When Faults Collide (Faultlines #1)

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When Faults Collide (Faultlines #1) Page 8

by Claire Granger

  He blew out his breath. “My first foster home. The one that was bad. There was a teenage girl there. She was eighteen; I was twelve. She got me drunk one night and raped me. I told my foster dad about it but he slapped me on the back and told me that I had become a man. My caseworker found out about it and had me moved, but yeah...I haven’t had sex with anyone else. And I’ve never dated anyone.”

  I pursed my lips and realized that he just shared something with me that I had been fighting off sharing with him. I blew out a breath.

  “The day that my mother died, I left to go find a doctor. I knew she had TB; I had seen it before. It took other women all the time. Well, I wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings, and as soon as I left I was dragged into an alley and raped by this man. I don’t know who he was, or where he is now, or anything. He hit me so hard I passed out. When I came to I was in shock and still tried to get to the clinic, then realized that my mother had died. She died while I was getting raped in an alley next door.” Tears flowed down my cheeks at this point.

  He squeezed my hand in a knowing way, and wiped away my tears.

  “And I’ve never dated anyone either, or had sex with anyone else. In fact, other than my therapist, you are the only one who knows. Nobody else knows.”

  His eyes widened. “You’ve never told your dad?”

  I shook my head, wiping away a few more stray tears. “No. It’s one of my rules. Don’t burden anyone with my bullshit.”

  He pulled me into him, holding me and rubbing my back.

  “Oh, beautiful girl. I can’t believe you’ve been carrying this around with you. Thank you for sharing this with me.”

  I pulled back and shook my head. “No, Blake. Thank you. Thank you for sharing with me.”

  Time stood still again as he pulled me in to kiss me. He put his hands on my cheeks and his mouth searched mine.

  We found solace in each other in a way I had never experienced.

  We finally got up. Blake went next door to change and I changed into my running gear. We met on the porch as I was making my way out to go for my run.

  “How about I make us a coffee here and meet you in your kitchen when you get back?” he said giving me a quick kiss.

  I nodded and smiled, then went down the stairs. I did my normal stretching, hitting shuffle on my iPod and landing on Korn’s Get Up, then took off.

  I kept my pace as I made my way to the park and started doing laps. I inhaled the scent of the park, enjoying the barbeque smells wafting over from Alamo, a barbeque place directly next to the park. I heard the kids laughing at the playground and listened closely to the sound that the leaves, which had drifted down to the sidewalk, made when I ran over top of them.

  I breathed in and out, paying attention to the sound of my feet hitting the pavement.

  This was my centered feeling. My grounding.

  The temperature had dropped in the last few days with a slight cold front moving in and I realized I was going to have to bust out the winter gear soon.

  My playlist switched to Miranda Lambert and Carrie Underwood’s Something Bad.

  I finished my tenth lap and kept running the same pace as I headed back to my house.

  I had to stop at a crosswalk and decided to send out a Tweet as I jogged in place, waiting on the light.

  Asha Harris


  Skipping Buzzy’s after my run for some time at home with #MrGreenEyes. Had the best run this morning. #RunnersLife

  I slipped my phone into my jacket pocket as I took off and rounded the corner towards my house. I paced myself and slowed down to a jog, and then a brisk walk, before getting to the house.

  I went up the stairs, checking the mail before I went inside.

  I slipped off my shoes and rounded the corner to the kitchen to find Blake standing there, dressed for work, holding out a coffee for me.

  I smiled and then lifted myself up onto my toes to give him a kiss before taking the cup.

  I took a sip. “Thanks handsome.”

  He winked. “No problem, beautiful.”

  I motioned towards the dining room and we went in and sat down.

  I ran my finger around the rim of my cup.

  “Are we doing this right? I mean, is this too fast or whatever?” I asked him.

  He shrugged. “I’m not sure. Does it feel too fast to you? Do you want to slow down?”

  “No,” I answered quickly. “I love how things are with us. I just don’t want to do something wrong. I don’t know how all of this is supposed to work.”

  He laughed softly. “That makes two of us. Although, I don’t think there’s a manual for how two children of prostitutes and abuse survivors are supposed to go about this.”

  I laughed. “True!”

  His eyes locked onto mine and he looked at me seriously. “We can go however slow or fast that you want, Asha. If I’m being honest with myself and you, though, I love every moment I’m with you and every moment just makes me want more.”

  The corner of my mouth twitched up into a smile. “I feel the same way.”

  He squeezed my hand. “So what’s on your agenda today?”

  “Blogging, reading, a little working. Someone has to get back to me about the mock ups I sent over. Ahem? I said, eyeing him warily.

  He kissed the back of my hand. “Yep. I had the managers look over it yesterday. You will get a formal email from Mr. Daley later this afternoon, Ms. Harris.”

  I nodded. “Good. Ms. Harris is looking forward to that email. So what do you have planned today?”

  “Mostly paperwork. We have the truck coming in today to deliver our booze, and my bar manager is out sick, so I’ll have to look over that. I have to stay for the show tonight, so I won’t be done with work until late,” he said, keeping his eyes fixed on mine.

  “Okay.” I said simply.

