Yolo: The Lovely Little Lunatic

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Yolo: The Lovely Little Lunatic Page 7

by Sa'id Salaam

  “This is nice,” Yolo marveled at the cute apartment. If she wasn’t living in a large mansion, she might want one just like it. It had nice furniture and all the latest electronics.

  “Thank you,” the preacher replied as if the church money hadn’t paid for it. This was no time for show and tell; he was ready to get his dick sucked and butt plugged.

  “Let me show you the bedroom,” he suggested and pulled her towards it.

  “This is ni… oh!” Yolo exclaimed when he shoved her on to the bed. She almost pulled the pistol from her purse until pastor dove tongue first under her dress. When she felt his mouth on her box, she finished her sentence, “Nice.”

  Yolo tried to stay professional but the good tongue-lashing turned her into a girl. She tossed her head, ‘oohing’, and ‘aahing’ until she ‘arghed!’ and erupted. The rev was an expert pussy eater and clamped his lips on hers to suck all the juice out the box. Would have sucked it inside out if she hadn’t stopped him.

  “Ok, my turn,” Yolo said prying his mouth off her vagina. She rolled off the bed and watched his strip so fast superman would have said ‘dayum!’

  Rev produced a nice thick erection that made Yolo glad she wasn’t having sex with the man. She meanwhile pulled out the specially designed dildo. It was so large she wondered if it would even fit. He took one look at it and hopped on the bed. He was doggy style with an arch in his back eager to get fucked. With his nasty ass. Yolo shrugged and went over to try it.

  “Mmm, give it to me,” Pastor moaned as he was penetrated.

  Yolo scrunched her face up in disgust as the device went in so easily. Almost as if, his ass had suction. She barely had time to turn it on before it disappeared from sight.

  “Oh yes! What’s that?” he gushed delightfully when it began buzzing inside of him.

  “That," Yolo began as she backed away out of blast range, “is a shape charge filled with buckshot. You really have to be careful about what you let people put in your ass you know.”

  The preacher frowned as he tried to process the words she spoke. It sounded dangerous but the vibrations felt wonderful. Had he had more time minus the distraction he would have figured it out. Only time was a luxury he didn’t have. The twenty second timer ran its course and the device detonated.

  A muffled explosion sent the buckshot into the man’s body. It ripped his internal organs to shreds killing him almost instantly. He tried to speak but his damaged lungs wouldn’t take in air. Instead, he closed his eyes and went to hell. It was messy just like ordered.

  Chapter 12

  As fun as killing the preacher may have been it was still only one man. Yolo was delighted when Casper told her about the next job. Most of the jobs were business related but this one was personal. This one was pay back and Casper wanted a front row seat.

  “Hey! Look it who it is!” Vito shouted as Casper walked into the Brighton Beach bar. There are plenty of bars in the Italian section of Brooklyn but this particular watering hole was the hang out of his old crew. This is where they came to unwind after a long day of mob activities.

  “The one and only!” Casper exclaimed happily. Truth be told, the only reason he was happy to see them all together was so they could die, all together. He eagerly accepted each outstretched hand and man hug.

  First was Guido since they were family. Cousins on their father’s side. That blood relation didn’t stop him a millisecond from snitching on the man. Even though Casper had nothing to do with the illegal pill mill he ran, he put all the blame on him when the feds came knocking.

  “Good to see you cuz,” Guido said embracing him. “Where you laying ya head dese days?”

  “Good to see you too. I got a little shack out on Long Island. Nothing fancy,” Casper replied referring to the mansion.

  “Pizan!” Joey cheered throwing his short stubby arms open. He had an amateur cocaine ring that he too blamed on Casper.

  “Look at you! Round as ever!” he said accepting the hug.

  Next were Pauly and Vito who also pinned their crimes on the outsider once they got pinched. The four made men knew they would be killed for violating the Mob’s no drug policy. Since the half-Irish Casper could never be a full member, they sold him out.

  The bosses were ready to snuff him out like a cigarette butt had he said one word. Even his friends were shocked when he kept it real, and kept quiet. He never got caught for his own operation but was going to prison anyway. It would have been crazy going to trial with that many fingers pointed at him. Instead, he took it on the chin, which led to him taking it up the ass.

