Louis XIII, King of France, 37
Louis XIV, King of France, 9, 12, 13, 38–9, 328
Louis XV, King of France: and unrest, 8; and Marie Antoinette’s arrival in France, 9; death from smallpox, 10; gives Le Petit Trianon to Mme de Pompadour, 40
Louis XVI, King of France (earlier Dauphin): court, 2, 36–7; marriage, 8–10; qualities, 9; accession, 10; supports Americans, 32–3; and birth of son, 36; elaborate clothes and food, 36; dislikes Duc de Chartres, 54; amd exotic animals, 57; condemns The Marriage of Figaro, 60; and Diamond Necklace affair, 61; coronation, 62; accessible to visitors, 63; hunting, 63; economies, 66; rule and reforms, 66–8; friendliness to Lucie, 78; court at Versailles, 79; agrees to Estates General reform proposals, 92; and meeting of Estates General, 96; and death of Dauphin, 98; endorses Necker’s reforms, 98; summons troops to Paris, 98–9; and outbreak of Revolution, 101; receives deputation of market women at Versailles, 111, 113; moves to Tuileries, 115; title, 115–16; caricatured, 132; future and position debated, 135–6; indecision, 140; plans to remove abroad, 140–1; attempted escape, 141–2; insulted, 142; endorses new Constitution, 143, 148; proposes war against Austria, 149; disbands personal guard, 150; detained in Temple, 152; trial and execution, 163–6, 249; Napoleon on, 328
Louis XVII, King of France see Louis-Charles, Dauphin
Louis XVIII, King of France (earlier Comte de Provence): restoration, 2, 245, 345–6, 348–50; greets Marie Antoinette on arrival in France, 9; and attack on Versailles, 113; in Koblenz, 146; manifesto promising punishment for regicides, 221; court in exile at Mitau, 270; lists opponents, 270; Barras negotiates for return, 273; appearance and manner, 345; political ideas, 345–6, 350–1; drafts constitutional Charter, 351; court and etiquette, 352–3, 356, 376–7; popularity, 356; leaves Paris for Belgium on Napoleon’s escape from Elba, 360, 362–3; regains crown (1815), 366; and political parties, 376; favours Frédéric, 381; Gérard portrait, 382; and unrest in Italy, 386; decline and death, 392; successful reign, 392
Louis, Victor, 59, 169, 177
Louis-Charles, Dauphin of France (later Louis XVII): succeeds to dauphinate, 98; at Versailles banquet, 109; at revolutionary celebration, 122; death, 219
Louis-Joseph-Xavier-François, Dauphin: birth, 35; at meeting of Estates General, 96; death, 97–8
Louis-Philippe, King of the French (earlier Duc d’Orléans): reign, 2, 366, 410, 424; return from exile, 405; manner, 406; entertains King of Naples, 408; accepts crown, 409; plot to depose, 413; caricatured, 423; deposed and exiled, 433
Louvel, Louis-Pierre, 378–9
Lowe, Sir Hudson, 371, 388
Lucca, 431
Luckner, General, 149
Lunéville, Treaty of (1801), 292
Luxembourg, Marie Ursule de Klinglin, Comtesse de, 31
Madame Mère (Napoleon’s mother) see Bonaparte, Marie-Letizia
Magasin des Modes Nouvelles, 132
Maillé, Duchesse de, 109, 405
Mailly, Maréchal de, 239
Maintenon, Francoise d’Aubigné, Marquise de, 27, 71
Malandin, Major, 371–2
Malmaison (house), 287, 325, 353
Malouet, Pierre-Victor, 298, 301, 329–30, 351–2
Malseigne, M. de, 127
Marat, Jean-Paul, 118, 131, 148, 153, 155, 172, 239
Marche, Jean-François de la, Bishop of Saint-Pol de Léon, 260, 263
Maret, M., 315
