Undeniable Love

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Undeniable Love Page 23

by Kelly Elliott

  I had dinner with Dodge, Azurdee, and Lark last night. Azurdee and Lark filled me in on everything happening in their world. I was so happy for them both. They had gone through so much and to come out in the end so head over heels in love was just heartwarming.

  Closing my eyes, I thought back to my phone conversation with my mother.

  “What do you mean you’re moving to South Texas? Do you mean south Austin?”

  Rolling my eyes I said, “No, Mom, I mean I’m moving to be with Tristan on his family’s ranch. His father had a heart attack and Tristan is now going to run his family’s ranch. It’s something he has been dreaming of doing for a while now.”

  “And tell me why, Kathryn, we paid good money for you to get a college degree so you could go be a farmer’s wife?”


  Pushing that thought from my mind, I took in a sharp breath and blew it out. “Mom, it’s a ranch. Not a farm. I still have my business that is growing more and more. I’ve just landed a huge company that is really going to change things for me.”

  “The only thing that needs changing is your way of thinking. Home is where you need to be.”

  Inhaling a deep breath in, I shook my hands a few times and got ready to start my new life. Opening the door, I stepped out and smiled when I looked at Peter and Joyce’s house.

  Home. This was now my home.

  My heart filled with hope. Hope for a future that was going to be more amazing than I had ever dreamed.

  Tristan didn’t think I was heading back until next week. I had moved up a few business meetings that I had to be present for and got those out of the way yesterday. It had been one hell of a day yesterday, but it was worth it. Knowing I would be in Tristan’s arms four days earlier than we thought had my libido jumping with excitement.

  Reaching into the back seat of my car, I pulled out my day bag and decided to leave my other stuff for later. I had my back seat and trunk full of stuff. I must have mailed twenty-five huge boxes over the last two weeks down here of just business stuff.

  Walking up to the house, I pulled my phone out and sent Tristan a text.

  Me: Done for the day. I miss you.

  Not even a minute later he responded.

  Tristan: Phone sex?

  Laughing, I slipped it back into my pocket and headed into the house. I set my bag down on the chair in the foyer as I heard Joyce and Peter talking. Walking into the kitchen, I had my finger over my mouth. Joyce’s eyes lit up as she made her way over to me.

  “Oh my darling, Kathryn!” Pulling back she looked my body up and down, just like you would picture your mother doing as she made sure you were in one piece. “He has no idea you are coming. Let me tell you something, that boy has been grumpy. It’s safe to say he missed you.”

  Walking up with his arms extended, Peter gave me the sweetest smile. “He missed you a lot, sweetheart.”

  Kissing Joyce on the cheek and then Peter, I looked around the kitchen as I took in the smells through my nose. “You made my favorite!”

  Joyce gave me a wink, “Of course I did. Now the boys are on the back porch. Go put that son of mine out of misery and let him know you are here.”

  Glancing to the back door, I asked, “Boys?”

  Peter went to the stove and started the pot of water for what I was guessing was for the pile of homemade pasta sitting on a plate. “Chris is with him.”

  “Oh right, Tristan has been talking a lot about Chris. I’m glad I get to meet him.” Looking at them both bustling about I asked, “Did you um . . . need any help in here?”

  Turning and looking at me, the both wore shocked expressions. “Kathryn, go see Tristan, sweetheart.”

  Smiling, I gave them a polite nod and headed to the back door, anxious to see Tristan. Pulling it open, I walked through the screened in back porch and to the back deck. My stomach dropped when I heard Tristan’s voice. It filled my body with warmth instantly.

  Standing up, Tristan turned to Chris. “Yeah, maybe I should talk to Ryn first about this.”

  Peaking my curiosity and giving me a good excuse to make myself known, I pushed open the door and asked, “Talk to me about what?”

  Tristan turned and looked as did his friend, Chris. I couldn’t help but notice the smile that spread across Chris’s face. Looking at Tristan he seemed confused at first, but then he gave me that grin that had changed my entire life less than two years ago. It was dark, but I swore I saw his green eyes light up.