  “I was hoping that maybe when I’m off we could hang out.”

  I smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I’d like that.”

  With that he kissed me and then went to work.

  I made my way upstairs to get a shower and get my day started.

  Katherine was going to have a field day with all these new revelations.

  Chapter Thirteen

  My therapist says that two people with the histories that Mr. Green Eyes and I both have—survivors—are either amazing and healing for each other, or they could ruineach other.

  While the good doctor and I don’t always see eye-to-eye, I see what she means.

  To be honest, it scares the crap out of me.

  We (Mr. Green Eyes and I) have been living our lives on fault lines, occasionally moving or causing friction, but mostly just existing, waiting on the bang.

  So here we were, two faults, existing and surviving, and we just collided full force.

  Are we going to be spectacular and create mountains, making beauty from our chaos, or are we a city-leveling natural disaster?

  Tell me your thoughts and leave me some comment love.

  xoxo, Asha

  I minimized Blogger, spun around in my chair a few times, and stared at the ceiling.

  I heard my phone ding.

  Subject: Re: Shine Logo Mock-ups

  Ms. Harris,

  The managers and I love your mock-ups.

  We particularly liked the more modern one. Continue along the same lines, and I have attached some event photos to be featured on the website.

  Could you provide me an estimated time of completion for the site?


  -B. Daley

  I grinned. My phone dinged again, this time with a text.

  Ok, so now that’s out of the way... I’m thinking about you.

  If I thought I was grinning before, it had nothing on the smile pasted on my face now.

  I decided to respond to the email first.

  Subject: Re: Re: Shine Logo Mock-ups

  Mr. Daley,

  Thank you for your promptness.

  The first step is com
pleting the logo, which can be finished today with a little tweaking.

  I will send over three more options in various colors with the more modern option. Whichever one you select will be the final logo, unless you want additional changes.

  Since this is currently my only project, I estimate that I can have the site completed in a week’s time.

  Please get back to me ASAP if you have any questions or concerns.


  -Asha Harris

  I switched over to my texts.

  Thinking about you too. I know you won’t be finished until late, but I think I’m going to cook something for dinner. Will it be too late or should I save you some?

  I smiled when I got his response a moment later.

  You cook too? Holy Batman. I feel like I won the lottery! In summation, YES, please save me some.

  I responded.

  What do you like? Or rather, is there anything you don’t like?

  It again only took him a moment to respond.

  Nope. I will eat anything that can be classified as food. You’re the best.

  I smiled before standing to go grab a cardigan and head downstairs to go to the store.

  My phone dinged with a text from Lily as I was locking the front door.

  So I’m going to run lines with the professor after rehearsal. Thinking we won’t be done until late so I’m going to sneak over to Tom’s again. But I miss you! What are you doing?

  I opened my car door and slid inside before responding.

  I miss you too, Lils! I’m heading to the store so I can make dinner tonight. Blake is coming over after work.

  I drove down the hill to the grocery store, parking, and picking a basket before my phone dinged again.

  Shut up! OMG I am so excited that it’s going so well! Ah! Looks like I’m not the only one madly in love. ;)

  I rolled my eyes, moving my cart towards the produce before responding.

  I don’t know about that. What does your rehearsal schedule look like tomorrow? Want to do lunch?

  I picked up some cauliflower, a few potatoes, and an eggplant then rounded corner and picked up garlic, onions, and tomatoes.

  My phone dinged as I made my way down the meat aisle.

  Yes!! Wanna go all fancy and do Tarrants at 12?

  Tarrants is an old drug store downtown that was converted into a hip, more pricey restaurant. Pricey or not, the food was amazing.

  Yes! See you then. <3

  I picked up some beef tips then went down the dry goods aisle and picked up some lentils and jasmine rice.

  I walked up front to check out when a basket nicked mine.

  “Oops, so sorry!” a voice called. A voice I recognized.


  I plastered the fakest grin I could muster. “Hey, Mandy. No problem.”

  “Oh, Asha. Hi honey! How are you?” she said, voice dripping with contempt.

  “Great, great. You?” I asked politely.

  “I’m good. You know, Gus and I aren’t together anymore,” she said.

  Well thank heavens for that.

  “Oh. Sorry to hear that,” I said looking around, hoping to get away from this awkward conversation.

  “I’m sure,” she said, voice dripping with sarcasm.

  “Okay, well I better get going. Nice to see you again,” I said, swerving my cart around hers to make my way to the checkout.

  She followed suit and got in line behind me.

  “So, you and Blake huh?” she asked.

  I turned to look at her. “Yep. Why do you ask?”

  She shrugged, feigning impassiveness. “Just curious. I didn’t think you were his type, is all.”

  My mouth dropped at her rudeness.

  “Well, what ‘type’ do you think he had?” I asked incredulously, turning towards the cashier.

  She shrugged again. “Oh you know, someone with better breeding...that’s all.”

  My hands gripped my cart, knuckles turning white before I whipped around again.

  “I don’t know who the hell you think you are, you little bitch, but my father is the CEO of Harris Industries. Your parents are veterinarians. And you do not know Blake at all. So please don’t pretend to know his ‘type’ or what’s important to him, or pretend to know my breeding,” I seethed.

