Fighting Temptation (Men Of Honor)

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Fighting Temptation (Men Of Honor) Page 16

by LYNN, K. C.

  “Did you ask him where he was?”

  “Ya, he said he got a call and had to go to Charleston to meet with their chief of police. I could tell he was lying but I dropped it because a small part of me hoped he was telling the truth.” She shakes her head and laughs but I can tell she finds none of it funny. “Then there are times where I hear him whispering on his cell phone and when I come walking up he quickly lets them go and hangs up. When I ask who he was talking to he gets all nervous and says no one or wrong number.”

  I take a deep breath and try to absorb what she’s saying. That does seem suspicious, but this is Cooper, he is one of the most honest men I know. Before I can say anything, Kayla continues, “Then today, when he was in the shower, his cell phone rang from a number I had never seen before. It was from Charleston, when I answered I heard a gasp then the person hung up. So I called the number back a few minutes later from my cell, blocking my number, and a girl answered. When I didn’t say anything you know what she said?”

  I shake my head scared to ask.

  “She whispered… ‘Cooper is that you?’ She whispered it Julia! Like it was a secret.”

  “What did you say?”

  Kayla shakes her head, “Nothing, I couldn’t speak. I was frozen because my heart had just broken in two.” She starts sobbing again and I wrap my arms around her tight.

  “Kayla you have to talk to Cooper about this. There has to be some explanation… “

  “He’s meeting her this Friday at a motel on Highway I-90 between here and Charleston.”


  Kayla nods her head, “I scrolled through his text messages after and found the number. There wasn’t much, except that she looked forward to seeing him and what room number she would be in.”

  “Oh my god!” I can’t believe this is happening, I never thought Cooper would do this in a million years. “Are you going to confront him?”

  She straightens her back, “Damn straight, this Friday at the motel when I bust him and his whore!”

  I suck in a sharp breath, “Oh Kayla, I am not sure that’s a good idea.”

  “As much as it will hurt, I have to see it with my own eyes. If I ask him he will just lie to me like he has been for weeks.” She puts her hand to her stomach now, “God I can’t believe this happening, I can’t believe he is doing this to me. I thought we were going to get married and have babies Julia. We have been together for 7 years. How could he do this to me?”

  She breaks down sobbing again and I can’t stop my own tears from falling. I wrap my arms around her and hold her tight, “I’m so sorry Kayla.”

  I think back to seeing Cooper this morning, maybe that’s why he looked like shit today. Maybe the guilt is eating at him? Bastard! “I’ll come with you Friday.”

  Kayla looks at me and gives me a sad smile, “I was hoping you would say that.”

  “Of course, I would never let you go through this alone.”

  “Thanks Jules,” she hugs me tightly, “I better get going. I work evenings this week and I need to make myself somewhat presentable.”

  “Maybe you should take a few days off?”

  She shakes her head, “No it’s good for me, it will keep me busy and away from Cooper.”

  “Alright, call me if you need anything, I mean it Kayla.”

  “I will, I’ll text you the details for Friday.”

  We give each other one last hug then she’s out the door.

  I sit down and try to absorb what just happened, my heart breaking for Kayla. How could Cooper do this?

  A few minutes later I get another knock on my door. I get up quickly thinking it’s Kayla again. When I open the door my stomach drops… Oh shit! It’s Wyatt looking madder than hell, with his face black and blue from Jaxson’s fists.

  “You’re putting a fucking restraining order on me!?”

  My body spikes with anxiety, “I’m sorry, Cooper thought it was necessary.” I decide it’s best to leave Jaxson’s name out of it.

  “How could you fucking do this to me, after everything we’ve been through.”

  I step back in surprise, “This is why. Wyatt we had three dates, you act like what we had was serious.” I realize that was the wrong thing to say. He clenches his fists as if he’s going to hit something. I’m praying that something isn’t me.

  “Don’t give me that shit. We have been in love with each other for years. I waited patiently because I know that son of a bitch brainwashed you to stay away from me.”

  Oh my god! He’s completely serious, he really believes this.