Marguerite (Lucie’s personal servant), 8, 24, 112–13, 129, 144, 167, 170–1, 182, 190, 194, 232–3, 235, 245, 265, 267–8, 274–5, 288; death, 299
Maria Josepha (ship), 228–9
Maria Luisa, Queen of Charles IV of Spain, 304–5
Maria Theresa, Empress of the Holy Roman Empire, 9
Marie Antoinette, Queen of France: court, 2, 36–7, 79; marriage, 8–10; Thérèse-Lucy serves at court, 26, 35; birth of son, 35; and Le Petit Trianon, Versailles, 40; funds Thérèse-Lucy’s visit to Spa, 41; visits dying Thérèse-Lucy, 42; misses Thérèse-Lucy’s funeral, 45, 75; Mme de Rothe dislikes, 53; portraits, 54; and Cardinal de Rohan Diamond Necklace scandal, 60–2; accused of profligacy and frivolity, 62–3, 65–6; coronation, 62; wardrobe and jewels, 63–4; unpopularity, 66; favours Lucie’s marriage to Frédéric, 70, 74–5; and Lucie’s presentation at court, 77–8; and Lucie’s role at court, 78, 88; and Franklin’s return to America, 86; loses infant daughter Sophie, 88; compliments Lucie on manners, 89; attends meeting of Estates General, 96; and death of Dauphin, 98; escapes mob of women at Versailles, 112; gives up boxes at theatres, 114; moves to Tuileries, 115; and revolutionary celebrations, 122; Burke admires, 133; encourages counter-revolution, 140; detained in Tuileries, 142; insulted and libelled, 151, 162; physical decline, 164; trial and execution, 173–4, 181
Marie-Christine, Archduchess of Austria, 41
Marie-Josephine of Savoy, wife of Louis XVIII, 346
Marie-Louise, Empress of Napoleon I: marriage, 325–6; visits Brussels, 327–8; pregnancy and birth of son, 329, 331; Lucie disparages, 332; leaves France on abdication of Napoleon, 347; proposed regency, 359; Napoleon bequeathes heart to, 388
Marie-Thérèse Charlotte (Madame Fille du Roi) see Angoulême, Duchesse d’
Mars, Mlle (Anne-Françoise Hippolyte Boutet), 405
Marseillaise (hymn), 149
Martignac, Jean-Baptiste Gay, Comte de, 402
Martinique, 293
Massiac (club), 138
Matignon, Caroline, Comtesse de, 65
Maurville, Mme de, 288–9, 301, 302, 309, 391, 411
Maussion, Angélique de, 339, 349
Mazarin, Louise Jeanne de Durfort Duras, Duchesse de, 21
Mercier, Alexandre, 366
Mercier, Louis-Sebastien, 11, 13–14, 56, 85, 90, 108, 166, 236, 241–2
Mercure Britannique, Le, 259
Mercy-Argenteau, Charles de, 374, 389, 395, 397
Mérode, Comte de, 334
merveilleuses, 241
Mesmer, Franz Anton, 57
Metternich, Prince Klemens Wenzel Lothar, 355, 368, 385, 387, 433
Meyer (Dutch consul in Bordeaux), 194
Meyer, Frédéric, 239
Meyerbeer, Giacomo, 407
Michelet, Juiles, 186
Miles, William Augustin, 143
Millingen, J.G., 166
Minck (American slave), 213, 227
Mirabeau, Honoré, Comte de, 92, 94, 96, 98–9, 106, 118, 135, 140
Molé, Louis Mathieu, Comte, 433
Montagnards, 172
Montazet, Mgr de, Archbishop (of Lyons), 48
Montconseil, M. & Mme de (Frédéric’s grandparents), 71–3
Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondat, Baron de, 21, 137, 176
Montesquiou, François-Xavier, Abbé, 352
Montesson, Charlotte Béraud, Marquise de, 86–7, 99, 166, 235, 238, 245, 280, 287, 299
Montesu, Mme de, 104
Montfermeil, Comte de, 46
Montfermeil, near Livry: La Folie Joyeuse (property), 46, 75
Montgolfier brothers, 56–7
Montloisier, Comte de, 252–3
Montmorency-Laval, Mathieu de, 126, 166, 340, 375
Montmorency-Laval, Vicomtesse de, 126
Montmorin, Armand Marc, Comte de, 144, 147, 153