  “Ryn, you’re . . . baby, you’re here.”

  I quickly moved to him and he had me wrapped in his arms in seconds. My heart slammed against my chest. I don’t think I would ever be able to explain to Tristan how his response in seeing me just erased any doubts and fears I had about our relationship.

  I heard it in his voice. I saw it in the expression he wore on his face. I felt it in the way he was holding me. This man loved me and needed me as much as I loved and needed him.

  Pulling back, he cupped my face within in his hands. “You’re here.”

  Grinning like fool, I could only whisper, “Yes.”

  Tristan pressed his lips to mine as he kissed me. I was still very aware of his friend Chris standing there. When Tristan pulled away, my eyes went to Chris.

  Tristan stepped back and looked at Chris who was standing there with a smile on his face. “Sorry, Chris.” Glancing back to me, Tristan wrapped his arm around me. “This is my Ryn.”

  My Ryn.

  Walking up to me, Chris held out his hand. Shaking his hand quickly, I began to talk. “Tristan has been talking a lot about you. Y’all were good friends in high school, right?”

  “Yes, we were. It’s a pleasure finally getting to meet you, Ryn. I’m not sure how you did it, but you managed to tame the wild child.”

  Looking into each other’s eyes everything seemed to have fallen into place in that very moment. Tristan leaned in and said, “Best surprise ever.”

  Placing my hand on his bicep, I needed control. My knees wobbled and I was sure everything was spinning while I stood perfectly still. “I hope so.”

  Tristan and I were caught in a trance, neither of us pulling away. I felt as if I could see my entire future within in his eyes.

  Clearing his throat, Chris clapped his hands, causing us to break free from the hold. “Well, this was fun, but I think I’ll head out.”

  “You don’t have to leave on my account,” I said as I took a step back from Tristan. I needed to create space between us before the heat grew more.

  Tristan chuckled as he pushed Chris toward the door. “Yeah, he does.”

  Laughing, I playfully hit Tristan on the shoulder. “Stop that.”

  Walking into the kitchen Joyce let out a happy yelp. “Dinner is ready. Chris, please say you’ll join us?”

  Holding up his hands, he shook his head. “No, no, Joyce, I don’t want to impose on family time.”

  Tristan pulled my seat out for me as he said, “Sure you do. You want to talk about your doggy daycare set up?”

  Chris glared at Tristan. “You don’t know how lucky you are there are women in the room right now.”

  Peter laughed, “Shit, that’s never stopped me from speaking my mind and it sure as hell has never stopped my sons.”

  “Peter Williams. Christopher, sit down, I want to hear all about this.”

  Smiling, I nodded my head. “Oh, me too! I’ve always wanted a dog.”

  Tristan dropped into his seat. “No. No dogs in a brand new house. Nope, I’m putting my foot down right now before this even comes up again.”

  Patting Tristan on the leg, I calmly said, “Okay, okay. Don’t get all upset about it. No dogs.”

  Glancing over to Chris, I mouthed, for now.

  Chuckling, he sat.

  Joyce set a giant bowl of homemade pasta on the table and another of homemade sauce. My mouth watered. I loved to cook but I never did. Cooking for just me was a pain. I always ended up making way too much and throwing it away or giving it to the
single guy who lived next door. The last time I brought food over, he came out and asked me if I just wanted to come in and have sex. When I said no, his face dropped. Then he said, “I take it I won’t be getting any leftovers from now on.” Smiling, I informed him he would indeed not be getting any more.

  Joyce started asking Chris about the vet clinic. Then the conversation moved to the doggy daycare. “Christopher, where are you going to find time? With the vet clinic keeping you so busy and now you helping out Tristan with the animals here, how will you be able to do all three?”

  Giving Joyce the sweetest smile he nodded his head. “Well, I would probably have to hire some employees for the boarding side. It wouldn’t just be doggy daycare.” Looking toward Tristan, Chris shot him a dirty look while Tristan laughed.

  Taking Tristan’s hand in mine, I gave it a light squeeze. “I think it’s a great idea, Chris. I’d even be interested in volunteering part-time for you.”