  His first night in the big house was spent with a big black guy inside of him. The Baron saved his butt hole from further abuse and Casper vowed to take care of him for life. He made the large mute the face of his Black Mob and the rest was underworld history.

  Only fools forgive and forget. Casper was no fool and wanted revenge. He dreamed of it nightly until it consumed him. That day was the day, judgment day Italian style.

  “Drinks on me!” Casper announced setting off a round of applause at the first round of drinks. The bar had just emptied when the bartender Ray, brought over a bottle of cognac.

  “So what youse got going these days?” Pauly asked halfway through the second round. Judging by his attire, watch, and generosity, Casper was getting to the money.

  “Got me a small stable of whores. Just black and Latino cocksuckers,” he replied setting out the bait.

  “Good money in head?” Guido wanted to know. He should already know judging by how much money he spent on it.

  “Eh, it’s a living. Trick is volume; you gotta get ‘em in, get ‘em off, and keep it moving. I got this one black girl, natural born cocksucker! I swear she could come and get all of us off in ten minutes flat. Blow youse guys mind!”

  The table fell silent at the threat of good head. Nothing goes with cognac like a good blowjob. As a matter of fact, head goes well with everything. Makes everything better, fishing, driving, watching a movie, surfing the net, writing a book…

  “Call her up,” Vito said making it sound more like a dare than a request.

  “Yeah, hit her up. Get her over so we can see if it’s as good as you say it is,” Joey co-signed.

  “Youse guys really ready to have your brains blown?" Casper asked to be sure. Murder is always better when they beg for it.

  “Sure! Why not! Hells yeah! Run it!" came the replies from around the table. They begged for it.

  “Ok let’s see where she’s at,” Casper said reaching for his cell phone. He hit speed dial and got you know who on the line. “Where you at? I got some guys over here who desperately need their minds blown. Um huh…ok…great!"

  “W…w…what she say?" Vito stammered eagerly.

  “Youse guys are in luck, she leaving Brooklyn Heights now. She’ll be here in a few,” he announced setting off another round of cheers. No one noticed the fact that he didn’t give directions. Not that he needed to since Yolo was right outside.

  Yolo sat in the backseat of the car cyber-stalking Killa. She used Google Earth to take a virtual tour of the Bronx housing projects he grew up in. She planned to go make a pilgrimage there as soon as she got the nerve.

  The nasty ass preacher was her first brush with sex and was nagging her. She could still feel his big tongue on her vagina weeks later. As a result, she played in her toy box daily. It was time to meet this Killa person and give him some pussy. She had been saving herself for him.

  When she calculated enough time had passed to travel from the Heights to the beach Yolo prepared to go inside. Wasn’t much of a preparation since all she did was put a sawed off shotgun in her bag.

  “Someone ordered a blow job!” Yolo demanded as she stepped into the bar. She punctuated the question by standing wide legged with a hand on her hip.

  “We sure did!” Ray replied. He rushed over to lock the door behind her so they would not be disturbed. He should have ran. Should have took off up the street and ran for his li

  “So who’s first?” she barked.

  “Me!” everyman shouted raising a hand. Except Casper that is. He knew what was coming and wanted no parts of it. Not to mention, she was family.

  Vito jumped up but Pauly shoved him out of the way. Fat Joey was too slow and got up behind Guido. Pauly arrived first, dick in hand and was the first to die. Yolo whipped out the sawed off and blew his dick out of his hand. The bar shook from the roar of the shotgun.

  Vito frowned at the gaping hole where his manhood once lived. He was about to cry but Yolo shot him in his neck nearly taking his head off. Pauly tried to run but another blast from the shotgun opened a hole big enough to see through.

  Ray was about that action and tried to rush the girl. Yolo twisted her lips as if to say ‘yeah right’ and fired. The slug caught him in his kneecap and amputated it. She strolled over to finish him off.

  “Oh, oh! You remember that movie ‘Face Off’?” Yolo asked.

