“A kidney blow is a foul”: New York Daily News, June 23,1938.
“Max! Max!”: Philadelphia Bulletin, June 23,1938.
“It wasn’t vare, it wasn’t”: Ibid., June 23,1938.
“strictly legal”: New York World-Telegram, June 23,1938.
“But Max, how was dot possible?”: Newark Star-Eagle, June 23,1938.
“What’s clear is that his version”: Paris Soir, June 23,1938.
“Jacobs could not have done”: New Orleans Times-Picayune, June 23,1938.
“wondered if Louis had hit”: Newark Star-Eagle, June 23,1938.
“What will Hitler think?”: New York Daily News, June 23,1938.
“Nothing. Dot’s foolish”: New York World-Telegram, June 23,1938.
“Yah, I fight again”: New York Daily News, June 23,1938.
“You Go to My Head”: Chicago Tribune, June 24,1938.
“No, sah, dat was no foul”: Newark Star-Eagle, June 23,1938.
“That’s for German consumption”: New York Times, June 23,1938.
“make good stuff for the home trade”: New York Mirror, June 23,1938.
“It must have been a kidney punch to the chin”: New York Journal-American, June 23, 1938.
“This is their night”: New York Daily News, June 23,1938.
“Too bad it ended so early”: New York Post, June 23,1938.
“aflame in happiness”: Interview, Babs Simpson.
“Had you been in Harlem”: Pittsburgh Courier, July 2,1938.
“There never was a Harlem”: Daily Worker, June 24,1938.
“They wanted to make a noise”: New Masses, July 5,1938.
THE BLACK RACE IS SUPREME: Milwaukee News, June 23,1938.
“their Broadway”: Associated Press, June 23,1938.
“looked like clusters of black ripe grapes”: New Masses, July 5,1938.
“The Lord is a good Man”: New York World-Telegram, June 23,1938.
“I remember for a while”: Interview, Evelyn Cunningham.
LOUIS WINS, HITLER WEEPS: New York World-Telegram, June 23,1938.
“Read about the big fight!”: Amsterdam (New York) Recorder, June 23,1938.
“Seventh Ave. looked”: New York World-Telegram, June 23,1938.
“clear off the excess baggage”: Milwaukee News, June 23,1938.
“the type of stuff”: Baltimore Afro-American, July 2,1938.
“Joe Louis! Joe Louis!”: New York Journal-American, June 23,1938.
“I bet all of ’em are on relief”: Philadelphia Tribune, June 30,1938.
“Joe Louis doesn’t knock out”: Chicago Defender, July 2,1938.
“repeated wild shooting like in the jungle”: 8 Uhr-Blatt, June 24,1938.
“There wasn’t no nighttime then”: Interview, Wilmer Cooper.
“a well of weltschmerzen”: New York Post, June 23,1938.
“I wonder what they think”: New York Journal-American, June 23,1938.
“I made it as quick as possible”: International News Service, June 23,1938.
“Joe Louis shine”: Interview, Irwin Rosee.
“Joe is on top of the proverbial heap”: New York Age, July 2,1938.
“Joe knocked old Hitler cold”: Daily Worker, June 25,1938.
“Louder! Louder!”: Chicago Tribune, June 24,1938.
“police making an attempt”: Philadelphia Tribune, June 23,1938.
“Little children rushed by my house”: Pittsburgh Courier, July 2,1938.
“thousands of Negroes and many Jews”: Indianapolis News, June 23,1938.
“On the grass on the Paradeway”: Kansas City Call, June 24,1938.
“the mellow voice of a Negro Paul Revere”: Cincinnati Post, June 23,1938.
“plain old cheap”: California Eagle, June 30,1938.
“Boy, am I glad”: Newark Evening News, June 23,1938.
“To de ring, to de ropes, to de flo!” Memphis Post-Scimitar, June 23,1938.
“Joe Louis ball”: LaFayette Sun, June 29,1938.
“That’s my little Joe”: Baltimore Afro-American, July 2,1938.
“That boy must be worth”: Mobile Register, June 23,1938.
“began to scream in all directions”: Pittsburgh Courier, July 16,1938.
“joy-mad Race members”: Chicago Defender, July 23,1938.
“The gathering thereupon cheered”: Daily Gleaner (Kingston, Jamaica), June 23,1938.
“Throwing garbage, tin containers”: Atlanta Daily World, June 26,1938.
“hugging and street fighting”: Newark Evening News, June 23,1938.
“Where is Max Schmeling?”: Charlotte News, June 28,1938.
