Venom & Vampires: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection

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Venom & Vampires: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection Page 175

by Casey Lane

  I trudged up the porch steps and found the key on my keyring. Then I opened the door, stepped inside, and turned on the lights before I let them enter. “Be careful. This place is old. Don’t break anything.”

  They rushed to the bottom of the three-story spiral staircase. I could hear them, their excitement, their curiosity, but I was more concerned with other matters, like our safety and security, like rounding up the rest of the pack, like leading us toward a brighter future.

  Tanner strutted up the steps and joined me on the porch. “So, what’s the plan?” He puffed out his chest some. As the oldest male there, though younger than me by two years, I’m sure he thought it would only be a matter of time until he was in charge. This only strengthened my resolve to lead us.

  “We eat. We leave Lenoir and Shelby in charge of the little ones, then we go back to the homestead and try to collect the rest of our pack.” I shrugged as if this should all be obvious to him.

  He tugged at his chin a minute. “Okay, well, I’ll drive, since I have the bigger vehicle.” The he crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Right. Or we could take two vehicles because some might not have a way to get here, and we don’t want to have to make multiple trips.” My brow rose in challenge.

  “I can see that.” He opened his mouth and I expected him to argue, only a buzzing sound emanating from the house interrupted. He jumped, but I simply wandered to the security pad on the inside wall and answered the gate alarm. I held the button on the intercom. “Who is it, please?” Then I released to hear the response.


  “Come in.” I pressed the button to open the gate.

  “Quite the system we have here.” Tanner studied it.

  I nodded. “Too bad there wasn’t anything like this at the homestead. My father wanted to downplay our wealth.” I shrugged. “I’ll handle things differently.” Then I turned on my heels and skipped down the steps to meet the food.

  Tanner followed and soon held all the pizzas while I paid. Then I grabbed the bags with the soda and we mounted the stairs once more to feed the kids while the pizza delivery man drove out through the gates.

  “Dinner!” I made my way to the enormous eat-in kitchen. This wasn’t the night for formality. We’d eat around the counter and on the kitchen table. Hell, some could sit in the keeping room for all I cared.

  As I passed out pizza and directed pups to seats, Tanner followed behind pouring soda. “I couldn’t help but notice your comment a few minutes ago,” he murmured as we made our way back to the island.

  “Oh? Which one?” I could feel my wolf snarling again. I wouldn’t be able to hold her back much longer.

  He shrugged. “You know, the one about how you’ll do things differently.”

  “Yeah. What about it?” I narrowed my eyes at him.

  Tanner cleared his throat. “Well, Savvy, the packs are always lead by the Alpha.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “Uh huh. They have been.”

  “So, what makes you think you’re going to be running things now? I mean, just because your father was the Alpha…” His voice trailed off when he saw my face.

  I pointed to the French doors off the kitchen. “Outside. Go,” I gritted out. I watched as his eyes widened. “I’m going to show you why I’m the Alpha now.”

  Chapter Three

  Tanner strode to the door, opened it, and gestured for me to go first. I gnawed on my lip as I stormed past him. Maybe he had intended to have a conversation, but I had something a little more assertive planned. From the veranda, I stomped down to the lawn. When I hit the grass, I whirled around to face him. The way he leisurely strolled down the stairs irritated me even more.

  He rolled up his sleeves. “Now, Savvy. There’s no need for you to get upset.” He flashed a smile. I’d seen other girls, my sisters included, swoon over him. My reaction was considerably different. His behavior felt condescending.

  “Really, Tanner? And why should I remain calm? How do other wolves act when their superiority is being questioned?” I could feel the growl in my throat. My wolf yearned to be free.

  “Superiority?” His brows rose. “Savvy, you’re sweet. You’re like the princess of the pack.”

  “The what? You think I’m a princess?” I spat the words. “You don’t know me at all.” My hands fisted at my sides.

  “I don’t know you well, but you were raised as the Alpha’s daughter. It’s not like you were groomed to run things.” He shrugged.

  I glared at him. “Wasn’t I?” With an arm, I made a sweeping gesture around the estate. “You knew nothing of this place. You are probably completely unaware of any of our holdings, right?”

