Home Is Where the Horror Is

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Home Is Where the Horror Is Page 18

by C. V. Hunt

  I didn’t have time to dress or be bothered with any courtesies. I flung open the door and began to climb the stairs. It was raining again. But this time the raindrops were smaller and on the verge of becoming a fine mist. The water was like ice on my feverish and naked skin and sent bolts of shocking pain down my back and into my heels. I held the railing with one arm and my stomach with the other and weakly yelled for help. I began to climb the rain-slick stairs. A pain shot through my torso and I lost my footing. I banged my shin on one of the stairs and white hot pain shot up my leg. I cried out. Instead of emanating a scream a wet glob bubbled and escaped from my throat. Something broke loose in my windpipe and pooled on the back of my tongue. It had the consistency of mucus and tasted coppery. I spat it out but was unable to see it in the dark. I carefully continued up the stairs as my shin throbbed.

  Once I made it to the top I noticed the faint and almost indecipherable outline of Rachel’s car parked beside mine. I turned toward Lloyd’s cabin. Soft orange light flickered in his windows. I strode toward his cabin as quick as the pain would allow me, limping, and ignored the gravel biting into the soles of my naked feet.

  The distance between the cabins felt like it took an eternity to cross. I had to stop a few times and try to refrain from falling as the cat shifted in my gut and I was hit with a renewed wave of pain that threatened to tear me in two. Each shock of pain caused me to cry out and I expected someone in the cabin to hear me as I approached and open the door to investigate. But no shadows moved beyond the curtains to indicate anyone was even home. There was only the dance and flicker of the oil lamps from within.

  The porch of the cabin was dark. I wasn’t sure if there was an outside light or if they were without power. I tripped climbing the stairs and sprawled onto the wet wood. My hands hit the boards with a loud slap as I caught myself to keep from falling on my stomach. The pain I was experiencing was bad enough but I couldn’t imagine what whirlwind of fury the cat would erupt into if I squished it with the weight or impact of my body hitting the ground.

  Someone opened the door. I carefully lay on my side before I rolled onto my back. Tryphena stood above me, lit by the sickly yellow light spilling from the cabin door. She was naked. She bent forward to look at me and her long hair hung limply like dead tentacles reaching for my face. The light cast ghastly shadows on her face and made her appear sinister and much older. Her mouth, chin, and hands were covered in a dark shiny substance.

  “Help me,” I managed to rasp.

  “I was starting to wonder if you were ever going to show up,” she said. “Papa thought you’d be too much of a coward and would end up dying first. But I told him you fucked real good and wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to bang my tight young pussy again after fucking that old hag you had earlier.”

  The cat stretched and acid rose in my throat. I gritted my teeth against the pain. Through clenched teeth I said, “What are you talking about?” I coughed up another glob and spat blood on the floorboards of the porch.

  She placed a foot on either side of my head and squatted down over my face. She rubbed her wet cunt on my face as if she thought I was going to eat her pussy right then and there in the condition I was in. I tried to push her off but the cat’s excursions through my digestive tract were weakening me with each surge of pain. She pressed her genitalia down harder on my nose and I clawed at her as I began to smother. She ignored me and moaned as if she wasn’t aware I was going to die either from her vaginal suffocation or from the impossible situation of a cat crawling around in my stomach. As I struggled with Tryphena the floorboards of the cabin creaked and combined with the sound of footfalls.

  Lloyd said, “Girl, get off him! He’s not ready yet.”

  Tryphena removed her pussy from my face abruptly and stood. I gasped for air and wiped my face with the back of my arm with feeble movements. Lloyd held Tryphena by her upper arm. I would’ve thanked him for saving me from his crazy daughter if he wasn’t also naked and sporting an erection. His mouth and hands were also covered in a dark glistening substance. It wasn’t until he gave the girl a shake and let go of her arm that I recognized the stains for what they were. He had left a smeared and bloody handprint on the girl’s arm. He stared at his daughter with a furious expression and began to stroke his cock as she stared down at me with the sullen look of a reprimanded child.