“Lynch the nigger!”: Gary Post-Tribune, June 23,1938.
“Prizefights between white men and Negroes”: Ibid., June 24,1938.
“We have, as a whole”: Gary American, July 8,1938.
“Henry Street is the only place”: Roanoke Times, June 25,1938.
“teeming mass of joyful humanity”: Norfolk Journal and Guide, July 2,1938.
“When colored people are filling streets”: Baltimore Afro-American, July 2,1938.
“the tragic aspect”: Afro-American and Richmond Planet, June 25,1938.
“We want Joe!”: New York World-Telegram, June 24,1938.
“I remembered my first fight with him”: New York Daily News, June 24,1938.
“feminine draw is nil”: Variety, June 29,1938.
“The one round isn’t giving the fans”: Philadelphia Tribune, June 30,1938.
“The champ hasn’t got a scratch”: Amsterdam News, July 2,1938.
“I think Louis’ll be the champion”: New York Mirror, June 25,1938.
“a full-fledged man”: New York Times, June 25,1938.
“We congratulate him”: New York World-Telegram, June 24,1938.
“The Nazis stacked their political all”: Amsterdam News, July 9,1938.
“It was as if each had been in that ring himself”: Pittsburgh Courier, July 2,1938.
“a great fight by a great champion”: Ibid., June 25,1938.
“He is one of the worst”: Baltimore Afro-American, July 2,1938.
“Champ Joe Louis”: Rounder Records Corp., Rounder 82161-1106-2.
“his spirit will stalk the world”: Chicago Defender, June 25,1938.
DUKE ELLINGTON RATED: Pittsburgh Courier, July 16,1938.
“I have been a reader”: Baltimore Afro-American, July 23,1938.
“even the tiniest hint”: New York World-Telegram, June 24,1938.
“not so much that Schmeling himself”: Montreal Herald, June 23,1938.
“With the defeat of the boxing Hitler envoy”: Deutsches Volksecho, July 2,1938.
“Grandfather wouldn’t have believed”: Philadelphia Record, June 24,1938.
“Our sympathies on the disgraceful showing”: Bundesarchiv, Pol. Archiv AA R 104981.
“like a tiger”: Charleston (South Carolina) News and Courier, June 24,1938.
“Joe Louis, the lethargic, chicken-eating”: Washington Post, June 23,1938.
“It is nothing for us to weep about”: Chicago Daily News, June 24,1938.
“Somebody’ll beat him”: New York Journal-American, June 23,1938.
“the greatest exhibition of punching”: Philadelphia Record, June 23,1938.
“Probably he punches faster”: Ken, July 28,1938.
“The ring may have seen a greater fighter”: New York Sun, June 23,1938.
“Schmeling was worse”: New York Daily News, June 23,1938.
“just pathetic”: Connecticut Nutmeg, July 7,1938.
“he’ll find that he had a grandfather”: Washington Post, July 1, 1938.
“our fastest runners are colored boys”: Atlanta Journal, June 24,1938.
“The colored people do not win”: Charleston (South Carolina) News and Courier, June 24,1938.
“No intelligent person”: Huntsville Times, June 24,1938.
“lost all of their courage”: Morgn-zhurnal, June 24,1938.
Führer had taken it straight in the “philosophy”: Forverts, June 24,1938.
“If only Schmeling’s collapse”: Jewish Times, July 1, 1938.
“they stuck the whole stupid myth”: Daily Worker, September 16,1938.
“The Negro sent the ‘pureblooded Aryan’”: Ibid., June 25,1938.
“Let’s not disrespect good fists”: Nasz Przeglad (Warsaw), June 24,1938.
“Hey Louis!”: Ibid.
“special fight edition”: Rand Daily Mail, June 26,1938.
HITLER’S RACISM KNOCKED OUT: La Nación (Buenos Aires), June 23,1938.
“It simply bears out”: New York Daily News, June 26,1938.
“A terrible defeat”: Fröhlich (ed.), Die Tagebücher von Joseph Goebbels, T.I, Bd.5, June 24,1938, p. 358.
“extremely depressed”: News Chronicle (London), June 23,1938.
received the news “philosophically”: New York Journal-American, June 23,1938.
“triumphal entry”: News Chronicle (London), June 23,1938.
“It seemed as if everyone”: Jacksonville Times-Union, June 24,1938.
“It was impossible”: Angriff, June 25,1938.
“It’s terrible that punches like that”: New York Times, June 24,1938.
‘MAX’ INJURY A RUSE: Chicago Times, June 24,1938.