Montpellier, 47–8, 50
More, Hannah, 64
Moreau de Saint Méry, Médéric, 221
Morgan, Sydney, Lady, 384, 388
Morin, M. de, 189
Morris, Gouverneur, 12, 85, 96–7, 118–19, 131, 140, 150, 184, 200, 408
Mouchy, Château de, 341–2
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 5, 29, 281
Mun, Adrien de, 337
Murat, General Joachim, 302
muscadins, 240–1, 245
music: in France, 25, 28–9
Nagle, Mme, 42
Nancy, 127–8, 133, 167, 173
Naples: rebellion, 385
Napoleon I (Bonaparte), Emperor of the French: on origins of French Revolution, 59; suppres
ses monarchist revolt, 146; Talleyrand praises, 211; on Prince of Württemberg, 253; invasion threat, 271; and Brumaire coup, 273; military expeditions and conquests, 273, 298, 316; nobility’s view of, 281; made First Consul, 283; plans to improve Paris, 283–4, 317, 433; confiscates art from overseas conquests, 285; social life, 287; revitalises France, 289, 295–6; banishes Mme de Staël from Paris, 291; and restoration of religion, 292; reintroduces slavery in West Indies, 293; visitors meet, 295; proclaimed and crowned Emperor, 296–7; court life, 297–8; settles Lally-Tollendal’s debts, 301; urges Fanny Dillon to marry Bertrand, 301, 313–15; Lucie meets, 302–3, 315; war in Spain, 302; divorces Josephine and marries Marie-Louise, 304, 325; appoints Frédéric Prefect of Brussels, 306, 308; selects prefects, 308–9; dictatorship, 316–17; appearance and character, 318–19; need for heir, 325; birth of son, 331; encourages spies and informers, 334; Russian campaign, 335; Talleyrand plots against, 343; rejects Allies’ peace offers, 344; abdication and exile on Elba (1814), 347–8; Waterloo defeat, 356; Mme de Staël disparages, 357; escapes from Elba and marches on Paris, 359–61; proclaims new liberal republic on arrival in Paris, 363; second abdication after Waterloo, 366; exiled to St Helena, 370–1; death, 388–9; removes Pope from Rome, 396
Napoleon II, King of Rome see François-Charles-Joseph Napoleon
Napoleon III, Emperor of the French (earlier Louis-Napoleon), 2, 433
Narbonne, 48–9
Narbonne, Comte de, 62, 265
National Assembly: formed, 98; drafts Constitution, 108, 117; deliberations, 116–19, 134; and M. de la Tour du Pin’s office, 133; ‘left’ and ‘right’ in, 136; composition, 148
National Convention, 143, 167, 172
Necker, Jacques: as Director General of Finance, 32, 91–2; and costs of American war, 34–5; interest payments, 67; and salons, 83; buys grain abroad, 94; proposes reforms, 97–8; speech on tax, 97; dismissed, 99; recalled, 106–7, 118; retires to Switzerland, 125
Necker, Suzanne, 83, 90, 92, 130
Nelson, Admiral Horatio, 1st Viscount, 273, 298
Neuilly, Comte de, 278
New York, 220, 224; see also Albany
Ney, Aglae, 368
Ney, Marshal Michel, 347, 350, 356, 359–60; tried and shot, 368
Nice, 421
Nivernais, Duc de, 82
Noailles, Louis-Marie d’Ayen, Vicomte de, 218, 221
Noailles, Nathalie de, 129
Noailles, Philippe, Comte de, 34
Noailles, Vicomtesse de, 317, 347–8
nobility: in Estates General, 92; vote to renounce privileges, 106; emigrés, 126, 130; die with dignity, 193
Northumberland, HMS, 371
Novion, M. de (French officer), 215–16
Oberkirch, Henriette de Waldner, Baronne d’, 55, 83
Olive, M. (banker), 227
Orléans, Louis-Philippe, Duc d’ (d.1785), 54, 63