  “Huh?” Ray frowned. He of course remembered the movie, that was a good ass movie but he wasn’t in the mood to talk about it.

  “Forget it then,” she whined and took his face off with her next shot. “No sense of humor.”

  “Casper what the fuck!” Guido begged. “Make her stop!”

  “Look it cuz, I know youse hot about us selling youse out,” Joey guessed correctly. “I got a million dollars! Let me live and youse guys can have it!”

  “Where the fuck you get a mil from?” Guido wanted to know. They had been partners for years and he was nowhere close to that number.

  “I’ve been skimming from you fucks for years!” Joey laughed. “Cuzzo kill them cocksuckers and take the money!”

  “I’ll let Yolo decide. Let him live?

  “Um…nah,” Yolo giggled and fired. Joey’s head exploded like a Gallagher trick.

  “They would have killed us. The bosses, they would have killed our families,” Guido explained. “We had no choice.”

  “There’s always a choice. Yolo say good bye to Guido”

  “Bye Guido,” Yolo said and sent him bye-bye with a tug on the shotgun’s trigger. They looked around at the carnage in the room and nodded in satisfaction.

  “Have fun?” Casper asked as they hit the door.

  “I did! Thank you,” Yolo cheered happily then twisted her lips ruefully.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked seeing her lip poked out.

  “That’s only 36,” she pouted as if she were about to cry.

  “Well why don’t you blow up their funeral? That’ll get your number up a bit,” Casper offered in consolation.

  Of course, the lovely little lunatic agreed and did just that. She secured a bomb from the local bomb guy and planted it in the funeral home. When the joint funeral for the four close friends was held, she blew it up. The blast claimed twenty-five more lives bringing her death toll to a respectable 61. No too bad for a kid.

  Chapter 13

  “Nice!” Yolo sang as she looked at her reflection in the dentist’s hand held mirror.

  “Nice and dangerous. I can’t believe I let you talk me into making those,” the dentist lamented. He should believe it since he was greedy enough to do anything for money. That’s why Yolo was in his chair now. His ass was in trouble.

  The ‘those’ he spoke of was the platinum fangs he made for the girl. As the go to guy for hip-hop artists, he had fashioned plenty of them. Some had diamonds and rubies but none like these. These were fully functional with long dagger like canine and razor sharp incisors. Somebody could get hurt with those. Somebody was going to get hurt with those.

  The dentist along with all Black Mob associates were forbidden from doing business with anyone on Casper’s black list. Big Kodac was on the black list. The owner of Kodac records in Atlanta, GA was once a Black Mob drug dealer. He formed the record label as a front to launder dirty drug money. They signed one cornball rapper by the name of Nano just for show. The rap world obviously loves cornball, commercial crap as much as urban lit and he blew up.

  Blew up so high that he was soon generating millions in revenue for Kodac records. Kodac figured that since it was rap and not crack money that he didn’t have to pay. Figured wrong, dead wrong. He disappeared from sight knowing Casper would kill him. That got him put on the black list that the dentist violated by making the rapper a grill.

  Casper just happened to be channel surfing when he came across Nano doing an interview. He was amused by the illiterate little idiot’s antics until he shouted out the dentist and made one of those grimaces to show off the platinum and diamond teeth. Casper was furious at being disobeyed.

  “Yolo!” Casper screamed with just a hint of bitch in his voice. The Baron heard it too and smiled internally since he never smiled externally.

  The Baron recalled hearing Casper scream like that when B.B. took his bagina in prison. Bagina is boy pussy if you ain’t know. Casper heard it too and adjusted his voice down an octave to compensate.

  “Yes?” Yolo asked rushing into the den hearing the tone she loved so much.

  The Baron turned his head upon arrival of the scantily clad girl. Now that Grimsly was gone, she got to dress as sexy as she wanted to. Feeling safe around Casper and the Baron, she was almost always nearly nude at home.

  “You see those pretty gold teeth?” Casper asked pointing to the paused image on the hundred-inch screen.

  “Oh they are pretty! I want some!” she gushed like a girl.

