The Halsey Brothers Series

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The Halsey Brothers Series Page 59

by Paty Jager

  Ethan stared at his brother. How did he know the thoughts running in his head?

  Clay lumbered to the door. Just before he stepped through, he winked and then said loudly, “Bet it takes all night before any of you can beat me.”

  Ethan groaned at his brother’s innuendo. Aileen had finished pumping water into the basin and was now adding hot water from the reservoir on the cook stove.

  “There’s no need to help me.” She dumped the boiling water into the dish pan.

  “The faster you get the dishes done, the faster we can,” he cleared his throat, “get to know one another better.”

  She rounded on him, her fists perched on her hips. “Ah dinnae know what came over me earlier. But thinkin’ the thoughts ye are—” She shook her head. “‘Tis a bad idea.”

  “How can wanting to hold you in my arms and not worry about someone barging in be a bad idea?” He wasn’t going to let her off that easy. Her statement conjured up images of her naked, and he planned to hold her to it.

  “Because…well just because.” She turned to the dish pan, scrubbing the dishes with vigor.

  He placed his hands on her shoulders. She flinched but didn’t move out from under his lightly resting hands. He felt the warmth of her skin through her blouse. She wasn’t a woman carrying too much meat. She wasn’t too skinny either. Doing a man’s work had given her hard muscles.

  Gently, he pulled her back against him and slid one arm around her. He sniffed her hair. She smelled of baked goods, soap, and woman. He preferred this to the sickly sweet scent of the prostitutes he’d visited.

  Her pulled up hair revealed her long neck. The smooth skin beckoned. He placed a light kiss below her jaw. Her chest expanded as she sighed. He smiled. She could put her claws out all she wanted, but she was attracted to him.

  “Aileen, I don’t want to fight with you. I only want to hold you and spend time with you.” He spun her slowly. Her eyelids veiled her thoughts, and her lips trembled.

  He placed a hand on either side of her head and tipped her face up. “I promise to never hurt you. It’s not in me to harm a woman or a child.” Lowering his head, he captured her mouth and savored the softness, warmth, and taste of her.

  Her arms circled his neck, and her body molded to his. He moved his hands down her back and over her backside, cupping the firm mounds in his hands. Desire knifed through him. He ran his hands up, kneading her back and capturing her head once more.

  With effort, he pulled out of the kiss and leaned his forehead on hers. “Let’s finish these dishes and go for a walk.”

  Her dazed eyes cleared and she nodded. Together they finished the dishes in record time. Her cloak was by the back door, but his coat was in the room where the others played dominoes. Not wanting to disturb them or let on they were headed outside, Ethan left his coat and pulled Aileen out the door like a smitten youth.

  Once outside, he captured her into his arms again. He’d never get enough of her sweetness. They were both panting when he pulled away and grasped her hand, leading her over the bridge and toward the stamp mill.

  “Why are ye takin’ me to the mill?” she asked but followed obediently.

  “Because it’s a little warmer in there and better than standing out here in the open. And if Clay or Hank decide to check on us, and find us gone, they’ll come looking. At least in here, we’ll have some notice when they show up.”

  She started to protest, but he captured her lips once more and danced her over to a corner where he’d spread a blanket earlier.

  Chapter 20

  Aileen whirled out of his strong arms. It was one thing to carry on with heated kisses and quite another for him to be so sure he’d already spread a blanket.

  “Ah’m no’ some loose woman ye can just spread a blanket and have me spread my legs.” She fisted her hands on her hips and stared at him. Mon! But he was a handsome man. And his touch turned her body into a pool of hot puddin’.

  “I didn’t plan to seduce you here.” His lips curved into a mischievous smirk. “I didn’t plan it, but if it happens, I’m not complaining.”

  She burst out laughing. “Mon, but ye are too truthful for yer own good.”

  He pulled her into his arms. “I love to hear you laugh. It’s a sound I could listen to every day and never tire.” The sincerity glistening in his dark eyes formed a lump in her throat.