  “Well, no, but I meant in a more physical sense.” Tanner tugged at his collar and I knew I’d hit a nerve. He needed me. Alienating me would mean more than simply losing my respect. He’d lose access to everything the Alpha pack owned.

  “It’s all being handed down to me,” I whispered. “My sisters will get a nice lump sum, but the rest is mine. My father told me this long ago, when he realized he wouldn’t have a son.” I stepped closer. To my satisfaction, Tanner struggled to hold his ground. I smiled in a way that made him positively flinch. “Know what else?” He shook his head. “My father taught me to defend what’s mine.”

  Tanner swallowed hard. “We’re all taught how to take care of ourselves.”

  “Try me.” I snarled. In an instant, I had shifted and stood on a pile of my clothes. My lips curled back to reveal my teeth. A growl emanated from my throat.

  Holding his hands up, Tanner murmured, “We don’t have to do this, Savvy.”

  In response, I snapped at him. Until he shifted, we wouldn’t be able to speak. The psychic connection only worked in wolf form.

  His eyes were wide, but I watched him work to cover his fear. “Fine.” He smirked. “Your funeral.” Then he stood before me, on all fours, looking about the size I imagined. While I had blue eyes and dark charcoal fur mixed with white and a pure white underbelly, Tanner was a reddish brown with matching hazel eyes. I could easily be mistaken for a large husky. He was all wolf.

  My funeral? I asked him. Are you sure about that?

  Tanner shook out his fur. Then I heard him laughing in my head. I’m reasonably confident, yes.

  Then don’t keep me waiting. Show me what you’ve got. And when I take you down, maybe I’ll let you be my Beta. I narrowed my eyes at him.

  Once more he chuckled. I’ll show you, all right. And when I take you down, I’ll make you my wife.

  Nothing could have incited my anger further. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end and I growled in response.

  You haven’t even heard my offer yet. Tanner snickered.

  I rushed him and knocked him onto his back. Then I stood over him and snapped at his neck a few times until I saw the fear and fury in his eyes. Done stalling yet?

  When I moved away, he struggled to his feet. You don’t have to be so intense.

  Of course, I do. The Phoenix Pack is at stake. This is serious. I circled him as I spoke. The Alpha must protect the pack, just like the pack protects the Alpha. When there are tough decisions to be made, it lands on the Alpha. There’s much more to this role than bossing people around and having a big bank account.

  I know that. Tanner bristled.

  Angrily, I shook my head. If you understood this, then we wouldn’t be having this conversation. You’d understand you’re out of your league. You’re no Alpha, Tanner.

  Finally, he snarled and leapt at me, but I ducked and he flew past me, landed hard, and rolled. You can’t be the Alpha. He sneered.

  I waited, prepared to respond. I knew what he thought and I was going to make him say it. Why can’t I be the Alpha, Tanner?

  He glared at me. You’re a girl. Everyone knows the Alpha is a male.

  I laughed, hoping it sounded as cool and confident when he heard it as it felt to me. See, this is where you’re wrong. I spoke quietly as I padded towards
him, slowly closing the distance. The Alpha has never been a female because no female has ever fought for the position. Only now, I am.

  You can’t. He glanced around nervously.

  While we spoke, all the pups had snuck out onto the veranda above us. They watched with rapt attention. Most of them were so young, they probably didn’t know who was who. Oh, but my sisters did. Shelby stood there stoically. Lenoir had a hand over her mouth. For a split-second I wondered whom they were rooting for. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. I needed to concentrate. This fight was too important. There were no do-overs. This was winner take all, in every sense. We were deciding who would be leading the Phoenix Pack. Sure, someone else could challenge, but it was essentially unheard of.

  Watch me, I warned.

  Tanner raced toward me, but I side-stepped what would’ve been a tackle. He skidded to a stop several feet away. Immediately, he came rushing back towards me. He was scared and off balance. I intended to use this to my advantage. This time, as he neared, I leapt and knocked him off his feet. We rolled together. There was a flurry of snapping and gnashing of teeth. At one point I connected with his shoulder. I had fur in my mouth and the metallic taste of blood. He’d heal soon enough. He wouldn’t even scar. Still, I wanted him to remember. I wanted there to never be any doubt who was the stronger wolf, the better strategist.