  I thought, I should’ve stayed and died in my own cabin.

  The cat’s restlessness drove me from my thoughts of a peaceful death. I yelped and rolled into a fetal position.

  “Please,” I said. I wasn’t sure if I was asking for death or help or for them to go away. Death seemed like the best option as it felt like someone had turned on a chainsaw in my stomach.

  Lloyd said, “Help me get him inside.” He grabbed one of my wrists.

  Tryphena grabbed my other wrist and the two dragged me into the cabin. The force of the two pulling on my arms stretched my stomach tight and made the cat twist under the pressure. I didn’t have the strength to scream any more. All I could do was whimper, squeeze my eyes tight against the pain, and begin to cry. They dropped me unceremoniously on the floor as hot tears slid down my face.

  The floorboards creaked as they milled about. But once they were settled there was another set of footfalls resounding with a deeper thud that shook the floor as if the person was much larger than the other two.

  I opened my eyes and found they had dropped me beside the kitchen table. The bottom side of the table was ill lit but I could see Tryphena sitting in the chair opposite from me. Her legs were spread and she masturbated by forming her hand into a cone and slipping her whole fist inside her cunt. She rocked her hips to hump her hand. She moaned and grunted as she fisted herself.

  Lloyd passed behind her and stopped at the end of the table by my feet. There were a set of feet extended a few inches past the table top, toes up, where he stood. He stared at whoever was lying on the kitchen table, masturbated, and repeated the phrase ‘oh yeah, fuck’ over and over and bit his lip as he worked his cock.

  Sickness coiled in the pit of my stomach as I struggled to sit up. The sensation of my fear, of the thing I feared to see on the table, ran deeper and more visceral than the damage the cat continued to inflict on me. Rage and physical pain filled me and surged through my body as I grabbed the table top and pulled myself into a sitting position.

  Lloyd climbed onto the table and I was now in a position to see more than what I’d originally feared. Rachel was not just lying on the table. Rachel was naked, spread-eagle, and dead. Her head was turned in my direction and the sparkle that filled her eyes just hours ago was hazed over with the milky darkness of death. And, beyond the haze, the final moments of fear she experienced were frozen as an expression of pure terror on her face. A sorrow more enormous than anything I’d ever experienced welled up inside of me and spilled over. My eyes darted down Rachel’s now grayish body and focused on the dark new opening on her stomach. They’d cut her from under her breasts to a few inches above her pubis mons and her insides were exposed and glistening under the dancing flames of the oil lamps.

  I wailed like a wounded animal but the other two ignored me.

  Lloyd was on the table, repositioning Rachel’s lifeless legs. Once he was satisfied with her position he guided his cock inside of her pussy. He fucked her dead body fast and kept repeating ‘oh yeah, fuck’ while propping himself up to stare at the open wound in her stomach. Tryphena continued to masturbate while eating something pink and bloody from her free hand. Nausea surged through me and I began to retch as I fruitlessly swatted at Lloyd. Nothing was freed from my stomach but a small bit of bile and spittle which stretched from my lip to the tabletop as I tried to crawl on the table and clawed at Lloyd’s wrist in a puny attempt to pull him off Rachel.

  The cat scrambled and shifted as I retched again and my stomach muscles worked to help expel him from my body. My strength faltered and I collapsed back onto the floor and began convulsing. I managed to roll onto
my side and was forced to witness the grotesque scene playing out at the kitchen table. I could only see Lloyd as he continued to thrust. The cat clawed its way back up my throat as my body shook uncontrollably.

  The sound of Lloyd’s naked flesh against Rachel’s caused something essential in my mind to snap. The physical pain my body was experiencing vibrated and I went numb. The cat lodged himself in my throat and blocked my ability to breathe once again. I heaved hard causing my ears to ring and my face to fill with blood. Lloyd let out an exuberant cry as he climaxed and collapsed on top of Rachel.

  The cat’s slimy head worked its way up the back of my throat, into my mouth, and past my lips. Once his whole head emerged from my mouth I tried to grab him with shaky hands and pull him out so I could breathe. The only thing I managed to accomplish was to get bitten several times before relenting to allow the damn thing to escape on its own or kill me.

