Now or Never

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Now or Never Page 15

by Jamie Canosa

  “You’re a monster!” Em had no clue where the power behind her voice was coming from, but she welcomed it. “Stay away from Jay. Stay away from me. Leave us alone! What do you want?”

  “My money.” He said it as though it should be the most obvious thing in the world.

  “We don’t have it. We don’t have anything.”

  “Oh, Jay will get it. Or the next time I visit you, it will be as more than just a warning.” The belt lashed out before she even saw it coming and struck the bed beside her with a vicious blow. Em jumped as a small squeak escaped her lips and the bastard laughed. “Now you call Jay. You tell him what I said. He either gets me my money, or next time . . . it comes outta your hide.”

  He threaded his belt casually back through his pants and strode from the room as though nothing had happened. As though he hadn’t just terrorized and threatened her. She didn’t know how she managed to do it, but the moment the bedroom door shut behind him, Em climb out of bed on shaky legs and locked it before collapsing to her knees in the corner.

  Chapter Twenty-nine


  Jay rolled out of bed on a groan. It had been a long ass day and now some ass-hat was calling him in the middle of the night. If this was a wrong number, it wasn’t going to be a pleasant conversation.


  “Jay!” The moment he heard Ashlyn’s voice, he knew something was wrong.

  “What happened?”

  “There’s a-a man here and h-he came in-into the h-house.”

  “Calm down, Ash. Take a breath. Who’s there? Where’s Em? Are you okay?”

  He could hear her take a quick breath. “I don’t know. A man came to the door and then just barged in. He w-went straight to Em’s room and locked the door! I c-can’t get in.”

  “He’s in there with her now?”

  Jay didn’t hear the answer to his question, he was already halfway down the hall, pulling on a pair of pants and racing for the door.

  Son of a bitch. That son of a bitch was with Em. And he wasn’t.

  Heart pounding so hard it threatened to break a rib, he raced out the door and threw himself behind the wheel. If that damn truck didn’t start, he swore to God he’d rip it to shreds with his own two hands. Heeding his warning, it turned over with very little sputtering and Jay tore out of the drive, plowing through a bank of snow that had been piled along the sidewalk.

  His head spun with terrifying possibilities, drowning out the squeal of his tires against the slick pavement. Thoughts that threatened to call up the meager dinner he’d eaten. Ahead of him, a streetlight flashed to red and Jay slammed on his brakes. Goddammit. Stomach muscles cramped painfully as his entire body heaved, but nothing seemed to be coming up. Except maybe his heart in a final attempt at escape before it could be utterly destroyed. If something happened to her . . . Because of him . . .

  The combination of dread and exhaustion blurred his vision. Without waiting for the light to turn green, Jay put the pedal to the metal and hauled ass toward Ashlyn’s. It was a ten minute drive. Jay somehow managed to break just about every traffic law there was, along with a few laws of physics, and made it there in under four.

  He was breathing so hard he sounded like he’d just run the whole way when he burst through the front door to find Ashlyn in tears in the living room. “Where is he?”

  “Gone. He left.”

  Jay’s chest hollowed out. “Em?”

  “She’s in her room.” Thank God. “She locked the door and I can’t get her to open it or come out. She won’t even talk to me. I don’t know what’s wrong.”

  Jay stormed down the hallway to where Ashlyn pointed him toward the only closed door. Gripping the frame with both hands, he took a deep breath to calm some of his nerves. The last thing he wanted to do was frighten her further.

  “Em? It’s me, Em.” Keeping his voice even with so much fear and rage coursing through him was more than a challenge. “Open the door.”

  No response. No sound at all. He tried the handle and nothing. It was still locked from the inside.

  “Em, if you don’t open this door, I’m going to assume you’re hurt in there and bust it down.”

  He wouldn’t have heard the soft click of the lock being thrown if the rest of the house hadn’t been so deathly quiet. Jay was inside in less than a heartbeat. The door bounced off the wall with the force of his entry as he scanned the empty bed followed by the rest of the room until he spotted her curled in a little ball on the floor in the corner.

  “Em?” He approached cautiously. He didn’t want to spook her, but he needed to be closer. To see her, touch her, hold her. “Baby? Are you okay? Did he . . . did he hurt you?”

  Jay’s voice cracked on his greatest fear and Em finally looked up at him. Tear tracks marred her face, but when she shook her head no, relief swamped him like a tidal wave.

  “You’re okay?”

  She nodded, but he couldn’t believe it was true until he saw it with his own eyes. Reaching for her hands, she let him pull her to her feet, where he surveyed every last inch of her. No cuts, no bruises, no welts, and she didn’t appear to be in physical pain.

  Ashlyn breathed a sigh of relief behind him and Jay turned to find the girl pale and continuing to cry, silently.

  “I will be right back.” With a quick squeeze of Em’s hand and one more glance to assure himself she was real, he steered Ashlyn back out into the hallway.

  “I’m so sorry, Ash. This never should have happened. He never should have come to your house and . . . Are you okay?”

