Cassidy's Resurgence (Satan's Anarchy, #3)

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Cassidy's Resurgence (Satan's Anarchy, #3) Page 7

by Erin Osborne

  Cassidy takes a few minutes to think this through. She has a frown on her gorgeous face, and that has me a bit worried. After a few minutes of no one saying a word, her frown disappears and the shy smile that I have come to love graces her face again.

  “I understand that,” she says in her sweet way that makes me wanna grab her and hold her tight. “Not sure I like it, but it’s club business thing right? Anyway, about what happened. I walked out to my car and noticed what looked like rose petals on the hood and the ground around it. I didn’t really understand what it was I was looking at until I looked into the front seat. There was a note lying next to a knife planted in the driver’s seat. I think my steering wheel is fucked up too. In the backseat were a bunch of pictures covering the seat. They were of me at a ton of different places. Including here.”

  Both Hawk and I curse at the things she’s telling us. I pull out my phone and text Ink telling him Cassidy won’t be in today and someone needs to have her car towed to Bear’s shop for repairs. I then let Hawk know so he can go over and see what’s in there for sure. I know he’ll be checking out the pictures to see if we can figure out when he was following her. And if it was before Hawk beat the shit out of the asshole. This dicklicker has no idea the world of shit heading his way.

  “Pixie,” I tell her standing up, while trying to hold back the anger coursing through my body. “I am so proud of you for tellin’ us, There are a lot of things runnin’ through my head right now. All of it’s directed at the motherfucker who did this. I hate knowin’ you were scared, and that’s what made me lose my mind. None of the violence I want to rage is toward you. Last night was the best night of my life so far, and the fact you were terrorized pisses me off. I need to go for a ride and clear my head for a bit. Hawk will be with you until I get back okay?”

  Cassidy stands up, nodding her head in understanding and comes into my arms to hug me tightly. I give her a kiss that makes me almost change my mind and take her back to bed instead. When I let her go, she makes me smile as she heads directly to Hawk and crawls into his lap for cuddles. This is exactly how I want my life. I just need to get rid of the stupid bastard who is making her afraid.

  I head out to my bike and take off. Pulling into the clubhouse, I let Renegade know what’s going on. I can feel the rage taking over my body as the memories of what Cassidy told us plays in my head again. Renegade isn’t in the common room when I enter the door. I head over to the bar and have Bentley poor me a double shot of whiskey before I go to the Prez’s office. Quickly throwing it back, I head down the hall to Renegade’s door knocking louder than necessary.

  “Come in,” Renegade yells out.

  “Hey, you got a minute?” I ask him before closing the door behind me.

  He motions toward the chairs in front of his desk. I sit down and take a deep breath, trying to get my anger under control, before telling Renegade everything Cassidy told us this morning. He not only sees that I have very little control, but understands it as well.

  “I know you’re close to losin’ it,” Renegade says without taking his eyes off me. “You have every reason too. Ink said you told him you were payin’ for the damage to his shop, which is surprisingly little. I think you need to take a couple of hours away and get your head on straight. There’s a property on the outside of town that I need you to go check out. It’s almost thirteen acres and there’s so much the club can do with it.

  “The first thing is the bar that we voted to open. Go see if this property is as good as it sounds. Take lots of pictures for our next church. If you think it’s all wrong, then let me know so I can tell the realtor no thanks. See if you can get an idea for the layout of the bar and parking area, while giving us privacy on the rest of the property.”

  I head out to the property letting the wind clear away all my anger and frustration. Once I arrive at the land Renegade sent me to, I see all the possibilities. This is exactly what the club wants and needs moving forward. The land has about an acre and a half in the front by the main road, then there is a wooded area across the back of that cutting it off from the rest of the property. This makes it perfect as far as privacy goes.

  The front part is where we could build a bar with plenty of parking. I can see the bar being two stories tall with a huge meeting room on the second floor we could be used when all the clubs get together. We could make it have enough room for everyone to sit down and be a neutral spot for all of us. If we wanted to, we could make a basement for storage or whatever we needed. There’s plenty of room for covered parking for bikes in case they get caught out in a storm.