  Finally, Tanner made it to his feet. He limped slightly, suggesting I might have hit a muscle or nerve. With my head down and eyes trained on him, I waited for his next move. All the while, I heard his thoughts. Don’t lose to a girl. The pups are watching. Be strong. Be smart.

  I laughed. Go on. I’ll give you a freebie. I’ll just stand here one time. Make it count. Save face.

  His eyes widened. Then without considering if I was serious, he came after me, going directly for the throat. I almost admired him for the effort. Instead, I had to ensure he didn’t do any damage, intentionally or accidentally. Rather than panic, I tucked my head down against my chest, then twisted my head up under his. As expected, Tanner couldn’t hang on and I’d managed to turn the tables. We were a whirling, circling, mass of fur and snapping jaws. To an outsider, it seemed frantic and confusing Ah, but I felt controlled and determined.

  He can’t beat me. I reminded myself, but knew he’d hear too. I fight to honor my father and mother, who lost their lives for this pack. I could feel him slowing, his intensity faltering. I fight for all females. An Alpha should be determined by strength and abilities, not gender. I nipped at his ear and he whimpered and drew back in surprise. I fight for the Phoenix Pack. We are battered, but not broken. We are down, but not out. Tanner stared at me incredulously for a split second and took advantage. I knocked him off his feet and went for his throat. Soon my teeth were biting into his neck. He struggled to get free, but I simply applied more pressure. Once again, I could taste his blood.

  Tanner whined. Reluctantly, I eased up on my grip.

  Say it, I urged. Say it and you can heal. We’ll be done with this nonsense.

  They won’t accept you. His words sounded like a desperate plea.

  They will. I glanced up at the pups on the veranda.

  You’ll have to defend your position again and again until the day you die. Tanner gasped for air.

  Maybe, maybe not. What say you? Want to be considered for a position as my Beta? I lay on the ground, still holding him, confident he understood I meant to remain that way for as long as necessary.

  His eyes closed. I yield, Alpha.

  I stood, released his neck, and stepped back. As soon as he was free, Tanner disappeared into the woods behind us. No doubt he hoped to lick his wounds and heal in private. Without thinking, I walked over to my clothes and shifted.

  “Inside, pups!” I heard Shelby ushering them back into the house.

  My cheeks turned pink while I struggled to pull on my panties and then my bra. When I glanced up at the veranda, Lenoir was glaring down at me. “What’s with the look, Lennie?” I frowned.

  “Why’d you have to humiliate him that way? Why do you always have to run things?” She pouted and then stared off into the woods. “I’m going after him.”

  “No, you aren’t. Let him be.” I slid my feet into my flip flops and then marched up the steps.

  Her chin jutted out. “Says who?”

  My brow rose. “Your Alpha. Get used to it. I’m a born leader.” Then I hooked my arm through hers and pulled her into the house.

  Chapter Four

  Twenty minutes later, the pups had all been fed. I merely picked at a piece of pizza. My stomach was in knots. How could I consider eating at a time like this? So, I nibbled on a slice while watching the clock. Obviously, Tanner had decided to sulk in the woods, which meant I needed a new plan for picking up the rest of our pack. I studied Shelby. She seemed lost in thought. Lenoir was pacing in front of the French doors, staring out into the darkness.

  “He’s not coming back right now.” I sighed. “Give him some time.”

  “I doubt he’ll come back at all, thanks to you,” Lenoir snapped. Her hands were balled up at her sides, and I could feel the anger radiating from her.

  “What would you rather I do? Should I have let some poser run the pack? Should I have let him win to save face, all the while knowing he couldn’t handle it? Please, tell me, oh wise one.” I tossed my crust in the garbage and wiped my hands on a napkin. Then I walked over to her and placed my palms on her shoulders. “It may not seem like it now, but I did the right thing. This is what’s right for the pack. Daddy has been grooming me for this role over the last ten years.” I stared into her eyes, but she was clearly unmoved.

