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Cassidy's Resurgence (Satan's Anarchy, #3)

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by Erin Osborne

  Cassidy’s Resurgence

  Satan’s Anarchy MC

  Book 3

  Erin Osborne & JC Belanger

  Copyright 2019© Erin Osborne and JC Belanger

  All rights reserved. This book, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the author except for brief quotations used in book reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Design: Graphics by Shelly

  Editor: Full Bloom Editorial-Courtney Lynn Rose

  Proofreader: Kim Richards


  Cassidy Brown

  Growing up, I never thought I'd be 'that' girl. The one that was with a man that hit her and abused her in every way. That's exactly where I found myself though. Until a woman knowing nothing about me got me out with the help of Satan's Anarchy MC. Can I now trust the two men that have captivated me? Hawk and Chains make me want to trust in men again.

  Paul 'Hawk' Carter

  I found my place in the world and a family when I joined Satan's Anarchy MC. That's where I also met my best friend, Chains. We do everything together including sharing our women. Cassidy shows up at Anarchy Ink and I know she's our one. Can we make her see not all men are like her ex?

  Tommy 'Chains' Sampson

  I was roaming the world, lost until I met some guys from Satan's Anarchy MC. They've become my family and I'd die to protect the men and women of the club. A chance encounter with Cassidy makes me realize I've been missing something. There's a void only she can fill. Can I protect her or will she be taken away from us too soon?

  Character List

  Patched Members:

  President: John ‘Renegade’ Jackson

  V. President: Brad ‘Ink’ White

  Secretary/IT: Paul ‘Hawk’ Carter

  Treasurer: Tommy ‘Chains’ Sampson

  Enforcer: Remington ‘Psycho’ Jackson

  Sgt. At Arms: Christian ‘Grave’ Hardison

  Road Captain: Gabe ‘Smokey’ Burns







  Damon ‘Bear’ Jones

  Chris Hayward

  Bentley Pearson

  Bishop Williams

  Old Ladies:

  Callie Patton

  Satan’s Babes:








  Tattoo Parlor: Anarchy Ink

  Bar: Satan’s Den

  Construction Company: Jackson Construction


  Cassidy’s Resurgence is dedicated to anyone who has been in a situation they didn’t see a way out of. Abuse comes in many forms and it takes a lot of strength to realize you’re being abused and to find a way out. To all of you who have done this, you are not alone in your struggles and there is always someone there to talk to. Please, reach out when you need to. Love you all!

  ~ Erin

  This is Dedicated to my family. Thank you for being patient with me while this was being done. Your support and cheerleading means the world to me.

  This is also for anyone who is or has ever been in a relationship that has left you hurt or hopeless. You can get out. There are places that you can go and safely start again . the national domestic hotline is 1−800−799−7233. I did it so can you!

  ~ JC

  Table of Contents

  Cassidy’s Resurgence

  Copyright 2019© Erin Osborne and JC Belanger


  Character List


  Table of Contents


  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Cassidy’s Resurgence Playlist


  About The Author



  GROWING UP, I was an only child to a loving set of parents. My mom, Sharon, was a stay at home mom while my dad, Colin, was an investment banker. Both of them went to all of my cheerleading competitions, gymnastics practices, and any other activity I was in. They always encouraged me to follow my dreams and would do anything in their power to make my dreams a reality.

  In high school, I hung out with a few close friends. My best friend, Kara, always made sure I got out of the house on weekends and tried to talk me into going out with guys that were her boyfriend’s friends. I wasn’t interested, though. None of them wanted anything more than a steady hook-up and I wasn’t about that.

  My goal was always to get good grades, concentrate on the activities I was doing, and getting into a good college. I wanted to go to college to be a counselor for domestic violence victims. Even if I hadn’t experienced domestic violence, I knew people that had and I wanted them to know they weren’t alone. Someone was always there to listen to them and help them get away. Well, that was always my goal until I met Craig.

  I was a sophomore in college when I met Craig. It was one of those days where I was running behind and not paying attention the way I should have been. I stopped at the coffee shop on campus and was digging around in my purse when I collided with someone. Craig was that person.

  He laughed off my clumsiness and we talked for a minute before he asked me for my number. I gave it to him, grabbed my coffee, and took off for class. Honestly, he never entered my mind again. Between classes, studying, and hanging out with Kara on the weekends, I didn’t have much time for anything. Including all the activities I did in high school. The only dancing and moving I did were when Kara dragged me to a club or a party.

  About a week after running into Craig, he sent me the first text message. We would text back and forth throughout the day. After a few weeks of texting and occasionally talking on the phone, Craig asked me out on our first date. I agreed and couldn’t wait to go out with him.

