Book Read Free

Jane Jamison

Page 5

by A Wolf's Lust

  “I’ve got to say it again. This is fucking amazing.” Reed filled his glass.

  Blake searched his friends’ faces. Was he hearing right? Victor raised his eyebrows as if to say “weirder things have happened” and Reed lifted his glass in a salute to Blake. “I guess you’ve found what you came for.”

  “I guess I did.” She glanced around, looking for someone who wasn’t there. “Does your father live here, too? I’d like to thank him.”

  The twist in his gut that always hit him whenever he had to tell anyone about his father hurt a little harder than ever before. “My father’s dead.”

  He saw the pity and sorrow in her eyes. “I’m so sorry. I wish I’d come sooner. Do you mind if I ask how he died?”

  The image of his father, lying facedown in a pool of blood, flashed through him, and, as he always did whenever the memory of that night came back, he struggled to keep his anger in check. Losing control would mean losing his firm grip on the animal inside him.

  “The same wolf that attacked you killed him.”

  Horror swamped the sorrow in her face. She reached out and placed a hand over his. “Oh, God, no. That must’ve been awful for you. Were you there with your father? But I guess you couldn’t have been, since you’re here now. Please tell me you weren’t.”

  Closing his eyes, he let her warmth flow through him, wiping away the pain and fury. When he opened them again, she was watching him with an intense concern. “The wolf attacked me, too, and left me for dead.”

  She gasped, and he worked his mouth into what he assumed looked more like a smile than a grimace. “But I lived so I could get that bastard.”

  “But you’re okay? No lingering…problems from the attack?”

  Hell. She’s wondering if I’m a werewolf. But he couldn’t admit the truth. Not yet. “Nope. I’m as good as I ever was.”

  She studied him for a minute, making his nerves jump to life. After a moment, however, she seemed to take him at his word.

  “I don’t know what to say.” She sat up straight. “Except to say I hope you get him. I’d love to be there when you plug that beast full of holes.”

  “Damn. Remind me not to piss her off,” joked Reed.

  “Don’t worry. I’m better with a camera than I am a gun. Or at least I thought so. I took photos of the wolf today, but none of them came out. Blake, do you know what he is?”

  She’s asking if I know he’s a werewolf. But he couldn’t admit that he knew that, either. Not yet. Otherwise he might feel compelled to tell her everything. “Sure I do. It’s a big-ass wolf. What else would it be?”

  Her face clouded then brightened. “Of course. What else?”

  “He’s a killer wolf,” added Victor.

  She wanted to ask him more. He could see her struggle to find the right words. “Isn’t it strange how our lives intersected, grew apart, then came back together in the same way?”

  He watched the way her mouth moved as she spoke. How long will it take before I can have her mouth wrapped around my cock? Damn. How can I think about sex at a time like this?

  Instead, he dared to bring up the other question whirling in his mind. Had she felt the strange pull between them? “It’s like we’re fated to be together.”

  She transformed from a kick-ass woman ready to take on a wolf into a blushing girl. Tucking her head, she reached for her wineglass and took a sip. “I guess. If you believe in fate.”

  “I have no doubt about it. Fate controls almost everything in our lives.”

  She brought her gaze to his again, and he would’ve sworn he saw her acknowledge the truth of his words with a gleam in her eye. “I’m not sure what to say at this point except thank you for both times you’ve saved my life.”

  “I’m glad I was there…both times.”

  For a moment, he shared an invisible connection with her, a bond that even Reed and Victor couldn’t share. They sensed it, with Reed clearing his throat to break up the moment. Although they’d planned on finding the one woman all three of them would love, that didn’t mean jealous moments wouldn’t happen. Blake couldn’t blame his friends for wanting the same thing with her.

  “The past is gone, and the future has yet to be written.”

  Leave it to Victor to segue out of an uncomfortable situation. “He’s right. Let’s keep the talk light and upbeat from this point on. I’d hate to think my famous spaghetti’s going to be wasted on sour thoughts. Dig in, Sam, and don’t be shy about asking for seconds.”

