The Halsey Brothers Series

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The Halsey Brothers Series Page 34

by Paty Jager

  She wanted to press against him, allow him the solace he sought, but she knew Cutter wasn’t far behind. The look on the man’s face when he mentioned her gun, hinted at knowledge. Her father gave her the gun. Could this man also have known her father?

  Chapter 13

  Maeve didn’t respond to his kiss. Zeke drew back. She averted her gaze when he searched her eyes.

  “Those men still bothering you?” He grasped her shoulders. “I’ll do my best to protect you. I promise.”

  “You can promise all you want, but if those men had wanted to, they could have killed you and,” she swallowed, “and done whatever they wanted to me.” She licked her lips and wiped at the tears stinging her eyes. “I don’t want you getting killed trying to protect me.”

  “If anything happened to you at the hands of the likes of them, I’d rather be dead then know I didn’t try to prevent it.” The conviction in his voice squeezed her heart.

  “Don’t say that.”

  “Maeve, when will you realize I’m not like your father? When I make a promise, I keep it.”

  She stiffened her backbone and glared at him. “How do you know my father hadn’t planned to come back to us? From his note, it sounds to me like he was killed or else he would have returned.” She had to hold onto that belief. It was the only thing that kept her quiet when Zeke insisted she not say who she was. If her father was murdered, she wanted to find the man and seek revenge. It would also validate the recurring memories of a man who loved her and would not have left her at the mercy of her jealous mother.

  “He very well could have planned to come back but met with disaster.” Zeke took her gloved hand in his. “I hope for your sake that’s what we find. But you have to wonder at why he shot a young man who apparently was at fault for nothing.”

  “If he shot Marsh’s brother. We could be chasing our tails.” She couldn’t lose faith in her father, not now that she finally believed in him again.

  “We aren’t going to find out sitting here.” He nudged his horse with his heels, and they took off at a trot. With a click of her tongue, the horse under her headed after them. She itched to find Barton and learn more about her father. The man appeared to know a lot. It angered her he disappeared before telling them all he knew.


  Zeke leaned on the saddle horn watching the small settlement of Boyd from a grove of alder trees on the north side of the town.

  “Are we going to sit here all day?” Maeve’s fidgets had her horse dancing.

  Her stomach had growled several times in the hour they sat watching. “I know you’re hungry. I just want to make sure Marsh and his buddies aren’t in town. Then we can go in, get something to eat, and maybe find a bed.”

  “I don’t see their horses anywhere,” she grumbled. He smiled. Losing her dinner from drinking too much and little sleep had made his companion cantankerous.

  “Let’s head in. If they’re here, we’ll confront them. Nothing else we can do.” He urged his horse out of the trees and headed for Main Street.

  The town was small, more of an outpost for the farmers and ranchers to get supplies and provide a church and school for their families. He spotted a large house with a sign “Boarders Welcome”.

  “Let’s try there for food and a bed. I don’t see much else.” He pointed to the two story home at the end of the street. Maeve nodded and urged her horse forward.

  They tied their horses to the rail in front of the yard and followed the dirt path winding through two rows of seedlings popping out of a well-tended bed.

  He took hold of Maeve’s elbow and knocked on the door. “Remember, we’re still married,” he whispered when she tried to pull her arm from his grasp.

  A woman about Ethan’s age opened the door. “Yes?”

  He removed his hat. “Ma’am, my wife and I were wondering if you would have a room for us and be willing to fix us a meal.”

  The woman looked from him to Maeve. Her mouth formed a disapproving line when her gaze landed on Maeve’s holster and gun.

  “I don’t take in people running from the law.” She backed up to shut the door.

  He stuck his foot through the opening before she could slam it shut. Her eyes widened in fear. He tugged Maeve forward and entered the house. “Ma’am, we aren’t running from the law. My brother is Marshal of Galena. We’re actually looking for a friend of ours.”

  The woman remained skeptical.

  Maeve took hold of the woman’s hand. “Please, my stomach is aching it’s so hungry. We’ve been traveling all night, and I really need some food and water.” Her pleading eyes must have done the trick.

