The Halsey Brothers Series

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The Halsey Brothers Series Page 122

by Paty Jager

  “Mange takk, Far. I think we’ll have as wonderful a life as you and Mor.” Her heart skipped as her gaze reconnected with Hank. His strength, love, humor, and commitment would fulfill her every need.

  Far led her through the crowd and straight into Hank’s hands. The warmth of his hands clasping hers and the love shining in his eyes, told her their life together would be wonderful.

  Hank didn’t hear the words spoken by the preacher. His gaze held only Kelda, and his heart thundered in his chest knowing she was his from this day forward to love.

  Kelda’s eyes danced with merriment. She leaned forward and whispered, “Say I do.”

  “I do.”

  The crowd laughed.

  Kelda said loud and with commitment, “I do.” Her eyes glistened with love and good humor the qualities that drew him to her.

  “You may now kiss your bride.”

  She leaned forward. “Did you hear that?”

  “Yes, I did.” Hank embraced Kelda to his heart and kissed her deep, long, and with the heat he planned to show her on their wedding night.

  Whoops from the crowd broke his kiss, and he swung her around twice before planting her by his side and facing their guests.

  “Ladies and Gentleman, may I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Hank Halsey.” The preacher said, and the crowd erupted in applause.

  His heart couldn’t get any happier. He pulled Kelda back into his arms. “I love you and plan to spend the rest of my life showing you.”

  “I love you and plan to show you just how much.” She raised onto her toes and kissed him with the unabashed fervor he loved.


  Christmas 1893

  Kelda bumped into Darcy and Aileen as the three put the finishing touches on the Christmas dinner being served in the house she and Hank bought in Sumpter. Her growing stomach pressed against the work table in the middle of the kitchen. Another month and she’d present Hank with a child. The idea settled warm and fuzzy in her chest.

  Rachel pushed into the room carrying a messy Samuel, her newest baby only six months old.

  “Kelda, sit down. You’ve been on your feet all day.” Rachel sat Sam in the high chair she and Clay brought over as a gift to Kelda and Hank.

  “I’m fine.” Kelda enjoyed being with child. She hadn’t suffered from any sickness and the special treatment she received from Hank made her feel even more womanly than she ever thought possible.

  “She’s nesting,” Aileen said. “Leave her be.”

  “Nesting?” Kelda put the last roll in a basket and peered at Aileen.

  “’Tis when a woman gets close to her time. She gets lots of energy and does nestin’ activities.”

  Kelda nodded her head, but she still wasn’t sure what the woman meant. She had another month before the baby came.

  Shayla walked through the door with Sadie in tow. “Can we help?”

  “You two lassies can carry in the food.” Aileen placed bowls of potatoes and green beans in the girls’ hands.

  Soon all the food including two turkeys and two hams were on the long table made from their table and Maeve and Zeke’s put together. Kelda still had to pinch herself when she walked through this house. Her home. The large house they’d purchased had been built for entertaining. The men had opened the large double door between the dining room and parlor. The huge combined rooms made the perfect place for the Halsey family to eat Christmas dinner.

  Ethan as the head of the Halsey family sat at one end of the long table which reminded Kelda of the long table at the logging camp, and Hank as the head of this household sat at the other end.

  She sat beside Hank near the kitchen door.

  “Do you miss your family?” Hank asked, his concerned eyes scanning her face.

  Kelda smiled and reassured him. “Nei. I have your large family to keep me company. Knowing the boys are happy with their new brides makes me happy.”

  “You know any time you ask we’ll go visit them at their new camp.” Hank grasped her hand and squeezed.

  “I know. I’m sure Lars and his wife are taking good care of everyone.” Her eyes burned with unshed tears. “I’m happiest Far took Mor to Norway to visit their family.”

  “We’ve had many blessings this year.” Hank’s gaze drifted to Kelda’s growing stomach.

  “Ja, we have.”

  Everyone linked hands, and they all bowed their heads to thank the Lord for all their blessings.

  As the food was passed around, she couldn’t help but smile at the conversations and camaraderie among the whole family.

  “So Maeve, what’s this I hear about you helping Zeke after the first of the year?” Gil stared across the table at Maeve whose face glowed from the wide grin on her face.

  “We have a job to do for the Pinkertons, and we can take Brandon with us. It won’t be dangerous and being a family will make us look even more undercover.” Her eyes danced from the excitement of the opportunity.

  “That sounds exciting.” Kelda passed the cabbage to Hank and noticed Darcy wasn’t as bubbly as normal. She knew part of it was because Darcy’s brother, Jeremy, wouldn’t be home for Christmas. He’d met a man earlier in the year who talked him into becoming partners mining gold in Alaska. They’d had one letter from him so far and that was three months ago.