  Craig picked me up, dressed in a pair of khakis and a button-down shirt. His blond hair was perfectly styled and his face was clean-shaven. The main thing I noticed about him was how lifeless and empty his eyes seemed to be. There was no sparkle or light shining from their depths.

  He didn’t say anything about the fact I was dressed in a jean skirt paired with a tank top and my wedges. There was no look of appreciation about my appearance, a comment, or anything else. We walked out to his car and he didn’t even help me in before going to the driver’s side to get in himself.

  At dinner, he talked about himself and bitched about having to have financ
ial aid because his parents cut him off and refuse to talk to him anymore. When I tried to ask him about the reason his parents did that, he got pissed. He didn’t yell or anything but it was the only time I saw anything in his cold eyes. Craig never once asked me any questions or anything about me. It was all about him.

  After that, I tried to back away from him. I kept going to class and hanging out with Kara. If he called or sent me messages, I’d ignore them. My hope was that he'd get the hint I wasn’t interested, but that wasn’t the case. He stepped up his game.

  I would get flowers delivered to class or my dorm room. If I went to get coffee on campus, it would already be paid for. Little things like that. I started to melt toward him and I thought maybe he was just stressed out with exams coming up. So, I gave in and gave him another chance.

  Within a month, I was moved into his off-campus apartment. He told me he loved me and wanted to spend more time with me. That he wanted to come at night to have me in his bed. It was sweet and he was becoming more attentive. My parents weren’t happy I was living with him so soon, but they let me make my own choices in the matter.

  It wasn’t long after I moved in with him, he started making plans and taking up more of my time. If I wasn’t in class or studying, I was waiting for him. This also meant I spent less time with Kara and other friends. Until one day the calls, texts, and seeing her stopped altogether.

  Kara always made it very clear she didn’t like Craig and he didn’t appreciate it. She would be polite if he was around, but barely. When I started canceling plans or refusing to make any with her, it was easy for her to cut ties. My best friend was worried about me, but she knew I wasn’t going to just give up on Craig and our relationship.

  Once we had been living together for a while, Craig convinced me to give up my cell phone. His reasoning was that we couldn’t afford two phones, the bills, and school. It seemed logical to me, so I turned my phone off and handed it over to him. It’s not like anyone other than him or my parents called me anymore.

  Pretty soon, my parents got the same treatment Kara did. Plans were canceled. If we were invited over for dinner or a party, Craig would give them an excuse about why we couldn’t attend. Then the lies to my parents started. At first he would tell them I was trying to catch up on schoolwork because I wasn’t always going to class. Then it eventually turned into me having a drug and alcohol problem. I overheard him telling them this more than once.

  I snuck away from school one day to talk to my parents and they were so filled with disgust and disappointment, I was shocked. They believed every single word Craig was feeding them. My dad gave me an ultimatum; I go to rehab to get help or they would have nothing to do with me. They couldn’t see the evidence standing before them that I wasn’t on drugs or drunk. No, Craig ruined my relationship between my parents and me.

  Once he knew I was cut off from my friends and family, the beatings and rape started. At first it was over stupid things like being a few minutes late. Soon it turned into me not doing anything right. If I took a breath, I’d get the shit beat out of me. The rapes were to show me who was boss. Nothing more than a power play to him; a way to humiliate me and break me.

  I was no longer the woman I dreamed of being. Craig made me into little more than a shell with no hint of the strong, independent woman I was on my way to becoming. I couldn’t work, soon dropped out of school because of my life spiraling out of control and became completely dependent on Craig.

  We ended up getting married in a courthouse service. Two guys from school were the only ones present for my ‘wedding’ day. I didn’t want to marry the man tormenting me, but I didn’t see a way out of the situation. There wasn’t a single person left in my life I could turn to. No one to save me from being violated, abused, and tormented emotionally and mentally. My wedding day is the day I gave up.

  Craig stopped coming home until the early hours of the morning. He had gotten a job after graduating and was fucking one woman or another at work. I was honestly glad he wasn’t touching me as much. That he wasn’t home to beat on me or rape me. I didn’t have the constant threats and insults hurled my way.

  The day the beating landed me in the hospital, I told Craig I was pregnant. He never wanted kids and knew I wasn’t on any birth control. I’m not sure exactly what he was expecting to happen when he refused to wear a condom, but he beat me so bad I ended up in the hospital and I lost the baby.

  Cops were called in, but whenever they showed up, Craig was right by my side. I’m sure they could see the loathing and fear in my eyes, but they couldn’t do anything if I didn’t say anything against my husband. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place with no end in sight. I couldn’t even mourn the loss of my baby because Craig would hit me if he saw me crying or tears in my eyes.

