Venom & Vampires: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection

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Venom & Vampires: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection Page 197

by Casey Lane

  Only a few ever survived a direct hit from it. I was one of them and only knew of two more who had survived or at least had some semblance of survival. With another glance at the seemingly inconspicuous plant sitting on the table by the window I could feel the one thing I hadn’t felt in a long time. Fear thick enough to choke a whale. Dread pooled in my belly and fear flew into my throat. I didn’t want to go through it again. Although it is said once you had been sprayed and survived you were immune. I wasn’t willing to test the theory to find out.

  With a cautious eye on the closed deep peach flower that looked like a mixture of a rose with an orchid I backed up. Then I tried to remember what time it was. Havoc only bloomed at a certain time or in certain conditions. I stilled as I realized it was too early for it to bloom. We had hours thankfully. Relief filled me but I still wanted to make sure no one was in the vicinity of this thing.

  “Get everyone out. Now.”

  My team picked up on the urgency in my tone and started to clear the room without any questions.

  “What I’m not g-“Calvin’s annoying voice was cut off before he could finish.

  I risked a quick glance and saw Tyrnca with her hand over Calvin’s mouth and arms locked around him as she dragged him towards the door. The room was quickly clearing. Devereux glanced back at me briefly then he was gone disappearing from view. Most of the rest of my team went through the door.

  “Get the containment unit.” I said to Darrell who I saw was closest to me.

  Not looking at me he nodded then his eyes widened. Turning back to Havoc I saw what I was fearing; Havoc open in all its glory. It shouldn’t be happening hours before the time it bloomed. I paused then thought of those certain conditions it would bloom. I hadn’t sensed anyone calling to it and didn’t know of any of my teams powers that would cause this. I frowned knowing the one I didn’t know; Devereux could be the cause of this. But that was not possible only a being that was no longer on this world could do such a thing. Havoc turned a purple, red then blue in quick succession. Then back to peach before changing to a deep orange.

  “Close the door.” I screamed at Arnon.

  He nodded as the team ran out the door and he started to shut the door.

  “Head’s up.” Tyrnca picked up Calvin and threw him towards the door.

  Belford caught him and went out the door. Arnon slammed it closed still inside the room. Ah hell, I hoped he was immune to Havoc or I would be in deep shit to control him. Belford detached from the shadows coming back into the room. At that I frowned hoping that I didn’t have to also deal with him. I ran toward Darrell pulling him back from Havoc hoping against hope to keep him clear of the spray. He shrugged me off already under the thrall of Havoc. He walked back toward it. I tackled him and lay across him. He bucked like an unleashed beast. A hiss sounded warning me that Havoc had sprayed then a deep orange mist clouded around me before rolling on to go over Tyrnca and Arnon. I didn’t even have time to look and see what was going on, I had a hell of a time keeping Darrell down. He was screaming like he was on fire and he felt like it. He was burning up.

  I looked down in his pale grey eyes and saw they were going orange with Havoc intoxication. His eyes were wild then they changed to speculation. I could see the intent on his face and quickly rolled out of his way. He was faster than he usually was and was on me before I could even think. He started to lower his face the passion etched there clear on what he was about to do. I cocked my hand to hit him when he was ripped off of me with such a force he was pitched against the wall. I sat up glanced at Arnon to nod my thanks. It looked like I didn’t have to worry about Arnon being affected by Havoc. I then looked around to see the walls had cracked under Darrell’s body before he dropped to the floor. He raised his face and a rumbling sound like a deep growl came from him. He slowly got to his knees then in a blink to his feet. Darrell shifted his body and his bones cracked. He started forward with intent purpose when a sound although beautiful I had hoped to never hear it again sounded behind me.

  He stopped and cocked his head and looked past me. Cautiously I lay my hand on Arnon and Belford—who also didn’t look affected by Havoc—shoulder and we stepped sideways. With a glance at Tyrnca I now knew why she was so guarded around everyone. Even me who was the closest thing she had to family. Tyrnca had a lot of explaining to do. She was a - I couldn’t even think it much less say. To do so would give it power and bring down more trouble on us than any of us would be able to handle. I couldn’t give what she was a name or it would resonate. I caught Arnon’s thought as it slipped out and muffled it hoping it didn’t reach the air.