“Max didn’t go out of his way”: Bronx Home News, June 24,1938.
“Disowned by his race”: New York Mirror, June 26,1938.
“the sorriest figure in sportdom”: B’nai B’rith Messenger, July 8,1938.
“He is his own manager”: New York Journal-American, June 26,1938.
“No, I ain’t going over to see him”: New York Herald Tribune, June 24,1938.
“Wishing you good luck”: Boston Globe, June 24,1938.
“The newspapers now only have themselves”: Bohrmann (ed.), NS-Presseanweisungen der Vorkriegszeit, Bd.6/I: 1938: June 23,1938.
“Yes, Schmeling may have been almost killed”: New York Times, June 24,1938.
Berlin as “dumbfounded”: Friend (Johannesburg), June 24,1938.
“Neger und Elefanten”: Interview, Walter Wohlfeiler.
“proud and happy”: Boersen Zeitung, quoted in New York Daily News, June 23,1938.
“Schmeling seems not to have reckoned”: Philadelphia Daily News, June 24,1938.
“certain American profiteers”: 12 Uhr-Blatt, June 23,1938.
“attacked like an animal”: Box-Sport, June 27,1938.
“To be beaten by such means”: Der Alemanne, June 24,1938.
“It is time to have the subject”: Bohrmann (ed.), NS-Presseanweisungen der Vorkriegszeit, Bd. 6/I: 1938: June 24,1938.
“Two minutes determine the work”: Box-Sport, June 27,1938.
“keep his place in the heart”: HJ: Das Kampfblatt der Hitler-Jugend, July 2,1938.
“it is now time to stop”: Bohrmann (ed.), NS-Presseanweisungen der Vorkriegszeit, Bd. 6/I: 1938: June 29, 1938.
“even if he looks like a Norwegian sailor”: Reichssportblatt, July 26,1938.
“I got even”: New York Journal-American, February 24,1965.
“A man who had been run over”: Chicago Defender, July 9,1938.
“He could have hit me”: New York World-Telegram, June 29,1938.
“a lyrical enthusiasm”: Ibid., July 2,1938.
left eye still “in mourning”: New York Journal-American, July 3,1938.
“There is vork to be done”: Ibid., July 2,1938.
“anozzer chance”: Ibid., July 3,1938.
“Since Schmeling’s future”: Bohrmann (ed.), NS-Presseanweisungen der Vorkriegszeit, Bd. 6/I: 1938: July 1,1938.
“We traveled seven thousand miles”: New York Herald Tribune, June 23,1938.
“The Nazis will break down no doors”: Washington Post, June 24,1938.
“that would never have done”: New York Daily News, July 10,1938.
“A few intimates”: International News Service, July 16,1938.
“That’s certainly one thing”: Letter, Louis Lochner to Betty Lochner, July 10,1938, in Louis Lochner Papers, Box 6, Folder 38, Wisconsin Historical Society.
“Today, Schmeling has more friends”: Box-Sport, July 18,1938.
“burning curiosity”: Ibid., June 27,1938.
“the all-powerful Mike Jacobs”: Ibid., July 11,1938.
“[Schmeling] is brutally beaten”: Fröhlich (ed.), Die Tagebücher von Joseph Goebbels, T.I, Bd.5, July 13,1938, p. 378.
arrived “too late”: New York Times, July 31,1938.
“The hunt is on”: Ring, September 1938.
“No champion was ever”: Ibid., March 1939.
“I thought that would be”: Los Angeles Times, October 23,1938.
“It may be impossible”: Life, June 17,1990.
“laid a rose”: Washington Post, January 23,1942.
“We’ll win”: New York Times, March 16,1942.
“There’s a lot wrong”: Los Angeles Times, June 26,1962.
“this time in a far greater arena”: Richard Bak, Joe Louis: The Great Black Hope (Dallas: Taylor Publishing, 1996), p. 226.
“as happy and gay as one can be”: Reichssportblatt, September 13,1938.
“as popular as ever”: Box-Sport, October 3,1938.
“I am Joe Louis’s master”: Chicago Tribune, January 29,1939.
“provides boxing with its best puzzle”: Chicago Tribune, February 2,1939.
“the strangest and perhaps”: Washington Post, March 3,1939.
“The fact that Schmeling is allowed”: Aufbau, January 27,1939.
“I am not what you say”: Associated Press, February 15,1939.
“The reporters looked at each other”: Ibid.
“chicken feed and a million”: Reno Evening Gazette, July 8,1938.
“had done everything except”: Reno Evening Journal, November 3,1939.
