Surviving for Us

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Surviving for Us Page 5

by Lauren Nicole

  “While we are here I might as well start my shopping for the family.”

  “Sounds good, you just lead the way and I’ll follow.” He winks at me.

  Gosh, I could never get tired of that. I can’t help the smile that forms almost immediately when he grabs my hand. I shake my head and look away, heading toward the toy store.

  “Um, what do you need in here?” he asks hesitantly.

  I can’t help but laugh at him. “I have a two-year-old niece, who I spoil rotten.” His body instantly relaxes at my answer. How could he think I have a kid? Wouldn’t he have seen her by now? Men, I will never understand them.

  “Ah, gotcha. Well then, what does she like?”

  I walk him over to the baby doll section. By the time we walk out of there his arms are loaded with bags of toys.

  We spend the next couple of hours doing window shopping and browsing in various stores. It’s just nice to be able to hang out with him doing normal, everyday things. All too soon, it’s time to leave, and I find us pulling up to the airport’s short-term parking sooner than I’d like. Now this is the part that sucks. Why is it that once I find someone I like he has to leave? I know it’s only four months then he will be home for good, but I still don’t like it.

  He must see that I’m upset since he pulls me close and lifts my chin. “Hey, it’s going to be okay. You will see, everything will work out just fine. I promise. I will be home in no time.” He plants a soft kiss on my lips. The kiss grows deeper and I move to straddle him. His hands grip my waist and hold me close to him. I run my hands over his head. He doesn’t have much hair for me to run my fingers through, but I like the feel of his buzzed hair.

  “Okay,” I tell him once I pull away. I get off his lap and we make our way into the airport. He holds my hand throughout the whole check-in process. All too soon we’re at security clearance, where I can’t go past.

  He stops and wraps me in his arms. “I know it’s weird to say this, because we just met, but damn I’m going to miss you. You came into my life and turned it upside down in a matter of a week. I’ll be back before you know it,” he whispers into my ear.

  “Wow, you hit the nail on that one. I really hate this. When I met you a week ago, I didn’t see myself standing here wishing you goodbye. I’m really going to miss you while you’re gone. Please don’t forget me.” I remain against his chest because I know if I look at him I will break. The tears will come.

  He places his finger under my chin and tilts it until I’m looking into his eyes. Damn it, that’s not what I wanted to do. As soon as I see his eyes, that are laced with sadness, my tears fall. He quickly wipes them away and quietly speaks. “I could never.”

  Next thing I know his lips are on mine. This kiss isn’t rushed or hurried. It’s filled with lust and passion. He’s letting me know, with just one kiss, how he feels. He finally pulls away. “I gotta go, baby. I’ll call you when I land. It’s two hours behind you so it might be late.”

  “That’s okay, I’ll wait up. Have a safe flight.”

  He kisses me one more time “I will. Bye, Angie.” He turns to leave.

  “Bye, Chase.” Before boarding the shuttle to the gates he turns and winks at me one last time.

  I make my way to his truck with my heart heavy. I don’t like this feeling at all. His scent surrounds me as I sit behind the wheel, causing a few more tears to fall. I don’t understand where they are coming from; I shouldn’t be this upset so soon into this relationship. My heart must know something my head doesn’t. Just then my phone begins to vibrate, I look down and see it’s from Chase.

  Chase: I miss you already. Drive safe and I’ll talk to you later. I’m at the gate waiting to board.

  I immediately type back my response to him.

  Me: I miss you, too. I’m about to head home. Talk to you later…

  I leave the parking garage and head out toward the interstate for home. My phone starts to ring once I merge. I look down and see it’s Jenn calling me.

  “Hey, girl,” I say when I answer.

  “Hey, whatcha doing?”

  “I just dropped Chase off at the airport. Now headed home. What about you?”

  “You took Chase to the airport?” I can hear the surprise in her voice.

