Fighting Temptation (Men Of Honor)

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Fighting Temptation (Men Of Honor) Page 34

by LYNN, K. C.

  My heart clenches. Closing my eyes I shake my head, not wanting to think about that night.

  My eyes open when Jaxson touches my face gently. His face too shadowed from the dark for me to clearly see his gaze but I can sense his pain. It pours off him and flows directly into my heart.

  “Please baby, just hear me out.” Every word is thick with tears and I can do nothing but sit and brace myself for what he’s going to say.

  He swallows thickly before continuing, “I was so scared Julia. The only reason I’ve never wanted kids is because I’m fucking terrified I’ll turn out to be just like him.” He doesn’t have to say his dad, because we both know who ‘he’ is. “I mean lets be real, we both know I have one hot fucking temper and where do you think I get that from?”

  I shake my head but before I can say anything he places his fingers gently on my lip. “Just wait, let me finish,” he takes another deep breath, “after the way I snapped like that…” he shakes his head, “God Julia, I didn’t think I could fucking hate myself anymore than I already did but I was wrong. When I think about the things I said and how bad I scared you, I’ve never fucking hated myself more in my entire life. Because the truth is Jules, I do love you. More than I have ever loved anyone in my entire life. I have probably loved you longer than you have loved me, you’re just the one who said it first. I wanted to say it, wanted to tell you so many times, but I was too scared. Because the last person I ever said those words to left me and she never fucking came back.”

  Tears begin to stream down my face again, my heart breaking at every single word that agonizingly falls from his lips. It’s the first time he has ever talked about his mom with me.

  “Her leaving really fucked me up Julia, but it didn’t destroy me. But the thought of you leaving me… it would completely fucking break me.” His voice cracks and I can’t bear to see him hurt anymore. I grab him by his shirt and pull him to me. His upper body lays gently on top of mine as he braces most of his weight on his arms. He rests his forehead against mine again and I feel his tears hit my face and mix with my own. “Please forgive me Jules, I swear I’ll make it up to you.”

  My breath hitches as I try to control my sobs, “Where did you go that night? I was so scared you were never going to come back.”

  He shakes his head regretfully, “I shouldn’t have left you like that and I’m so sorry I did. But at the same time it’s a good thing I did because… I went and saw Anna.”

  “Anna?” I gasp in shock, “the girl who you saved?”

  Jaxson nods, “She lives just a few hours away in Summerland. She asked me in the hospital to come and see her one day but I couldn’t bring myself to. I didn’t want to be reminded of my failure for not making it to her on time. But now…” he lets out another breath, this one sounding more like relief, “I’m so glad I did, she looked real good Jules. She was beautiful and happy, exactly how a fifteen year old girl should be. She has real good parents who are helping her get through what happened to her.”

  I smile and bring my hand up to cup the side of his face, “I’m real glad to hear that Jaxson. It’s all because of you that she had this chance to heal and be happy again.”

  Jaxson grabs my wrist and brings his lips to it, kissing the bruises that I have from the awful chains. “I see that now. I walked away from my visit with her with a whole new perspective on things, most of all on myself.”

  He pauses nervously. I sit patiently and wait because I know it’s hard for him to open up. “The thing is Jules, I’d never felt like I was even good enough to be your friend, let alone to love you. And honestly I still do. I know that I’m not, but I also know that no one will love you and protect you as much as I will. And if you give me another chance, I will work everyday at trying to be the person you and our baby deserve.” He places his hand on my tummy now, “I’m still scared as fuck about being a father but I promise I will love and protect our baby with everything that I am. I already do love him… her… whatever it is.” I giggle and he comes to lay over top of me again, making sure he braces his weight on the bed and not me. “Please forgive me Jules. I love you and I need you.”

  I wrap my arms around his neck and bring his lips close to mine, “I love you Jaxson. I have loved you since I was seventeen years old and I will continue to love you for the rest of my life. But for us to work I need you to trust me with your heart and your feelings. When you’re scared or angry, talk to me about it, don’t run away.”