“considered that he had squared”: Ibid.
“a wish of the Führer is an order”: Metzner to Schmeling, March 13,1939, in Bundesarchiv, BA R 1501/510.
“supposedly no longer good enough”: Schmeling to Metzner, March 28,1939, in Bundesarchiv, BA R 1501/5101.
“lack of trust in your abilities”: Metzner to Schmeling, undated, in Bundesarchiv, BA R 1501/5101.
“Y’know, he looked so natural”: New York Mirror, April 28,1940.
“It is too bad”: New York Times, April 26,1940.
“Why, I made Max rich”: Boxing and Wrestling, December 1953.
“Max Schmeling, Germany’s most popular boxer”: Die Deutsche Wochenschau, February 26, 1941.
“As an athlete, he is a role model”: Angriff, February 27,1941.
“a great fighter and a great fellow”: New York Times, May 29,1941.
“not at all the fellow”: New York Journal-American, June 10, 1941.
“fetch Joe Louis’ scalp”: International News Service, August 28,1941.
“Right now he wouldn’t be”: Washington Post, August 29,1941.
“Maxe! Maxe!”: Box-Sport, November 3,1941.
“We are thinking”: Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune, August 1,1944.
“An aroused American”: Liberty, February 27,1943.
“I’d kill him … with a gun”: Washington Post, May 27,1944.
“desperate attempt to save his skin”: Fight Facts, July 27,1945.
“destroyed the nigger Louis”: Interview, Bob Jagoda.
“Here comes Joe!”: Letter, R. J. Peterson to author.
“He’s a Nazi through and through”: Stars and Stripes, May 17,1945.
“He may, indeed”; “Schmeling wouldn’t act”: Washington Post, May 18,1945.
“Göring became very animated”: Werner Bross, Gespräche mit Hermann Göring während des Nürnberger Prozesses (Flensburg: C. Wolff, 1950), pp. 33–34.
“It was all psychological”: United Press International, January 25,1946.
“The people who used to know”: Newsweek, February 11,1946.
“Time out for t
hose who feel nauseated”: clipping, undated, in morgue of the New York Journal-American, Harry Ranson Humanities Research Center, Austin, Texas.
“With Schmeling, nothing was haphazard”: Ring, May 1946.
“That’s one more reason why I don’t like”: New York Times, November 10,1948.
“They should have called him”: American Legacy, Winter 2002.
“The rules of arithmetic”: North American News Association, September 12,1935.
“Joe Louis punch”; “Joe Louis Kentucky straight bourbon”: Washington Post, August 17,1952.
“I don’t believe the people”: Ibid., May 20,1954.
“Twenty-five thousand soldiers”: Milwaukee Journal, May 21,1954.
“Max, there is nothing to explain”: New York World-Telegram, April 14,1962.
“It wasn’t a bit like old times”: Chicago Daily News, May 17,1954.
“The years have softened”: New York Journal-American, May 18,1954.
“Maybe a few decadent democrats”: New York Post, May 28,1954.
“Is it less reprehensible”: New York Post, May 28,1954.
“Joe, here is a friend of yours!”: Schmeling, Erinnerungen, p. 251.
“crowning rejection”: Walla-Walla (Washington) Union-Bulletin, June 1,1954.
“What about this fellow?”: This Is Your Life, October 23, 1960.
“There is an aura of unreality”: New York Post, December 6, 1960.
“Max Schmeling invaded Miami Beach”: New York Herald Tribune, March 14,1961.
“He’s done enough for me”: Interview, Irwin Rosee.
“Uncle Tom”: New York Times, October 12,1980.
“Joe, you really think”: Time, April 27,1981.
“There’s no more tough guys”: New York Times, February 8,1959.
“The golden age of prizefighting”: Ibid., July 26,1959.
“like poor Joe Louis”: Las Vegas Sports Form, December 9,1978.
“No one said it out loud”: New York Times, November 11,1978.
“For that alone”: Remarks prepared by Rabbi Joshua Haberman, collection of the author.
“almost unanimously”; “simply disappeared”: The relevant portions of Schmeling’s memoirs are in Erinnerungen.:, pp. 425–33.
“Mr. Schmeling doesn’t answer”: Interview, Professor Hans Joachim Teichler.
“The embodiment of the decent German”: Frankfurter Allgemeine, February 5, 2005.
“Our last hero is dead”: Welt am Sonntag, February 6, 2005.
“a simple, modest”: Die Tageszeitung, March 1, 2005.
Beyond Glory Page 57