Artinia: The Journey of Three Island Princesses

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Artinia: The Journey of Three Island Princesses Page 8

by Sheilane Nadia

  “Yes I can Dad. And she is my friend.” said Prince Aguamir. “She taught me very valuable lessons, like how to be brave, and to stand up for myself and others.. And that is what I’m doing right now.”

  “That’s enough!” said the King. “I do what I think is right. I’m the king! And I have to show Sir Evans and the other Artinians that we are not to be played with. You’ll understand one day when you are King”.

  The king then began to make his way back over to Yanu; and Isla began to fight against the guards again- but they were too strong for her, and she could not get loose.

  The king raised his spear again. Then, in the blink of an eye, Prince Aguamir dashed on top of Yanu. The King froze with his hands in mid-air.

  “What do you think you’re doing Aguamir?” the king said furiously.

                  “You’re not going to take any more lives Dad” said Prince Aguamir. “I understand more than you think, even though I’m not king yet. And this has got to stop!”

                One of the guards tried to pull him up, but Prince Aguamir held on tightly to Yanu”.

                “Son, I’m only going to say this once” said the King, through gritted teeth. “GET UP NOW!”

                “Please, just hear me out Dad.” Prince Aguamir pleaded.

                “No!” said the king.

                “I’m going to be King one day Dad. You need to start taking me more seriously!”

                The king looked surprised by this outburst, and Prince Aguamir took the opportunity to continue speaking.

                “Hurting these kids will not force Sir Evans to pay you what he owes you.  You’ll just anger the Artinians and cause them to come after you. And you know from experience that our army cannot win against them.”

                The King lowered his hands and seemed to think about what Prince Aguamir had just said. Then to Isla’s great surprise, he asked: “So what do you suggest Son?”

                Prince Aguamir also seemed surprised by his father’s reaction.  He stood up timidly. “If we return them to Artinia in one piece and tell of Sir Evan’s treachery, we’ll find favour with the Queen” he said. “Then she will willingly give us good gifts, and give Sir Evans the punishment he deserves.”

                “It’s true Your Highness” Isla interrupted. “My mother is a very reasonable woman. She would be very grateful to you and repay you richly.”

                The King looked from Isla, back to Prince Aguamir; then back to Isla, then to Prince Aguamir again.

                “I’m proud of you son” he finally said, smiling broadly. “You’ve spoken like a wise leader”.



  Chapter 26

  Return to Artinia


                Iah sat opposite Prince Aguamir in the canoe blushing deeply, after she caught him sneaking peeks at her. Iah thought that the Prince was very handsome and sweet, but she refused to look back at him. She did not want him to know that she liked him just yet.

                Isla sat next to Iah, feeling very worried. They were soon approaching Artinia and she did not know what to expect when she got there. The night that Prince Aguamir came back, he pulled Isla aside and told her about the great battle that had taken place just before he left Artinia. Now Isla was not sure if her mother was still the Queen, or if she was even still alive; neither did she know if Issy or Yanu’s family were safe.

                Isla had kept this secret to herself; for she did not want to upset Yanu and Iah. Neither did she want the King to change his mind about sending them back to Artinia in one piece.

                Yanu sat opposite Isla, silently rowing the canoe. He was not normally quiet, but he had not spoken much since last night. Isla believed that he was still very shaken up about nearly getting his head chopped off by the king.  She wished that she could cheer him up in some way.

                “Hey, Yanu” Isla said.

                Yanu looked up at her. Isla stuck her tongue out and made a funny face at him.

                Yanu laughed loudly- he always found it funny when she did things like that; and Isla was glad that she could make him laugh.

                They rowed all the way to the shore this time; for since they were in an Artinian canoe- the one that Prince Aguamir had rowed to Grem in- they did not believe that the guards would try to shoot them down.

                They looked around the beach in horror. It was completely deserted with weapons and blood stains all around.  

                “This is not good.” Isla said worriedly.

                “What happened here?” said Yanu, with his eyes wide open in shock. “It looks like some sort of war site.”

                The King and his guard- who had also come along in the canoe- immediately pulled out their swords. 

                “Don’t tell me you led us into another battle!” said the king angrily, looking at Isla and Yanu.

                “No, your Highness” said Yanu quickly. “We have no idea what is going on.”

                But Isla and Prince Aguamir knew.

                “Father’ said Prince Aguamir timidly. “ I have something to tell you.”

                Prince Aguamir then explained to everyone what had happened just before he left Artinia to return to Grem. How Sir Evan’s men had turned against General Atticus’s men.

                Iah gasped in horror. “Oh no! I hope mom and Issy are okay.”