  “Yes, he stayed last night and we spent the day together.” I try to sound nonchalant. Little Miss Nosey will want to know every little detail.

  “Wait. What? What the hell happened after you guys left the bar?” she screams through the phone.

  “Umm, a lot, why don’t you come over tonight and I’ll tell you the whole story.”

  “Okay, sounds good, I’ll grab a bottle of wine and you order Chinese.”

  “See you around eight,” I tell her.

  Hanging up the phone, I start to wonder how the hell I am going to get through these next couple of months without him here. My mind is going crazy already. Pulling into my driveway, I make my way inside to relax until Jenn gets here.

  Chapter 10


  As I wait for my flight, all I can think about is Angie, and how I didn’t want to leave her today. Especially after I saw her cry. It killed me to see that. I still haven’t figured out what it is about her that has me tied up in knots. In just over a week she has become so special to me. I admit I just wanted to get her in bed, at first. But the more I got to know her, the more I fell for her.

  I’m looking forward to the next four months of school though, too. I’ve always wanted to be a marine. Although, I do hope I can get leave and surprise her for the holidays. I know she has trust issues, and rightfully so. When she told me last night about what happened with her and Justin, I couldn’t believe it. I knew she had her heart broken, but I didn’t think it was going to be that bad.

  As I board the plane and take my seat, I think about texting her again, but I decide to just wait until I can call her later, when I get to my barracks. I shut my eyes and try to sleep for a couple of hours, but it’s pointless. Every time I close my eyes I see Angie. I can’t get the sound of her moaning my name out of my head. She sounded like an angel. Sleeping with her in my arms was awesome. I haven’t slept that great in years. I hope I get to do it again when I’m home next. I have no clue what we are, and I meant to ask her today, but time got away from us. I definitely don’t want to have that conversation over the phone, but I also don’t want her to think I’m not committed to her. I’ll just have to wait and see how these next couple of weeks go, and maybe it can wait to ask her when I get back. Just as I close my eyes, the captain announces our arrival into the airport.

  As soon as I get settled into the barracks, a good two hours later, I call Angie. I know it’s late, but I told her I would call once I got here. I lie down on my bunk, hoping she picks up her phone.

  “Hello,” she says in a sleepy, but yet very sexy voice.

  “Hey, beautiful, did I wake you?”

  “Oh, I just laid down. Jenn left about thirty minutes ago.”

  “Well I won’t keep you then, but just wanted to let you know I made it okay.”

  “I’m glad. Do you have to go in tomorrow?”

  “No, I don’t have to report until Monday morning. Get some sleep, I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Okay, that sounds good. Goodnight, Chase.”

  “Goodnight, pretty girl. Sweet dreams.” I hang up and roll over, hoping sleep will claim me soon.

  The first week of training school went pretty well. I haven’t had much time to talk to Angie between classes and physical training. I’m missing her more than I thought was possible. All I know is, when I go home I have to make her mine, and just hope she can do long-distance. If I think hard enough, I can still feel her lips, and how her skin felt against mine. I have never had a girl keep my attention this long. Hopefully, I’ll find out in the next couple of days if I get to go home for the holidays. It’s next week already.

  The boys and I decide to go bowling, because, well, there isn’t much to do in this town. The
re’s about six of us and one of them brings some girls with him, so we end up having to get two lanes. One of the girls keeps looking at me and smiling. I’m trying to be nice and smile back, but I’m not interested in her, or any of them for that matter. I have Angie back home and that’s all I want. I will not do anything stupid to mess that up. The old me wouldn’t care, but I can’t do that to Angie. I turn away, hoping she’ll get the hint, but out of the corner of my eye I see her make her way to where I’m sitting. Fuck.

  “Hey, handsome, want to be on my team?” she asks as she slides her hand up my arm.

  I immediately move out of her reach. “No, I’m going to be on Jack’s team.” She pouts and turns away. I hate girls that are like that. Before I can think too much of it, my phone vibrates in my pocket. I pull it out and see a text from Angie.