  “Come on. I’ve some bread cooling and coffee’s always on.”

  Zeke breathed a sigh of relief as he followed the two women down a short hall to the back of the house. The kitchen held the heat and aromas from the day’s baking. His stomach rumbled and mouth watered.

  He held a chair out for Maeve and extended his hand to the woman. “I’m Zeke Halsey and this is Maeve.” He refrained from saying my wife, knowing how that rankled his companion. He hoped one day the word would bring her joy.

  “Mrs. Langley. Violet Langley.” She took his offered hand and reached out to Maeve.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Langley,” Maeve said, pulling her gloves off and taking the woman’s hand.

  Mrs. Langley pushed a loaf of bread and a knife across the table to Maeve. “You cut some slices, and I’ll get the coffee.”

  Zeke took a seat next to Maeve and watched as she sliced the bread and took a bite. Her eyes closed, and he wished he could lean over and lick the crumbs from her lips.

  “Who are you looking for?” The woman’s words jerked him from his daydreams.

  He saw the hesitation in Maeve’s eyes. “Jack Marsh.”

  The woman narrowed her eyes as she set two cups of steaming coffee on the table. “Why would you be looking for that man?”

  “We’ve got some unfinished business with him.” Soon as the words came out he realized his mistake.

  “Mr. Halsey, anyone with unfinished business with that man, isn’t welcome here.” Mrs. Langley swung her arm and pointed to the door.

  Maeve stood. “Violet, it isn’t what you think.” She pulled out a chair and motioned for the woman to sit. They stared into one another’s eyes a moment before the older woman nodded her head once and sat. He wondered what the exchange had meant.

  Taking her seat, Maeve crossed her arms on the table in front of her and leaned forward. “Violet, we believe Jack Marsh has a friend of ours. They both went missing at the same time. This friend has information about my pa, someone I thought walked out on my mother and I years ago.” The emotion in her voice had captured the other woman’s attention. The vulnerability she displayed surprised him. Maeve had never shown him anything other than a tough, no-nonsense woman. He’d have to think on how she could so easily lay herself out there to this stranger, yet dig a canyon between them.

  “The man Marsh has taken may have information about my father’s disappearance.”

  Mrs. Langley placed a hand on Maeve’s. “Who is your father?”

  Maeve stole a look at him, he shrugged. Might as well see what happens.

  “Brendan Loman.”

  Mrs. Langley pulled back. “I see.”

  “Did he kill Jack’s brother?” Zeke joined the conversation. The woman’s trite retort had straightened Maeve’s back, and he saw the flint in her eyes sparking.

  “Yes. Brendan Loman killed Samuel Marsh. My way of thinking no man should kill, even if the other person doesn’t have any scruples.”

  He raised an eyebrow. This wasn’t the way the old man at the saloon painted Samuel Marsh.

  “Samuel wasn’t the pillar of the community?” He grasped Maeve’s trembling hand. She didn’t want to believe her father had killed a man. With this new information, it could have been self defense.

  “Both them Marsh brothers come from a well-to-do family and could have
had a good life. But they both wanted more. Samuel gambled. Neither one was above doing anything to get it.” Mrs. Langley pulled the bread loaf to her and sliced, setting another piece in front of each of them.

  He didn’t like the sound of it. What did Barton know or have that Jack Marsh wanted? And what would he do to get it?

  “Does Marsh have a place around here?” Zeke took a bite of the bread.

  “The old ranch site. It burned down a year or so after Samuel died. Took both Mr. and Mrs. Marsh.” The woman crossed herself. “Just as well, they’d both have died seeing what their remaining son did with his life.”

  They were getting close, he could feel it. “This ranch, where is it?”

  Maeve started to rise. He placed a hand on her shoulder, holding her in the chair. They weren’t racing out to the ranch this moment. They both needed sleep.

  “East of town about three miles.” Mrs. Langley rose. “I’ll show you to your room. Dinner will be ready at six.”

  The woman motioned for them to follow. She moved back down the hall and to the staircase.