  The smaller children were all placed between adults. Little Frankie sat between Kelda and Rachel. Kelda reached to take hold of a serving dish from Rachel and a pain shot up her back. She couldn’t catch her startled cry before it interrupted the conversation.

  “What’s wrong?” Hank sprang to his feet and knelt by her side.

  “Just a twinge.” Another pain shot up her back. “Uff da!”

  Rachel stood and moved to her other side. “Let’s get her upstairs.”

  Hank placed his arm under Kelda’s legs and cradled her next to his body.

  “I can walk,” Kelda said, swatting half-heartedly at his chest.

  “What’s happening?” Sadie asked.

  “Uncle Hank and Aunt Kelda’s Christmas present is about to arrive,” Aileen said, also standing.

  “Everyone go back to eating. It’s her first and will take a while. Aileen, you know what I need.” Rachel’s voice carried up the stairs as Hank stopped on the landing and looked at Kelda.

  “Sweetie, I think we’re going to become parents.” His eyes glistened with happiness.

  Kelda’s heart swelled and she kissed his cheek. “Ja, do you want a boy or a girl?”

  He continued carrying her to their room. “Either as long as they have your sparkle.”

  Hank placed her on the bed and situated the pillows behind her back.

  Rachel walked into the room smiling. “Well, we must have been off by a month with your due date.”

  “Is that a problem?” The worry in Hank’s voice started Kelda worrying.

  “No. The baby should be fine. Kelda is strong and in good health. Now I know why she has been growing larger than I thought she should.” Rachel picked up Kelda’s night dress. “You’ll need to put this on.” She glanced at Hank. “Do you want to help her?”

  “Can I? You usually kick the husbands out.” Hank moved to the bed, hovering over Kelda.

  “I’ll kick you out when the baby is closer to arriving. You can stay if it will help ease your fears.” Rachel walked from the room, closing the door.

  Kelda peered up into Hank’s concerned face. She pulled him down and kissed him. “Don’t worry. Mor birthed the boys and I and look at how tiny she is. I can handle a child we’ve made.”

  A pain sliced down her back and she winced.

  Hank started unbuttoning her blouse. This was a routine she knew well; his large hands unclothing her body and taking her to inspiring heights. Only this time she’d present him with a child.

  Once she was in her nightgown with nothing else on, he plumped the pillows once more and sat on the bed beside her. Another pain streaked up her back and she moaned.

  “Let me rub your bac
k.” He leaned her against his chest and rubbed her back with slow warming caresses.

  Rachel returned along with Aileen, a bundle of sheets, and a large pan of steaming water.

  “How’s she doing?” Rachel asked, placing a hand on Kelda’s protruding tummy.

  “She’s had several pains since you left.” Hank continued rubbing her back and another pain ripped through her back and squeezed her belly.

  Rachel glanced at Aileen. Kelda wouldn’t have seen the exchange if she hadn’t been staring at Rachel waiting for her to say something. She didn’t want to panic but the expressions told her something wasn’t right.

  “What’s wrong?” She clutched Hank’s hand, pulling reassurance from his solidness.

  “Your contractions are coming fast for just starting labor.” Rachel turned sympathetic eyes on Hank. “I’m afraid you’ll have to leave. I need to take a look and see what’s happening.”

  Hank’s hand squeezed Kelda’s. “Is something wrong?”

  “I won’t know until I examine her. Please, Hank. Go downstairs and we’ll keep you informed.” Rachel drew him off the bed, and Aileen escorted him to the door.

  He turned at the door. His eyes remained locked on Kelda. “They’ll both be fine won’t they?” he asked. The concern in his voice and fear in his eyes had Kelda sitting up to go to him.

  Rachel held her down. “Yes, they’ll be fine. Go. Please.”

  Hank left the room, but he didn’t return back downstairs. It wouldn’t be right to ruin the others meal by showing his concern for Kelda and their baby. He retrieved the rocking chair from the baby’s room and sat in the hall outside the bedroom. If he lost Kelda and the baby now…His body tightened in fear. It couldn’t happen. Not after they’d built such a wonderful life together. Her family had moved on, but he and Kelda now ran the logging on the mountain with a small group of loggers. They harvested only the largest trees each year keeping a steady flow of income. They’d made enough on the Stoddard contract to set them up comfortably here in Sumpter. In this house. He promised Kelda he wouldn’t move them around. They would both die in this house.

  He ran a hand over his face. They had many more years together. She was strong. She’d survive having a baby, and they’d live here as a family.

  An hour past with him listening intently to the sounds inside the room. Ethan appeared at the top of the stairs.

  “What’s happening?” he asked, stopping next to the rocker and placing a hand on Hank’s shoulder.

