Yolo: The Lovely Little Lunatic

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Yolo: The Lovely Little Lunatic Page 10

by Sa'id Salaam

“Move! Move out the way!” Tank boomed clearing a path for his trick ass employers.

  Just as the brothers reached the stage, Yolo scrunched up her face and bust a nut. A gush of P.J (Pussy Juice) soaked her box and dripped onto the stage below her. The brothers had seen enough.

  "Go tell Steve we're taking this bitch with us!" Pedro demanded sending the bodyguard in motion.

  "You, get dressed!" Gabby said into her vagina as if it was an ear.

  Yolo stood and wobbled slightly from the strong nut and six inch heels. She rushed back to the dressing room on spaghetti legs to get dressed. Once they got into the luxury sedan Yolo sat in the middle of the back seat and went for seconds. Pedro swerved from time to time trying to watch the show through the rearview mirror as he drove. His brother turned all the way around and watched as she came again.

  Gabby snatched Yolo from the back seat the second his brother pulled into their reserved space. Pedro put his finger into the puddle she left and tasted it, with his nasty ass. Inside, a coin was tossed to see who got which end of the girl first.

  "Heads!" Gabby called out hopefully as the quarter tumbled in the air. Him being a head man he wanted inside her mouth.

  "Heads it is!" his brother announced when the coin landed. It was cool with him since he was an ass man himself.

  Meanwhile Yolo glanced around the condo for weapons to kill them with. Pedro’s use of the bitch word made her want to beat him to death.

  "Here," Gabby demanded inching his inches towards her face. She popped the protective balls off the shoes and got ready. Pedro lifted her legs in the air to inspect her pretty juice box.

  She opened her mouth to allow Gabby inside. The second his dick head entered, she clamped down and thrust the daggers forward. Pedro was blinded for life but fortunately, that wouldn't be very long. He fell back into the glass table splashing the glass like water. He was the lucky one.

  "Yeeowe!" Gabby belted as the razor sharp teeth cut into his meat. Yolo covered up like a boxer to absorb the heavy blows he threw to dislodge her.

  He wailed away with both hands and slung his body attempting to get away. It wasn't until the fangs met that he got free. Minus his dick head and that's not really free now is it?

  "Here since you want it so bad," Yolo spat after she spat it back at him. What was she gonna do with it anyway? It bounced off his chest and he went after it. Yolo picked up a heavy glass ashtray and swung it with all of her might.

  "Bitch I'ma..."Gabby started to say until the next blow knocked the threat along with several teeth back down his throat.

  Yolo beat that man like a Hebrew slave who stole something, and that's pretty bad. When he lifted his arms to block the blows they were both broken. Somewhere along the beating, he accepted defeat and gave up. Death was a part of the life that he had chosen so no sense in bitching up when his turn came. He lowered his head in offering and she took him up on it. With one last swing, she split his wig and ended his life.

  "Now for the blind man," Yolo stated as she stepped over the corpse. Pedro was wallowing in the broken glass holding his empty eye sockets. "You don't look so good."

  "Gabby! Gabby get this bitch! Kill this bitch!" he screamed sounding just like a bitch. He was going to have to scream a lot louder than that for his brother to hear him. Or wait a second and tell him in person.

  "Un uh, the bitch killed Gabby," she sang. "Told you to leave Baltimore. You guys came together so you can leave together."

  Yolo stomped a deadly heel into his lung. She enjoyed the squeal he let out and did it again. And again and again until she was jumping up and down on the man. Somewhere along the line, he caught up with his brother.

  Taking a page from Mr. Grimsly’s textbook, she ruptured the gas line and lit a candle. Knowing the brothers wouldn't mind she borrowed their Benz and drove to the airport. 94 down, six to go.

  Chapter 17

  After Yolo returned from the Baltimore murders things ground to a halt. There were lots of people who needed killing but she couldn’t get a green light to go kill them. She made the mistake of telling Casper how close to her goal she was and he used it to control her. He was a controlling piece of shit like that. He could have easily sent her on a quadruple or a couple of double homicides but wouldn’t. Instead, he sent his newest hired gun Killa. Casper guessed correctly that it would create animosity between her and him. After all, one can’t have two of the nation’s most prolific killers in cahoots can one?