  “We should go now,” Maeve whispered loudly. Zeke held her hand, making her climb the stairs to the second floor.

  “No. We haven’t had a decent night’s sleep in a week. We’re going to sleep in a bed and be rested when we find Marsh.” He grasped her elbow as Mrs. Langley stopped beside a door.

  “This room will be the darkest this time of day.” She turned the knob, revealing a pleasant room nearly filled wall to wall with a poster bed.

  He propelled Maeve into the room. “Thank you.”

  “There’s fresh water in the pitcher. I’ll bring more in a bucket and leave it at the end of the hall.” Mrs. Langley pulled the door closed.

  When the woman’s footsteps faded, he relinquished his hold on Maeve.

  “Why couldn’t you ask for separate rooms?” Maeve stalked to the stand holding the pitcher and bowl. She unbuckled her holster hanging it from the peg on the wall and tossed her gloves on the bureau.

  “That would give the woman even more to wonder about us after we said we were married.”

  “You didn’t really say we were married.” Maeve flung her hat at him and poured water into the bowl.

  “I wish you would realize I’m not saying or implying it to torture you. I’m trying to keep you safe.” He dropped both their hats on the one chair in the room and sat on the edge of the seat to pry his boots off. He glanced at the inviting bed. Sleeping on the floor wasn’t going to happen. If they were getting close to Marsh and Barton—and his gut told him they were—he needed to be rested.

  Maeve finished washing her face, neck, hands, and arms as far as she could without taking off her blouse. It wasn’t so much being thought of as Zeke’s wife—it was the closeness it brought. Just like now. One bed—two of them. The weariness had started to creep around Zeke’s eyes during the night. He had to rest to keep them on Barton’s trail. She tapped the floor with the toe of her boot and grimaced. It was hard. Not even a rug for cushion.

  “Take off your boots and clothes.” She glanced toward his voice and heat curled in her mid-section. Zeke stood barefoot in his body-hugging red drawers. His muscles stretched the fabric, displaying his body in a way the over clothes could never reveal. The top buttons were undone to mid-chest, displaying a delicious patch of brown, curly hair.

  She couldn’t speak. When he moved toward her, she couldn’t back up. Her feet were rooted, her eyes locked on his.

  Zeke took her hand, leading her over to the chair. “Sit.”

  She sat and he unlaced her boots, drawing them off her feet.

  “Do you want me to help you with your clothes?” The huskiness in his voice fluttered her insides. Did she want him to help her undress? And if he did…what then?

  The past year, she’d denied the attraction she felt for this man. Glancing into his eyes, she couldn’t deny the desire blazing in their brown depths.

  Her trembling hands unbuttoned her blouse as he knelt in front of the chair. He growled as she one by one opened the blouse and revealed her silky, lace-edged chemise underneath. His gaze followed the path of her hands. When she reached the waistband of her skirt, he stood, pulling her up in front of him.

  He clumsily unfastened the buttons on her skirt and shoved it down over her hips, revealing the lacy, body-hugging drawers he’d purchased for her. She stepped out of the skirt as he pushed the blouse off her shoulders and onto the floor.

  “I promise, we won’t do anything you don’t agree with,” he said, before covering her mouth with a hungry kiss.

  She leaned into his strong arms. His lips were full, warm, and wet. His tongue elicited sparks of heat as he skimmed her lips. She sighed, giving him access. Heat scorched to her toes.

  Zeke scooped her up. She wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her head against the curve of his jaw. His strength and the gentleness in which he carried her to the bed made her feel treasured. Something she briefly remembered as a child. Before her father disappeared.

  He placed her on the bed and lay down beside her. “Maeve, honey, we’re both tired. I don’t want you giving in to me because you aren’t thinking clearly.” He turned her to her side, cupped his body behind her, and pulled her tight against him with his other arm. “Sweet dreams,” he murmured into her hair.

  Her body buzzed with anticipation. His hardness pressed against her backside. His heart raced against her back. Why was he being a gentleman now? How could he get her all stirred up and just go to sleep? She’d never get to sleep with the way her body throbbed.