  “I don’t know. Rachel acted like the pains came too fast and kicked me out.” He peered up at his older brother. “You’re lucky you haven’t been through this. It’s agony waiting to hear if they’re both fine.”

  Hank dropped his head into his hands and prayed, again.

  Ethan raised his hand to knock when a lusty baby’s cry came from inside the room. He slapped Hank on the back. “I think you’ll get to go in soon.”

  Relief washed over Hank and love for the baby he’d yet to see warmed his heart. He stared at Ethan. His face felt like it would split in two from the smile he couldn’t have stopped if his life depended on it. Another cry not as strong and a higher pitch joined the previous crying.

  Hank turned his attention to the door. Two cries? Two babies? How?

  The door opened and Aileen stepped out. “Oh! Ah dinnae expect to find you sittin’ by the door.” Her surprise dissolved, and she folded a hand around Ethan’s as she peered down at Hank. “You have a boy and a girl.”

  “Twins?” Hank’s legs melted like butter next to the fire. “A boy and a girl?”

  Ethan grabbed him by the arm and hauled him to his feet. “I bet your babies and their mother would like to see you right about now.” He pushed Hank to the door. “We’ll go tell the rest of the family.”

  Hank put his hand on the door knob and turned. The door swung open and there on the bed sat Kelda, a baby in each arm. The love shining in her eyes drew him across the floor. He peered into her loving eyes before soaking in the sight of his son and daughter.

  “Now I know why they came early,” Rachel said, bundling up the used sheets and toweling. “Twins usually come a month early.”

  Something bumped the back of Hank’s legs and he plopped down on a chair. “Which is which?” he asked.

  Kelda raised her right arm. “This is the boy. He’s bigger.” He had sparse dark hair and a round scrunched up face. She jiggled her left arm. “And this is our daughter.” The small baby had a heart shaped face, small puckered lips and hair so light he could barely see it.

  Hank placed a hand on her head and kissed her. Then he leaned over Kelda, kissed their boy and planted a long thank you kiss on his wife. He’d barely sat back down when noise in the hall announced they had visitors.

  Everyone crowded into the room to admire the twins.

  “How did we have twins?” Hank asked Rachel.

  Kelda cleared her throat. “Mor had twins in her family. A brother and sister.”

  “Have you thought of names?” Shayla asked.

  Hank peered into Kelda’s eyes and they both grinned. “Sawyer and Lily.”

  “The new family needs some time alone.” Rachel shooed everyone out of the room and turned to the bed. “If they start fussing you should feed them.”

  Kelda nodded and Rachel left, closing the door behind her.

  “Thank you.” Hank kissed Kelda. “You’ve made my life complete in so many ways.”

  Kelda’s eyes glistened with tears. “You have given me more than I ever dreamed of having. Love, a home, children.”

  “I’d say we’re two lucky people to have found the person who makes our lives whole.”

  “Ja. You make me happy and feel loved.”

  “I plan to do that for many, many years.”


  About the Author

  Award winning author Paty Jager is never at a loss for story ideas and characters in her head. Her rural life and interests in local history and the world around her keeps the mystery and romance ideas flowing. She not only writes the western lifestyle, she lives it.

  You can learn more about Paty at her blog; her website; or on Facebook;!/paty.jager and twitter; @patyjag.

  Thank you for purchasing the box set if you enjoyed the stories, please leave a review and spread the word to family and friends.

  Halsey Brother Series

  Marshal in Petticoats – Gil’s story

  Outlaw in Petticoats – Zeke’s story

  Miner in Petticoats – Ethan’s story

  Doctor in Petticoats – Clay’s story

  Logger in Petticoats – Hank’s story

  Halsey Homecoming

  Laying Claim - Jeremy’s story (available 11/13)

  Staking Claim - Colin’s story (available in 2014)

  Claiming a Heart - Donny’s story (available in 2014)

  Other Historical Western Romance

  Gambling on an Angel

  Improper Pinkerton

  For a Sister’s Love

  Improper Pinkerton

  Christmas Redemption

  Western Duets- Volume One

  Western Duets - Volume Two

  Contemporary Western Romance

  Perfectly Good Nanny

  Bridled Heart

  Historical Paranormal Romance

  Spirit of the Mountain

  Spirit of the Lake

  Spirit of the Sky

  Contemporary Action Adventure Romance

  Secrets of a Mayan Moon

  Secrets of an Aztec Temple


  Thank you for purchasing this Windtree Press publication. For other books of the heart, please visit our website at

  For questions or more information contact us at [email protected].

  Windtree Press

  Table of Contents


al in Petticoats

  Title Page



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Outlaw in Petticoats


  Miner in Petticoats

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Doctor in Petticoats

  Chapter 35


  Logger in Petticoats

  About the Author

  -- Thank you




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