Royal Baby Double Trouble_A Two Princes MFM Menage Romance

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Royal Baby Double Trouble_A Two Princes MFM Menage Romance Page 3

by Sierra Sparks

  After letting my food digest and putting my tray outside my door, I retreated to a private bathroom that was elegantly furnished. I took a bath in a freestanding claw foot tub. The bathroom had been stocked with top-of-the-line cosmetics, soaps and perfumes. I mean, seriously, the medicine cabinet had about $4K worth of product in it easy. And, judging by the amount of rooms they had in this place, I figured they must’ve had something like $160K in product alone.

  Finishing the bath, I got ready for bed. It had been a long and stressful day, but the bath really helped. I found a remote, but didn’t see a TV. I pushed the button. One of the paintings disappeared and the television came on. It was a huge painting and I should’ve known it was a TV. They had every possible channel. Staying here was like staying at a Four Seasons. I watched a few hours of TV, flipping through the various selections. These days, there were too many choices.

  Then, just as I was about to roll over and go to sleep, there was a knock at the door. I knew it had to be Dominique. It was time to get some answers. At the very least, I might learn something about this crazy country he supposedly ruled. If not, well, I could show off my sexy nightie.

  Chapter 4


  When she opened the door, I was surprised to see her in a such a sexy nightie. Was she giving me a signal? It was hard to say. A woman from my country would be more demur. But this was America and it was Los Angeles, so the proper etiquette was a bit out of my reach.

  “That’s a very fetching nightgown,” I complimented. “Is that from a movie?”

  “No, just something I picked out,” she explained. “I had a friend drop off a bag.”

  “How are you enjoying things? Sorry I haven’t been a more attendant host, I do have duties. Plus, your news will be a bit of a bombshell for my family.”

  “You told them?”

  “Not yet, but I’m laying the groundwork, as you Americans might say,” I explained. “Did I say that right?”

  “I think so,” she said. “Why don’t you come in for a minute?”

  Hmmm, a woman in a sexy nightgown invites me into her bedroom. Could this be a signal? If not, then I am very confused by American women!

  I moved in and closed the door. Then I stepped toward her intending to take her in my arms.

  “Wait,” she said. “I have to tell you something. I called Byron. I couldn’t wait.”

  “Ah!” I said in frustration. “You should not have done that without consulting me. Byron is different! His soul is like a wet sponge. It absorbs everything. He could become depressed!”

  “Byron needs to know,” she insisted. “I just told him to come back. I didn’t tell him why he should come here.”

  “He is not stupid,” I said. “He will figure it out.”

  “Well, he sounded pretty drunk on the phone, so maybe not,” she explained. “But what’s done is done.”

  I made a face. These women. So overly dramatic. They can never shut their mouths!

  “I’m sorry,” she apologized. “I never did anything like what we did at the party. I was embarrassed and now I’m paying for it.”

  “Oh, do not be embarrassed,” I said. “Your secret is safe with me. Besides, in Europe, this sort of thing is nothing. Sexuality on the continent is not so---Well, you are very prudish in the States, no?”

  “I suppose, but I’m not that prudish,” she said brushing my hand.

  With Byron on his way, I should resist the temptation to sleep with Savannah again. If he was carrying her baby, he would have a claim over her, not me. Then again, without that claim, he could say nothing and I did very much want to have sex with her again. I could see her nipples through the nightgown. Her body was gorgeous. I wanted to run my hand over every curve.

  I took her face with my hand and brought her mouth to my lips. We kissed. It was warm and sensual. She was a woman of passion. It was a fire that burned deep within her and I want to rekindle it, build it to a roaring flame and experience it’s heat once again!

  Our tongues explored each other mouths, while our hands explored each other’s bodies. Her nightgown was a thin thing, so easily removed once I took it off her shoulders, it fell to the floor. She was naked, save for her slippers and panties. I remembered this look from our first night together.