                “Oh Aguamir” said the King. “You should have told us all this before. It’s never a good idea to visit another island while its people are at war with one another. We’ve got to turn back now, before anyone sees us and tries to make us captives.”

                “I’m no leaving Dad!” said Prince Aguamir. I need to find out if Issy is safe.”

                “Please King.” added Isla desperately. “We could use your help, just in case Sir Evans’ men try to attack us.”

                The king thought for a while. “I will stay” he said finally. “But only because I’m glad to see you standing up for something worthy son. That is the mark of a true man.”

                Prince Aguamir smiled proudly. “Thanks Dad.”

                “Yes. Thank you King” said Isla. “Now, I think that we should try to get to the Royal tree house. We can find out what is going on from there.”

                “I know a path that we can take so no one will see us” said Yanu. “Follow me.”

  Chapter 27

  Who won the Battle?


                Yanu led them to the far end of the beach, then up a long, narrow dirt path through the woods. Like Yanu said, it was completely deserted. They walked along in silence, clutching their weapons; all except for Iah, who did not know how to use weapons, and who kept complaining.

                “Why did we have to take this route?” she whined. “It’s so dark I can’t see a thing. And there are all of these bugs around.”

                “Be quiet Iah, before someone hears us” said Isla. “We’re soon there.” 

                “I can’t be quiet” said Iah. “I’m scared. And I really don’t think that my heart can take any more surprises.”

                Isla rolled her eyes and ignored her sister.

                They were now halfway along the pat
h, and could hear people taking in the far distance. The voices seemed to be coming from the royal tree house. Yanu and Isla looked over at each other nervously; and Isla knew that they were both wondering the exact same thing: Whose voices were they? Who had won the battle: General Atticus’ men or Sir Evan’s men?

                If General Atticus’ men were the victors, then they were safe; but if it were Sir Evans’ men, then they were in great danger, and would have to fight for their lives.  

                Isla turned to Iah. “Stay behind this tree, and don’t come out until I come to get you.”

                “Why?” asked Iah, looking terrified. “I want to see mom too. And I don’t want to stay here by myself”.

                “Iah it may not be safe up there. Just trust me”.

                Before Iah could reply, Price Aguamir said “Don’t worry Princess Iah. I’ll stay with you”.

                “That’s a good idea Prince” said Isla. “Keep her safe and listen for my signal. If there is danger, I’ll shoot a stone into the bushes. Then I want the both of you to run as fast as you can to the beach and try to get away in one of the canoes.

                “Sure thing Princess Isla” said Prince Aguamir.

                “Be safe sis” said Iah, feeling worried.

                “I will” said Isla.

                They both looked at each other for a while, hoping that everything will be alright, and that they will see each other again.

      Then Isla ran off behind Yanu, the King and the guard.


                Iah and Prince Aguamir were crouching behind the tree, waiting. They were waiting for either a signal (the stone), or for Isla to return and get them. 

                “It seems like we’ve been waiting for a long while now” said Iah. “Do you think they’re alright?”

                “I’m sure of it” said Prince Aguamir. “They’re great fighters.”

                Iah was not convinced. “I want to go and help”.

                “But your sister thinks its best you stay here” said Prince Aguamir.

                Iah stood up. “I’m tired of being a coward!” she said. “I want to be brave and fight for once.”

                “Princess Iah, I think that you are already brave” said Prince Aguamir. “I mean, you went out on a journey across the sea, to unknown and dangerous islands, just to look for your little sister.”

                “But I was scared the entire time” said Iah, sitting back down. “And I didn’t even fight anyone.”

                “It doesn’t matter” said Prince Aguamir. “What matters is that you went in spite of your fears; and that makes you brave.”

                Iah blushed. She had never thought of it that way. “I think you’re brave too Prince Aguamir” she said; “the way to stood up to your father, and saved us- a couple of strangers.”

                “I was scared the entire time too” said Prince Aguamir, blushing also.

                They sat there on the ground, gazing into each other’s eyes; and Iah thought to herself I finally found my foreign Prince.

                Just then, they heard footsteps coming towards them through the bushes. Prince Aguamir stood up quickly and pulled out his sword. Iah stood behind of him, trembling. The footsteps were drawing nearer. Who was it?

                The next moment, Isla burst through the bushes in front of them. She was smiling broadly.

                “Everything’s ok!” She exclaimed. “General Atticus defeated Sir Evans and his men! Come on!”

                She ran back up the pathway, and Iah and Prince Aguamir ran excitedly after her.




                Up at the Royal tree house, they found a large crowd gathered outside, who were happy to see them.

                But Isla and Iah quickly made their way to the crowd to find the two people that they wanted to see more than anyone else in the world. They found Queen Inga and Issy perfectly safe, in Queen Inga’s room.