Orléans, Louis-Philippe Joseph, Duc d’ (earlier Duc de Chartres; later ‘Philippe-Égalité): occupies Palais-Royal, 54; Anglomania, 55; intrigues at Palais-Royal, 88, 99; horse-racing, 94; popularity, 94, 99; walks with Third Estate, 96; and mob attack on Versailles, 113; adopts name ‘Philippe-Egalité’, 122; and killing of Princesse de Lamballe, 153; votes for execution of king, 164–5; imprisoned, 175
Orléans, Louise-Eugénie Adélaïde, Duchesse d’ (Mademoiselle), 246
Orléans, Marie-Amélie, Duchesse d’, 405
Orléans, Philippe, Duc d’, Regent of France, 13, 39
Osmond, Adèle, Comtesse d’, 25, 263
Ourika (Senegalese girl), 281
Ouvrard, Gabriel, 294, 413
Paine, Thomas, 86, 142, 164; The Rights of Man, 133, 250, 293
Palais-Royal, Paris, 87–8, 90, 99, 162
Palladio, Andrea, 13
pamphlets, 93
Pan, Mallet du, 259
Paris: conditions and style, 5–6, 11–15, 55, 90–1, 116; as musical centre, 29; city wall, 53; prosperity, 53; English visitors, 55, 132, 293–4, 357; intellectual and cultural life, 84–6; gossip and quarrels, 89–90; prices rise, 93–4; and outbreak of Revolution, 100–1; revolutionary celebrations and festivals, 121; Panthéon, 136, 140; changed during Revolution, 159; prisoners, 193; food shortages, 203; Treaty of (1783), 204; number of executions, 231; conditions and amusements after Revolution, 235–9, 280; monarchist revolt suppressed (18 Fructidor), 246; Lucie returns to (1800), 277–8; revival of social life, 282–3; Napoleon plans improvement, 283–4, 317, 332, 433; Louvre, 284, 369–70; luxury goods, 285–6; social manners and etiquette under Napoleon, 317–18; extravagance and spectacle, 318; falls to Allies, 346, 348; social life under Restoration, 357–8; Allies re-enter after Waterloo, 366; looted art removed, 369–70; Second Treaty of (1815), 375; Lucie and family return to (1830), 404, 406–7; life and amusements under Charles X, 405; July revolution (1830), 408–10, 412; Lucie revisits in later years, 422–3; deaths from cholera, 425; in revolution of 1848, 433
Paroissiens, Les (group), 8
Paroy, Comte de, 187, 194
Passy, 88
Pauw, Cornelius de: Recherches philosophiques sur les Américains, 29–30
Peltier, Jean-Gabriel, 262
Penn, William, 30
Percier and Fontaine (interior designers), 283, 286
Père Duchesne (newspaper), 150, 174
Périgord, Comte de, 48
Périgord, Comtesse Dorothée de, 354, 410
Petit-Thouars, Aristide du, 217–18
Philadelphia, 221–3
Philipon, Manon, 131
Pichegru, General Jean-Charles, 310
Piedmont, 292, 383–5, 386–8
Pierce, Mrs (Boston lodging house keeper), 199
Pignatelli, Prince Alphonse, 301
Pisa, 430–2, 434
Pitt, William, the Younger, 166, 202, 240, 250
Pius VII, Pope, 297, 370, 397
Pius IX, Pope, 433
Platière, Roland de la, 131
Playfair (English crook), 201
Plutarch, 121
Poix, Philippe Louis Marc Antoine, Prince de (later Duc de Noailles), 95, 129, 272, 287, 341
Poix, Princesse de, 81–2, 96, 158, 166, 235, 246, 281, 312, 355
Police: established as seventh ministry, 234
Polignac family, 62, 66, 105
Polignac, Countess Yolande de, 62, 115
Pompadour, Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, Marquise de, 40
Pontécoulant, Louis-Gustave, 311
Potier (locksmith), 181–2, 187
Pozzo di Borgo, General Carlo, 392
Pradt, Monseigneur de, Archbishop of Malines, 333, 334
Pressburg, Peace of (1805), 298
Prévost d’Exiles, Antoine François, 42