  She started unbuttoning my shirt, but I tore it open sending the buttons flying everywhere. Why wait? What’s a button cost or a shirt? She ran her fingers along my chest and I took her in my arms. Her body heat was intense next to mine. I could feel myself becoming engorged.

  We fell down to the bed, hungry for each other’s touch. She unbuckled my pants and I took them down along with my underwear, kicking off my shoes and the rest of the clothes with them. I brought my hand down to her hot pussy and began to massage it. Immediately, I could feel the wetness. I kissed her neck and nibbled at her ear, while rubbing the outside of her vagina.

  “Oh, yes,” she whispered. “Take me Dominique! Give me your princely cock!”

  I slid a finger inside her and she moaned. Slowly I went back and forth, increasing speed until I was fucking her with my finger. The sound of it slapping against her pussy got increasing wet until I could feel her gusher of warm water shoot out, splashing against my hand.

  “Oh, yes!” she whined. “Give it to me, Dominique. I want you. I want you inside me. Please!”

  Retrieving a condom, I started to unwrap it. She stopped me and threw it way.

  “Too late for that now,” she said, throwing me back down on the bed. “I can’t wait any longer.”

  She straddled me and slowly lowered herself on my cock. It was warm and wet as I entered her. Savannah immediately started to rock up and down on me. She was an actress so if she was faking, I was getting movie star quality faking. It was quite enjoyable lying there while she did most of the work. It wasn’t before long she was shivering and cumming as the same time.

  “Fuckkkkkk,” she moaned. “Of, fuck that’s good. Right there! Right there!”

  She slowed down and I took it as my cue to take over. I gently pushed her aside, flipped her over and pulled her to her knees. I entered her from behind on my knees. I could get excellent leverage this way and started thrusting. Thinking better of it, I pulled her to the edge of the bed and stood up to fuck her.

  “Oh, God! Oh, God!’ she moaned with every hit. “Fuck me Dominique! Fuck me!

  “Oh, yes, my sweet girl.” I said, plunging into her balls deep.

  I pulled her cheeks apart to get slightly better access. Then I rolled her over to face me, put her knees on either of my shoulders and started to thrust in and out of her as fast as I could. Oh, God, the feeling of her insides. I was overcome! I couldn’t resist the tightness, the wetness and the feeling of her muscles pulling and squeezing. No woman before or since had made me feel this way.

  “Yes, Savannah! Look at me. Look me in the eye. Look into my soul. I must look at you as I finish! Yes!”

  I felt an orgasm build within me. It grew, pulsed through my lower regions and exploded forth with such force that I thought I would pass out. I could feel my cum shoot deep inside her. Never before had I cum so hard! It was like my very essence was being drawn into hers! I wanted nothing more to be completely consumed by the moment, by her exquisite pussy!

  “Oh, my God. Yes! Yes-yes!” she moaned.

  She couldn’t help but close her eyes as she quivered uncontrollably for a few moments. I felt her muscles squeezing on me and I too felt the aftershocks of post-orgasm orgasms. For several minutes I just stood there inside her feeling everything. It was maddening, wonderful and addicting all the same time.

  I collapsed on the bed next to her, covered in sweat and her juices. She climbed on top of me, kissing me. Our sweating bodies entwined as we kissed. We were both exhausted, but hungry for more.

  During the course of the night, we would make love several times more. Her body was fit, curvy and inviting. She seemed insatiable. The lack of sleep did not bother either of us as we spent

the night fucking and resting and fucking and resting, each time was just as intense as the last.

  As the sun rose, I came one last time. Now we collapsed from exhaustion, both spent beyond measure. And while the party’s sexual night was passionate and playful, this erotic session was something more. It was like a marathon of sex where two people could not get enough of each other. Like wild beasts, we had mated until our animal instincts could push us no further.

  She fell fast asleep next to me. I fought the urge to close my eyes. I laid awake looking at her in the dim light. Her facial features seemed to glow and a single strand of hair danced across her perfect face.

  How could I let such a woman out of my life? Even if Byron was the father, I would not care. I would raise the child as my own. Anything to keep Savannah near me. But if Byron married her, what would I do? He was a good friend. My only friend during these many years. Who else could I related to? There were only so many princes in the world.