  He shakes his head, “I won’t. I fucking promise Jules I’ll never leave you again and I will never let my fear make me lose control like that again either. I’ll try really really hard to tell you what I’m always feeling just… please be patient with me, because it’s not something I’m good at.”

  I nod, “I will. And I’ll make sure to tell you too how I’m feeling because the truth is, I’m a little scared myself about having this baby.”

  “You are?” he asks shock.

  “Of course I am. I mean I love our baby so much already but I have no clue what to do. What diapers are best to use, what formula is better, when should they start food?… all of it. It’s something I have to learn, but we will learn it together.”

  “Jesus. See I didn’t even think about any of that shit. Knowing me I’d probably forget to fucking feed it.”

  I burst out laughing, my throat still raw and scratchy, “No you wouldn’t, but these are all things we will learn together. And if we fail, well we always have Grams. She definitely will know what to do.”

  Jaxson chuckles, “Ya she does.” He cups my face tenderly now, “But I have no doubt Jules, you will be the best mom in the whole world.”

  He leans down pressing his mouth gently to mine and a small sob escapes me. “I love you so much, I hope our baby is just like you. Smart, loyal, honorable. You are so much better than you know Jaxson, you’re perfect, perfect for me and our baby.”

  “I love you more,” he whispers against my lips.

  At that moment a nurse walks in, on her rounds. She does a quick check on me and gives me another dose of pain medication.

  I look over at Jaxson who looks as exhausted as I feel. “Have you been home at all to sleep?”

  He shakes his head, “I’m not going back home until you do.”

  “Come here,” I say patting the bed next to me, “I want to feel you beside me.”

  “Jules baby I want to be next to you too, but I’m a little big for that bed, and you need room to rest and get better.”

  I shake my head and slowly slide over, “Please come here. All I need to get better is to have you beside me.”

  “Alright,” he says getting up reluctantly. He lays down on top of the blankets facing me, and I turn to my side too so I can face him. We lay in the dark silently looking at one another.

  “How bad do I look?” I ask, knowing it’s probably pretty bad.

  I feel Jaxson tense but then he quickly relaxes, “You’re still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Nothing else matters Julia, the rest will fade over time.” He leans down pressing a kiss to my forehead, “Sleep baby.”

  I bring myself closer to Jaxson and run my hand up his shirt so I can feel his bare skin. “I love you, forever. Thank you for saving my life again.”

  “I love you too.” I hear him whisper just before I fall into a blissful sleep.

  “Good morning Julia, it’s nice to finally see you awake. I’m Doctor Gordon and I’ve been the one over-seeing you the last few days. How are you feeling this morning?

  Dr. Gordon stands just inside the room, his hand resting on a machine that he rolled in with him. He must be new to the hospital because I have never seen him before, and in a small town you know everyone. He’s an older man with a kind smile and I instantly feel comfortable with him.

  I smile back, “I’m feeling alright. My throat is tender and raw, especially when I speak but as long as the nurse keeps giving me what she has been then I feel quite lovely actually.”

  Dr. Go
rdon chuckles, “Yes good old morphine always tends to make people feel that way, although unfortunately we will be changing your pain medication to something different soon. I’m sure the nurse told you though that everything we are giving you is in smaller amounts and is okay for your baby?”

  “Yes sir. It was the first thing I asked.”

  He smiles brightly, “Uh yes, the same as your young man here. Although his approach was a little… shall we say protective?” Dr. Gordon chuckles again.

  I look towards Jaxson, all he does is give me a shrug looking unregretful.

  Lord poor nurses, I can only imagine what he was like.

  “Anyways, I brought a little something in with me today that I think will brighten your morning. This machine is a portable ultra-sound. Although I know the baby is alright after your injuries I’d like to take a look at it and I thought you would too.”

  “Oh yes, I would love that,” I say excitedly.

  Jaxson sits up quickly, “Will it hurt her?”

  I smile, “No Jax, it’s just a camera they put on my stomach so we can see the baby on that screen,” I explain pointing to the screen.

  “Oh uh, okay then.”