  “I want those. I want you to go down to Atlanta and pull every one of them out of his mouth and bring them to me!”

  “Ok,” Yolo sang as casually as if he asked for a glass of tea. She turned ready to go do just that right then.

  “Wait! First, get you a set made from that traitor in Jamaica. Make it his last,” Casper growled.

  “Oh Jamaica! I can’t wait! I’ma go on the beach and swimming and…"

  “Uh…Jamaica Queens,” Casper interjected.

  “Oh, I knew that," Yolo said trying to play it off. “I’ll make an appointment.”

  It would be his last appointment of the day and his life when Yolo went for her final fitting. He took pride in his work and the finished product was as deadly as the customer wanted them to be.

  “What in the world do you plan to do with those young lady?” he had to ask as she practiced chomps in the mirror.

  “Kill people,” Yolo replied honestly still looking at herself.

  “That’s nice,” he said assuming she was playing. She wasn’t. The second he turned his back Yolo pounced. The man yelped in pain when she jumped onto his back and bit into his neck.

  A satisfying hot gush of blood filled Yolo’s mouth when she bit into his jugular vein. She clamped down and hung on as he thrashed wildly to survive. He would not survive. She went down with him when he dropped to his knees. When he fell face, first she went with him. She stayed on him until she felt the blood stop pumping into her mouth.

  “Grrr!” Yolo growled at her reflection with blood dripping from her fangs. It was all too funny to her and she cracked up giggling. “Thanks doc, they’re great!”


  Yolo spent the night before her plane ride researching plane crashes. Although relatively few and far between, the death toll was remarkable. She entertained the thought of shooting a plane down to meet her quota but shook it off. Killa never shot a plane down so she wouldn’t either.

  “Wish you were on the plane with me," Yolo told the picture of Killa she carried. “I’d take you in the bathroom and fuck you silly.”

  Yolo stared at that picture while she massaged her throbbing vagina. She called his name when she was about to cum, then blamed it on him when she did.

  “Mmm, see what you did?” she asked showing the picture the puddle she produced. The good nut put her down for a good sleep. She needed some rest because she had some killing to do.

  The Baron drove Yolo to the airport the next morning. She chatted incessantly to the back of his head from the backseat an
d he ignored every word of it. Increased security procedures meant she had to arrive hours before her flight’s departure. As fate would have it, she ended up in line behind a Muslim man.

  Yolo looked the man up and down twisted her lips up at his high water pants and crispy white thobe. He had a big fluffy beard and a dark prostration mark on his handsome caramel face. He felt her staring and turned to face her.

  “Good morning young lady” he offered with a sweet smile.

  “Just don’t blow the plane up” Yolo quipped through her own sweet smile.

  “Fuck you too young lady,” he shot back just as sweetly. Before Yolo got to say something else smart, a T.S.A agent arrived on scene.

  “Sa’id Salaam, would you mind stepping out of line for additional screening? We randomly select travelers for extra security,” he said courteously.

  “Sure,” he said and followed him to the room of randomly selected travelers. All Muslim, go figure.

  Yolo breezed through security with no problem. She didn’t have any weapons since they were waiting in Atlanta. Besides, she was a weapon. Looking like a cute college kid ushered her through security.

  “You must be Yolo!” Allo asked when she arrived at the terminal in Atlanta. He had compared the incoming faces against the picture he had.

  “And you must be Allo,” she shot back and shoved her carryon at him. She recognized him from his picture too. Yup, his ass was in trouble too. The smart mouth little man violated one of the 48 laws of power. He’d offended the wrong person and was going to die for it. He had instructions to pick her up and she had instructions to drop him off.

  Rapper Nano got his name from how much he weighed. The five feet four inch man was already small but because he ate more drugs than food, he was grossly underweight. He tipped the scales in a light in the ass 125 pounds.

  Nano was a rap star but lived like a rock star. He consumed cocaine, weed, X, pills, alcohol, syrup, pretty much any of everything. He kept a ten-man entourage consisting of a bodyguard, a hype man, a butler, and seven male groupies better known as homeboys. Yolo was delighted to be able to add them to her numbers as well.


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