  Chapter 5


  I woke up the next morning very late in the bed, but when I rolled over Dominique was gone. Maybe he was making me breakfast or arranging some fun day he had planned, but I doubted it. That was men for you.

  Guess I shouldn’t expect anything better from a man when my own father did the same thing. He cut out just as soon as he could. Sure, he’d come around for a birthday or a Christmas now and again, but my mom was the real parent. The only parent. My dad was just a ghost.

  Now here I was, exactly in the same position. Isn’t it weird how history repeats itself? Despite all my fame and fortune, I’m just another white trash girl that got knocked up at a drunken party. I couldn’t let that be my epitaph. There had to be some way to convince the father to be a part of my baby’s life.

  I went into the bathroom and got cleaned up. Dominique wasn’t much of a talker, but man could that guy fuck! My insides were still tingling just thinking about it. By the time I got out of the shower and came back into the bedroom, the bed had been completely changed and made. My clothes had been laid out and the room had been cleaned.

  It was impressive. The embassy’s staff of maids must’ve worked like ninjas. I heard no one enter or leave. Even my toiletries had been neatly arranged on a counter by length. The maid here must’ve had OCD.

  I got dressed and did my hair and make up. In this business, it was good to look your best at all times. You could never tell when a paparazzi would pop up or take your picture from a distance. Since this was an embassy, it had better security than most places. Technically, I wasn’t even in America. I was in Andalia and Breynia, I suppose.

  Almost on cue as I was thinking about going downstairs and getting breakfast, Aaron knocked and came inside with a tray. He had prepared a breakfast, brunch and lunch of my choice.

  “I couldn’t possibly eat all this, Aaron,” I laughed. “What are you going to do with the rest of the food?”

  “Dispose of it, Madame.”

  “Well, I hope you’re not going to just throw it in the trash. At least give it to some homeless people or someone in the embassy should eat it. Jeez, do you guys always waste this much food?”

  “No,” he said dryly. “Sometimes it’s a great deal more.”

  I remembered again that I wasn’t in America and although I thought I knew the answer, I thought it was wise that I check.

  “Aaron, I’m not trapped here, right?” I asked. “I can leave when I want, right?”

  “Of course, Madame,” he said. “Shall I fetch you a limo?”

  “No, I’m waiting for Crown Prince Byron,” I said. “Has he checked in?”

  “The Crown Princes do not need permission from me to do anything,” he informed me. “But if I had to hazard a guess, I’d say the Crown Prince you speak of shall be rising some time after 1pm. I sincerely doubt he’s even awake yet.”

  I guess my face must’ve betrayed a note of sadness. Aaron seemed to regret giving me that news.

  “Oh, b-b-b-but Madame, do not despair,” he assured me. “You must understand, the Crown Princes are in incredible demand.”

  “They are?” I asked. “From whom?”

  “They are the faces of Andalia and Breynia. Andalian and Breynian countrymen visiting America sometimes get into trouble,” he explained.

  “And the princes help them?” I asked.

  “Well…” said Aaron, trying to think of the words. “They try, Madame. Often they find the person that can help them, but you have to understand, a visit from your prince in times of trouble. It can be comforting.”

  I guess that was true. Who knows?

  “Thanks, Aaron,” I said. “I’ll take the French Toast and fruit salad.”

  “Excellent choice, Madame.”

  Aaron set my breakfast in front of me and furnished me with utensils and napkins.

  “Coffee, tea, juice or other beverage?”

  “Tea, please.”

  “Very good. Is Chamomile acceptable?”

  “That’s fine.”

  “Very good, Madame. I’ll leave you to it. If there’s anything else, please don’t hesitate to ring me on the phone.”

  Aaron bowed and made his way out of my room with the food I hadn’t picked. The French Toast was amazing and the fruit was so fresh. I was feeling more confident after a good meal. Perhaps I was worrying for nothing. Everything had a way of working out in the movies, why couldn’t my life be like that?