  The man knew what to say, she’d give him that. “’Tis been a while since ah’ve felt like laughin’ much.”

  She craved the arms that held her tight. He pressed her head to his chest. His heart beat steady and strong under her ear. Her arms circled his waist. She closed her eyes and reveled in the masculine scent, the strong body, and the tender hold.

  “Aileen, all I want from you is your trust and some time alone with you.” His voice rumbled under her ear. “If we—you know get to the point where you want to do more than hold each other and kiss, well—I’m willing.”

  She couldn’t hold the snort that escaped as she backed out of his embrace. “Ah swear ‘tis all ye men think about. Yer boaby.”

  In the faint moonlight filtering through the windows, his face contorted in confusion.

  “What’s a boaby?” he finally asked.

  “Yer—man thing.” She pointed to his crotch and burst out laughing as his face deepened in color.

  “You’re a wicked woman to talk so brash,” he said, pulling her back in his arms and kissing her till her knees gave way.

  With gentleness, he lowered her to the blanket. The minute her back hit the cold material, she reared up. He steadied her with his hands, caressing the back of her neck, down her aching shoulder muscles, and lower, cupping a breast and fondling it. His touch was soft, tentative, and captivating.

  She moved into his hand, allowing him to feel and elicit shimmers of warmth through her body. This was a man she could trust not only with her body, but with her life. She had known it the first day he set foot on her land, and tonight she knew it with her heart.

  She wound her arms around his neck, rubbing her body against his, kissing his neck and cheek. She snuggled her face against his freshly shaven cheek. He moaned and pulled her tighter, moving his hips against hers. She knew he had to be about to explode, but she wasn’t giving in. Not this first time. If she finally gave herself to a man after the horrors she faced with Mr. Miller—She shivered at the thought of that man’s handling of her.

  “Are you cold?” Ethan pulled the blanket up from the side, covering her.

  “Nae. Ah had a flash o’—” How could she tell this man, who was nothing like Mr. Miller, that she thought of that monster when he kissed her.

  “I will never hurt you.” His warm lips traveled down her neck, leaving a wet trail. He nuzzled the opening of her blouse, popping open the top button and exposing her to his hungry lips. The softness of his kisses and the reverence in which he held her, took her breath away. She buried his head between her breasts, giving him what he sought and knew the next time they were alone, she would not deny him.

  “Ethan! We’re heading home!” Hank called from outside.

  “Damn!” Ethan sat up, helping Aileen to sit beside him. He wasn’t going to have either one of his brothers find him or Aileen in any state of undress. He buttoned her blouse and pulled her to her feet. She smiled up at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and enticing him with her sweet lips.

  He pulled her into his arms, drinking in what she offered. Footsteps crunched on the river rock they put in front of the mill to allow drainage of excess water.

  “We better continue this another time. I think we have company coming.” He kissed her quickly and kicked the blanket into a heap in the corner. He’d get here early in the morning and hide it before anyone showed up to work.

  Capturing her hand in his, he opened the door and caught Hank in the act of reaching for the latch.

  “You giving Aileen a tour in the dark?” The sarcasm in his brother’s voice didn’t bother Ethan. He’d learned to
night Aileen was having the same feelings toward him that he had for her. Just knowing his feelings were reciprocated elated him as much as if they had done more than kiss.

  “We just wanted some time alone. Thanks for entertaining the kids.” Ethan smiled at the expression of surprise on Hank’s face. His brother thought he’d deny what they’d been up to. Well, he’d soon learn his older brother was courting the woman.

  Aileen tugged at the hand he still held. “I’ll walk Aileen back to the house. How about you and Clay round up the horses?”

  He stepped past Hank, leading Aileen to her kitchen door. “I hope you don’t mind, but it’s about time my brothers and anyone else knows how I feel about you.” Before she could make a comment he kissed her quick and walked away. He didn’t want to ruin a perfect night with her rounding on him.

  And she would. He smiled at the thought of sparring with her tomorrow. Because he knew they would when he came to wait for men to interview for work at the mill.

  Hank held out his horse’s reins. “So you’re not going to hide anymore?”