Prime (American slave), 213–14, 227
princesses combinées, les, 81–3, 88, 99, 281
Provence, Josephine, comtesse de, 113
Provence, Louis Xavier, Comte de see Louis XVIII, King of France
Prussia: treaty of alliance with Austria, 149; withdraws from combat, 154; peace treaty with France, 237
Pully, Pauline de, 124
Quiberon expedition (1795), 260
Rambouillet, Catherine de Vivonne, Marquise de, 19
Rauzun, Henri de Chastellux, Duc de, 378
Raynal, Abbé Guillaume Thomas François, 30n, 31, 201
Réal, Pierre-François, 333, 335–6
Récamier, Juliette Bernard, 282–3, 286, 293, 320, 358, 378, 397, 423, 434
Rémusat, Claire de, 317–19, 325, 368
Rensselaeer, family van, 206, 216, 217
Rensselaer, Catherine van (Mrs Schuyler), 201–2
Reubell, Jean-François, 238, 246
Réveillon riots (1789), 95
revolutions of 1848, 433
Richelieu, Armand-Emmanuel, Duc de, 369, 375–6, 379
Richmond, Charles Lennox, 4th Duke of, 364
Richmond, Charlotte, Duchess of, 364
Richmond on Thames, 264–6
Robespierre, Maximili
en, 117–18, 121, 137, 148, 151, 172, 184–5, 193–4, 203, 209–10, 221–2, 237, 287
Rochambeau, General Jean Baptiste Donatien, Comte de, 33, 149
Rochechouart family, 86
Rochechouart, Madame de, 28–9
Rochechouart, Rosalie-Sabine de, 28, 47, 86, 89, 369
Rochefoucault de Liancourt, Duc de, 217, 219
Rochejacquelein, Auguste de la, 378, 412–14
Rochejacquelein, Félicie de la (née Duras): birth, 269; as Lucie’s goddaughter, 289; Lucie’s fondness for, 342, 385, 398, 402, 422, 425–6; relations with mother, 373, 399, 401; remarries (de la Rochejacquelein), 379, 399; Lucie writes to, 382, 387–9, 394–5, 397–8, 432; attachment to Princesse de Talmont, 399; and Lucie at Le Bouilh, 411; plots restoration of Bourbon monarchy, 412–15; escapes to Switzerland, 417; in Portugal, 420; acquitted on appeal, 422; offers Lausanne house to Lucie, 425; letter from Frédéric, 428; visits Lucie in Pisa, 432
Rodire, M. de (émigré), 260
Rohan, Cardinal Louis, Prince de, 60–1
Roland de la Platière, Jeanne Manon, 175
Rome: annexed to French Empire, 332; Lucie and Frédéric visit, 396–7
Roquesante, M. de, 229
Rothe, General Charles Edward de (Lucie’s maternal grandfather), 6, 22
Rothe, Lucy de (Lucie’s maternal grandmother): character, 7–8, 15–16, 24, 40–2, 80; social life, 17; owns Hautefontaine, 23–4, 45; and education of girls, 27, 49; and daughter’s illness and death, 41–3; tyrannises Lucie, 45, 47, 53, 69; buys estate at Montfermeil, 46; on trips to south, 47–8, 58; and Arthur Dillon’s second marriage, 51; dislikes Marie Antoinette, 53; and Lucie’s marriage prospects, 59, 68, 70; and Assembly of Notables, 67–8; and Lucie’s betrothal and marriage to Frédéric, 70–1, 73, 76; and Lucie’s presentation at court, 77; jealousy of Lucie, 79; disparages Frédéric, 80; Lucie and Frédéric live with, 88; and Archbishop Dillon’s retirement, 123; in Koblenz, 147; and Lucie’s exile in England, 254; death, 300
Roucher, Jean-Antoine, 237
Rouget de Lisle, Claude-Joseph, 149
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 17, 19–20, 22–3, 31, 40, 81–2, 87, 121, 148
Rovigo, Anne-Jean Savary, Duc de, 330, 333, 335, 336
Ruault, Nicolas, 93, 136
Russia: resists French dominance, 332; French campaign against, 335
Saige, François-Armand de, 179
Saint-André-en-Cubzac, 302
Dancing to the Precipice Page 59