  “Madame,” Aaron said, returning a little while later. “I have good news. May I present, his Royal Highness, Crown Prince Byron.”

  Byron entered and bowed slightly to me.

  “Savannah, so good to see you,” he smiled. “Thank you, Aaron.”

  “Very good, sir,” he said exiting.

  “I was a bit surprised you called,” said Byron shutting the door behind Aaron. “Pleasantly, of course, but surprised nonetheless. I remembered you immediately when I heard that sultry voice.”

  “I needed to track you down and talk to you in person, Byron,” I said seriously.

  “Well,” he said unbuttoning his shirt. “I’m so glad you found me. It’s not every woman that comes to one of our parties and makes such a lasting impression.”

  “So lasting that you didn’t call me,” I noted.

  “Well, it’s only been--- What? Three weeks?”

  “Three months,” I corrected. “Do you even know what day it is?”

  “I must confess, my life is a blur of fun sometimes. That is why it is so unusual that I remember you.”

  At this point he had completely unbuttoned his shirt and was moving forward. I think he wanted to have sex with me or at least, that’s what he was expecting. I’d better cut to the chase before he gets to his pants.

  “Is it that because you’re banging so many women, you can’t remember them all?”

  “Yes!” he laughed. “Ah, you Americans! You know how to cut right to chase. It is also because you are so beautiful. You are positively glowing.”

  “That’s because I’m pregnant,” I finally said. “I think the baby could be yours.”

  “This is a joke,” he said hopefully. “Because I am not finding it so funny. You are joking, yes?”

  “No, Byron,” I said. “I’m definitely pregnant and you and Dominique were the last two men I had sex with. The baby is three months along.”

  Byron seemed to go a little pale. He became weak in the knees and nearly collapsed into a chair. He happened to sit right in front of my fruit salad, which I hadn’t finished yet. He started shoveling pieces of cantaloupe and blueberries in his mouth.

  “But we used condoms. I know we did. I always use one. Always,” he insisted. “This cannot be possible.”

  “Condoms have a failure rate. They sometimes break,” I informed him.

  “It can break? This can happen?” he said, shocked by the news. “No! I would’ve seen the break! We would’ve known!”

  “How could we have known? We were hammered out of our minds, remember?”

  We sat in silence for a moment.

  “I need a drink,” he said. “Please summon Aaron, at once.”

  “I think we should talk, Byron,” I recommended. “You, Dominique and I need to get a paternity test.”

  “No! This is a trick! You are tricking me! You tricked me here!”

  “I didn’t trick you. How did I trick you?”

  “You didn’t tell me about the baby!”

  “I didn’t think you would come if I mentioned it.”

  “I would not have!” Byron said.

  He stood and started pacing around the room with the fruit bowl in hand.

  “Then it was pretty smart of me not to,” I concluded, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “A smart thing would’ve been to know when condom broke!” he snapped.

  “You’re blaming me? You can’t blame me!” I jumped up out of my chair to face him.

  “If shoe fits…”

  “I was drunk at your party! On drinks you kept buying me!”

  “I am not ready to be a father!” he blurted out with a mouth full of fruit.

  “Well, I’m not ready to be a mother, but---“

  “A woman gets pregnant and is not ready to be a mother? What kind of mother will you be?!”

  “Hey! I held up a hand in his face. “I know you’re having a freak out but get it together Byron!”

  “That’s Your Royal Highness or Crown Prince Byron!”

  “First off, we’re in America,” I explained. “Okay, not technically because we’re in the embassy, but you know what I’m saying. Second, you may be my baby’s daddy, so if that’s true, get used to being on a first name basis, bud!”

  “You don’t understand,” he muttered. “One night. One mistake. This is a disaster! Where is Aaron with my drink?”

  Byron started to button his shirt as he headed for the door.

  “We’re not done talking,” I insisted.

  “What else is there to talk about? You’re pregnant!” he snapped.

  “We have to get a test, Byron! We have to talk about the future!”


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