  She swallowed hard and nodded. “Who was that?”

  “My father,” Jay ground out.

  “That man was your—”

  “It’s a long story.”

  Ashlyn nodded. “I’m not asking.”

  Jay gaped at her, bewildered. This girl had taken Em in, handled her shit and his, and she wasn’t even asking for an explanation? The bastard had been in her house, for chrissakes. The only kind of people who were that understanding were people with secrets of their own. Whatever Ashlyn’s were, they were buried deep.

  “I will tell you. Sometime. I mean it, but—”

  “Now isn’t the time. I’m okay, Jay. He didn’t come anywhere near me. I’m just afraid for Em.”

  “You’re a good friend. She’s lucky to have you. We both are. Thank you for calling me.” Jay folded his hand over her shoulder and felt the way she still trembled.

  “I wanted to call the police. Em told me not to.”

  “Let me handle this, Ash. I’ll take care of her. I’ll take care of all of this. You don’t have to worry. You’ll never see him again. I promise you.”

  Ash sniffled back her tears and nodded again. “I’m exhausted. I’m gonna go to bed. If she needs anything . . .”

  “I’ll let you know.”

  “Take care of her, Jay. She needs you more than you know.” With that, Ashlyn slipped across the hall into her own room and shut the door.

  How anyone could possibly need him after the crap he’d put them through tonight, Jay couldn’t understand.

  Em was sitting on the bed when he returned to her room. She’d wiped the tears from her face, but kept her arms wrapped protectively around her middle. Jay shut the door and leaned back against it, studying her.

  “He really didn’t hurt you?”

  “No. He just . . . scared me.”

  Jay sighed, taking a few steps closer. The need to have her in his arms was intense and overwhelming, but it had always been that way with her. When she didn’t retreat, he closed the distance between them and sat beside her on the mattress.

  Dropping his elbows to his knees, he planted his face in his hands as relief cracked through the shell of terror that had been holding him together up until that point. Em was so strong. Ashlyn was so strong. He didn’t want her seeing how weak he really was.

  “I thought . . .” He couldn’t hide the weakness in his voice, though. “When Ashlyn called and said he was he
re . . . I think I died a thousand times on my way over.”

  A small hand glided up his back, unintentionally reminding him of all the horrific things that monster could have done to her. A sob caught in the back of his throat, but his body shuddered with the force of holding it in.

  Em’s hand cupped his shoulder and her face nuzzled against the other. “I’m okay.” Her warm breath coated his raw nerve endings, reminding him she was alive. And right there. Close enough to touch. Close enough to . . .

  Lifting his face, he looked right into hers. “I need to hold you. I know it’s confusing and not fair of me to ask, but . . . can I stay? Just for tonight? Can I hold you? Just tonight. Please?”

  Em agreed without hesitation, throwing back the blankets for both of them to crawl underneath. Jay laid on his back with Em tucked close to his side. Her head rested on his chest and his arms wrapped tightly around her. He felt like he could finally breathe again. He never wanted to let go of that feeling.

  “I love you, so much.”

  “I love you, too.” Her voice was small and tired.

  “Close your eyes. I’m not going anywhere. Get some rest, baby.”

  He felt her breathing even out in a matter of minutes and marveled at the fact that his presence could calm her enough to sleep after what she’d just been through. He’d failed to protect her, yet again, tonight and still, she trusted him with her safety. How could anyone have that kind of faith in him?

  Jay held his heart in his arms all night, never once letting her go, and cursed fate for every awful thing she’d had to endure. When would it be enough? He’d done everything he could think of, given up everything he had—including the one thing he loved more than anything else in the godforsaken world: her—and still it wasn’t enough. What the hell else did this life want from him? He had nothing left to give.

  Chapter Thirty


  The room was filled with soft morning light when Em woke. Lying perfectly still, she watched dust particles float past the window. Her aunt had once told her that they were tiny fairies dancing on rays of sunlight. She missed those times. Back when the scariest monsters lived under her bed, or in her closet. Back when she was blissfully unaware of the horrible things human beings were capable of. Back when the world was a less terrifying place.

  Slowly, the events from the night before unfolded as she registered the warm body pressed against her back and the heavy arm slung over her waist. Part of her was so happy to have him there she nearly broke down in tears. The other part was so angry she almost did the same.

  The comforting obscurity of darkness had been burned away by the harsh light of day, bringing with it the return of reality. She’d once again allowed herself to become the damsel in distress. And her first instinct was to call for Jay. How could she ever expect him to believe she was capable of helping him when he was always the one coming to her rescue?

  Jay’s arm flexed around her and she closed her eyes, not ready to face him yet. When he withdrew, she wondered if he’d leave without a word. As much as it hurt, it would probably be for the best. She didn’t know what she’d say to him now, anyway.

  “Em?” His whisper caressed her cheek, tickling the hair draped over her neck.