  Eventually, Craig’s spending got the best of us. We were struggling to pay bills and that’s when I saw my out. I convinced him to let me get a job and that’s when I saw the ad for the grand re-opening for Anarchy Ink. My plan is to go there and see if they’re hiring. I’m hoping I can get a job and Craig won’t pull any shit if I’m working for the local MC. We’ll see what happens.

  After talking to, Ink, the owner of the tattoo parlor I got the job. I’m not stupid to think he hired me simply because I said I can work most programs his shop uses. I’m sure Hadliegh had a lot to do with me getting hired. However, it happened, I don’t really care. I walked home on cloud nine because for a few hours a day, I’d be out of the house and away from Craig.

  Unfortunately, Craig didn’t feel the same way about me working for the MC or at a tattoo parlor. I had my ass beat and I know I’m not going to be able to cover the pain and bruising from this latest beating. I’ll have to figure something out so no one knows my shameful, dirty secret.

  In all reality, going to work the next day was the best day I’ve had in a few years. Hadliegh immediately knew something was wrong and saw the bruising he’s left on my arms from different beatings. She had her husband Psycho and two other members of his club Hawk and Chains take me home to get my things. That was the day I left my abusive husband and started a new life.

  Chapter One


  THE DAY I started work at Anarchy Ink turned out to be the day my life changed for the better. Hadliegh knew something was wrong with me based on the way I was moving from the second I walked through the door. She placed one phone call and I was being removed from the apartment I was sharing with Craig.

  By that time, I was scared to death of him but I didn’t know how to leave. I was ashamed I had fallen into his trap and I didn’t want to go to my parents’ house. It would only be a matter of time before Craig showed up there to pull me back to him— and I refuse to let my parents get hurt because I made a bad choice and stayed with a man abusing and raping me on a regular basis.

  Psycho, Hadliegh’s husband and Enforcer for Satan’s Anarchy MC, came to get me with Hawk and Chains. I had met all three at the tattoo shop, but to have them rescue me is another story entirely. But, what Hadliegh wants, Hadliegh gets— and she wanted me away from the abusive cocksucker and somewhere safe.

  Now, I have a job, friends in Hadliegh and Callie, and a roof over my head. It’s different living in the MC’s clubhouse, but I feel safe and that’s the only thing that matters to me right now. I’m still scared of being around all of the guys, but they stay away from me. Hawk and Chains are the only two men not keeping their distance.

  Hawk is the club’s secretary and takes care of anything technical. He’s a whizz on the computer and can find almost anything you want to know about with a few strokes of the keyboard. Hawk is over six feet tall with a toned body. There are muscles on top of muscles. He’s earned that body through hard work and not spending his life in a gym. He’s got dark hair styled in a faux hawk with chocolate brown eyes.

  They’re full of life, laughter, and a hint of seriousness. Tattoos cover Hawk’s body from what I can see. Both arms are covered in ink along with a t
attoo on his neck. The one time I accidentally saw him without a shirt on, there’s a huge tattoo on his back and a few on his chest.

  Chains is the Treasurer of the club. He spends a lot of time at the different businesses the club owns, collecting money and making sure the books are in order. It’s his responsibility to make sure the club is covered if anyone wants to dig into their financials. He’s got more muscles than Hawk does and is slightly taller than him.

  Both men make me appear to be a fairy because they’re so much taller than me. Chains is also covered in tattoos. The only difference is his are mainly in blacks and grays while Hawk has a lot of color in his tattoos. Chains has long, dark-blond hair he keeps tied back at his neck and crystal blue eyes. His eyes darken depending on his mood.

  I’m more than attracted to Hawk and Chains. Something that terrifies me after the ordeal I’ve just gotten out of with Craig. I know the men of Satan’s Anarchy wouldn’t lay a hand on me, but I also thought the same thing about Craig. So, I’m not sure of my judgment when it comes to men, and I’m afraid to take another chance— at least so soon.

  It’s not like I don’t know the two men share women and are looking to settle down. They’ve made it crystal clear as to what they want from me. They’re always making sure I have everything I need and want, there are little touches from them here and there, and when they’re not busy, Hawk and Chains never leave my side.

  Both men make me feel safe and cared for. It’s a feeling I haven’t experienced since I moved out of my parents’ house. While I’d love to jump right into caring for them both and seeing where this could go between us, I’m just not ready for it. And neither man is trying to push for more than I’m ready.

  The only thing they’ve done is move me in with them. It wasn’t long after I left Craig that I got a letter saying he was waiting for me; watching me and calling me names because I’m “fucking gang bangers.” As soon as Hawk and Chains saw the note he left on my car, I was moved from the clubhouse and taken to the house they share.


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