The Seeds Trilogy Complete Collection: The Sowing, The Reaping, The Harvest (including The Prelude)

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The Seeds Trilogy Complete Collection: The Sowing, The Reaping, The Harvest (including The Prelude) Page 67

by K. Makansi

  “Evander’s control over the Farms is absolute. Anything suspicious and—boom!—he’s there within hours,” Soren says.

  “If they’ve figured out the solar harvesters are gone, they’re gonna treat it as an act of terrorism. They’d never believe the Farm workers could have anything to do with sabotage that sophisticated. So it’s gotta be the Outsiders or the Resistance. Either way, they’ve sent in the big guns,” Eli says.

  Vale’s brow is knotted. “Evander picks administrators he trusts, but if something goes wrong and he thinks it isn’t being handled to his satisfaction, he fixes it. Immediately. My father always said Evander had a one hundred percent success rate. I’ve never had much interaction with him … it’s almost as if my parents kept him at arms length, you know? He was never invited to dinner like everyone else. Hell, even Aulion came to dinner once or twice. But never Evander.”

  “Big guns,” Soren cuts in as if just realizing what Eli had said. His frown deep and his glare directed at the sky, the muscles along his jaw line clenching and unclenching. “Aulion and Evander. Fear and violence is how they fix everything.”

  “Well, we can’t let him stop us,” I say, summoning all the grit and determination I can. Soren and Vale, again, surprisingly, share a glance that reads she should be afraid of him. I ignore their newfound camaraderie. “So we need to stop standing out here in the open and get everything in the cave.”

  Zeke turns to Reika. “You and Dale head back to the ship, re-engage maximum cloaking, and double-check that all safety and self-destruct precautions are in place. Then get back here as soon as you can. Sounds like we’ll be needing to rethink our timeline.”

  “So what do we do now that Evander is here?” Kenzie asks, once we’re all sitting around the fire circle in the furthest recess of the cave.

  “We continue getting untainted food in and distributed to as many workers as possible,” I say, my mind running in a million different directions at once. “Security will have been increased, but we’ve established a few well-hidden drop points so we don’t have to get into the Farm itself. If—no, when—they figure out about the sugar water—”

  “—Evander will know it was us, not the Outsiders,” Soren interrupts.

  “And he’ll be none too happy about it,” Zeke says.

  “The question he’ll want answered is how long the workers have been eating untainted food,” Eli adds.

  “Evander does not have a light touch,” Zeke says. “Once he suspects sabotage, he won’t play around. Workers going through withdrawal are likely to be cranky, some may be sick, and none of them are going to like his tactics.”

  “If the workers protest—” Vale says.

  “—it could escalate quickly.” Soren finishes his sentence. He glances over at Bear twisting his cap in his hands, his young face creased in worry.

  “Let’s step back,” Jahnu speaks up. “Evander could simply bring in emergency-prepared MealPaks from Okaria and get everyone back on regimen as soon as possible. Or maybe he’ll just dump something in the drinking water, something that will get everyone back in “the zone” before things get out of hand. The last thing they’ll risk is people asking questions, thinking for themselves. His first priority will be to tamp down the incident and then clamp down on security. After he gets the Farm under control, he’ll turn his attention to us. We might have more time than we think.”

  “Evander won’t bother looking for us,” Zeke says. “He’ll pacify Round Barn and send Aulion to take care of us.”

  “Wait a minute!” I spring to my feet, and everyone falls silent. “I’ve got an idea.”

  I run over to my pack, rummage through my gear, and pull out the tiny video camera I’d snagged at the last minute back at Normandy. I thought it might come in handy, but hadn’t yet figured out a way to use it. Now, I have.

  Back at the fire circle, I hold it up for everyone to see.

  “Is that mine?” Eli asks, an accusatory frown on his face.

  “Yeah. You spent so much time tinkering with it, but you never used it. So I borrowed it. Now I know how we can show all of Okaria what’s really happening on the Farms.”

  “Go on,” Zeke prods. I notice that, although Miah isn’t saying much, he’s watching his father’s every move.