  “Whatever, Savvy. You always know best, right?” She glared at me. “I’m going to go find him, bring him back.”

  I shook my head. “You can’t. You have to stay with the pups. Since he decided to take his sweet time nursing his pride, I need to take Shelby with me to get the rest of the pack.” Lennie stiffened and I pulled back.

  “Fine.” She crossed her arms over her chest and whipped around so quickly, her ponytail slapped me in the face, which seemed about right.

  “We’ll be back as quick as we can,” I murmured. “Make sure the little ones go to bed soon. Even though it’s a weekend, we don’t need them overtired and cranky.”

  She grunted in response.

  Shelby rolled her eyes and stood. “So, I guess I’m driving the minivan again?”

  “Yeah, I think that would be best. Let’s go. It’s getting dark.” I picked up my keys from the counter and strode to the front door. I could hear footsteps matching mine and knew at least one of my sisters had fallen in line. As I reached the car, I glanced up at the second story windows and found Lennie’s disapproving eyes staring back at me. With a sigh, I hopped in my vehicle and drove back to the homestead.

  Half an hour later, I pulled up the driveway. The fireman stood pacing around the smoldering pile of rubble which had once been the homestead. As I neared him, I could sense his agitation. By the time I reached his side, I understood why. A howl broke the silence. I knew it came from a member of my pack. “Thank you for sticking around.” I nodded at him.

  He responded in kind. This wasn’t a situation where we would ever exchange pleasantries. We were dealing with death and destruction. Still, I could tell he wanted to speak with me. “You’re Savannah Silver?” His brow furrowed as he studied me.

  “Yes.” I crossed my arms over my chest. For a moment, I could see him sniffing the air. I knew what he was doing. He’d be disappointed. In the past ten years, I’d never once forgotten to use the spray. There’d be no trace of wolf in me at all. My brows arched.

  “I knew of your family.” The fireman studied my face while I stared back at him. “I thought we had…something in common.” He shrugged. Another howl rang out and echoed through the mountains. “And yet…” He squinted into the woods.

  “Thank you for your help.” My pack was insistent. They wanted to leave the woods and this guy was making
it impossible. “I need to collect some things and then get back to the little ones.” I bit my lower lip. It had taken everything in me to not refer to them as pups in front of him.

  “Hi.” Shelby had exited the minivan and joined me. Never one to miss an adventure, she grinned up at him.

  “Hello.” He tilted his head to the side as he glanced at her, and then he closed his eyes and turned his attention back to me. “I had a matter I wanted to discuss with you, but obviously, this isn’t the time.”

  I frowned. “Yeah. I can’t even think right now.” I glanced at Shelby. “Let’s go.” Then I jerked my head toward the house. I watched as she waved shyly at him, then traipsed after me. I rolled my eyes. When had my little sisters become so guy crazy? Would this ever happen to me? I wrapped my arms around my body as I wandered around the corner of the house, to the very spot my parents were found. I was holding out. I wanted what the kind of relationship they had. Now that I was Alpha, I might never find it. Where would I find an Alpha male who could match me in every way, shape, and form?

  “He was hot,” Shelby whispered. “Of course, I’m a sucker for men in uniform.” She giggled.

  “Not now, Shel.” My whole body groaned. “We have a pack to find, a murder to solve, and a homestead to rebuild. How can you even think about guys at a time like this?” I threw my hands up in frustration.

  Her shoulders drooped. “I don’t know. I just saw him and then there was this tingle in my tummy. I had to speak to him.” Her brows knit together while she considered her words. “I couldn’t even stop myself. Weird, huh?”

  “Right. Truly bizarre.” I rolled my eyes. I scanned the area. Finally, the fireman had left and only our pack remained. I whistled as loudly as I could, and then I waited.

  Soon, wolves skulked out of the woods from all around the homestead. They had been keeping watch. We’d have much to discuss on the ride back to Phoenix House. I watched as they disappeared into the neighboring homes. Minutes later, they all returned, dressed and morose.


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