Royal Baby Double Trouble_A Two Princes MFM Menage Romance

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Royal Baby Double Trouble_A Two Princes MFM Menage Romance Page 9

by Sierra Sparks

  “Tons, Madame,” assured Aaron.

  The princes returned. They looked ready for anything. Each was smartly dressed in what I could only describe as club clothes.

  “Guys, you can stop trying to bribe me,” I said. “That’s not even going to make a difference. You’re both filthy rich. I mean, I appreciate the gifts, but let’s not try and cloud the issue at this point.”

  They both folded their arms and frowned in frustration. The bartender by the pool finished prepping their kamikazes. He placed the drinks in front of each of them.

  “Cheers,” said Byron, looking Dominique in the eye.

  “To your healthy, my friend,” said Dominique.

  They both downed the drink in one smooth move. Next up was the tequila. The princes were drinking tequila that costs $10,000 a bottle and I desperately wished I could join them. That shit must’ve been smooth as hell. Doing the lime and the salt, they drank. They repeated this pattern until both were sitting at the bar, wavering.

  I began to realize, this was pointless. I couldn’t just stay here and not have sex with them. Even during this drinking contest, I found myself attracted to both of them. The only solution was to leave. I had to get out of my head and really think about this. It wasn’t just about my life, but the life of my baby.

  “Guys, stop,” I said. “I’ve come to a decision. I have to leave for a time. I need to think. I’m attracted to both of you, so it’s a bad idea to be here and think about this. It’s like food shopping when you’re hungry.”

  “No!” said Byron. “Don’t leave. We can work this out.”

  Dominique nodded.

  “Yeah, c’mon, don’t,” said Dominique. “We need you here. Here with us.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said, crying. “I have to go. Please understand. I care very much for both of you!”

  I couldn’t take it anymore. I ran from the pool area and headed back to my room intending to leave.

  Chapter 17


  She was in her room packing to leave. I was still a little drunk. Dominique had passed out near the pool, so I had a chance to talk with her alone. First, I ran to the wrong side of the embassy. Both wings are laid out the same way. I burst into an empty room, looked confused for a few seconds, realized my mistake and ran back to the other wing. When I got there, she was just coming out of the room with all her luggage and clothes we had bought her during her stay.

  “Savannah, wait,” I said, falling as I stumbled into the hall.

  I slid across the slick floor and fell into a table. A vase fell off and smashed into pieces against my head.

  “Ow,” I said.

  “Oh, Byron. Are you all right?” she asked.

  “I am fine,” I said. “Don’t go. I won’t let you go.”

  “I have to go, Byron,” she said. “I’m going crazy here. I can’t control myself around you and Dominique. Try to understand.”

  “You and I can run away,” I suggested. “I own an island in the Mediterranean with a spa. We can lie on the beach. It’s very exclusive.”

  “I can’t run away with you and leave Dominique,” she said. “What if it’s his baby?”

  “We’ll take care of it,” I assured her. “He doesn’t even have to know!”

  That last suggestion, she didn’t like. She started walking away.

  “Good bye, Byron,” she said.

  I had trouble getting back on my feet because I was still a little drunk. When I finally did, I stepped on a piece of vase and it went through my foot. I screamed in pain. Fortunately, Aaron came running. By the time he bandaged me up and got me back on my feet she was gone.

  “Get me a car!” I ordered. “And her address!”

  Dominique staggered out into the lobby.

  “Where is she? She took her things,” he said.

  “She left! Because of you,” I said.

  “That’s not true,” he laughed suspiciously. “You know I am just going to find her and we’ll both end up there. Let’s just share the limo ride, huh?”

  “Fine,” I relented. “But I talk first, you keep your mouth shut. You’re too drunk.”

  “You’re drunk,” he insisted.

  “No, I won the drinking contest.”

  “But I won the swimming contest?” he asked.

  “You did,” I confessed. “But I would’ve won the tennis contest.”

  “True, but that’s not a real contest for being a father,” he said.