  She squeezed his hand before letting go to take up her spoon and fork. “Just seconds and not thirds?”

  His relief surfaced in a smile meant just for her. “I’m so glad you’re not one of those girls who takes one bite and claims she’s full. We like a woman with a healthy appetite. Right, guys?”

  “You bet. A woman’s good healthy appetite for food often means a woman has a good appetite for sex.”

  Blake, Sam and Victor gawked at Reed until he shrugged and slurped in a long piece of pasta. “What? You know it’s true.”

  He never knew what Reed might say next, but that was part of what made Reed interesting. “Anyone for another piece of bread?”

  * * * *

  They’d kept the conversation light for the rest of the meal, talking about where they’d gone to school, funny and interesting childhood friends, and what they hoped the rest of the year would bring. Blake sat back, watching her interaction with his friends, and knew that he’d found the one they’d waited for. He could see it in the way Victor and Reed looked at her, the quick excited glances they sent him, and the way she grew more relaxed with every passing minute.

  It was amazing how fate had brought her back into his life. He’d often wondered about the teen girl he and his father had saved. But he’d never thought he’d see her again. Yet now it all seemed to have been an intricate pattern to bring the four of them to the same small town at just the right moment in time.

  After coming together through different circumstances and growing up with different backgrounds, the men had forged a fast friendship. Victor was the owner of the house and the unofficial leader, but he rarely pulled rank on them. Reed was the jokester who loved playing practical pranks, while Blake liked to think he had an even balance between Victor’s seriousness and Reed’s playfulness.

  Victor was a rarity, because he was born a werewolf. He’d never known any other kind of life, and seeking to be “normal,” he’d determined early in his life to become a doctor for humans. After getting framed for stealing drugs, however, he’d come back to his shifter roots and catered to a primarily paranormal clientele. He’d take care of every kind of supernatural being from werewolves to fairies. As long as they respected him and his friends, they were welcome in the clinic.

  Reed was the oddball of the group because he was a werecat, a shapeshifter who took the form of a huge mountain lion. Although werecats could heal quickly and easily, he’d come to the clinic with an injury. He’d managed to get shot by a shifter hunter with silver bullets, and Victor had pulled out the offending bullet. Reed had appreciated Victor not asking how he’d gotten shot and how he’d helped him even though werewolves didn’t care much for werecats. From that moment on, they’d accepted each other, and Reed, going against the solitary nature of werecats, had moved into the house to help out at the clinic.

  Blake met both Victor and Reed while running in the woods. All three had been in their shifter forms, but they’d managed to get past their instinctive distrust of each other and had enjoyed an evening of hunting. Seeking the stability and camaraderie of a pack, Blake had soon sold the home he’d shared with his father and moved in with Reed and Victor.

  “I really need to get home.” Sam used her napkin to wipe away a dab of pasta sauce from the corner of her mouth. “Thank you. This was the best meal I’ve had in ages. But don’t tell Tony I said so.”

  “You’re going to come back, right?”

  Blake almost laughed at Reed’s worried yet hopeful expres
sion. But he felt the same way, and he could sense Victor’s excitement hidden under his reserved exterior. “And bring Loren, too.”

  She gave him a quick nod then pushed back her chair. They escorted her to the front door, and Blake followed her out to her car. Reed and Victor hung back by the door, with Reed shifting back and forth on his feet and Victor hanging back in the shadows. If he’d motioned for his friends to come with them, they would’ve rushed to their side. But he wanted more time alone with Sam. He’d have a lifetime to share her with Reed and Victor.

  “It’s very nice of you, but you didn’t have to walk me to my car.” She pivoted to face him.

  Damn, she’s beautiful. The light from a nearby lamppost cast a glow on one side of her face and made soft shadows on the other. “I’m not walking you to your car. I intend to take you home.”

  She blinked then narrowed her eyes. “What for? I’m a big girl, and believe it or not, I’ve driven myself home lots of times.”

  “You’re not driving.”