  Tristan’s head snapped up. “What?”

  “Yeah, I love animals and I think it would be fun. It would for sure be a way for me to meet people. Of course, I’d only be able to help out a few hours a week.”

  Chris sat up straighter. “Really, Ryn? Are you serious?”

  Giving him a wide grin, I said, “Yes! I’m totally serious. I run my own company, so I make my own hours. If you’d have me, I’d love to help you get things set up.”

  Chris’s eyes lit up and Tristan squeezed my hand. When I looked at Tristan, his smile was soft and gentle. Giving me a quick wink, I knew he was just as excited for Chris but he was having more fun giving him a hard time.

  I sat back and listened to Chris talking to Peter and Joyce. Peter was full of wonderful pieces of advice on where to start. Of course with Chris opening his own Vet clinic, he had a good sense on where to begin. It was then I took a really good look at him.

  Dark hair. Dark deep chocolate eyes. His skin looked like he had been touched with a kiss of sun. I wondered if that was part of his heritage or if he hit the tanning beds. His smile was warm and friendly. You could for sure tell he grew up on a ranch or farm. He had muscles but nothing too extreme.

  Leaning over to Tristan, I whispered, “Don’t you think Chris and Sierra would make a cute couple?”

  Tristan chuckled. “I was thinking the same damn thing earlier, I kid you not.”

  “Too bad she doesn’t live down here.”

  Tristan brought me in closer to him and kissed my forehead. “I’m so glad you’re here, Ryn. I’ve been feeling so lost without you.”

  My heart began to beat faster. Hearing those words from Tristan had me all kinds of gushy on the inside.

  I’ve been feeling so lost without you.

  Looking up at him, I smiled and whispered, “I love you.”

  Placing his finger on my chin, he brought my lips closer. “Oh, Ryn, baby, I love you.”

  Tristan Williams had officially taken hold of my heart . . . forever.

  Tristan had pulled up to the local honky tonk and parked behind another truck. “You sure you feel like going dancing?”

  “Yeah. I’m positive. Hey, Tristan, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you and I keep forgetting. The night I walked up on you and Chris talking, you had mentioned something about talking to me first about something. I forgot about it that night because the incredible hot sex down at the shop pushed it from my mind. I just remembered it.”

  Tristan’s face dropped. For one brief second, I felt uneasy.


  Pushing the fear aside, I waved my hand as if to blow it off. “You know what, never mind. Let’s go have some fun.” Grabbing my arm Tristan stopped me from moving.

  “Um . . . well . . . I probably should have told you this but . . . well . . . um . . .”

  Now I was really worried. And to top it off, Tristan was fidgeting. His eyes were looking everywhere but at me. “Tristan, you’re starting to worry me.”

  Biting down on his lip, I wasn’t sure if I should be worried, or utterly turned on. My eyes zeroed in on his teeth grasping his lip and I let out a soft moan.

  “Ah shit, I’m just gonna say it.”

  Still staring at his lip that he had just been biting on, I fantasized about having his mouth between my legs. His lips moving in such a way that he pulled out one incredible orgasm after another.

  I wanted him. I didn’t even care that we were sitting in a parking lot. The need to have him inside me was so incredible, I was fighting the urge to strip out of my panties and tell him to fuck me senseless.

  “Ryn, I organized a party for you. A surprise party. I know, I know you hate surprises. Azurdee told me, but I thought this would be fun and a great way to introduce you to all of Dad and Mom’s friends, as well as mine. I should have given you a warning. Baby, are you mad?”

  His lips were moving, but I wasn’t paying attention to anything he said. Something about Azurdee having a surprise party.

  I reached over and began unbuttoning his pants.

  “Um . . . what are you going to do?”

  Snapping my eyes up to his, I gave him a sexy smile. Unzipping his pants, I let out a groan when I saw his dick. Leaning down I took him in my mouth as his hips jumped.

  “Holy shit! Fucking A, Ryn, I should have told you sooner.”

  It didn’t take long before his dick was hard and ready. Crawling on top of him, I pushed my panties to the side and slowly sank down on him as I dropped my head back and let out a hiss.