  “And like swimming and drinking is?”

  “Well, drinking is, I think,” he admitted.

  “And that’s the one I won,” I reminded him.

  “Damn,” he said.

  We got into the limo. On the way, we went through a Starbucks drive thru and got a few shots of Espresso. Finally, I was starting to sober up. Well, at least I felt like I was.

  “We need to get on the same page, my friend,” I suggested. “We cannot let my future wife tear us apart.”

  Dominique laughed.

  “Ah, ha! I see what you did there,” he laughed. “We just need to get the paternity test back. That will determine---“

  “Damn the test! This is America,” I said. “These women don’t just marry men for money. They marry them for love and divorce them for their money.”

  “I don’t care,” said Dominique.

  “Neither do I,” I insisted.

  We arrived at Savanah’s apartment building. We were a bit unsteady getting out of the limo and we struggled on who would get out first. Dominique pushed me back in, but I grabbed his foot and he fell on the sidewalk.

  “I shared a limo with you,” I said, hurt.

  “I just need to see her,” said Dominique. “Let me talk to her.”

  “We agreed I would do the talking,” I said, trying to pull him back. “Just stop it, you’re being a child.”

  “Fine,” said Dominique, ceasing his struggle.

  We both got to our feet and started walking towards the apartment building. Just before the door, there was a large bush. I shoved Dominique into the bush, ran ahead and buzzed the door.

  “Not fair! Not fair!” he shouted from the bush.

  “Hello?” said Savannah over the speaker.

  “Savannah, it’s Byron,” I answered.

  Dominique came running over. He had some bush debris on his clothes.

  “And Dominique! And Dominique!” he called.

  “Can you let us up? We just want to talk,” I assured her.

  “Please, Savannah,” said Dominique. “We’ll be good, we promise.”

  We were still shoving each other as we were talking. I could hear Savannah exhale in frustration. Fortunately, she did not hear us still fighting.

  “Okay, fine,” she said.

  She buzzed the door and we went inside. It felt very claustrophobic inside. The walls and ceiling seemed so much closer together in these places. It was like everyone lived in their own personal room. So many people crammed together, like in Tokyo.

  At Savannah’s door, I knocked. Dominique added his own knock for some reason. I frowned at him.

  “Calm down,” I muttered.

  “Sorry, it’s the expresso,” he said.

  Savannah opened the door and gestured for us to come inside. Her place was so small and cramped compared to what I was used to. Clearly, we had bought her too many things. The luggage and clothes were just piled in the living room.

  “You have a nice place,” I said.

  “Very nice,” added Dominique. “I like your plants.”

  “Okay, guys, seriously?” she said, rolling her eyes. “This whole place is like a closet to you. Let’s get to the point. Did the test results come back?”

  “No,” I said. “I think we should go to the spa.”

  “You guys are nuts,” she said. “My career is falling apart and I need to get my head clear of you two.”

  “Besides, I know of better places than that spa,” said Dominique. “Come with me.”

s a private island, there is nothing better,” I corrected him. “But if Dominique wants to come, we can all go.”

  “All three of us? Vacation together?” asked Dominique. “Okay, I will go along with this.”

  “We might as well stay at the embassy or here!” said Savannah.

  “No, not here,” I dismissed.

  Dominique agreed.

  “The embassy has too many people in it,” I said. “At the island, you will be able to get away. We can explore the island, relax and talk. Dominique and I are friends and we want to remain friends no matter what happens.”

  “Yes,” agreed Dominique. “I like your island spa, I was only putting it down in hopes she would go with me. But I am going to be diplomatic.”

  Savannah tapped her foot, trying to see of a downside. She frowned and thought about it for a minute, then finally responded.

  “Oh, all right,” she said. “But you two have to promise me, no fighting, okay? It’s very upsetting to me that you two fight. I don’t like it. We all had sex that night at the party and got along. It should be like that.”

  There was an awkward pause and then Savannah realized what she said.