  The three sisters and their mother hugged each other tightly, crying tears of joy.

                “Oh my babies” said Queen Inga. “My brave and wonderful babies. Your father would have been so proud, if he were alive.”

                Iah and Isla looked up at their mother in shock. ‘What do you mean?” they said.

                Queen Inga sadly explained about what Sir Evans had done to King Iba eleven years ago- for Issy had told her. She told of how he had wickedly attacked king Iba in the woods, on the night of their big argument; just so that he could be king himself.

                “I always hoped that I might see Dad again one day’ said Iah tearfully.

                “What are you going to do to that traitor and murderer, Sir Evans!?” Isla wanted to know.

                “I have banished him and his men to the deserted and rocky island of Redonda.” said Queen Inga. They will spend the rest of their lives there. That way, they can never hurt anyone else, and they will have enough time to think about all of the bad that they have done.”

                Isla, Iah and Issy were glad that Sir Evans was getting what he deserved for his crimes, but they were still very heartbroken about losing their father.

  Chapter 28

  The Wedding


                Isla was walking slowly down an isle of beautiful flower petals in the sand, to sweet drum music. As she walked, she looked around at all of the many smiling faces on either side of her, and she smiled too. She was so happy that her mother was getting married today, to a very kind and brave man- General Atticus. Isla could see General Atticus standing at the front, waiting patiently. She had never seen him look more handsome and clean. He was wearing an all- white men’s suit, and he had cut and combed his hair.

                Isla finally reached the front row. She and sat down next to Iah, who was sitting next to Prince Aguamir. Prince Aguamir visited Artinia quite frequently these days to see Iah, and Iah was always very excited to see him.

                Prince Aguamir leaned in close to Iah and said. “I wish we were getting married”.

                Iah stopped admiring the outfits of some of the people in the opposite row, and whipped her head around to look at him. Prince Aguamir was all that she had always dreamed of and more. He was not only a handsome foreign Prince, but he was also kind, and smart and brave. Still, Iah did not want to rush things.

                “Maybe we should get to know each other a bit more first” she said. “We’re still just a bunch of kids after all.”

                “That’s ok with me Princess Iah” said Prince Aguamir, smiling. “I’ll wait for as long as you want.”

                Iah smiled back, and they held hands.

                Prince Aguamir was not the only person from Grem that visited Artinia often. In the months since Isla, Iah and Yanu’s return, Artinia and Grem had gained peace and formed a profitable trading relationship; where Grem traded their beautiful clay pottery – like the bowls that Issy used to eat out of in the cave- for Artinian goods, such as: food and clothes.

                Also, after hearing of all of the unique features of the islands that Isla, Iah and Yanu had travelled, Queen Inga had begun the process of creating peace with them as well. She had already sent some Artinian me
n on journeys to these islands to discuss trade and other corporative ideas. Isla had gone on some of these peace trips, and was able to see Quami and Sandra again. The both of them were here in Artinia now for the royal wedding.

                Just then, the music changed and everyone stood up. Issy and Yosh came walking down the aisle together, in imitation of the bride and groom. Issy was wearing a pretty floral dress, with flowers in her hair; and Yosh was dressed handsomely in an all-white suit.

                Just behind them was Queen Inga. There were loud gasps and ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ from the guests. Queen Inga was wearing a lovely, strapless, floral dress that flowed gracefully on the ground behind her. Her long dark hair was styled in an elegant up-do, with small white flowers stuck all around it. Isla, Iah and Issy all thought that their mom looked extremely beautiful, and happy.

                Iah wiped tears from her eyes. “aww… I’m so happy for her” she said.

                “Me too” said Isla.

                “Me three” said Issy, who was now standing next to Iah and Isla.


                There was a huge feast after the wedding, with lots of: food, drink and entertainment. And of course Iah put on a spectacular performance with her dance group, while the crowd cheered wildly- but none more loudly than Prince Aguamir.              

                Close to the end of the celebration, when the music had begun to slow down, Yanu approached Isla on the dance floor. Since their return from the journey, they had both been extremely busy, spending time with their family and repairing the army. This meant that they had hardly spent any time alone together.

                Yanu held out his hand for Isla to dance with him.  Isla’s heart began to beat quickly. There was something that she had wanted to tell Yanu for a while now, and she figured that now was as good a time as any.

                She took Yanu’s hand and they began to dance slowly.

                Then Isla blurted out: “I’m ready.”

                Yanu looked a little confused. “Ready for what?”

                Isla took a deep breath, and then explained. “At Iah’s party, you told me to tell you when I was ready to be your girlfriend… well, I am.”


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