  There could be an outdoor patio for those who just want to have a beer while taking a break in their ride. I look to the side and see there’s a small stream running along the side of the property. I know this will be a draw for bikers and their old ladies. Standing by the road, I pull out my phone and begin to take pictures. Walking back to the wooded area, I take a picture looking toward the road.

  After a few pictures, I walk past the wooded area, and I’m surprised to see most of its cleared out, and there is a pond towards the back of the property. We could do so much with this area. It could be a place for outdoor concerts, a private cookout area for club members only, we could build some houses out here for a getaway location. Tons of ideas run through my mind.

  With the land a few hours away from us, we could even start a new charter of Satan’s Anarchy. They could help with the runs out this way and they’d already have their first business with the bar out front. It’s all Renegade’s final decision though. Well, his and our vote when we have church again.

  I think of bringing Cass and Hawk out here to see what she’d think of buying this land. She loves thinking of things like this and she’s not going to be working at Anarchy Ink for a little while so it would give her something to do with her time. Plus, it would give the three of us a chance to just get away. Not worry about the shit with Craig or anything else going on with the club.

  Jumping back on my bike, I head out for a short ride before heading back to Hawk and Cass. I’m sure Hawk will have some information for me about the photos that were left for Cassidy. I’m ready to handle our business and put this fucker to ground once and for all. My plan is to talk Cassidy and Hawk into a nap when I get back, not that anyone will be sleeping.

  Chapter Ten


  THIS WEEK HAS been crazy. We’re going to meet up with the Phantom Bastards and a few other clubs for a retreat or something. I don’t know who's going to be up there and I’m nervous about it. It’s hard to be around these guys sometimes, but I’m slowly getting used to it. The guys in the other clubs won’t know my story or what we’ve been dealing with.

  I don’t want anyone to do something and I have a meltdown because of it. My concern is everyone being comfortable around me and not trying to watch their every move or something like that.

  Thankfully, Darcy will be there. She already called and asked if I was going to be there with the guys. I’ll get to meet her kids and Trojan. I’m glad I got to meet Crash already because I’m sure I’m going to be intimidated by all the men there. I’ve heard Callie and Hadliegh talking about some of the guys from the Phantom Bastards and I’m already intimidated without even seeing them.

  “Cass, where you at?” Hawk asks, calling out from the front door.

  “In the bedroom,” I tell him.

  They moved my stuff into Hawk’s room after the first night we spent here. Now, I’m here trying to figure out what to pack for myself. The guys are easy, jeans, shirts, socks, and that’s about it. Neither one of them wears boxers anymore. They don’t see the point.

  “What are you doin’, Pixie?” he asks, walking up behind me and placing his arms around me.

  “I’m trying to figure out what the hell to pack. I’ve never been on a retreat of any kind. Much less one with a bunch of different clubs.”

  “Just pack shorts and tee shirts. You won’t need much of anythin’ else. Maybe a
bathin’ suit, but the only thing you might need that for is tannin’. You’re overthinkin’ this because you’re nervous. We’ll be by your side the entire time. Or your cousin will,” he tells me, placing a kiss on the back of my neck.

  He doesn’t miss the tremors that rack my body from his touch. Chains and he are touching me a lot more now, and the response from me is always the same. I’ve never responded to anyone like I do with them. I’m falling in love with them and I don’t know how to tell them. Part of me thinks the second I do, this will end. They’ll realize they don’t want to settle down no matter how much they thought they did.

  “Chains should be back soon. He’s gonna grab dinner on his way home so we can eat before headin’ to bed. We’re gonna be on the road early tomorrow. Renegade doesn’t want to be travellin’ all day,” he tells me.

  Nodding my head, I walk to the dresser and grab my shorts and shirts. I grab clothes to sleep in because I’m not sure how comfortable I am sleeping naked around a ton of strangers. On top I throw in my bras and panties, still debating taking a bathing suit. I’m not sure if I’ll pack it.