  Spinning under his arm, she faced him. His eyes slowly opened. Placing a hand on either side of his face, she lowered her lips to his. She’d never had a need to learn the art of seduction, but from his intake of breath and flashing eyes, she did something right.

  As soon as her lips touched Zeke’s, his arms banded around her, pressing her aching breasts against his hard chest. His hands splayed across her bottom, pressing her against his hardness. The pulse between her legs caused her to moan with desire.

  He pulled back from the kiss. His dark eyes scanned her face. “You know what we’re about to do makes you mine?”

  “I won’t belong to anyone, but I want this.” And she meant it. Making love with Zeke would bring them closer and ease the ache in her, but she would belong to no one. She couldn’t let herself care that much, or she would be devastated when he left. And he would.

  She tossed her thoughts aside and tangled her hands in his hair, pulling his mouth to hers. She’d take what she wanted. Then he wouldn’t feel obligated. She feasted on his lips as his hands massaged her body.

  “Damn!” He twisted her onto her back, his body covered hers. All his long, lean muscles rubbed against her. He grasped the bottom of her chemise, pulling it over her head. His gaze fixed on her bare breasts and he stilled. Was something wrong with them? She crossed her arms over her chest. He grasped her wrists, holding her arms above her head.

  “Don’t you dare cover up, you’re beautiful.” And he descended. The warm sensation of his mouth covering her sent shudders of delight down her extremities. The rhythm of his tongue flicking the nipple heightened the throbbing between her legs, and then… Oh heavens! He nipped and tugged at the tips with his teeth. Her body bucked pressing her hips against him.

  Warm hands slid down her arms, along her sides, and massaged the ache at the juncture of her legs. His hand slipped under her drawers and something slid inside her. Stars danced in her head, and her body hummed.

  Nothing had prepared her for the sensations this encounter evoked.

  Zeke growled and ran his hands down her hips under her drawers, pushing the garment down her legs and over her feet. She didn’t want to be the only one without a stitch of clothing. With shaking, anxious hands, she unbuttoned his red flannels, pushing them off his shoulders, down to his waist. She bit her lip, knelt beside him, and slid her hands down his hips as he’d done to remove her drawers. The sight of his
maleness made her throb. She shoved the flannels off his feet and to the floor.

  Before she could lie back down, Zeke had her under him. Using his forearms to hold his weight off her, he gazed into her eyes.

  “This will be a little uncomfortable at first. But just hang on, and I promise, it’ll be worth it.” His husky voice and promise conjured up delightful thoughts.

  He slid a leg between hers, gently parting them. She had a general idea of what was about to happen. When he pushed against her, she stiffened.

  “Shh. It’s about there.” Zeke kissed her and held his body up off her with one arm while pushing between her legs. She felt him enter and jerked back.

  “No, honey, don’t think about it. Feel it.” He captured a breast in his mouth, and her body trembled as waves of heat rippled. With a quick thrust, he penetrated her maiden barrier and held still.

  Maeve shuddered a brief, delicious moment. She wanted more. Wanted him deeper and faster. Clutching his backside, she pulled him close. He began to move slow, gradually picking up the pace. She bit her lip when a hot wave of light shattered her quivering body. Her limp arms slid to the bed and Zeke released.

  He collapsed on top of her. The thump of his racing heart and the heat of his body made her smile. He rolled to her side, tucked her up against him, and fell asleep.

  She smiled. This was a moment she would savor. When this was over, she would not regret giving herself to Zeke.

  Chapter 14

  The feel of something warm and smooth invaded his dreams. Zeke moved his hand across a silky expanse of skin. His fingers bumped into a soft mound. He cupped the breast, memorizing the weight and size. Yes, Maeve had given her body to him. But that was all. He would never get enough of her, but he wanted all of her, not just her body. When would she trust him and give him her love? When would she believe he would never leave her?

  He wanted to find Barton so Maeve would learn the truth about her father. Find out if he didn’t return because he couldn’t or wouldn’t. He hoped it wasn’t the later. He’d never get her to believe he loved her and would never cut out on his responsibilities.


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