  “Us getting along, is what I mean,” she said. “Not the sex, okay? That’s just complicating things.”

  “So you will go?” I asked.

  “Yes,” she agreed.

  “Excellent,” I said. “I shall make the arrangements.”

  “We should take my jet,” said Dominique.

  “It’s my island, we should take my jet,” I suggested. “You take care of the limo, how’s that?”

  Dominique made a face, but then reluctantly agreed.

  “See how we are getting along now?” I said. “No fighting, just compromise.”

  I called to have my jet ready for take off. Then I called Aaron and told him to have our bags packed for the trip and loaded on the plane. With my packing done, all that there remained to do is help Savannah pack.

  Unfortunately, we had given her so many clothes and shoes--- And she had many clothes and shoes to begin with--- That she became indecisive about what to bring. It took a good hour and she still brought four bags for a three day trip! I only wished there were stores on the island so we didn’t have to bring anything.

  We hopped in a limo that Dominique called over, drove to the airport and in no time we were in the air bound for Europe. My jet’s chef was an excellent cook and he cooked an exquisite aged steak for us.

  Chapter 18


  We landed on Byron’s island. It had a very exclusive resort. It wasn’t completely closed to the public, but you had to be very rich to be there. It had white sandy beaches, palm trees and tropical sunsets. I had never seen anything so beautiful!

  I insisted on separate rooms. I didn’t want the boys to fight and I was worried that it would be too tempting to hop in bed with one of them. I had to keep my distance and my cool. The princes seemed to respect that and my head was clearing.

  Drinks were served at a beach bar and in the great distance, I spotted what looked like a lagoon. It looked like a set for a movie. I went to the restroom and on the way back I ran into Coraline Nanders. She was a huge movie producer with Penline Pictures.

  “Oh, my God, Savannah?” she said.

  “Coraline, hi!” I greeted.

  We hugged and near-kissed in the Hollywood way.

  “So what brings you here? I thought you were working on that picture with Travis?” she inquired.

  I had to be very careful what I said. In Hollywood, you can’t show any weakness or they will eat you alive or simply avoid you. I wasn’t having a problem. It had to be someone else’s. Since Travis wasn’t my favorite person at the moment, I was happy to throw him right under the bus.

  “Travis was having some issues and he’s pushing back production,” I said. “Gives me a nice vacation.”

  “Wait, you’re not here with that prince I saw you with on TMZ, are you?” she said. “God, he’s gorgeous!”

  “I know and, just between us, yes I’m here with him and a friend,” I said. “You here with the family.”

  “Yes, it’s been so long since we got away,” she explained. “But Bob and his family are here too. You know Bob, my producing partner, right?”

  “Bob Macavey, sure. I think I met him at that thing at Clooney’s house.”

  “Right-right,” she remembered. “Well, listen, my husband will kill me for doing this, but do you have time for a quick meeting? Because we have a project that you would be killer for. Absolutely, killer.”

  “I would love to work with you and Bob,” I said excitedly. “Yeah, let’s meet. Here, you have my number?”

  We clinked phones. They had some kind of function where they would pick up each other’s contact info. I checked mine and it had Coraline’s number. This was huge for me! Corlina and Bob could really give me some leverage over Travis, not to mention set me up for my next big picture. If I was locked in to another blockbuster, Travis’s stupid movie wouldn’t even matter.

  “Well, great-great,” said Coraline. “I am so glad I ran into you in paradise. Isn’t this place the best?”

  “Yeah, I really love it.”

  “You have to go check out the lagoon,” she gushed. “Oh, my God. It has the most beautiful waterfall. I’ve got to shoot a movie here. At least a 2nd unit shot for something just so I can come back.”

  “Yeah, I’ll have to check it out,” I agreed. “Great talking to you.”

  “Aw, you too babe,” she said, giving me another non-kiss. “Talk to you later.”

  When I got back to the bar, I was walking on a cloud.

  “Guys, you’ll never guess who I ran into!” I said.