  Dr. Gordon chuckles again, “You’re right Julia, although from what I understand you’re in the very early stages of pregnancy?”

  I nod, “Yes.”

  “Then I will have to do this internally, to be able to see the baby clearly. Are you alright with that?”

  “Oh sure no problem.”

  Jaxson tenses, “Whoa wait, hold the fuck up. What do you mean internally?” Jaxson’s face is a mix of anger and fear. Thankfully his language and demeanor doesn’t seem to affect Dr. Gordon.

  “Jaxson, it’s alright. This is normal.”

  “She’s right,” Dr. Gordon jumps into explain, “During pregnancy she will be having many things happen internally. This is still not going to hurt her and once she’s further along, then the camera will be placed on her tummy.”

  I grab Jaxson’s hand and smile in reassurance, “It’ll be alright. You will see.”

  Jaxson lets out a doubtful breath, “Alright, just be careful,” he says a little too harshly.

  Again thankfully Dr. Gordon does not let this affect him. “I promise, she’s in great hands.”

  He hits the button on my bed to lay me down more, and I get into position. Then he reaches under the blanket and inserts the camera.

  Jaxson is tense and glares at the doctor the whole time.

  I grab the side of his face and brings his gaze to mine. I smile, “It’s alright Jax, I’m fine.”

  Suddenly static and a fast thumping sound has both Jaxson and I snapping to the monitor.

  “Alright let’s have a look,” Dr. Gordon hits a bunch of buttons and points to the screen at a small looking bean that pulses to the rhythm of the thumping.

  “Holy fuck Jules, that’s our baby,” Jaxson says in wonder.

  Dr. Gordon chuckles, “Yes it is, the flickering you see is the baby’s heartbeat. It’s nice and strong.”

  A small sob mixed with a giggle escapes me, “Isn’t this so cool Jax?”

  I glance over at Jaxson when he doesn’t respond. He’s watching me with a big smile on his handsome face. “Ya real cool,” he says getting up and kissing me on the forehead. Then he sits back down and we both watch the screen in interest and excitement.

  Dr. Gordon explains everything to us and measures the baby at around 6 weeks.

  “When are we able to find out what the gender is?” I ask excitedly. I definitely want to find out. I won’t be able to wait that long.

  “Around the eighteen week mark, which is when your next ultra-sound will probably be scheduled for. Dr. Bayer is your physician, correct?” I nod my response. “Then I will make sure she gets these results. Everything looks great though, your baby looks strong and healthy.”

  I look over at Jaxson through my tear-blurred vision, “See. Just like you.”

  He drops his head in my lap and shakes his head. I run my fingers through his hair and don’t say anything else and neither does the doctor. He packs up his stuff and I thank him for everything, then he’s gone. Jaxson moves up beside me and holds me. We stay quiet and try to absorb everything we just saw.

  “Our baby is going to be real fucking cool Jules.”

  I giggle and hug him tighter, “Ya it will be.”

  A week later I’m thankful to be getting out of the hospital and going home. My discharge papers have just been signed and Jaxson is packing up the rest of my stuff.

  I look around at all the flowers and balloons that fill my room and feel so blessed and loved to have the friends that I do. The whole week I had constant visitors. Grace and Kayla even set up a little celebration party with everyone in my room to congratulate Jaxson and I on the baby. Jaxson, Sawyer and Cade also shared the news on them buying the gym. I thought it was a great thing for Jax, but most of all I was so happy that Cade and Sawyer were going to move here. They have become like the brothers I never had, the same way Cooper has always been to me. We were all like one big family, even Jaxson and Kayla called a truce. Well mostly, Kayla still loves messing with him and, to be honest, I can’t ever see her stopping.

  Jaxson stayed with me almost the whole time, only the last few days did he step out for a bit. He made sure someone was with me every time that he did. Sawyer, Cooper and Cade always went with him. I know he was up to something but I have no idea what.

  “Okay I think that’s it,” Jaxson says walking out of the bathroom, looking his usual sexy self, “Cade and Sawyer are going to come by later and grab all the flowers and balloons for us.”

