Artinia: The Journey of Three Island Princesses

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Artinia: The Journey of Three Island Princesses Page 2

by Sheilane Nadia

  “You mean spying more like it” Isla said angrily.

  “I didn’t mean to” said issy.

  “And aren’t you supposed to be grounded?” Isla continued.  

  “Please don’t tell mom” Issy begged. “I won’t sneak out again, I promise. I was just so bored.”

  “Look Issy” said Isla. “I don’t know what you overheard, but Yanu and I are just friends. And I don’t like you spying on me like that.” 

  “I’m sorry Isla” said Issy sadly. “I didn’t mean to make you mad. It’s just that, I really like Yanu. He’s like a big brother to me.”

  “You already have a big brother “Isla said softly, and then turned and walked up the stairs.



  In her room, Isla buried her head in her pillow and began to sob. All of this talk about love had brought up a lot of emotions. She still really missed her brother Idris. She also missed her dad, but she was angry with him for leaving them. Isla worried about him all the time because she had no idea where he could be.  Iah and Issy are just too young to understand she thought.

  A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door. Then came Queen Inga’s gentle voice. “Can I come in?”

  “Sure mom” said Isla, quickly drying her eyes in the pillow case.

  Queen Inga entered the room and sat next to Isla on the bed.

  “You miss them don’t you?” she said.

  “How do you know?” Isla asked, looking up at her mom in surprise.

  Queen Inga smiled sadly at her daughter. “Because I miss them too” she answered.

  Isla looked down at her lap, feeling a little guilty. Here she was, feeling sorry for herself, when her mom must be hurting even more than she was. They were her son and husband after all.

  “I’m sorry mom” said Isla. “It’s just that, he was the only brother I had”.  Isla then turned her head away to hide the tears that were now filling her eyes again.  

  “I know sweetie.” Queen Inga placed her arms around Isla and held her close. Both of them stayed like that for a long while, sharing each other’s’ pain.

  Then Isla asked softly “mom, is dad ever coming back?”

  “I wish I knew” said Queen Inga. “But what I do know is that you must find a way to live through the pain; for we mustn’t dwell on things that we cannot change. And you must never let your hurt keep you from loving others.”

  Isla thought on this for a moment, and then asked “will it ever not hurt so much?”

  “I hope so” Queen Inga replied.


  Chapter 6

  The day of the Kumya


  The big day had finally arrived and there was great hustle and bustle in and around the royal tree house, as people hurried to make the preparations.

  Inside, the seamstresses were fitting persons for extravagant outfits and the hairstylists were creating elegant hairstyles; while errand boys went all about delivering: messages, birthday gifts and party supplies.

  In the cook-patch located at the back of the house, the royal cooks were sweating over large coal pots (pots made of clay and fired by coal) preparing many Artinian delicacies, such as: Curried Iguana, stewed grasshopper, earthworm casserole and pepper pot (a savory soup of many different plants and herbs).

  In the large royal garden, the decorators were busy setting up countless tables and chairs, and making beautiful flower bouquets. They had also set up a large stage in the centre of the garden, on which the entertainers were to perform. 

  Iah stood at her bedroom window looking down at the decorators in the garden. She wanted so badly to go down and help. But Queen Inga had banned her from participating in any more party preparations; for the people had been complaining about her crazy and bossy behaviour. 

  Isla was sitting on Iah’s pink frilly bed trying not to laugh; but she couldn’t help it. She let out a chuckle, and Iah turned around quickly.

  “When did you get in here?” Iah said.

  “I’ve been in here for about ten minutes, but you were too busy dreaming outside to notice.”

  “Well, it’s my party” said Iah. “I should be down there making sure that they do everything the way I want it.”

  “Calm down Iah. I’m sure everything is under control”.

  “That’s easy for you to say” replied Iah. “You don’t care what people think of you”.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” asked Isla.

  “I mean just look at the way you dress” said Iah. “You always look so…untidy”.

  “No I don’t” said Isla.