  “You’re going to drop the restraining order Julia,” he says firmly, breaking me out of my shock.

  I shake my head, “No I’m not. You need to leave Wyatt… now!” I go to close my door but he shoves his foot inside stopping me.

  “Don’t make me call Cooper,” I try to say it firmly but it comes out shaky showing my fear.

  Wyatt reaches up to touch my face and I flinch.

  “Don’t be scared Julia, I would never hurt you,” he says with a scary calm.

  “You already did,” I whisper shakily.

  He clenches his jaw, “That was an accident.”

  I shake my head softly, “It doesn’t matter.”

  “Don’t throw away what we have for him Julia. It will only be a matter of time before he leaves you again.”

  I knew Jaxson was going to be brought into this.

  “This isn’t about Jaxson.”

  “Bull shit!” he shouts angrily again making me jump. “It’s always been about him.” I gasp in fear when he leans in and grabs my arm roughly, “Have you spread your legs for him already Julia? Have you let him have what’s mine?”

  Oh my god, he’s crazy. His face is full of violence but his eyes are glazed over, almost as if he’s not there. “Answer me now!” he shouts, shaking me. I tread carefully realizing now that he’s completely irrational. Tears stream down my face as I shake my head no.

  His expression softens, “Good girl!”

  I stiffen when he leans in, putting his face close to my ear, “Wyatt what are you doing?”

  “Shhh,” he takes a deep breath in through his nose and groans, the sound causing bile to rise in my throat.

  He knows it when I choke back my sob. Wyatt tenses then runs his hand up my back and grabs a fistful of my hair making me wince, “Drop the restraining order Julia or I will make your life hell.”

  He shoves me away, the act startling a yelp from me. Just that quickly he’s gone.

  An hour later I’m still trying to control the shaking that has taken over my body. I threw on sweats and a blanket but I can’t seem to get warm. I jump when there’s a knock on my door. I get up slowly and look through the peephole to see Jaxson. Taking a deep breath I unlock the door.

  “I’m glad to see the door is locked,” his smirk vanishes when he takes in my appearance. He grabs my shoulders and looks at me in concern, “What’s wrong? What happened?”

  Anger bubbles up now causing me to snap. I shove him off me, “I told you! I told you both that it was a mistake. But you didn’t listen to me and now everything is worse. Why didn’t you listen to me!?” I’m going crazy screaming at him and hitting him in the chest with my fists.

  “Goddamn it, stop!” he spins me around so my back is to his front and locks his arms around me so I can’t get my arms loose. I give up trying to get free and fall to my knees, sobbing hysterically. Not letting go Jaxson falls with me.

  “Talk to me baby, what happened?”

  “He came here,” I manage to choke out through my sobs.

  Jaxson tenses and spins me around again to face him, his face murderous as he holds my upper arms firmly, “What did he do? Did he fucking hurt you?”

  I can’t answer him because I’m crying too hard.

  “Fucking answer me Julia, are you hurt!?”

  I shake my head no and continue to cry. I can’t seem to stop and I’m crying so hard that I can’t catch my breath.

>   “God Julia, breathe baby, it’s ok,” Jaxson pulls me to him and holds me while trying to talk me through whatever is happening to me. I bury my face in his neck and close my eyes. Eventually the deep baritone of his voice and the comforting circles he’s rubbing on my back start to calm me enough that I’m able to catch my breath. My breath hitches quietly from the after-effects of not being able to breathe.

  Jaxson grabs my face in his hands and leans back so he can look at my face. He clenches his jaw, “I’m going to fucking kill him.”

  I grab his shirt as panic seizes my chest again, “No you can’t! Jaxson you have to listen to me, he’s crazy, like I mean seriously crazy. He thinks I’m his. He thinks we have been in love with each other for years, he thinks… oh god,” I start losing control again of my breathing.

  “Stop Julia, just calm down!”

  He goes to get up but I grab on to him, “No! Don’t leave me!”

  “Fuck me!” he picks me up and takes me into the kitchen with him, setting me on the counter. He grabs me a glass of water, “Drink this, just little sips.”