  When I don’t answer Jaxson stops and looks at me. I smile at him when he sees me watching him.

  He drops my bag and closes his eyes, “Stop looking at me like that,” he says roughly.

  “Like what?” I ask innocently. I’m sitting on the side of my hospital bed with my feet dangling close to the ground. My white baby doll sundress lays against my upper thighs. I’m still covered in bruises but they have faded immensely.

  Jaxson’s low growl brings me out of my thoughts. He starts over to me, stands between my legs and leans over me, bracing himself on his arms. He brings his mouth so close that his lips barely brush mine as he says, “Like you want me to do things to you that I can’t do… especially right now.”

  I moan when he brings his mouth fully on mine. He keeps the pressure gentle, like he has been with me all week. As much as I love this side of him, I want his other side back, the aggressive Jaxson. We haven’t talked much about what happened with Wyatt; it’s just as difficult for me to talk about it, as it is for Jaxson to hear. I’ve had this overwhelming desire of just needing to be with him, for him to be inside me, to erase the memories of having Wyatt’s hands on me. I need all of Jaxson to do that.

  “Uh knock knock,” Coopers voice breaks up our kiss. Jaxson pulls back, his eyes shining bright with naked lust. He kisses me on the forehead before turning around and facing Cooper.

  “What are you doing here?” Jaxson asks him confused.

  Strangely Cooper doesn’t look at him, but only addresses me, “Um Jules there’s someone here who’s been wanting to talk to you. Is it okay?”

  “Sure, who is it?” I ask confused, wondering why Cooper seems so nervous.


  “Me,” Ray Jennings says, walking in behind Cooper.

  My anxiety spikes and in a flash Jaxson is moving towards him, “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  Cooper grabs Jaxson before he can reach Ray. “What the fuck are you thinking bringing him here?” Jaxson shouts angrily at Cooper.

  “Easy man, he just wants to talk to her. He’s not here to start problems. I wouldn’t have brought him otherwise.”

  “I don’t give a fuck, he’s not welcome anywhere near her,” Jaxson says pushing away from Cooper.

  “It’s alright Jaxson.” I don’t know why on earth he wants to talk to me, but I kn
ow Cooper wouldn’t have brought him here if it were to start trouble.

  “No it’s not. You don’t have to listen to anything he has to say Jules, you fucking owe him nothing.”

  Ray ignores Jaxson and keeps his gaze on me, “He’s right, you don’t owe me anything but I feel like I owe you. And I’d really like it if you would hear me out, Miss Julia.”

  I take in Ray’s appearance and for the first time the wealthy, powerful man looks unkempt. He has dark circles under his eyes from exhaustion, his clothes are wrinkled as if he slept in them, he looks… sad.

  I nod my head, “Alright go ahead.”

  He nods back and lets out a relieved breath, “Well, first off, I just want to say I’m sorry. Real sorry for what my son did to you. I knew he was quite taken with you but I did not think he was obsessive. Over the last few days I’ve learned things about him that I never knew and for that I am truly sorry.” His eyes start to well up and he swallows thickly, “If I would have known I would have gotten him help.”

  I can only imagine how hard it was for Ray to hear half of the things he did about Wyatt. Including dealing cocaine, which is how Melissa was supplied for her drug habit.

  My heart starts to ache for him because I realize that although I am not sorry Wyatt is dead, I am sorry Ray lost him. As far as I know Wyatt is all Ray had. Wyatt’s mom died when he was a small baby and Ray never remarried after.

  “I know my apology doesn’t make up for what he did, nothing will. But I’d really like to take care of your medical bills if you would let me.”

  “No!” Jaxson shouts before I can say anything, “we don’t need your fucking money.”

  “Jaxson, stop!”

  Ray shuffles nervously and clears his throat, “Like I said I know this won’t make up for anything but I would really like to do something to show how sorry I am.”

  I think about it for a few seconds before responding, “Alright,” I say quietly, then I throw my hand up at Jaxson’s angry protest, “thank you for your apology and I will accept your offer to pay for my medical bills.”


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