  Ignoring him was childish, but she was too ashamed to look at him. Keeping her eyes sealed tight, she heard Jay sigh.

  “It’s early, but I have to go to work.” Again he waited for a response, but she kept up the charade even knowing he knew it was an act. He let her. “I’ll see you later.”

  Warm lips pressed against her forehead and she had to fight to hold still. Because if she moved at all—even dared to breathe—she’d grab on to him and refuse to let him go.

  “Everything’s going to be okay, Em. I’ll fix this. I promise.”

  There was some quiet shifting and the sound of a zipper as Jay dressed. Finally allowing her eyes to fall open when she heard the door shut behind him, she stared out the window, watching the sun as it drifted above the trees on the horizon. Jay was gone. Again. And again she’d let him go. Only this time, like the coward she was, she’d done it with her eyes closed.

  But, Em didn’t want to be that anymore. She didn’t want her uncle to be right about her. She had to find a way to show him—and herself—that he was wrong. To prove that Jay was right. That she was strong. Strong enough to help him. To be what he needed. And she knew exactly what she had to do to accomplish that. The only question was, could she?

  Running on pure adrenaline and the determination not to overthink it—or think about it at all—Em tossed on jeans and her favorite sweater. She was going to need the added comfort. Pulling a brush through her hair, she vaguely noted that it was getting some of its shine back, thanks most likely to Ash’s fancy shampoo and conditioner. Normally she’d be grateful, but not today. Today she had no interest in looking good. Grabbing a knit hat from the coat closet, she tugged it over her head.

  Ashlyn was just emerging from what looked like hibernation, rubbing her eyes as she shuffled toward the bathroom. She ran a hand over her bed head and scowled at Em’s ready appearance.

  “What are you doing up so early?”

  “I need to borrow your car.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “Home.” Snagging the keys, Em ducked out the door before Ashlyn could pepper her with more questions she didn’t have time for.

  With a long drive ahead of her, Em did anything and everything not to think about her destination. If she had, she very well may have turned around and gone running back with her tail tucked between her legs. For close to four hours, she played with the radio dial, kept a mental list of license plate states, and relived her morning with Jay again, and again, and again. But when she rolled down Main Street past the post office, the pizza shop, the florist, and old Mr. Frank’s house, she couldn’t deny it anymore. She was home.

  Chapter Thirty-one


  “Where is she?”

  Jay turned around to find Mason looking royally pissed. “Who?”

  “Who the hell do you think? What did you do to Em now?”

  “Nothing.” Folding a dish rag in half, he hung it over the cabinet door. “What are you—?”

  “Then why is Ash calling me for a ride to work because Em took her car and disappeared hours ago?”

  “Where did she go?” Willing to overlook Mason’s bullshit if it got him information faster, Jay spread his fingers across the top of the bar to avoid hitting someone.

  “My guess? Away from you.” Mason stormed off, presumably to go pick up Ashlyn, leaving Jay to work out the information he’d just been given.

  Jay’s nail scratched absently at the scarred surface as he tried to put the pieces together. As understandable as Mason’s guess would have been, Jay doubted that was the case. Em was stubborn if nothing else. She wouldn’t just give up and walk away from him now. That conclusion inevitably led to the hundred other more horrifying possibilities he refused to even consider.

  Time is one of the few absolute constants in the world. A minute is a minute is a minute. Except when it feels like an hours. And the twenty it took Mason to get to Ashlyn’s and bring her back felt like lifetimes. Christ, could gramps drive any fucking slower?

  A balding man with a pot belly and grease stains on his shirt shot Jay an irritated look before glancing pointedly at his fingers, which had begun tapping incessantly. Jay growled and turned his back on him, looking for something—anything—to distract him. The last thing he needed was to go off halfcocked without all the information. But if Mason didn’t hurry the hell up . . .

  Evidently, the water heater was having hiccups. By the time he washed out the last glass on the counter, Jay’s fingers were practically numb. He was ringing out the sponge when Mason’s gaudy truck rolled into the lot. It hadn’t even pulled into a parking spot before Jay was out from behind the bar. The moment Ashlyn walked through the front door, he was there waiting for her.

  “Where is

  “Hi, Jay.” Ashlyn took her time removing her coat and Jay tried not to let his irritation show. She was obviously pissed. “She stole my car, you know?”

  “I heard. Where did she go with it?”

  “Said she was going home? That was almost two hours ago. She never came back. I tried calling her a zillion times, but she shut her cell off. Or let it die . . . again.”

  The rest of the information filed away somewhere inside Jay’s brain for later, but at the moment, it was that one word that struck him. Home? Em had gone home? Alone? Christ, he needed to get to her. Now. She already had a two hour head start but if he hurried . . .

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Bart stepped out of the back just as Jay was pulling on his coat.

  “I have to leave a little early. Personal emergency.”

  “You have another hour left to your shift. I suggest you work it. You and your girl are getting to be more drama than you’re worth around here. You either work or you’re fired.”

  It wasn’t even a question. “Fire me.”


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