  “We can’t let Evander intimidate us into inaction. If he cracks down on the workers, why not record it? Then we hack into the Sector broadcast feed and play it for everyone to see.” Everyone exchanges glances, but I don’t wait for a response. “Think about it. Footage like that could change everything. It would show people the truth, inspire citizens to action. At the very least it will spark controversy, which is a damn sight better than silence and ignorance.”

  “Wait,” Jahnu says. “We don’t want to go in guns blazing and intentionally bring Evander’s wrath down on the workers just to get provocative video footage.”

  “Evander’s wrath doesn’t depend on us. If he’s here, his wrath is here,” Bear says, a tremor of terror in his voice.

  “This young man is right, Remy,” Zeke says. “You have no idea what Evander’s capable of. I’ve heard tell of floggings, public humiliations—and much worse. There’ve been rumors, but most of them are so outlandish they’re hard to believe. Still, perhaps we should lay low for the next few days. See how things unfold on the Farm. Talk to the Director.”

  Zeke’s gravitas and calm demeanor mark him as a leader and clearly those on his team respect him. But like everyone else’s cautious, let’s-take-it-slow attitude, his words of restraint make me a little crazy. Especially if we’re truly on the cusp of something big.

  “‘Lay low, work quietly, move slowly!” I can’t keep the frustration out of my voice. “That’s all anyone in the Resistance ever says. But we’re never going to get anywhere if we don’t actually do anything. Every citizen of the Okarian Sector is already at the mercy of men like Evander and Aulion. None of us are safe and we haven’t been for a long time. They’re already hunting us. We all believe Evander is going to take action, punish the workers somehow, so why not record it? I’m not saying we provoke him any further, just that we be there to record whatever he does and then use his own actions to reveal the truth.”

  “So we just go in and wait to see what happens?” Kenzie says.

  “We go in prepared for the worst, but yeah.”

  “And what if the worst happens? What if we’re discovered? More troops are brought in? Do we start shooting? To protect ourselves? To protect the workers?” Soren demands.

  “Remy,” Jahnu says, his voice low and soft. “If Evander is as brutal as the rumors say, then we will be outgunned and outnumbered. It could be Thermopylae all over again. Only this time unnarmed workers would be caught in the middle. Is that what we want?”

  “Of course that’s not what I want. But do you really believe he’s going to open fire on the workers? He may go after us, but he’s not going to slaughter innocent people en masse.”

  “I don’t know,” Vale murmurs. “I don’t think anyone knows what he’ll do.”

  I look at Miah and then Vale, holding his gaze. “You and Miah are with us now. That you are still here gives me hope. Others will join us, too, but only if they know the truth and only if they have the capacity to understand it. We have an opportunity to make real change here. We can’t let caution hold us back. We have both an audience and an opportunity. To abandon both now would be idiocy. In my opinion,” I add, sitting down, but refusing to look away from the faces of my friends, comrades, my chosen family. The silence is deafening, but I hold my ground.

  Finally, Vale speaks.“I’m with Remy. She and Bear have been working to tell the Farm workers the truth. Before them, Brinn and Gabriel did the same. While it may seem like things are moving too fast here at Round Barn, in reality, the Resistance has been at it for years. And you’ve made inroads. Look at Zeke, here. And Firestone. And Bear and his friend Sam.” Vale pauses and takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly while we all wait. “Bottom
line is we all believe Evander will do something, and know it won’t be pretty. So let’s get the footage and show everyone in the Sector the truth. We may never get another chance like this one.”

  “Okay.” Soren draws in a deep breath, grimacing, as if it causes him physical pain to agree with Vale. “Nothing is safe anymore. We have to take our opportunities as they come, and be prepared for the inevitable fallout.”

  Kenzie and Jahnu nod. Eli stares at me, not speaking, but when I look over at him, he smiles, and I know he’s with me. Bear looks uncertain, but resolute, and Zeke rubs his hands together, thoughtful. His team members watch him, waiting.

  “The Resistance is based on an ideal of non-violence. To invite violence in such a way, and to then capitalize on the carnage, literally or metaphorically, is … quite a different strategy than what I’m used to. I am reluctant, I hope you understand, not because I disagree with your intentions. Rather, I want to keep as many innocent people free from violence as possible.” He is silent again, then he turns to Miah. “What do you think, son?”