  All she could do was wait and hope. Wait for someone else to fuck up and hope to get the call to go kill them. To ease the monotony her free time was spent in her two favorite pastimes, murder, and masturbation. She watched the footage of Killa and Kitty in the condo more times than was healthy. She would always join in and make it a long distance threesome. To make matters worse the couple would pop into the condo, copulate for the cameras, and leave. Killa would often stare directly into one of the hidden cameras as he showed out.

  “If I ever catch you anywhere, any time I’m going to kill you,” Yolo told Kitty on the screen. “Broad daylight, mall, church, anywhere.”

  In Yolo’s twisted little mind her and Killa were a couple. Kitty was stealing her time with her man and had to die.

  Her other hobby was watching crime scenes from around the globe. She was fascinated by Al-Qaeda and I.S.I.S until she found out that terrorism is actually forbidden in Islam. Reports of recent beheadings in Central America caught her attention. Someone was killing women and keeping their heads. She paused to reflect on starting her own collection of body parts until multiple murders in the Bronx stole her thoughts away.

  ‘In what police are calling the midnight massacre ten men were found dead in the University Homes projects. There are no witnesses and police have no leads…’

  “Oh I know who did this,” Yolo sang. It had his name written all over it so she had to go see for herself. She felt a sense of pride as she sped towards the city to investigate.

  Killa was already back in Atlanta when the first bodies turned up. Even though he was long gone, Yolo could still feel his presence. The hairs on her arm stood up and moisture seeped into her panties.

  “Dang my baby aired this shit out,” Yolo marveled as she walked into the deserted courtyard. The entire projects were eerily quiet. There were no birds, no squirrels, even the breezed died out. Perhaps he killed them too.

  As she sat on a park bench, the bodies began to come out. Two from one building, three from two more. In all ten bodies where collected from around the housing project. She sat there basking in the murderous wake for hours. Even after life in the P.J’s began to move again.

  Yolo sat there watching people come and go not realizing that the pretty elderly lady with her pretty granddaughter was Killa’s grandma and niece. She casually watched them walk by until a familiar name rang in her ear.

  “Xavier if you behave yourself you can get a toy. One toy!” Sincerity stressed as she lead her son through the courtyard.

  Knowing that was Killa’s born name she instantly slipped into a rage. She knew he had a son named Xavier who lived with his aunt but she would not allow any more children. She would have pulled her gun and gunned that boy and his mother down on the spot had he looked like her man. Seeing the child bore no resemblance to either Killa or his mother she correctly assumed he was fathered by someone else.

  “Whew!” Yolo said to herself when she returned from her murderous rage.

  Unauthorized killings where more than just frowned upon in the Black Mob. You needed permission to hit someone from Casper himself. In fact, quite a few of Yolo’s 96 confirmed kills were violators of that rule. They ran a tight ship; you kill who you’re told to kill.

  Casper had ears and eyes everywhere so she wasn’t surprised when he connected him to the murders. When she arrived back at the Long Island mansion, he was scolding her boo for the freelance work. He was really putting it on too, being quite rude and sarcastic. That’s no way to talk to a killer. Definitely no way
to talk to Killa.

  “What’s wrong?” Yolo asked when Casper hung up the phone.

  “Your so-called boyfriend. He went on an unauthorized killing spree. Personal not business. I fined him this time but next time he gets a spanking,” Casper said as if he was the one who actually did the spanking.

  “Want me to go to Atlanta and kill his girlfriend?” she asked ready to catch the next flight out if given a nod.

  "Nah, not yet, Wait until the next time he fucks up. And trust me, he’ll fuck up again,” Casper replied admitting that he couldn’t control the man.

  “Oh, ok,” Yolo pouted like the spoiled brat that she was.

  “Oh cut it out,” he chuckled. “Don’t worry I got someone else who may need killing. An accountant who can’t count. If he gives you what he took let him live.”

  “If not?” she asked eagerly.

  “If not then you get to try out the D.C. 2000!”