  “Yes, you feel so good, Tristan. I needed this so badly.”

  Grabbing my hips, Tristan began kissing my neck. “Baby, people might see.”

  Lifting up slowly, I felt the heavenly feel of his dick sliding out of me. Dropping down quickly, we both moaned.

  “Fuck, yeah. Ride me, Ryn. Ride me hard.”

  Repeating the process over and over, I felt my build up. I was going to come hard and I was torn. I wanted to make this last longer and at the same time, I wanted to feel him explode around me while I fell apart.

  “Faster, Ryn. Come on baby, fuck me.”

  Doing as he asked, I began going faster. “Tristan, oh God, baby I’m so close.”

  “Goddamn it, Ryn. Fucking hottest thing every. I should have told you about your surprise party the first night you were home.”

  Surprise party? I slowed down to let what he had just said in.

  What surprise party?

  “Baby, no. Faster. Fucking hell, Ryn. Pound that shit down on me.”

  I organized a party for you.

  His words from earlier were starting to sink in.

  All of Dad and Mom’s friends, as well as mine.

  Oh. My. God. Holy hell.

  I quickly stopped moving and began looking around. It was two in the afternoon and anyone could see if they were walking by.


  “Hell yes, baby. I know it’s hot as hell, but baby I’m so close. Move, Ryn. Baby I need you to move.”

  Slamming my hands onto his chest, Tristan cried out. “Hell yes!”

  Hitting him again, he groaned and bucked his hips. “That’s it, baby. Fuck me, Ryn.”

  Then I began hitting him with my fists. He finally grabbed them and said, “Jesus, what is wrong with you?”

  “You. You did not.”

  Tilting his head as he wondered what in the hell I was talking about, he looked up and then looked back at me. “Am I supposed to know what you are asking me?”

  “Tristan! You planned a surprise party? And you didn’t tell me!”

  “Um . . . isn’t that what I just said a few minutes ago? I thought you were all into it and that’s what got you turned on.”

  Dropping my mouth open, I lifted off of him. I instantly missed him filling my body. I quickly dropped back into my seat and began looking around.

  “I can’t believe I did that. Anyone could have seen us and I just went to town on you like a horny slut.”

  Tristan laughed. “Yeah, ya did. It was awesome, bu
t why did we stop?”

  Looking at him, I shook my head. “First off, I was turned on by you biting down on your lip. It was the sexiest damn thing ever.”

  Lifting an eyebrow, Tristan smiled. “Really?”

  Smacking him, I said, “Really. I tuned out what you were saying, you ass! All I could think about was you being inside me. Then it all hit me.”

  Dropping my head back, I let out a small scream. “Why would you let me fuck you in broad daylight in your truck, knowing all of your parents’ friends were in there?”

  “So you are mad about the surprise party?”

  Widening my eyes in surprise that he even asked, I shut them quickly to gain some control over my emotions. “Tristan! I’m not only mad about the surprise party, but you let me fuck you in the parking lot of said surprise party! What were you thinking?”

  “I was thinking that I told you about it and the next thing I knew, my dick was in your mouth. What in the hell, Ryn, you’re sending me mixed signals here!”

  We sat there and stared at each other before I finally brought my hand up to my mouth and busted out laughing. It didn’t take long for Tristan to start laughing.

  Dropping his head back, he tried to take in breaths. Finally getting our laughter under control, Tristan let out a long sigh. “Oh shit. I’m sorry, Ryn. I should have said something about the party. I wanted you to be surprised.”

  Taking his hand in mine, I brought it up to my lips and kissed the back of it. “I’m not upset about the party. I know where your heart is, Tristan.” Looking around I peeked back over to him. “Do you think anyone saw us?”

  Tristan looked around. “Nah, I’m sure everyone is pretty much here and already inside. We should probably go in though.” Lifting his hips, he began zipping up his pants as I adjusted my panties and dress.

  Tristan got out of the truck and made his way over to my door. Opening it, he took my hand and helped me down. As we walked to the entrance, Tristan leaned down and said, “We will finish that fuck session in my truck tonight.”


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