  Ethan swung up onto his horse. “No, I’m not.”

  “Not what?” Clay asked, riding up beside them.

  “Not hiding the way Aileen and I feel about each other.” Ethan nudged his horse up the clearing alongside the track to their mine.

  Clay trotted up beside him. “You’re what?” He grabbed Ethan’s reins, stopping the horse. “You know what people are going to say?”

  “That it’s about time a woman took my fancy?”

  “No, that you’re just as crazy as she is. You think that’s going to be any good for business?”

  “It’s nobody’s business but mine who I court. And it shouldn’t have anything to do with business.” Ethan nudged his horse forward. If people were so narrow-minded they didn’t do business with them because he was courting Aileen, then they didn’t need their business.

  “I think you’re looking for trouble with this. Can’t you just take care of your randiness in Baker City and keep Aileen strictly business?”

  “I’m not randy!” Turning in the saddle, he peered at Clay. “I enjoy Aileen’s company and find her fetching. If you have a problem with that, then maybe you need to find other means of work than the mill.”

  Clay raised his hands. “I’m just telling you what people will say.”

  “Only people like Miles would think that way.” Ethan started his horse toward home once more. They’d just have to hope people like Myrle and Mrs. Fellowes would spread good words about them and with time the naysayers would come around. He’d like Aileen to feel a part of the community before she left.

  The thought of her leaving set like a sledge hammer in the pit of his stomach.


  When they arrived at the cabin, Ethan noticed a telegram stuck in their door. He dismounted and pulled the sealed note out of the crack. Stuffing the missive in his shirt pocket, he helped tend to the animals. In the cabin, Hank lit the lantern and they all sat at the table to see what the note said.

  Ethan read it out loud. “We should be in Sumpter on Friday. Stop. Zeke and Maeve. Stop.” He looked at his brothers then around the cabin. “What’s today? Tuesday?”

  Hank nodded.

  “Someone needs to go to town tomorrow and get a regular bed.”

  Clay looked at him like he’d caught a fever. “Where do you plan to put it?” He swung his arms, emphasizing the already filled space.

  “At Aileen’s. We’ll move her cot in with Shayla and put the bed in her room for Zeke and Maeve while they’re here.” The more Ethan played the idea over in his head, the more he liked it. Yes, a nice bed for Aileen. One that two people could fit comfortable in. He unbuttoned his shirt.

  “You doing this for Zeke and Maeve or you and Aileen?” The accusing tone from Hank was uncharacteristic.

  He narrowed his eyes. “What if I said both?” He looked from one brother to the other. “What do you two have against Aileen?”

  “She’s got a bold mouth. And you can’t see she’s making a fool out of you.” Hank stood up and slapped his hands down on the table as he leaned toward Ethan. “Can’t you see she’s just using you to get what she wants?”

  Ethan shook his head slowly. His brother didn’t have a clue. If anything he was using her. “She’s not using me. I gave in to all her requests because I want that mill for this family.”

  “You know good and well there could have been another way.”

  Ethan glanced at Clay. He nodded his head.

  “Neither one of you see. I helped this family, yes. But they are not using me.” He stood, turned out the lantern, and dropped his trousers. “Let’s get to sleep. I have interviews to conduct tomorrow. Clay, you go to town and get the bed.” He flopped onto his cot.

  Ethan lay on his back, staring up at the black space above him. What was it going to take for his family to see Aileen wasn’t manipulating him? Anyway, not more than he was willing to allow.

  The memories of their shared kisses warmed his chest and didn’t harden him. Contentment eased his worries. It was satisfying to know he could think of her and feel more than a need to release his desire. What did it mean?


  Aileen placed the last breakfast dish on the drain board when the office banged shut. Expecting to see Ethan, she hurried through the living quarters and pushed the door to the office open. A man of average build and height stood at the counter. He pulled a dusty derby off his head as she entered.

  “Would yer husband be around?” he asked in an Irish lilt.

  “Ah’ve no husband.” She eyed him warily. What would an Irishman be doing here asking about her husband?