  “Please, please, please be home,” Yolo pleaded as she drove to the home of Thaddeus and Philomena Frank. Together they would make number 97 and 98. No way was she trying to find that money.

  Not to mention she was eager to try out the Decapitator 2000 that just arrived. She went so crazy about the device she saw in a movie that she begged Casper to get her one made. She had instructions to take a hand for the theft if he returned the money. If not, off with his head.

  Yolo pulled into the circular driveway of the Frank home and parked. She adjusted the tiny Girl Scout looking outfit and got out. Instead of cookies, she carried a bag full of torture and killing tools. Behind her back was a powerful air gun that could kill without making a sound.

  “You rang!” Yolo bellowed like Lurch when she used the huge ornate doorknockers. They were only for show but set off chimes throughout the fancy house.

  “Well hello,” an elderly butler said politely upon answering the door. “And how can I help you?”

  “Oh! Oh! You’re 99! You’re 99!" Yolo cheered bouncing up and down as she added him to her twisted tally.

  “Oh no dear…I’ll only be 70 next week,” the gentleman chuckled.

  “Nuh uh,” Yolo sang and shot him in his smile. The burst of air shattered his dentures sending fragments into his brain.

  Yolo stepped over the dead man like he was a puddle and closed the door behind her. She nodded approvingly at the grand foyer of imported marble. She did a little tap dance and giggled at the sound echoing in the large space. Hearing sounds of life she inched forward to kill.

  “Hello?” Yolo asked Mrs. Frank when she found her nursing her baby in the nursery.

  “Oh! You startled me! Where is Mr. Stewart?” Philomina asked.

  “I don’t really know,” she admitted with a curious frown. She often wondered herself where people went after she killed them. She didn’t yet know that they entered the state of the grave to await judgment day. Judgment day was definitely coming.

  “Where’s your husband?" Yolo said moving to something easier.

  “Your guess is as good as mine,” Mrs. Frank huffed. She long ago gave up on trying to keep tabs on the man. She had enough dildos to fuck herself properly so fuck him. Just then, Thaddeus came in on his way out.

  “Honey I have a thing at the club eh…oh my!” Mr. Frank said before a look at sexy black girl caught the lie in his throat. “And who might you be young lady?”

  “I might be a Girl Scout who came to suck your dick in front of your wife…but I’m not. Casper sent me to collect the money you stole.”

  “I…um I don’t…what money?” Thaddeus asked to Yolo’s delight. Out came the gun and they marched to the dining room.

  Mrs. Frank only reluctantly handed her baby over when Yolo demonstrated the air gun. When it shattered a ten thousand dollar vase, she did as she was told. Yolo held the baby as the wife secured the husband. Next, Mrs. Frank was plastic cuffed to a chair.

  “Cute baby,” Yolo offered once she finally took a look at the child.

  “Yes, she’s an angel," Mrs. Frank pleaded desperately.

  “She’s about to be,” Yolo replied ready to give her wings. “Hey! Are babies real people? I mean do they count as whole people?”

  “Of course! They are real, whole people just as important as adults!” Philomena stressed. She relaxed a little from the look of elation the answer gave the intruder. It was of course the wrong answer and got the child added to the tally.

  “Great!” she cheered and skipped happily into the kitchen with the child. The child saw the smile and smiled back. She cooed and kicked her little feet until Yolo tossed her into the sink full of sudsy dishwater. The baby added a few more bubbles as it struggled to live, and then died.

  “Just like a chicken,” she recalled as she diced the child up according to a recipe for lamb kabobs.

  Yolo ignored the couples pleas, questions, and demands as she breezed back through the dining room. She hopped up the steps and pretended to look for money. Since finding the money was the last thing on her demented mind she went through all their shit. Her nosey little ass avoided anywhere the money could be in favor of being nosey.

  “Cute,” she said to a sexy maid uniform she stumbled across in the ‘hers’ closet. She quickly stripped and changed into it. She also discovered that Mr. wasn’t laying much pipe. At home anyway, because Mrs. had a large assortment of do it yourself dicks. Thaddeus would often tell her to go fuck herself not knowing she did just that.