  “B-.” I slapped my hand over Belford’s mouth before he could say it.

  “No. We will die.” I whispered with certainty.

  I didn’t take my hand off of his mouth until he nodded his understanding and even then I was reluctant to. One slip and Tyrnca would kill us and move on without a thought of it. Or at least until she realized what had happened. Her kind was a myth as some who were too young to know better assumed. To us who knew the truth they were extinct at least that is what we all thought until now. Slowly to not bring Tyrncas’ attention to us, I moved my hand away from Belford’s mouth and we stepped back in unison. She raised her head and made that same hauntingly beautiful high pitched noise again.

  The power rolled off of her in waves as her rich red hair floated around her honey-colored face crackling with lightening along all the strands. I didn’t even know when her hair had come loose from her usual high ponytail with the tail end braided. She glanced at us and we stood absolutely still as she racked us with her lavender gaze. She looked away back to Darrell as if we were no consequence. I let out a breath and watched as she studied Darrell like he would be a tasty treat.

  “Ah fuck.” Arnon breathed out as Darrell and Tyrnca flew at each other.

  The sounds they made were not human and they were ripping each other’s clothes off like they were crazy. I turned away. Havoc invoked two feelings more than others passion or violence. It went according to how your true feelings of the person was. If Havoc got into the ventilation system it could make people, some people, have a major orgy or try to kill each other or both. It would be bad no matter which way it went. I took a glimpse of Tyrnca and Darrell and looked away again. From the look of the way they were going at it, they had some hidden feelings none of them knew about. With a glance at Belford I almost grinned at the look of discomfort on his usually unfathomable face.

  I sighed as I knew I had to change the way things were going or Tyrnca would kill me. Well then again if I did what I planned I would probably be dead anyway. I heard a moan and knew I had to. Swearing I looked at Arnon then Belford and they saw it in my eyes. Arnon opened his mouth to say something. My hand flashed up with my gun in my hand and I fired a shot. Tyrnca gasped and jerked away from Darrell. The blood blossomed in her shoulder as she turned to look at me. I saw death in her eyes as she pitched Darrell away from her and turned to me. Darrell slumped against the wall this time knocked out cold. And that was from Tyrnca not even trying to throw him hard. He was an afterthought, now she wanted to hurt us.

  “We need to catch her. Arnon you go high and I’ll go low. Mischa you go middle then climb her when she is going down.” Belford said.

  I didn’t question him. I put away my gun and reached for my whip. We did as he said and went to where we were to be. I unfurled my whip and could sense when the other two did the same. I flicked it at her and aimed low around her hips. The other two did there parts and then we all tugged pulling her down as we infused the weapon with each of our powers we thought would be useful. Belford’s Shadower power hit Tyrnca in her legs and rose. She roared and her power flared white hot. I had only felt this sort of power once before and prayed never too again. Arnon unleashed his monster and it rose up the whip and engulfed Tyrnca. She rocked and tugged and I could feel all of us move. God she was so strong with her full power and Havoc riding her. Then I remembered the last part of Bel
ford said. I levitated then flew at her tightening my whip as I went. My body hit hers and my teeth jarred. She lashed out hitting me in the jar and I tasted blood and my head flew back under the blow. I focused and pushed my vampire power into her. Tyrnca screamed and I pushed her down to the floor under my power. I rode her down and straddled her staring into her crazed eyes.

  “Tyrnca,” I called to her softly trying to break through her need to kill us. “Come back to us.”

  Tyrnca bucked and fought us but we held her. We were not letting her go but now we were at an impasse on how to get her either out of here or calmed.

  “She is under Havoc’s influence.” That familiar voice said.

  I didn’t think my gun was in my hand and pointing at him. Tyrnca bucked again and I didn’t move although my attention was split. I could control both her and the new, what I would see as a threat, until I gauged it wasn’t. Devereux didn’t even flinch just watched me steadily out of those eyes that saw too much. I noted next to him was a woman who looked like the more feminine of him with the same eye and hair color. This had to be the sister who was the star of the show. I could see why it was so popular. She was gorgeous but it was the look in those eyes that made you wonder if she could cause violence if needed. It was the same one her brother had.