  “When last have you taken a good look in the mirror Isla?” Iah then grabbed her sister’s hand and pulled her over to the full length mirror on the wall.

  Isla looked at herself in the mirror and had to agree with Iah. Her brown, neck-length hair was tangled and very unevenly cut (Isla had cut it herself so that she could move more quickly in battle); her eyebrows were thick and bushy; and her army clothes (a shirt and pants) were extremely baggy, so that it drowned her tiny figure. She even had a bit of mud on her face from practicing with the sling shot in the yard earlier. In all, Isla looked like… a boy!

  “You know what I was thinking?” said Iah excitedly. “How about I give you a makeover for the party?”

  “Absolutely not!” said Isla “You know I’m not into makeup and that sort of stuff”.

  “Oh come on Isla, please” said Iah. “You really do need it”.

  “I said no, Iah. All I have to do is take a bath and comb my hair. Then I’ll look alright.”

  “But it’ll help to keep my mind off of the party preparations” continued Iah.

  “I don’t care” said Isla, walking towards the bedroom door.

  Iah followed behind of her. “It’ll be your birthday gift to me.”

  “I already have your gift.”

  Iah thought for a while. “I’m sure Yanu will like it.” She said.

  Isla paused. She had avoided Yanu since the day he told her that he liked her, because she had no idea what to say to him. But Isla knew that she could not avoid seeing Yanu tonight at the party; and, for some reason, she liked the idea of him seeing her all dressed up and pretty.

  “Let’s do it.” Isla said to Iah.



  Isla took a deep breath before walking up to the garden entrance. Almost the entire island had already gathered in the garden for the party, and Isla was worried about what they would think of her new look. Iah and the few others that had seen her up at the house had all exclaimed how beautiful she looked, but Isla was not fully convinced.

  Isla made a curtsey to the guard at the entrance, and noticed that he had a puzzled look on his face, as if trying to figure out who she was; although he had known Isla since birth.

  “Trent it’s me- Isla.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry Princess” Trent said quickly, bowing a second time. “You look so… so different” he added, turning his head sideways to look at her better.

  “That’s alright Trent, I know” said Isla, feeling even more nervous.

    She had barely recognized herself when she looked in the mirror before leaving the house. Iah had cut Isla’s hair even shorter, in what she described as a more ‘girly’ style, and had also done her make-up (which now made Isla’s face a little itchy). The seamstresses had made some changes to the simple, long, blue dress that Isla had set aside to wear. They added a lot more puffiness to the bottom, and a lot of sparkle to the top half of it. Iah had even put some of her shiny foot jewellery on Isla’s feet (people in Artinia did not wear shoes).

  Isla walked past Trent, onto the long strip of pink carpet leading through the centre of the party. There were suddenly many sounds of “ooohs” and “aaahs”. Many of the guests had stopped what they were doing to admire Isla. Isla also heard comments such as: “Who is that?”, “She’s soo beautiful” and “Who knew Isla could be so pretty”.

  Isla blushed deeply as she passed them. She was not at all accustomed to such compliments, and it made her feel a bit uncomfortable; but also very special. She thought to herself, maybe I do look beautiful after all.

  Chapter 7

  Unexpected Guests


  The party was in full swing, and everyone seemed to be having a blast. Iah was back to being her carefree self and was the life of the party. At the moment, she was in the middle of the dance floor with her friends, screaming loudly, with both hands waving high in the air.

  Iah had not paid any attention to a single admirer for the entire night. Every time one asked her to dance, Iah would simply say “No thank you. I’m waiting on my foreign Prince.” She would then quickly walk away before they could say anything else, with her huge dress swinging all around her.

  Iah’s birthday dress was one of the most beautiful dresses that many on the island had ever seen. The seamstresses had worked hard on it for months. It was white, with long sleeves that dropped off the shoulders, and had a big pink bow around the waist. But the bottom of it was the best part. It was light and airy, almost like a cloud, and it spread out extremely wide. Iah did not see the dress until the day of the party, and she had cried when she put it on.

  “Mommy I feel like a princess” she exclaimed.   