  Lloyd climbed down from the table and took a seat at the head of the table, which happened to be at Rachel’s feet. He rubbed his softening penis and panted to regain his breath.

  The cat managed to pull its front legs free and placed them on my collarbone to pull himself the rest of the way out. The wet cat stood beside me and shook indignantly. I gasped for air in short bursts and cried. The cat furiously began to lick himself to clean off the blood and bile it was saturated in.

  The footsteps I associated with something large approached. I was assaulted with a scent similar to clove that stung my nostrils and tickled my sinuses and urged me to sneeze. The person slid its slender and cool hands under me. A part of my brain comprehended everything happening but my body was exhausted and vibrating and sweating and I was sure I was sinking deep into shock since I was unable to feel any pain.

  The person lifted me easily with sinewy arms and cradled me against their boney chest like an infant. I lifted my head to look at their face. The word ‘it’ replaced ‘person’ when I took in the face appraising me. The pupils of its large eyes were irregular and the eyes were set far apart in its elongated and misshaped head. It wasn’t a person with an odd deformity. This was something else. Another species. Its skin was cool and unnatural and had a sickly hue to it. It did not have lips but a large slit for a mouth. The slit opened and tried to mimic a human smile but only managed to form a demented grimace revealing several rows of canine-like teeth. Terror soared through my already vibrating body and my heart kicked into an overdrive I thought it was already in. The image of this thing turning me into a snack the way Lloyd and Tryphena fed from Rachel filled my mind. I tried to scream but my throat was raw from the cat and all I could manage was a faint squeak. I began to fight the thing holding me but my weak flailing seemed to annoy the thing and I knew it was pointless. My muscles had reached their limit and they were comprised of the lame and spent aches of a flu a thousand times more crippling than anything I’d ever experienced. My terror and humiliation to fight back brought fresh torrents of tears from my eyes. The thing carried me to the far side of the cabin and laid me on the bed. My hoarse wailing caught in my damaged throat and caused me to cough up more blood which slid from the corner of my mouth and ran down my neck.

  From the bed I could see Lloyd and Tryphena were indifferent to what was happening to me and they continued to eat pieces of Rachel. The thing loomed over me as I lay on the bed. It turned its head back and forth as if it were inspecting me or smelling me. It was unnaturally tall and lanky with long slender arms and hands. It had a pulsing slit in its stomach where a bellybutton should be. The slit opened and closed like a mouth and there was only a smooth pubis mons where genitalia should’ve been located. There was no sign of breasts but I knew the thing was female or as close to a female gender its kind could be. It suddenly struck me that it looked similar to the wooden effigy I’d seen in the woods.

  The damp cat jumped on the bed and curled up by my head. The creature also climbed awkwardly onto the bed and positioned itself over me. It grabbed my deflated penis with its bony and probing fingers. I tried to slap its hand away and roll onto my side. It ignored me and took advantage of my feeble state. It lowered its belly toward my retracted dick and desperately tried to place my soft penis inside the cold slit on its stomach. I smacked at the creature’s huge head and it reared back and hissed at me. Its breath smelled like grave dirt and it kept its inhuman eyes locked on mine as it worked. My cock would not comply as the thing’s cold slit pulsed and sucked on it like a mouth, even trying to swallow my balls. The thing stared at me, not moving, as it tried to fuck me. I turned my head to the side and squeezed my eyes shut. The thing hissed in my face a final time before giving up its fruitless pursuit and leaving the bed.

  The creature lifted me from the bed and was less gentle about moving me the second time. A thought crossed my mind and I wondered if it was offended I didn’t find it sexually attractive. That thought and the absurdity of the situation and the exhaustion and wear and tear my body had undergone caused me to burst into hysterical laughter, which sounded more like a wet gurgle, as the thing carried me toward the table.

  There was a sloshing noise and I turned my head toward it as we rounded the table. Tryphena’s head bobbed up and down in Lloyd’s lap. He held the back of her head and fondled his balls as she sucked his cock.