  I take the glass from him and take a small sip, the cool water bringing relief to my raw throat. Jaxson grabs the glass from my hand since it’s shaking violently.

  He moves to stand between my legs and puts his hands on either side of my face, “Julia, I need you to tell me exactly what happened and what he said.” I start to tell him but he stops me putting his hand over my mouth. “Calmly baby, everything is going to be ok.”

  I close my eyes, take a deep breath and as calmly as I can I tell Jaxson everything that was said. He stiffens and rage contorts his face when I tell him about Wyatt asking me if I spread my legs for him and gave Jaxson what was his.

  “I told you this would happen,” I say through a fresh wave of tears, “I’m dropping the restraining order.”

  “No you’re not! Julia, listen to me, he’s trying to scare you…”

  I laugh bitterly, “Ya well it worked, I’m fucking scared. I’m serious Jaxson, I’m dropping it and there’s not a damn thing you or Cooper can do to stop me.”

  “Goddamn it! Listen to everything you just told me. Now more than ever should make you understand just how much you need that fucking restraining order.”

  I shake my head, “No! If I drop it everything can go back to the way it was and I’ll just stay clear of him.”

  “Would you listen to yourself? Come on Julia, do you really think it will be that easy?”

  “I don’t have any other choice!”

  Jaxson grabs my arms firmly, “Yes you do! Stand up to him. He’s a rich asshole who’s used to getting his way by either paying people off or threatening them. Don’t let him push you around.”

  “I’m scared. You didn’t see him, he’s crazy,” I whisper fearfully.

  He pulls me against him, “I won’t let him hurt you Julia, not ever. He might be crazy but he’s a fucking coward. It’s why he came to you and not me.”

  I shake my head as tears fall down my face.

  “What do you think he’s going to do once you lift that restraining order? Do you really think he will just leave you alone? He’s infatuated with you. Lifting it is only going to cause you more harm.”

  I take a deep breath knowing he’s right. “How did he find out about it already? I thought Cooper said it would take 24- 48 hours.”

  Jaxson clenches his jaw, “I don’t know, but I’m going to fucking find out.”

  With that he takes his cell out and dials Coop’s number, “Ya hold on a sec,” he covers the phone and looks at me, “Why don’t you go get your shoes on.”

  “I don’t want to go out anymore.”

  “We’re not, we’re going to my hotel so I can get my things and check out.”


  “Because I’m staying here with you.”

  Thank god! I really don’t want to stay by myself, especially tonight.

  I hop off the counter and go to the bathroom first. Looking in the mirror I groan, I look like hell. I wash my face, the cool water stinging my hot eyes. Afterwards I go put on my shoes and come up to Jaxson on the phone talking quietly but harshly to Cooper.

  “Oh come on we both know she fucking told him.” I’m guessing he’s talking about Jenny, I figured it was probably her too.

  “I don’t fucking care! I’m telling you now Cooper, if he comes near her again I won’t tell you first, I’ll fucking deal with him my way.”

  A shiver runs down my spine from the icy disdain that drips from Jaxson’s words.

  “Fine, get back to me after you do,” Jaxson hangs up the phone putting it in his pocket. “Fuck!” he smashes his fist on my counter making me jump. He leans over bracing both hands on my counter, his back moving rapidly from his harsh breathing.

  I slowly walk up behind him, his muscles tense when I lay my hand on his back. I wrap my arms around him and hug him tightly from behind. He lets me for a few seconds then he turns around and holds me back.

  “I’ll keep the restraining order,” I whisper quietly.

  I feel Jaxson relax, “Thanks baby, you just saved us a really big fight.”

  I smile gently.

  He kisses the top of my head, “Come on let’s go. We’ll pick up something to eat on the way home.”

  A few hours later we’re sitting on Julia’s couch eating and watching a movie. All my stuff is in the guest bedroom upstairs right next to Julia’s bedroom. From here on out I will be getting no sleep, my hard dick will be keeping me up all night. I just hope I’m not plagued by nightmares while I’m here. I haven’t had one for some time now but once in a while one can sneak up on me.