  Once enough time had elapsed, she went back down stairs and served dinner. You know from the prologue how that turned out. Kill number 99 and 100 with two weeks to spare.

  Chapter 18

  Yolo could only bask in her glory for a short time. News of a lodge bombing that claimed over a hundred lives had Killa written all over it. Casper decided to send another message as well as drive a wedge between Yolo and her crush. They could never be allowed to become friends. Can you imagine Killa and Yolo on the same team?

  “So…I hear your boyfriend just had a baby?” he asked as if he did not know.

  “A wha…?” Yolo gasped as the heart breaking news knocked the air from her lungs. She had come to grips with the fact that he had a child with relatives in Philly but another one...

  “Yeah, seems like he had another girlfriend besides you. Don’t worry; mom and child are doing fine at Lincoln Hospital in the Bron…” Casper said and laughed when she bolted from the room.

  Yolo made it all the way to her truck before realizing she wasn’t dressed. She rushed back inside and donned one of her many disguises. A pair of colorful scrubs and matching sneakers was perfect for the occasion. She pulled a short red wig on and was back down the steps.

  She arrived in the Bronx in record time and rushed up to the maternity ward. Yolo’s heart broke so hard it could be felt and heard. To make matters worse, this was the same chick she had seen in the projects after the midnight massacre.

  “I should have killed her and her big head son,” she mumbled to herself. The newborn was a spitting image of his dangerous dad. He had his chin, his nose, and eyes. Those piercing brown eyes.

  She breezed around the room for hours until he came. In walked the beautiful man in the flesh. He had the smooth gait of a king yet humble as a peasant. He was Killa.

  “Oh my god, oh my god,” Yolo chanted, fanning herself when she saw the rock star. She decided she had to go in and get a closer look. Had to, besides her panties couldn’t get any wetter.

  “Is everything ok?” she sang as she breezed into the room. She and Killa locked eyes for a second that seemed like a month. He frowned one of those ’where do I know you from’ frowns at the faint recognition. She picked up the chart and nodded as she read it like she understood it. When she saw the patient’s name and address, she decided to keep it. She smiled and walked out just as grandma walked in.

  Yolo drove home with tears in her eyes. She wanted to be the one laying in a hospital bed with her hair all over the place and dry crusty lips. She pleaded with Casper to let her kill
the mother and child but was denied. Instead, he sent her back a week later to take pictures of her with his child to use as a threat.

  The threat was taken seriously and the veteran killer sent his family into hiding. As bad as Yolo wanted to kill them she had missed her chance. Luckily, for her, Casper had someone who really needed killing. Big Kodac was back in town.

  Big Kodac had been in hiding for over a year. He figured time had passed and the heat would be off. Boy was he wrong. The big man had made a fortune from the death of his star rapper. Not only did the insurance company pay off but also his sales went through the roof. They even released a new cd of unreleased songs entitled ‘Bitches Gon’ Miss Me When I’m Gone.’ He was right too, bitches did miss him, and the album went double platinum.

  New money meant new digs for the Kodac family. They traded their Atlanta mansion for an even bigger one. Of course, Yolo did her homework and figured her way in. The only security was a large bodyguard and three large presa de carnario dogs roaming the yard. The dogs were big and vicious but young, still puppies. Yolo made sure to visit with them each night with a treat. She covered chicken parts with human blood and they loved it. When the time was ripe, she made her move.

  “Yeah!” the large guard yelled at Yolo when he answered the intercom.

  “I’m the new cook,” she said sweetly, looking into the camera. No one could dispute that she was the new cook since she had killed the old one.

  “Can you fry chicken!” he demanded as if he’d turn her away if she couldn’t.

  “Of course!” she lied. She could boil a baby but other than that, Yolo wasn’t much use in the kitchen.

  “Ok then! Hold up, I gotta walk you in cuz the dogs might eat you,” he said and came out. To his surprise, the dogs were at the gate wagging their tails happily at the friend.

  “Is this the nanny?” Mrs. Kodac asked thrusting her child at her before she could answer. “My husband and I are going out, take care of the kids, cook dinner, and feed them damn dogs!”


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