  “Who?” asked Byron.

  “Caroline Nanders!”

  The princes stared back. They had no clue who she was.

  “She runs a studio,” I explained. “She wants to have meeting with me and her partner!”

  “Eh….” said Dominique still not understanding.

  “Sorry, I keep forgetting you guys don’t know how Hollywood works,” I said. “They want to put me in another movie. Probably a really big one. That means, Travis’s movie will hardly matter, even if he sabotages the entire thing.”

  “That’s good then!” said Byron, mildly understanding.

  “Congratulations!” said Dominique toasting. “I’m glad you will have a new movie.”

  “Let’s celebrate at dinner,” said Byron. “I have arranged for a private dinner on the beach.”

  We changed and went to the beach. A group of servants prepared fresh caught fish on a grill. It didn’t get any fresher than that! They also had several fires burning around us to illuminate the beach. The dinner was romantic and delicious, plus the princes got along fine. I was beginning to think they had finally buried the hatchet between them.

  “What do you want to do?” asked Byron. “We can do anything we want on this island. Anything.”

  “Can we go visit the lagoon?” I asked. “The one with the waterfall. My producer said it was pretty amazing.”

  “We could go swimming,” suggested Dominique. “I hope you packed your bathing suit.”

  “For a tropical getaway? Uh, yeah,” I laughed. “I actually packed five and I didn’t need you two to buy me anything for that. Plus bikinis are really small and easily fit into the suitcase.”

  “Then it’s settled,” said Byron. “We shall wait the customary one hour to digest and then go swimming in the lagoon. The water should be very warm. Do you do much swimming in L.A.?”

  “No, the ocean water’s freezing,” I said. “It comes down from the north. Everyone swims in a pool. Although not the Olympic sized one you guys have at the embassy.”

  “Swimming in the lagoon will be just like swimming in the lagoon from your Gilligan’s Island,” said Dominique.

  “Oh, my God. That show’s a million years old,” I laughed. “When did you get to see it?”

  “It ha
s only recently run on Andalia television,” explained Dominic. “It is very confusing why they don’t just build a boat.”

  After dinner, we sat and listened to one of the locals play guitar for us. Then we got up, went back to the rooms and changed into our bathing suits. I was a little apprehensive. At a resort, there were always people around to watch you. Here, it was private, but then you had no one to watch over you. It made the walk down to the dark lagoon a little scary.

  However, when we got there I realized the moon was illuminating the lagoon quite well. After my eyes adjusted, it was almost like it was very dim sunlight. I put aside my towel and flip flops and waded in. The water was very warm.

  “C’mon guys, don’t leave me out here alone,” I said a little nervously.

  Dominique and Byron started whispering to each other and laughing. With wicked grins on their faces, they walked to the edge of the water, slipped off their bathing suits and dove right in naked.

  “Guys, c’mon, now,” I mildly chastised. “What are you doing? That’s not very classy to just get naked.”

  “We were already all naked together at the party,” said Byron. “What difference does it make?”

  “Yeah, but you sure the paparazzi can’t get out here?” I asked looking around. “If they took a picture of me looking at your packages--- That wouldn’t be good.”

  “Paparazzi can’t even get to this airspace,” Dominique laughed. “Byron’s men would shoot them down. Ka-pow! Ka-pow!”

  “Okay, but no sex, all right?” I said weakly. “We all agreed on that.”

  “Well, we all agreed to get along,” said Byron. “We’re getting along now. Nothing that’s happening is happening behind anyone’s back.”

  “That’s true,” I admitted. “I guess that was the objective.”

  “I’m sure we can kiss a little and that would be fine, right?” suggested Dominique.

  “I guess, sure,” I said.

  He kissed me and I knew right then we were all going to have sex again. I just couldn’t help it. One kiss and I immediately melted. I was so attracted to them both. How could I resist their muscular, warm bodies in this cool water? It was so romantic, making love in the moonlight. How could I pass that up?


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