  Miah’s eyes go wide. Clearly he wasn’t expecting to be addressed in such a way. “Uh. Well, the way I see it, if you stay silent, no one knows you’re there. No one knows you care.”

  I glance at Vale and Soren and wonder if they think Miah’s words are about more—much more—than his opinion about the operation at hand.

  “It seems we’re going to be discovered sooner or later, anyway,” he continues. “Maybe we’re being rash. But if we continue to go slow, we’ll have nothing to say for ourselves when they do track us down, and no one will know we even tried to change things. If we make a move, we at least have a fighting chance to let people know we’re here. We’ll at least be able to say we did something.”

  Zeke considers his son, and I’m convinced Miah’s words hit home. After a long silence, he looks around the circle, and then his gaze settles on me.

  “All right, then. This is the path you choose?”

  “It is,” I say.

  “So be it. We will help you if this is truly what you think is right. My only requirement is that we let the Director know our plans. Just in case.”

  19 - VALE

  Spring 13, Sector Annum 106, 14h52

  Gregorian Calendar: April 1

  Explosions in the distance. Bolt fire to my left and right. Screams of fear and pain across the Farm. And Evander Sun-Zi facing me down with a Bolt in his hand and grenades clipped to his belt. I hope he doesn’t have a death wish, or I might get a better view of those grenades than I’d like.

  In the end, Remy was right. More so than she ever dreamed. When word got out that Evander had taken control of the Farm and that the MealPaks were being cut in half because of the meat shortage, it didn’t take long for the Farm workers to start coming to us, via Rose and Luis, for more food. And come they did. By the second night after Evander’s arrival, we had emptied our stores and were forced to radio the Director for backup.

  “Remember, we don’t have a goddamn 3D printer, Eli!” the Director shouted. “I can’t just create food out of thin air!”

  But by that point, someone on the inside had realized something else was going on, just as we had suspected they would. The Farm workers, far from being hungry and tired from caloric deprivation, were bright-eyed, restless, and growing angrier by the minute.

  “Why won’t they just feed us the food we grow?” one worker asked, as I handed her the last round of cheese to share with her daughter. “We got all kinds of stuff in the hydroponic greenhouse, plenty in storage, in the silos, too. Why can’t we eat that?”

  Because the Dieticians haven’t processed it yet. Because it hasn’t been treated with the individually-tailored chemical cocktail that renders you incapable of asking that question, I wanted to respond.

  “That’s a question for Evander,” is what I said instead.

  This morning, the third day after Evander’s arrival, word got out that we had been picked clean as well. That’s when the trouble really began. At first, it was a peaceful protest, but then someone managed to break into one of the storerooms. I don’t know what they found there, but my best guess would be more food—food the Dieticians had been keeping from the workers. Whether because it hadn’t been treated or it was for the staff, we don’t know.

  That fight turned bloody quickly. And it escalated from there, just as Remy had predicted. When Rose got word to Bear that all hell was breaking loose, Firestone radioed Normandy and asked for backup from all over the Resistance. That was when we decided it was time to go in. We emptied out all the weapons we brought from Normandy and all the weapons Zeke’s team had on their airship and prepared for anything and everything. Bolts, grenades, pistols, knives, even rocks. When we were loaded down, Remy, the smallest and quickest of us all, fastened Eli’s tiny camera to her headband and turned it on.

  “Here we go,” she whispered.

  “Remember what Zeke said,” Eli addressed us all, “We don’t shoot to kill. Our job today is to record the protests and, if need be, protect the Farm workers.”

  We entered the Farm hoping to get the evidence we need to prove that things in the Okarian Sector are not what they seem. And that’s how I find myself face-to-face with Evander Sun-Zi, weaponless, my Bolt long since lost.

  Casually, he lifts his Bolt and fires a shot that blitzes past my ear. He missed on purpose—that much is obvious. Taunting me, I’m sure. Instead of my life flashing before my eyes, I see the last three days reflected in the blazing heat of the azure flame. I see the slabs of meat growing in those huge vats, Miah hugging his dad, Soren looking at me with grudging acceptance, and Remy, always Remy, nodding, smiling, laughing. Small gestures that fill me with fire.