  I look over at Julia, “Eat!” I say firmly, pointing to her untouched burger and fries that are beside her.

  “I’m not very hungry,” she says quietly. She’s wrapped in a blanket over the sweats she’s wearing, showing me she’s still cold. Her face is pale and her beautiful eyes still full of fear. It makes me want to leave and kill that fucker, I’m seriously entertaining the idea. The only thing stopping me is I don’t want to leave Julia, she scared the fuck out of me with her panic attack earlier. Cooper promised me he would deal with the asshole.

  “Eat Julia!”

  She rolls her eyes and takes a big dramatic bite of her burger, “There, happy?”

  Damn! The girl is lippy. “I will be when it’s all gone.” She ends up finishing most of it, so I let her be.

  She lays down now and puts her feet across me while she watches the movie, some chick flick I haven’t been paying attention to. My head is full of images of beating Jennings to death. I knew the fucker wasn’t all there but even Cooper and I didn’t realize it was this bad. The fact that Wyatt thinks Julia is his goes to show just how crazy he is. Everyone in this town has always known she’s mine. I’m starting to rethink my decision about this ‘just friends’ bullshit. Clearly we already have a hard time controlling our emotions. Staying here with her is only going to make it worse. But I know it’s not fair to Julia, she deserves to have a life, a family. That’s something she can never have with me because no way in hell do I ever plan on having kids. My bloodline stops at me, the thought of fucking a kid up like my father did to me makes me sick.

  I look back at Julia and see she’s sound asleep. Her face drawn and pale, there’s a bluish tinge under her eyes showing her exhaustion. She looks so small and fragile like this that it makes me want to lock her in here forever so no one can hurt her.

  I turn off the TV and pick her up effortlessly; she doesn’t stir. I lay her in bed and cover her up. I decide to leave her in her sweats, I’ll have a hard enough time sleeping tonight as it is. Afterwards I lock up the house and head to bed and settle in for a long fucking night.

  The next morning I wake up in my bed still in my sweats with a blanket draped over me. I realize I fell asleep watching the movie last night and Jaxson must have carried me up here. I stretch and think about yesterday’s events. I still can’t believe how delusion
al I was about Wyatt. How has he gone so long in this town without people realizing how crazy he is?

  My phone interrupts my thoughts with a chime. I reach over and grab it seeing a text from Kayla.

  Kayla: Be ready for 7 on Friday. Make sure you dress in dark clothes and wear a hat. We are going to bust this fucker.

  With everything that happened with Wyatt yesterday I had forgotten about Kayla, which makes me feel terrible. I’m still reeling that Cooper could even do this. I want to talk to Jaxson about it but I won’t because I know he won’t keep it from Cooper.

  I hear the shower turn on in the hall bathroom telling me Jaxson is awake. I decide to get up and have one myself, I try to be quick so I can make him breakfast when he’s done. I’m thankful my ribs are doing better and I don’t need to wrap them anymore. I change into a pair of faded jean shorts and a soft pink tank. It’s supposed to be a scorcher the next few days. After I’m done my hair I hear Jaxson moving around in his room next door.

  I walk out and see his door slightly a jar. I peek my head in, “Hey what do you want…” my words die in my throat and I suck in a sharp painful breath at the sight before me. Jaxson is faced away from me, shirtless, a huge tattoo covers half of his defined back. It’s the most beautiful angel I have ever seen. Her detailing so distinctive you would swear she was real. There’s a darkness that swirls around her but it does nothing to take away from her beauty. The whole tattoo is dark, mostly black and shaded, except for the angel’s eyes. Her eyes are a bright aquamarine… the same color as mine. Although the tattoo is massive and beautiful it does nothing to cover the horrendous scars that mark his skin. It looks like someone whipped him or cut him… I don’t know which and I’m not sure I want to. My eyes roam up his back and collides with his hard gaze. My cheeks are wet from tears and my heart pounds painfully with hurt. I can tell he’s trying to gauge my reaction. I try to talk, to say something, but I can’t seem to say anything, my words frozen in my throat.


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