  “You are a Princess sweetie” Queen Inga had replied, with tears in her eyes; “A very beautiful princess”.

  Iah’s performance at the part,  had been amazing.  She and her dancers dressed up in colorful feather costumes and did many tricks that made the audience gasp- like hula hooping with rings of fire and all sorts of splits and flips.

  Even Issy’s and Yosh’s performance had abeen good, while it lasted. Isla made them the sling shots that they had begged for (but miniature ones that could only use very small stones, so that they could not damage to themselves nor others), and they had used them to knock apples from off of poles. But before they could finish, Lucy- the pig- came onstage and knocked down the poles, and ate the apples. Everyone found it so funny that they fell to the ground laughing.

  Isla was on the dance floor as well, having a good time; but began to feel thirsty. She decided to go over to the drinks table, at the edge of the garden, for some passion fruit juice. This area of the garden was very quiet, for most people were back on the dance floor.

  As Isla poured the juice from the jug, she felt someone tap her on the shoulder from behind. Isla jumped in fright and spun around, spilling her drink on the person.

  “Yanu! I’m so sorry.” Isla said, her heart now beating faster. She had not seen Yanu for the entire night, and had begun worry that he had not come.

  “Don’t worry about it Lah” he said; and reached for a napkin from off of the table. Lah was the nickname he had given Isla ever since they were kids.

  Isla watched Yanu wiping his sleeve with the napkin and, as if for the first time, she noticed how very handsome he was. Yanu was wearing a very nice brown suit, and his jet black hair was pulled back into a smooth pony tail.

  Isla also noticed that Yanu was taking his time to wipe his sleeve, and that his hand was shaking a little. Was he as nervous? Isla wondered.

  Yanu finally stopped and looked up at Isla.

  “I’ve really missed you.” he said. “Why have you stopped talking to me?”

  “I-I’ve just been busy these past two weeks” Isla lied.

  Yanu did not seem to believe her. “Look Isla, I know I made things awkward between us when I told you that I liked you. But, if you want, we can go back to being friends and pretend like it never happened.”

  Isla felt disappointed. “Is that what you want?” she asked.

  “No.” said Yanu quickly. “But it’s what you want, isn’t it?”

  Isla thought for a while. “I don’t know.” She said finally.

  Yanu looked surprised. “So does that mean you kinda like me too?”

  “I’m not sure” said Isla. “Maybe I need some more time to think about all of this.”

  “Lah, take all of the time you need” said Yanu. “And if ever you’re ready to be more than just friends, just say the word.”

  “But what if I take too long?” asked Isla.

  “I’ll still wait” said Yanu. I’ll always wait for you Isla.”

  Isla smiled.

    “Now, let’s dance” said Yanu, grinning; and he playfully offered Isla his arm.

  Isla laughed. “My pleasure” she replied.  

  On the dance floor, Isla and Yanu danced happily. All of the awkwardness had gone and Isla felt as if everything was back to normal between them. She had her best friend back.

  But then the music became slower and they began to dance closer together. Isla’s heart began to beat quickly again; and she hoped that Yanu could not tell how nervous she felt.             

  Then Yanu whispered in Isla’s ear. “You look very beautiful tonight.”

  Isla look up at Yanu. She wanted to say thank you, but the words wouldn’t come out. Instead, she leaned in closer to him, and then he leaned in as well. Their lips almost touched when –there came a loud and terrified scream from the edge of the garden.

     The next thing anyone knew, large groups of strange men were jumping over the garden hedges and running towards the crowd, firing arrows and stones as they came.

  Isla and Yanu immediately pulled out their sling shots, which were hidden in the pockets of their clothing. Many of the other army people also found weapons (slings, bows and arrows, sticks), and they all began to fight back against the intruders.



  Chapter 8

  Hiding Place


  It was a long and gruesome fight. Many persons, on both sides, were killed or injured. But in the end, the Artinians came out victorious. They were currently chasing the remaining enemy men, who were running towards the sea, trying to get away on their canoes.