  I turned and began to set my groceries on the belt, ignoring her completely as she stood dumbstruck from my boldness.

  After the cashier finished ringing me up, I swiped my card, and as I was taking the receipt she had the audacity to whisper, “At least my mother wasn’t a whore.”

  I whipped around again and pushed her cart out of the way, getting about an inch from her face.

  “Don’t you ever talk about my mother. Don’t you dare speak one word about something you can’t even begin to possibly understand. Let me explain something to you. Because I have class, I’m going to count this as your warning. I present well. I have ‘good breeding.’ But I had to learn at a very young age how to defend myself. So if you ever so much as breathe a word in my direction again, you’ll learn very quickly about the fiery rage that I have inside me. I dare you to test this theory. In fact, I look forward to it,” I said with a slightly maniacal grin.

  I backed up, blew her a sarcastic kiss, put my groceries in my cart, and walked out, leaving her standing there with her jaw on the floor.


  I drove home with no music, just stewing on my own anger.

  I went inside and put everything away, made myself a sandwich, and then went upstairs to work on Shine’s logo.

  A few hours later, logo completed, my anger long gone, I decided to start on dinner.

  I pulled out my dutch oven and started browning the beef with onions and tomatoes in oil.

  While the beef browned, I peeled and chopped the potatoes and minced up the garlic.

  I added a little beef broth, garam masala, cumin, cinnamon, coriander, and turmeric to the beef and then turned the heat down to low.

  I boiled the potatoes while I chopped up the cauliflower. I drained the potatoes and combined them with the cauliflower, the garlic, some diced onion, a little oil and ghee, then added some garam masala, cumin, and seasoned salt before dumping the mixture into a casserole pan and popping it into the oven.

  Then I peeled and diced up the eggplant, tossed it with oil, added some diced onion and the same spice mixture that I put on the potatoes, putting it all on a baking sheet and into the oven to roast.

  I poured the rice into the rice cooker, added water and turned it on before doing the same with the lentils in the pressure cooker.

  I made myself a latte to sip on while everything cooked and sat at the dining room table scrolling through social media, liking and commenting as I waited.

  The timer went off and I took everything out to check it.


  I made a plate for Blake, covering it and putting it in the microwave, then made myself a plate. I set it on the counter while I packed the leftovers into containers and cleaned everything up, setting all the dishes in the sink.

  As I sat down with my plate to eat, my phone rang.

  “Hi Dad,” I said as I put my first bite in my mouth.

  “Hey, babygirl. What are you doing?” he asked.

  “Eating,” I said with a full mouth.

  “Oh, should I call you back?”

  “No,” I said, swallowing. “It’s just me. Lily is at Tom’s and Blake won’t be here for a while still, so it’s just me.”

  “Blake, huh? So, y’all are like... a thing?” I could tell by his voice he was treading lightly.

  “Yeah. We kind of are. Actually, I want to bring him over on Sunday...is that okay?” I asked cautiously.

  “Yes! That’s good. I can rough him up and put him through the inquisition,” he said, teasing.

  I giggled. “Ok dad. Really though, is it okay?”

  “Oh, yes. Marcy will die. This is great, Asha. Really,” he said earnestly.

ol. Well then, we will see you Monday. I’m going to get back to my food now, Dad.”

  “Okay, honey. Love you.”

  “Love you too, Dad. Bye.”

  I disconnected and finished plowing through my food, completely happy with the results.

  Other than lentils, rice, and maybe the occasional mutton, my Indian cooking knowledge was pretty limited when I left Kolkata.

  Since my dad was all about me keeping my heritage, he had enrolled me in an Indian cooking class and I loved it.

  Of course, I only took a few classes; one day my teacher touched my shoulder unexpectedly and I went into a full episode, requiring my dad to leave work and come get me...again.

  I sighed at the memory. Maybe I had come a long way.

  Chapter Fourteen

  I sat perched on my porch swing, swaying slightly in the wind, reading my book and enjoying the night air an sound of leaves blowing down the sidewalk.

  I saw Blake’s car pull up and park in front of my car on the street and smiled as I spotted him getting out.

  My smile faded when I saw the angry look on his face and gave him a confused look as he walked up the stairs. He saw me and smiled weakly, then came over and gave me a quick kiss.

  “Hey, beautiful girl. You are exactly what I need right now,” he breathed.

  “Mmm. Rough night?” I asked, picking up my legs so he could sit.

  He sat and then pulled my legs into his lap and leaned his head back on the swing and let out a breath.

  “Yeah. A couple of idiots got drunk and started fighting. The cops got called, we got a citation...just a mess.”

  I sat up and rubbed his arm. “I’m sorry. Sounds like a sucky night. Are you hungry?”

  He nodded. “Yes. I’ve subsisted off a bag of almonds today.”

  I stood up and went in the house to heat up his plate. I grabbed a beer from the fridge and took both to him outside before sitting cross legged on the swing so he could eat.

  “Oh my God...so good. So, so good,” he said, practically shoveling the food into his mouth.


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