayed as a psychotic or sociopathic serial killer. Yet the crowd that day in Judea chose to spare him.

  Indeed, our fascination with serial killers can be traced back to biblical times. But why are we so captivated by these monsters who commit the most unforgivable crimes? Are we spellbound by their sheer wanton disregard for human life or do we fear there is something in each of us that could also explode into fits of multiple murder?

  We readily remember these killers’ names: Albert DeSalvo, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Aileen Wuornos, John Wayne Gacy, David Berkowitz. Their hapless and innocent victims go unremembered, except by their loved ones.

  Serial killers are mostly male but a shocking number of women have also earned the designation over the last few decades. Besides the Lone Wolf actor there have been couples, brothers, cousins, and entire families that have joined together in bloody and sometimes lust-filled acts of multiple murders.

  Through the news media these serial killers are often romanticized with nicknames such as “Angel of Death,” “The Killer Clown,” or “Jolly Black Widow.” Uncaptured perpetrators get monikers as well: “Zodiac Killer” (based in northern California, Zodiac killed five but taunted police with claims of murdering as many as thirty-seven victims); “The Babysitter” (who abducted and murdered at least four children in southeastern Michigan); or “The Doodler” (a San Francisco serial killer of gay men who sketched his prey before stabbing to death fourteen of them). Cute nicknames, but they have little to do with the real-life ghastly actions of someone who kills over and over and over again.

  Hollywood has also glamorized these fiends and their stories for years. Charlize Theron’s chilling portrayal of Aileen Wuornos in Monster resulted in no fewer than seventeen awards, including an Academy Award and a Golden Globe for Best Actress. Angelina Jolie starred in The Changeling as a victimized mother who loses her son to a serial killer modeled after Gordon Northcott, who, when he was caught in 1928, was dubbed the “Wineville Chicken Coop Killer” by the media. The bizarre actions of one serial killer, Ed Gein, who both murdered and dug up corpses to fashion their bones and skin into trophies, was the catalyst for several movies including Psycho, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and The Silence of the Lambs.

  All the publicity and public interest in these repeat murderers has created a mom-and-pop group of Internet-based memorabilia dealers. Selling everything from serial killers’ clothing, letters, locks of hair, and artwork to autographs, action figures, or even soil from the scenes of their crimes, these macabre vendors make considerable money exploiting the bloody deeds of these notorious criminals. That they make a living selling these items speaks volumes about our collective fascination with serial killers. But take a moment to imagine what the families of the victims feel when they realize the callous “murderabilia” being offered for sale came at the price of their loved one’s life.

  Indeed, the public can’t seem to get enough details about these fiends. And on some level I can relate. As a veteran crime and justice reporter, I have referred to myself as a “serial killer freak” for my intense interest in the subject. Sadly, I’ve often noticed that the information disseminated to the public is more sensational than sensible.

  News reporters and actors are good at both scaring and entertaining the public with their descriptions of these “celebrity monsters” but, in the end, the public is left with no real knowledge about how serial killers come to be.

  Are they born with a murderous gene, or are they molded by their life circumstances? Do they pick their victims at random, or do they stalk them first? Can serial killers be reformed? Are they ever remorseful? Is there a clue for a civilian to spot a serial killer in a crowd? These and many more vital questions are rarely addressed. The general public is given little useful baseline information to understand these most elusive criminals.

  First and foremost, serial killers don’t look like the monsters the media portrays them to be. They don’t manifest with wild hair and bulging eyes. They look like your postman or your grocer, a relative or a business associate—because that is exactly who they are. A serial killer, as rare as they are in the world of murderers, could be living right next door to you.

  When I interviewed Joyce Dahmer, Jeffrey Dahmer’s mother, for a segment on the television show Hard Copy, she seemed to be genuinely stunned about her son’s gruesome actions. Mrs. Dahmer, a mental health professional, was overwhelmed with grief that she had not been able to recognize the warning signs in her own son. After his conviction, stemming from the rape, murder, and dismemberment of seventeen men and boys (evidence of cannibalism was also discovered), Joyce told me Jeffrey earnestly beseeched her to find “someone to study me, to figure out why I did what I did.”