  “We cannot let them get away!” General Atticus shouted. “We must make an example out of them so that they do not return.”

  The Artinians who were not able to fight were hiding in bushes and nearby tree houses. Queen Inga had led Iah and Issy to one of the underground storerooms in the back yard of the royal tree house. It was just big enough for the three of them to fit, squeezed together. Queen Inga had not taken them inside of the royal tree house, for she knew that it would be one of the first places that the men would try to capture. They could hear loud yells and bangs coming from above them, in the direction of the house.

  “Wait here” the Queen said to Iah and Issy. “I’m going to go check on Isla.”

  Then she quickly raised the wooden overhead door and disappeared outside. Iah and Issy remained crouched in the dark. Iah was scared, but Issy took her tiny sling shot from out of her pocket and said “I want to go and help Isla fight too”.

  “Issy don’t be silly! You’re way too young!” said Iah.

  “No I’m not! Didn’t you see my performance tonight? I knocked down most of those apples!”

  “Issy, shooting apples is a lot different than fighting in a battle, and a lot less dangerous.  I know that you think you can do everything, but there are just some things only grownups can take care of. Ok?” 

  But Issy was not listening to Iah. In the blink of an eye, she was climbing through the small overhead door. Iah grabbed her legs and pulled as hard as she could. But Issy managed to wiggle herself free, and then sped across the yard. Iah climbed through the door and chased after Issy; but her huge dress held her back. Then Issy ran into the woods at the edge of the yard, and Iah could no longer see her.

  Chapter 9

  The Capture


  Issy was now deep in the woods and far away from Iah. So she stopped running and leaned against a nearby tree to catch her breath.

  Issy felt a bad that she had run away from Iah, but she just had to try and help Isla. What if she was hurt?  <
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  Just as Issy was about to continue running, she heard voices coming towards her.  Issy quickly ducked behind the tree. Then, soon after, she saw the outlines of two men; but she could not make out who they were. They stopped close to Issy’s hiding place, and one of the men grabbed the other by the throat.

  “You can’t call your men to retreat yet!” said the man angrily. “You have not killed the Queen and Princesses like I asked you to.”

  Issy was surprised at what she heard. She wondered who the man was. His voice sounded like someone she knew.

  The other man pulled the first man’s hand away from his neck and said, just as angrily, “You led my men into a trap! You said that the Artinian army men would be unarmed because of the party, and that it would be easy to fight them. Now nearly all of my men are dead!”

  “It’s not my fault that your men can’t fight well!” said the first man. “Now I need you to find the queen and her daughters and kill them!”

  “Do it yourself!” shouted the other man.

  “I can’t” said the first man. “I don’t want anybody suspecting me.”

  “Well, that’s too bad. Because I’m not keeping my men here any longer” said the second man. “I should have known better than to trust the royal advisor”.

                Issy now knew who the first man was. She gasped loudly, and then quickly covered her mouth. But it was too late; the men had already heard her. In an instant, they both dash behind the tree and Sir Evans grabbed Issy firmly by the arm. He looked surprised when he saw her, and then angry.

  “Well, well, well.” He said. “Here’s one of the royal brats now.”

  “How could you Uncle Evans?” Issy cried, “I thought you loved us.”

  “I’m not your Uncle,” said Sir Evans; and he spat on the ground. “And the only thing that I love is the throne. I thought that it would finally be mine after I killed your father, but your mother snatched it away from me.”

  Issy could not believe her ears. “W-What? M-My father’s dead?”

  Sir Evans gave an evil chuckle. “Of course he is. Did you think he just disappeared?

  Issy was too shocked to say anything.

  Sir Evans smiled and continued. “I saw king Iba storm out of his tent that night, eleven years ago, and I followed him all the way into the woods.  He stayed there, trying to clear his mind, and even rehearsed an apology to Queen Inga, because of the argument they had. And then the idea came to me. It was my perfect opportunity to kill King Iba without anyone suspecting me. They would simply think that he had run away from his family. So, as he was making his way back to the camp, in the dark, I snuck up behind him and- ”.


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