  The perplexed expression on the man’s face almost made her drop her guard and soothe him, but she was more concerned over why he was in the office.

  “I’m lookin’ for a Mr. Halsey. I assumed he lived here.” The man smiled. A tooth on the right side of his mouth was black.

  “He should be here shortly. Ye can wait for him outside.” Aileen turned to head back into the living quarters.

  “I’m Orin Healy.”

  She spun around at the name, but kept her expression neutral.

  He smiled, his eyes narrowing. “And who might you be?”

  “My clerk,” Ethan walked through the office door. Relief ebbed through her. She could leave now.

  “What can we do for you Mr.—” Ethan held his hand out to the man.

  Mr. Healy shook hands and sized up Ethan. Aileen hid a smile as the man tipped his head back to look into Ethan’s face.

  “Healy. Orin Healy. I heard in town you be lookin’ for workers.”

  His statement twisted her gut. She didn’t want him around. He had the same name as Patrick’s cousin. If he was the same man, it wouldn’t be long before Roderick found them.

  “I didn’t expect anyone to show up for interviews until this afternoon.” Ethan moved the half door and took a position at the counter, placing himself between her and the man.

  “I happened to be at the telegraph office and the agent asked me to deliver the message to the newspaper.” The man raised his hand when Ethan glowered at him. “I wasn’t readin’ anythin’ I shouldn’t have been. The man just handed me an open piece o’ paper with the advertisement.”

  She’d heard enough. He sounded like the conniving man she remembered. She turned to go through the door.

  “Aileen, would you hand me a piece of paper and a pencil, please?” Ethan sent her a confident smile.

  She wasn’t sure what he was up to, but she did as he asked, staying as far away from the man as she could and not look ridiculous handing Ethan the supplies.

  “Mr. Healy, write down your name, past work experience, and where I can contact you if I decide to hire you.” He slid the paper and pencil toward the man and turned back to her. “I could use a cup of coffee.” He grasped her elbow and escorted her into the next room.

  “Why are ye even givin’ him the time o’ day?” S
he spun blocking his entrance to the kitchen.

  “Every man who comes in asking about working here will have the chance to apply.” He peered into her face. “What’s wrong with him? Was he inappropriate before I arrived?” She saw the anger start to build in his eyes.

  “Nae, but ah dinnae like his attitude.”

  “He sounds Irish to me. I’d have thought you’d like to talk with someone from Ireland.”

  She ducked her head. She wasn’t ready to tell Ethan everything about her past. Or the fact she feared running into anyone who knew her and Patrick.

  Ethan took a step toward Aileen, she backed away. Something about the man in the office disturbed her. Was she worried he’d be jealous if Healy had talked sweet to her? He was jealous the man affected her. Wanting to lay claim, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. When she didn’t fight, he deepened the kiss, wandering his hands down her back and drawing her hips tight against his own.

  “Momma?” Shayla’s hesitant voice doused his desire like a bucket of cold water.

  Aileen started to bolt from his arms. He didn’t relinquish his hold. He wanted Shayla to get used to him holding her mother.

  “Act normal. She hasn’t seen you kiss a man and needs to know I’m not hurting you,” he whispered.

  Aileen nodded her head, relaxing against him and smiling at her child. “Darlin’ what is it ye need?”

  Ethan circled an arm around Aileen’s shoulders. Her head came to the bottom of his chin. He looked over it and winked at Shayla. The child giggled and ran over, throwing her arms around both their legs.

  The emotions that overcame him nearly made his chest burst. Pride, protectiveness, and—love. He choked on the thought. Gasping for air, he let go of Aileen and took a step backward. He couldn’t love them. He didn’t want a family.

  Aileen and Shayla became a blur as his world spun out of control.

  “Ethan.” Aileen’s voice sounded shrill and distant. “Ethan!”

  He shook himself and pushed through the kitchen door to sit on a chair. Shayla climbed onto his lap and stared into his face. Out of the corner of his eye he watched Aileen bustling about the room.


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