  During an interview with serial killer and sexual sadist Kenneth Bianchi at Walla Walla State Penitentiary in Washington, I ultimately zeroed in on his past life. Bianchi seemed to be in a dissociative state during much of the TV interview, but when I asked if he would like to explain to his young son, Ryan, why he wasn’t with him, Bianchi began to cry. This man, who, along with his cousin Angelo Buono, had raped and killed at least fifteen young females in California and Washington state, sat before me and cried like a baby. It was as if the Hillside Strangler had been struck dumb. He had no words to offer to his own child, who by then was a teenager and might easily have understood.

  Over the years I’ve come to realize that these serial killers likely don’t fully understand what motivates them to do what they do. So, try as we might to understand what provokes them into multiple murders, it may be a fool’s errand.

  There are so many different permutations within the serial killer community—as you will learn in this book—that it is hard to generalize descriptions of them or to identify their trigger points. It is easy for a journalist to say, “The defense attorney says the killer had a rough childhood,” or “It’s believed drugs and alcohol are at the root of these murders.” I say, that is a cop-out. There are much richer psychological dynamics at play here, no matter which serial killer you study.

  Only by diligent reading of books such as Why We Love Serial Killers will the public come to understand the true and explosive danger that walks among us.

  —Diane Dimond, journalist, author, and syndicated columnist

  December 2013, New York


  You may be wondering why in the world someone would write a book titled Why We Love Serial Killers. If so, I completely understand your curiosity or skepticism. The obvious contradiction in the title of this book seems to be outrageous at first blush.

  As far back as I can recall I have always loved monsters. While growing up in Ohio in the 1970s, I loved horror movies, including the definitive and iconic Frankenstein (1931) and the now classic Halloween (1978). In more recent times I have come to love the Hollywood tales of fictional serial predators such as Dr. Hannibal “The Cannibal” Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs and the more recent Dexter. Hannibal (the early years of Dr. Lecter) is currently a hit television series on NBC.

  I have always rooted for my favorite movie monsters because they are generally tormented and misunderstood souls who I know will ultimately be destroyed. Now, as a criminologist living in New York, I am fascinated by real-life serial killers. I study the crimes
of infamous predators such as Jeffrey Dahmer and have had the opportunity to actually meet or correspond with two of the most notorious serial killers of the twenty-first century—that is, David Berkowitz, the so-called “Son of Sam,” and Dennis Rader, known by the moniker “BTK” which stands for “Bind, Torture, Kill.” Their revelations in this book may astound you and give you new insights into the way these criminals think.

  The great prevalence of serial killers in the mass media indicates that I am not alone in my fascination with them. I have a theory that serial killers are transformed into larger-than-life celebrity monsters through the combined efforts of law enforcement authorities, the news and entertainment media, and the public. I believe that exaggerated depictions of serial killers in the mass media have blurred fact and fiction. As a result, Jeffrey Dahmer and Hannibal Lecter have become interchangeable in the minds of the public.

  In addition to being a criminologist and college professor, I am a former media executive. While serving as vice president for a couple of different television networks in the 1990s, it became apparent to me that a crime news story is an entertainment product just like an episode of CSI or Criminal Minds. Sensationalized and graphic entertainment news generates large network television audiences, and major advertisers are willing to pay handsomely to present their commercials to those audiences. Therefore, it is in the best financial interests of network television producers to make their crime news stories as shocking and enticing as possible to viewers.

  Sex and violence sell in the news and entertainment media, and serial killers offer both in the extreme. Therefore, it is not surprising that serial killers have become central players on the public stage. However, the prevailing image of the serial killer in the popular culture is distorted and reflects a stereotype that they are all dysfunctional, young white males. The popular culture image also maintains that serial killers are inhuman monsters and represent pure evil. The facts about serial killers are actually quite different than the popular myths about them. I wrote this book in part to set the record straight and present the truth about serial killers—a truth which is far more compelling than fiction.


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