  He’d surprised her again, but she seemed to like it even though her brow knitted with either irritation or confusion. “Oh, really. What do you have in mind?”

  “I’m taking you home and making sure you’re okay. I don’t think you should be driving.”

  She shook her head, making her hair dance around her shoulders. “I’ll be fine. I didn’t drink that much, you know.”

  “It doesn’t take much when you’ve taken pain medication.” He leaned in and brushed her cheek with the backs of his fingers. “Humor me, okay? I feel responsible. You know the old saying, ‘If you save someone’s life, it makes you responsible for that person.’ Or something like that. And I’ve already saved your life twice, so that makes me doubly responsible.”

  She started to object then searched his face. “What about my car?”

  “Don’t worry about it. We’ll take your car, and I’ll find my own way home.” He let his gaze drop to her chest. “After you’ve gone to bed.”

  She parted her lips, and whether unintentionally or not, it didn’t matter. He drew in a long, slow breath and caught the aroma of her arousal.

  “Okay. Here you go.” Holding the keys up, she waited for him to take them then dropped them for him to catch.

  “Climb in, princess. Your chariot is ready to roll. Just tell me where to go.”

  * * * *

  Ever since they’d realized that Blake and his dad were the ones who’d saved her life years ago, the conversation had changed to light banter. They’d kept the same thing going in the car, which was great since Sam doubted she could’ve carried on any conversation where she had to pay close attention to what was being said.

  Her focus was on Blake. Everything he did, from the way his arms flexed when he turned the wheel to the way he kept glancing at her, sent a thrill rushing into her. Part of her wished she’d drunk more of the wine so she’d have enough nerve to ask him to pull the Jeep over to the side of the road. Once he had, she’d take hold of his shirt and pull her body on top of his.

  She imagined yanking his shirt open, popping the buttons off, and then running her tongue over his rock-hard pecs. He’d tear her shirt away from her and take her nipples in his mouth, using his teeth to give her delightful zings of pain. As he tortured her nipples, she’d get his jeans open and free his cock. If only she’d worn a skirt! Otherwise, she’d have to tug off her jeans before sliding his cock into her pussy.

  The only thing better that she could think of was if Reed and Victor were there to add to the fun. She cast another quick glance at Blake. Had her dream of raw, hot sex with three men come to life? Could fate have more in store for her?

  All at once, her imagination took the idea and ran with it. She looked back to the trunk area of the Jeep. Reed could fuck her ass while she rode Blake and Victor gave her his cock to suck. She could see their hard bodies shiny with sweat as they slid their tongues over and inside her. She’d give them her tits to play with then let them use their tongues on her clit and mouth.

  “Are you okay?”

  The image of her sitting on top of Blake’s dick shattered as she forced herself back to the present. “I’m sorry?”

  He glanced at her again, taking his eyes off the road for only a moment. “You made a noise. Are you all right?”

  “I did?”

  “Yeah. It kind of sounded like a moan.”

  Shit. What next, Sam? Lick your lips and tell him that you could just eat him up?

  “Beats me.” She pointed ahead, grateful for a way to distract him. “There’s Loren’s apartment building on the left.”

  He parallel parked the Jeep then ran around and helped her out of the passenger side. “What are you doing tomorrow?”

  “I’m working most of the day.”

  “Oh. But we can get together again soon, right?”

  She knew she shouldn’t. She knew she should wait longer. But if she didn’t get to touch his body soon, she’d have to buy five more vibrators, because the one she owned wouldn’t withstand the abuse she’d put it through. “How about getting together right now?”

  She didn’t wait for him to answer and instead pulled him along with her toward the apartment door. Unlocking it, she slammed it open then turned to tug his mouth to hers.

  She leaned into the kiss and welcomed his tongue in her mouth. The need she felt for him overwhelmed every fiber of her being. The part of her that warned her that she was moving too fast, giving him what shouldn’t be given so soon, was washed away by a flood of emotions and desire. In a short time, he’d come to mean so much to her. He’d saved her life twice. Why shouldn’t she trust him? Why shouldn’t she thank him with sex?