  “Joined up with the losing side, have you?” Evander sneers. I don’t respond. If there’s one thing controlling, angry types hate, it’s silence. They don’t have the patience for it. “What are you going to do out here without mummy and daddy to save you? Aulion always said you were a coward.”

  Just two days ago, I was looking into Remy’s eyes, standing so close I could have kissed her without taking a step. Now I’m looking into Evander Sun-Zi’s, his flat cheekbones and deep-set eyes maniacal in the afternoon light. The only thing I want to kiss him with is my Bolt, which was knocked to the ground when an Enforcer nabbed me in the ankle and I tumbled down a hill.

  It’s too beautiful today, too beautiful for this fight. If only I had access to Demeter. She’d tell me what his weaknesses are and how best to take him down. All I can do is watch his stance, his hands, his eyes—remembering Aulion’s instructions in hand-to-hand combat even as I hope he hasn’t led me astray. Watch your enemy’s eyes, not his hands, Aulion said. They’ll give him away. I keep my mouth shut and my eyes fixed on Evander while he rambles on and the fighting rages behind us.

  “The Resistance,” he mocks, waving his weapon at me. He’s standing casually, even-footed, over-confident. He’s not making any sudden motions but his weight is on the balls of his feet, ready to move in an instant. He’s damn quick, his movements sure and ferocious. But I know he’s not going to shoot to kill. Not yet. He isn’t done talking.

  “Little boys and girls without the guts to see the way things really are. To see that to maintain order in this world, you have to keep the people in their place. Did anyone ever tell you how I got my nickname, Valerian?”

  “No, Evander, do tell,” I say, glancing around for something to use as a weapon. I spot a gnarled branch, an old dead trunk from one of the vines, lying a few meters away. I’m about to jump for it, but Evander follows my eyes and pops off a shot to blow the thing to smithereens, showering me with splinters and forcing me to cover my eyes.

  “A dead branch?” He laughs. “Really?” Laughing as though this is the funniest thing he’s ever heard, he takes aim at my feet and fires. His movements are careless. He’s toying with me as though I am a worm, ready to be squashed beneath his boots. I have just enough time to dive and roll to the side
to get out of the way. Fortunately this puts me a few meters closer to him. I’m almost within reach. He takes a few steps backwards, his eyes narrowed, suddenly more alert.

  “Not bad, Valerian. Your footwork has improved. Have you been practicing?” I don’t respond. He grins again. “You are curious, aren’t you? How I got my nickname.”

  “I’m waiting with bated breath.”

  He shakes his head as if he feels sorry for me. “I think you’ll find it interesting. It’s a story about the last time the Farms rose up in rebellion. It was back when Cara Skaarsgard was chancellor, when SD210 went running through the grain fields and everything died.” He says the word ‘died’ like he’s telling a group of children a ghost story, drawing the syllables out and making a clownish sad face that, I’m sure, will haunt me until I die. He backs up slowly, out of the vines and toward a little mound. I keep my eyes trained on his, willing myself not to break eye contact, finding my way through the turned ground slowly, by feel rather than by sight. When he stops talking, the games will begin.

  “Starvation was rampant, but little boys like you would never have known, because I kept everything running smoothly and made sure your parents got all the food they needed to keep your little tummies full. But to make sure children in the capital were happy, children on the Farms went hungry. Poor things.”

  He drops the childish narration. His voice harsh. “There was a rebellion at Four. Live Oak. They stormed the silos and tore down the greenhouses, just like they’re doing today. Three hundred workers in one of the hothouses, looking for something to eat, snatching tomatoes and peppers right off the vines, tearing down trellises, stuffing their faces as they went. Poor hungry bastards.” His eyes gleam with anticipation. “Know what I did?”

  Suddenly Evander’s not looking at me, but above me, beyond me. I can’t help it. I follow his eyes, turning slightly to the side so I can keep him in my peripheral vision and still see whatever it is he’s looking at.


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