  Shortly after I get done packing my bag, Chains walks in and sees my suit sitting on top of the dresser. He doesn’t say a word as he crosses the room to me and pulls me into his arms. I reach up to kiss him and he devours me. Always so domineering and commanding. Chains wants everything I have to give him and more.

  “Let’s go eat, Pixie. We can have fun before bed,” he tells me, grabbing my hand and leading me to the kitchen.

  He got me the bacon cheeseburger, fries, and a chocolate shake from Corrinth’s. They know me enough to realize this is the meal I get when I’m nervous about something. I’m glad I have my comfort food tonight. After eating, I might relax in a hot bubble bath so I can try to shake off the last of my nerves.

  Once we’re done eating, the guys grab a beer and head in to pack their clothes. I walk in the bathroom and run a bath for myself. Just as I’m getting in, Chains comes in to grab something and sees me naked.

  “You’re temptin’ as fuck, Pixie. I have a few things to do and then you’re mine,” he says, the promise in his voice.

  “I want your cock in my mouth tonight Chains,” I tell him, stopping him dead in his tracks before he leaves the bathroom.

  “You can have my cock wherever you want it, Pixie.”

  Chains leaves the bathroom as I get in the tub and slip down in the water until my chest is covered. Closing my eyes, I let my mind wander to any thought except leaving in a few hours to go meet a ton of new people.

  The next thing I know, I’m getting lifted from the tub. Chains has me in his arms, his clothes soaking wet as my eyes pop open. The instinct to fight is the first thing I think about, until the sleep falls from my eyes and I see Chains. Right now, anyone touching me when I’m not paying attention is not a good thing.

  “Didn’t mean to scare ya,” Chains says, pulling me in closer to his chest.

  “I know you didn’t. Sorry I fell asleep,” I tell him, shivering from being cold.

  “Let’s get you to bed,” he tells me.

  Chains sets me down long enough to dry me off. As soon as he’s satisfied, he picks me back up and walks into the bedroom. Hawk is already in bed, the blankets pulled back enough to let me in. While I’m getting comfortable, Chains gets undressed so he can slide into bed on the other side of me. I curl up between the two men and sleep claims me once more.

  We’ve been on the road for a few hours. Callie and Hadliegh wanted me to ride in the SUV with them, but I chose to ride behind Chains. With the way my nerves are, I needed to be close to him or Hawk. The girls were disappointed I don’t want to ride with them, but they understand with everything going on.

  Finally pulling into a piece of land covered in RVs, I take a deep breath. There’s already a bunch of people here. Renegade pulls up behind the rest of the bikes with the rest of us following him. Chains helps me off his bike before backing it into the spot he’s taking. Knowing I’ve never ridden that long, Hawk holds me up because my legs and ass feel like jelly.

  “Cassidy!” I hear yelled by my cousin. Her voice carries over everyone surrounding us.

  I turn in her direction and see her running my way. Hawk lets go of me right before she crashes into me. Darcy hugs me tight and almost chokes me to death in her grip. We just saw one another not that long ago.

  “Have you been drinkin’ already?” I ask her.

  “I may have had a drink or two,” she admits as a huge man walks up behind her.

  “I see,” I tell her.

  “You must be Cassidy,” the man says. “I’m Trojan.”

  “I am. I’m guessing you’re Trojan.”

  He nods in response as Crash comes over with a little girl in his arms. She looks just like my cousin.

  “Who’s this cutie?” I ask, not reaching out to the shy little girl.

  “This is Kelleigh. Axle is running around here somewhere with the rest of the kids. Kelleigh is a daddy’s girl as you can see,” Darcy tells me, turning her attention to Hawk and Chains.

  “This is Chains. You met Hawk when we had lunch,” I tell her. “Chains, this is my cousin Darcy, Trojan, and Crash.”