  Blake ran his hands along her body then slipped his fingers underneath her shirt to pull it up and over her head. She tugged his shirt over his head as she backed up, letting him lead her, and heard the door slam behind them as she took him with her, moving until she bumped into the sofa.

  A brief moment of not touching him, not kissing him was too much for her, and she brought his mouth to hers again. This time his kiss was stronger, more urgent, and she answered his fervor with her own. He deepened the kiss, slanting his mouth over hers to nibble on her lower lip. She gave him her tongue to suck on. He tasted wild, sexy, and free all rolled into one. Like a meal prepared by a master chef, she couldn’t describe the separate flavors in his kiss. Instead, the flavors mixed together to form an enticing new dish.

  Blake fumbled with the zipper of his jeans, so she took over for him. His cock, ready and full, spilled out, and she placed her palm over his length. Her heart sped up at how big he was. Could she handle such a large cock? It had been a long time since she’d had any cock in her pussy. She helped him get her jeans off even as she toed off her shoes. He groaned when he had to turn her loose to untie his hiking shoes.

  When he straightened, he stopped, and they let their gazes feast on each other’s bodies. His chest heaved as hard as hers. His eyes held bits of amber, mesmerizing her. Why hadn’t she noticed that before?

  Blake shot her a mischievous grin then pushed her backward over the arm of the sofa.

  “Hey!” But her yelp soon turned into giggles as he came to sit next to her. She gasped as he slid his hand along her leg, paused over the lacy material of her bikini panties, then moved upward to take her breast.

  She whimpered, voicing her need in the only way she could.

  “Shh. Let me show you what the future holds.”

  He kissed her again then pulled her bra down, away from her breasts. He filled his hands with her breasts and worked his thumbs over the nipples. She slipped her palms over his chest and mimicked him by rubbing her thumbs against his nipples.

  He bent to flick his tongue over her nipple then added his teeth for a quick nip. She bit her bottom lip to keep from crying out at the tantalizing pain. Would he soon use his tongue and his teeth on her pussy?

  His tongue entered her mouth, filling her as she wanted him to fill her elsewhere.
He groaned, spilling the warmth of his breath into her.

  He traveled his kisses to her neck then feathered soft touches with his mouth along her shoulder, only to bring his lips to her earlobe, where he teased her with soft murmurs of love. She shivered as the coolness of the air conditioning met the wet path along her neck.

  A yearning burst within her, wild and hungry. Giving in to her raw emotions, she arched, pushing her breasts against him and slipping her arms around his neck to keep him close.

  He sucked her nipple in and brought his hand to sneak under the hem of her panties. Parting her pussy lips, he drove a finger between the folds and pushed the tip of it inside her pussy. She grabbed his hair and closed her eyes as the juices from the first small orgasm wet his hand.

  “Damn, you’re tight. And hot. Very hot.”

  She spread her legs to tempt him to use more than just his finger. “Blake.”

  He kissed her again, fast and hard, before gazing intently at her. “Let’s move to the easy chair.”

  “What?” She glanced at the old recliner. “Why?”

  “I’ll show you.” Slipping his arms beneath her, he carried her to the recliner. “But these have to come off.” Before she could think, he’d torn away her bra and panties.

  He paused, his eyes glittering with lust. “I knew you’d be clean shaven.”

  She darted her gaze down at her hairless crotch. “Do you like it?”

  His answer was to push her legs apart and dive his head between them. She gasped as he pressed his mouth against her pussy lips then shoved his tongue between them to flick over her clit. Sucking hard, he drew her clit into his mouth and tortured it with his teeth. She grabbed hold of the chair’s arms and held on as the fire of a building climax raked outward from her pussy.

  He pulled away far too soon, wiped his mouth, and gave her a snarky smile. “Does that answer your question?”

  “Then why did you stop?”

  “I want to do this the right way.”

  She frowned as he stood then headed toward the back of the apartment, where the bedrooms were.


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