  Angie: Hey, what are you doing?

  I immediately break into a smile.

  Me: I’m out bowling with some friends. What are you doing, beautiful?

  The guys start to get on me to take my turn. I shove the phone back in my pocket and bowl my two turns. When I sit back down, I noticed she replied.

  Angie: Nothing really, just watching my niece at home. Call me when you’re done, if you want.

  Man, how I wish I could be there with her and not here. I know I’m doing this for my future, but it sucks to be away from her. I hit reply.

  Me: Have fun, and I’ll definitely call you when we’re done. :)

  Jack comes up to me just then. “Hey, man, what was that about with Megan? She wanted you on her team, and I think she might like you.” he asks, while we wait for the next game to start.

  “Nothing, man, I sort of have this girl back home, and I don’t want to mess it up. I really like her and want to see where it goes. I don’t need to be getting in any trouble with her. It’s nothing against Megan. I’m just not interested in anyone else right now,” I tell him in all honesty.

  “Oh, well that’s cool,” he says, like he gives two shits. These guys just want to jump from bed to bed and not be with one woman. I used to be like that, so it’s okay, but I’m not like that anymore, or at least for now. I have one girl on my mind these days. We end up bowling two more matches before we head out.

  “Here’s my number in case you get bored,” Megan says as we walk out.

  Wow, well that screams easy. “No, thanks, I have a girl.” I make sure she sees me throw her number away in the trashcan.

  “Whatever.” She huffs and walks away.

  We get in the car and drive back to the barracks. Once there I call Angie right away. I only have a couple of minutes to talk to her since it’s late back home in Florida, and I don’t want to keep her up too late. Gosh, just talking to her makes me want her even more. I hit the shower to cool down my thoughts, but I still fall asleep with her on my mind.

  The second week of Marine Combat Training, or MCT as we all call it, goes better. Our training is more in depth with our jobs, beginning with learning how to drive our vehicles. We have physical training three times a week. I still can’t kick Angie from my mind. Not that I want to. We were able to chat a couple of times this week. The best thing is that we always have something to talk about.

  Recently, I found out that I get to go home for the holidays. I can’t wait to surprise her. I fly in the morning of Christmas Eve, and am hoping my dad can pick me up and drop me off at her house. All I need to do is finish out these last couple of days then I get to see my girl.

  That night, as I’m lying in bed, I call my dad.

  He answers on the third ring. “Hey, son.”

  “Hey, Dad, how are you?”

  “I’m good. How is everything going?” I can hear the concern in his voice.

  “Everything is great. Do you think you can pick me up from the airport on the twenty-fourth?”

  “Yeah, I can. But I thought Angie would get you since she has your truck.”

  “She does, but I want to surprise her.”

  “Okay, yeah, that’s fine. Send me your flight information.”

  We talk for a couple more minutes before hanging up.


  Finally, the day is here. I can’t wait to wrap her in my arms. She still has no clue I’m coming home. When I spoke with her last night, I told her my family was coming up here to see me. She tried to keep the disappointment out of her voice, but I could tell she was. Since I only have a carry-on, I meet my dad outside. We make our way to her house, but not before getting my dad to stop so I can get her some flowers. Pulling up to her driveway, I promise my dad I’ll see him tomorrow for dinner. As I make my way toward her door, I can’t help the excitement flowing through me.

  Chapter 11


  “Oh gosh that feels so good, don’t stop, Chase,” I say as I gasp for breath. I watch him as he moves on top of me. I didn’t know it was supposed to feel like this.

  “Is this how you like it? You feel so good, baby,” Chase says in my ear as he starts to move faster.

  But just then I hear a loud noise.

  Bang. Bang.

  I whimper. “No, don’t stop.”

  Bang. Bang.