  “I know. I also recall you leaving. So why are you back and bringing her? We have enough shit we can handle.” I didn’t lower my weapon waiting to see what he would do.

  If he or his sister came under Havoc’s control I would shoot them. I didn’t have any feeling about them or gave a crap about them. Them I would eliminate if I needed too. Tyrnca on the other hand I wanted to try to save first but if I couldn’t I would need to get rid of her. It would be painful but I would do it.

  “We came back to help.” Nicolette said.

  “Havoc is dangerous to everyone.”

  “No Sirens.” Devereux said.

  I gritted my teeth as he said the one thing I was trying not to think or even say.

  Devereux smiled. “No worries. Talon ensured that unless we wished someone to hear; sense or even know it would not happen. They would hear something else known like Necromancer by which we are known as. That goes for all Sirens and those they trust. So the word is no longer dangerous to say.”

  My eyes narrowed as I realized what he was saying. The new King of Necromancers wasn’t just that which I knew since I sensed he was more. I hadn’t known he was of all things a Siren. That was a game-changer for this world. And could create all sort of issues.

  “Let us help.” Nicolette said.

  “If Havoc doesn’t work on Siren’s why is it working on Tyrnca?” Arnon asked.

  He asked what I was thinking.

  “I don’t know.” Devereux and Nicolette said together then frowned.

  I believed him and her. I nodded for them to help as I put away my gun. No use having it out if I wasn’t going to shoot anyone. Tyrnca made that noise again that was so hauntingly beautiful but frightening all at once. Then it was echoed as first Nicolette then Devereux matched her. It became a symphony of sound as they sang the melody older than time. In the human world people thought of Sirens as these mythical beings that could lead sailors in the sea to wreak ships. We in the supernatural world knew better. They were feared for a reason. Using their voice was only half of what they could do. They could use that same voice to raise armies and make them fall.

  “Mischa.” Tyrnca said softly.

  I looked at her and she stared at me.

  “I’m myself again.” She lifted her eyebrow. “Get off before I make you.”

  I hesitated since that seemed too easy. Tyrnca didn’t say another word. One moment she was there then the next she stood over me. I hadn’t seen her move but sensed it and could have stopped her. But with her moving as she did I knew her senses were back. That was the one thing Havoc ripped away too, the sense of you. Thank god it did since if you were cognizant of yourself it would make those who were trained more dangerous. It was one of the reasons the government hadn’t used it as a weapon to enhance their soldiers. It made them too volatile without any real methodical thinking which was what was need with soldiers. If Tyrnca had been in her right frame of mind we wouldn’t have been able to take her down with planning right in front of her. But we had since Havoc was ruling her. Tyrnca put out her hand. I accepted the offer and put my hand in hers. The power in her now I knew what it was; I realized I had felt it in others. Others I would be talking with. She pulled me up and in close.

  “Thanks for saving me from myself with Darrell.” She whispered it low.

  I knew she had made it so none of the other heard. I felt the rise of power.

  “Anytime.” I did the same as I answered then. “But you know he and you will have to talk since once he analyzes what happened he will not let it go.”

  “I know.” Tyrnca sighed. “That damn brain of his is an asset and a pain in the ass. I will let him figure out then come to me. I will answer him then.”

  That was the best I would get. We’d see how long it took Darrell to figure out Tyrnca had feelings for him and he for her. Because if they hadn’t been there no matter what the one person wanted the other wouldn’t have taken part if they didn’t want it too. On their end it would have been violence.

  Tyrnca released her then turned to Devereux and Nicolette. “Thank you, cousins.”

  At that I put my hands on my hips. “You have some explaining to do. But first why did you act like you didn’t know them? Hell or even Talon when we had that incident with him months ago?”

  “I know I need to explain some of it.” Tyrnca smiled. “And to answer your questions. We all have secrets that we keep. And I could not tell you mine without revealing others. Do you not have secrets that you won’t share with your closest friends?”