  The thing propped me up in a chair across from Lloyd. An empty plate with a fork on one side and a knife on the other separated me from Rachel’s head. I was forced to watch Lloyd as his daughter fellated him.

  Lloyd slapped the side of Tryphena’s head hard. “Get off, girl. Don’t be rude to the company.”

  She pulled off his cock and rubbed the side of her head indignantly as she returned to her seat to the right of me. The creature took the last seat on my left in a ridiculous gesture of humanity. It looked as absurd as a giant sitting at a children’s table.

  Tryphena and Lloyd’s plates and utensils were spattered with gore. I reached forward and took Rachel’s head in my hands and turned her face toward me. Her skin was cool and clammy and I leaned forward to place my forehead against hers. I began to bawl and my emotional exertions almost caused me to fall from the chair. The creature’s arms were long enough to push me back into a sitting position without leaving its chair.

  As I was being pushed back my arms were forced away from Rachel’s head and dragged across the table. I flailed and managed to take up the knife and fork. I slashed at the thing’s arm with the knife and managed to cause a small wound. It hissed at me, grabbed my knife-wielding hand, and forced me to ram the knife deep into my own eye socket.

  Several things happened at once. The creature let out a purr of pleasure, Lloyd and Tryphena erupted into cheers much like fans attending a sporting event, I dropped the fork I was holding in the other hand, and . . . I felt no pain. I could feel the knife was deep into my eye and beyond. I could feel the pressure and smooth cold metal of the blade resting above my sinuses and inside my brain. And everything went completely numb. My aching muscles ceased. The raw feeling in my throat was gone. The burning inside my stomach the cat had created was eliminated. I turned my head to the side to use my good eye to see the other three. They stared at me expectantly and I was convinced what I was experiencing and seeing were the last desperate glitches of my brain’s firing synapses before I died. I remembered the old myth of the beheaded being able to see and compute for ten seconds after their head had been severed.

  I became vaguely aware my hand was still clutching the handle of the blade. I wasn’t sure if I should remove it or not. What if removing the blade caused more damage? What if my brain liquefied and poured out of my eye socket? I decided I didn’t have anything left to lose at this point and would be better off dead. Rachel was dead and I was sure they were toying with me like a cat toying with a mouse before it devoured the weaker creature. If I wasn’t about to collapse into death because of the knife I was certain I was going to experience even more atrocious tortures momentarily that would make me wish I was dead. I slowly removed the knife and r
ealized my strength had returned. I was certain the deadening of the pain and the surge of energy were a result of an adrenaline rush. I had to take advantage of this chemically-induced superpower.

  My vison was restored in my eye once the blade was fully removed but the picture the eye formed was distorted and blurry. The bad vision in one and clear in the other was disorienting and gave me vertigo.

  Tryphena watched me with a delighted expression and rage flooded my body. Her gore-covered mouth was a reminder she had most likely played a role in Rachel’s death. I closed my bad eye to regain my equilibrium and leapt out of my chair and pounced on Tryphena. Her chair toppled when I collided with her and we both tumbled to the floor. I straddled her and lifted the knife high above my head. She scratched at my chest and screamed and kicked like a wild animal. I tried to growl but somehow I knew whatever the cat had done to my throat would never be repaired and the best I would ever manage would be grunts of pleasure or discourse. I plunged the knife deep into Tryphena’s breast where I assumed her blackened heart would be if she even possessed one.

  “Fuck!” Tryphena yelled.

  I opened my bad eye and watched in amazement as her struggles only increased. In my distorted peripheral I spotted Lloyd getting to his feet and knocking his chair backward in the process.

  “Damn it, boy!” he shouted. “You best come to your senses!”

  He rounded the table to approach us. Tryphena squirmed beneath me. There was a large crash as the table was upended behind me. Rachel’s body rolled onto me and her weight caused me to collapse onto Tryphena. The handle of the knife protruding from Tryphena’s chest bit between my ribs. I cried out but only managed to honk like a goose. The air was filled with the graveyard scent of the creature’s breath as it hissed its displeasure.


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