  I shoot up, fully awake. Holy cow, what was with that dream? It felt so real. I realize the banging is coming from my front door. I look over at the clock and see it’s only nine thirty. Who the hell is knocking on my door this early? I’m not expecting anyone, and Jenn isn’t due to move in until the weekend, and besides, she has a key.

  Rolling out of bed, I make my way to the front door and look out the peephole. Oh my God, it’s Chase. What the hell is he doing here? He told me he wasn’t coming home. I open the door and he immediately grabs me. I melt into his arms.

  “Gosh, I missed you so much. What are you doing here?”

  He pulls back and wipes the tear away. “Surprised?” he asks.

  “Yes, but I don’t understand. I didn’t think I’d see you for a couple more weeks. I can’t believe you’re here.”

  He looks down at me and kisses me softly, which ends up turning into a deeper kiss. Gosh, how I have missed this. He pulls away and walks us inside, without letting me go.

  “How long are you here for?”

  “Only three days. That’s all I was allowed.”

  We sit in silence for a moment. I still can’t believe he’s here, sitting on my couch. I decide to go for the kill and figure out what it is that we’re doing.

  “Chase, what exactly are we doing with each other? Are we friends, or more?” I’m so nervous waiting for his reply, I can’t help but bite my lip. Truth is, I would like to date him and take that leap, but I’m not sure what he wants.

  “I want you—only you—for myself. I know you have a problem with the distance, but it’s only three and half more months. Tell me, what do you want?” he asks, as he picks me up and sits me on his lap.

  “I’d like that. But you’ll have to be patient with me, it will be hard with the distance, but I’ll try my best.”

  He gets a big smile on his face. “So you’re my girl?”


  Before I can get the full word out his lips are on mine. The kiss is possessive. He is staking his claim right here in my living room.

  “What are your plans today?” he asks me once he pulls away.

  “I was just going to hang out here, get stuff wrapped. I’m not getting together with my family until tomorrow.”

  We decide to chill and watch a movie together before we venture out. I flip through the channels until we find something we both like. I lay my head in his lap as he runs his hands through my hair. I have always loved this, ever since I was a little girl. I must have liked it too much, because next thing I know I’m waking up at the end of the movie. I look up and he’s watching me. “Sorry, guess I was more tired than I thought,” I say, sitting up.

  “I could watch you sleep for hours. Let’s go out and grab some food.”

  “Sounds good. I just need to shower first.”

I’ve finished getting ready, I walk out of my room to see him still sitting on the couch where I left him. He hasn’t heard me approach yet, so I walk up behind him and slide my hands down his chest. I kiss his cheek. “Hey, handsome, ready to go?”

  He turns, his lips meeting mine. He licks my bottom lip and I open up to him. Grabbing me, he throws me over the couch. Letting out a yelp, I land on my back, and his lips meet mine again. He runs his hand under my shirt and caresses my breasts. I moan into his mouth, not wanting him to stop.

  He pulls away and I frown up at him. “Soon, beautiful, but not right now. Let’s go get food.” He kisses my forehead and gets up.

  We make our way to a local restaurant for lunch. It feels so good to be able to sit here and talk to him in person again. I’ve missed him so much over the last couple of weeks. I thought my attraction would die down with him being gone; but looking at him now I realize it’s only grown. It’s like that saying, distance makes the heart grow fonder. I can definitely relate to that now.

  Before we can place our order, we see Jenn and Chris come through the doors.

  Chase calls out to them. “Hey, guys, come sit with us.” He gets up and makes his way to my side of the table.

  “What are you doing home? I thought you couldn’t come?” Jenn asks.

  “I was able to get a couple days off, so I came home to surprise Angie,” he replies. He places his hand on my leg under the table and begins caressing my leg, leaving goose bumps from his touch. Man, he really needs to stop that; I’m already worked up from earlier.

  “That’s cool, man. Hey, do you get New Years off? I thought about coming to see you. I was going to ask the girls if they wanted to go, but needed to check with you first,” Chris says.


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