  The guys all exchange those man hug things while Darcy and I step off to the side. She asks me if I decided to give them a chance and I tell her yes. My answer excites her and she screeches so loud the attention of every person here is put on us. I can feel the blush starting already. Yeah, Darcy drinking is not going to be good for my health.

  Crash and Trojan drag my cousin off after a few minutes so Hawk, Chains, and I can get settled into our RV. I grab the bags out of the SUV and follow them. The RVs are bigger than I thought they’d be. As I step up in the one we’ll be using, I stop dead.

  This thing is huge. There’s a small living room area with a sink, stovetop, and mini-fridge in the middle of the RV. Down a narrow hallway is a bathroom with a small shower in it. Finally, we get to the room at the back. It’s got a bed taking up most of the room with drawers under it. There’s just enough room for me to put our bags down on the side until I decide to unpack.

  Right now, I’m ready for a nap. I know there’s a ton of people to meet and Darcy is gonna want to hang out. But, the ride took a lot out of me. Stifling a yawn, I sit down on the edge of the bed and slip my shoes off. Just a minute is all I need.

  “We’ll be back in a bit, Pixie,” Hawk tells me.

  Lying back in the bed, I pass out.

  Hawk and Chains didn’t have the chance to wake me up from my short nap. Darcy came busting in the RV with her friends in tow. I’m startled awake, but I have enough time to get my bearings before I lash out at anyone.

  “Cass, it’s not time for sleeping,” Darcy says. “You gotta come meet everyone. This is Riley, Harley, and Renee. The girls from Clifton Falls are here too. You’ll want to meet Skylar. She’s with two men as well.”

  I wave to the three women in the RV with my cousin. They’re all gorgeous and look flawless in their appearance. I’m sure I’m a hot mess on the other hand. I’ve been on the back of a motorcycle and then took a nap. Yeah, I’m gonna need a shower and shit before I go anywhere.

  “Darce, I need to take a shower,” I tell her.

  “No, you don’t. You need to come help us cook. We got a lot of mouths to feed. Let’s go,” she says, pulling me out of bed and to the front of the RV.

  “It’s nice to meet everyone by the way,” I say to the three other women.

  “Nice to meet you too,” they all respond as Darcy leads me away.

  Darcy leads me outside to find a bunch of men and women standing around. The women are pulling out bowl after bowl of food that’s already been prepared while the men are grilling meat on several different grills.

  As always, Darcy is a whirlwind of activity and drags me from one group of women to the next. She’s making introductions and leaving so quick I can barely get the names straight in my head. At this point, I’m not going to kno
w anyone’s name here. I’d laugh if I wasn’t so overwhelmed.

  When we get to a curvy, blonde woman, Darcy stops.

  “Cassidy, this is Skylar. Skylar, this is my cousin Cassidy. She’s just recently decided to give the relationship with two men a try,” she announces, loud as hell.

  Skylar and I spend some time talking. She points out who her men are and the only thing I can say is fucking wow. Cage and Joker are two gorgeous men. They don’t compare to Chains and Hawk, but they’re hot as hell, nonetheless.

  The rest of the night, we all hang out, talk, laugh, and drink. Well, I don’t drink. After Craig, I like to be in control of myself at all times. You never know when something is going to happen. Yes, there’s a lot of guys around right now, but that doesn’t always mean anything.

  Chapter Eleven


  WE’VE BEEN AT the retreat for a few days. Cassidy is really starting to come out of her shell. She’s been interacting with the other ol’ ladies, helping with the meals, watching the kids, and even talking to some of the guys.

  The nights are for Chains and me though. We’ve tried to get her ready to take both of us and Cassidy is into it. She wants to make us happy while experiencing new things too. Cass is the most sensual woman I’ve ever had the pleasure of being with.

  Tonight is the night we fully make her ours though. Chains and I have a plan and we’re hoping she likes it. We’re going to make sure the officers of Satan’s Anarchy are by the RV when we’re ready to go to bed so we can claim her. Then, we’ll claim her as ours when we go into bed.


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