  I knew she was referring to herself and others. Also knew she was right. Secrets from even those close to you could keep you alive as well as them. I inclined my head to show her I understood. We would talk but I knew she wouldn’t tell me all her secrets and I was fine with that since I wouldn’t either.

  “Tyrnca, Havoc shouldn’t have affected you.” Nicolette said.

  “I know.” She said.

  They all exchanged a look. I glanced at Arnon and Belford and they too looked on confused at the look.

  “It was laced with something that I don’t know.” Tyrnca frowned. “I could feel it calling to my Siren which should not have been possible.”

  “Then why isn’t it affecting us.” Devereux eyes widened then his voice deepened. “Shit. Spoke to soon.”

  His eyes didn’t change but I could tell he was under the spell of Havoc.

  “Well ah shit I’m gonna hate this.” Nicolette made a thrilling sound.

  Hers didn’t change either. I took a step back and pulled my gun staring down the barrel at Devereux. Somehow I knew he was the one that was the most danger to me. Belford was to my right doing the same with Nicolette while Arnon was somewhere behind us I knew to back us up. Tyrnca positioned herself in front of Darrell so he wouldn’t get hurt.

  “Tyrnca what can we do so your cousins don’t go crazy on us?” I asked while watching Devereux.

  He smirked and stalked toward me. The deliberateness of his motions wasn’t typical for a Havoc intoxicated person. Nicolette was a mirror to him as she moved toward Belford.

  “I don’t think crazy is a problem.” Tyrnca said.

  I could see that and it still didn’t comfort me. “I don’t want to have sex with him.”

  “I don’t want to have sex with her.” Belford said.

  The twins stopped and they wore identical expression of contemplation. It was weird.

  “They don’t seem to be under the full influence of the Havoc and whatever they laced it with. Maybe I got the full effect and it isn’t as strong for them.” Tyrnca said.

  “Well goodie.” I stared at Devereux. “Can you hear me in there, Dev?”

  “Yes. No one has
called me Dev before.” He smiled. “I like it coming from you.”

  “That’s the Havoc talking.”


  He didn’t say anything further and I didn’t really want to know. You know that saying of not asking a question unless you want to know the answer. It’s a good rule to follow.

  “Havoc and whatever it is mixed with isn’t fully controlling you and your sister. So what can I do to make it so it doesn’t control you at all?”

  “Run to water.” Nicolette answered.

  I glanced at her briefly and she was staring at Belford when she said it.

  “No one chase me.” Belford stated coldly.

  Nicolette smiled. “Ahh…you don’t know the joys of the chase.” She laughed a sultry sound. “I have much to teach you Belford.”

  I didn’t recall saying his name to her.

  “Immerse us in water.” Devereux said.

  I focused on him and the predatory look on his face made me wonder if there was a trap somewhere.

  “Do it now.” Tyrnca said.

  At the urgency in her tone I moved. I slid my gun in my holster then rushed Devereux grabbed him then pivoted and headed for the windows. His power flared but I was ready for it and tempered it with my vampire cool. His red-hot power faltered as if trying to decide what to do. I ran full tilt into the glass and it shattered as we went out. I could sense Belford beside me as he too joined me. I knew he could have used his Shadower power to get to the water but he hadn’t for reason of his own I didn’t have time to ask. We flew through the air and I didn’t look down at the sixty floor drop. Instead I focused on that waterfall I had admired when we came in earlier and when we came into the room. The water flowed over us as we came to it almost as if seeking. And I knew it was Devereux and Nicolette’s power that called to it. Maybe the waterfall had something to do with them.

  A gift from our mother and father. Devereux spoke in my thoughts.

  It was too intimate and I didn’t like that. I pushed him out and closed off the connection. I ignored the pang in my chest as I did and focused on the task. We went into the welcoming water and it came over us as if bringing us home. I floated there and let go of Devereux but he caught my hands in his and watched me with those eyes. I didn’t know what Nicolette and Belford was doing but somehow I sensed it was something like this.


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