The Club

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The Club Page 9

by Mandasue Heller

  Following his gaze, Jenna said, ‘Fabian?’

  ‘Yeah, him. D’yuh trust him?’

  ‘Of course. He’s a very good manager.’

  ‘If you say so,’ Tony muttered, not sounding too convinced. ‘He’s a bit of a smooth bastard, if you ask me.’

  ‘That’s just his way,’ Jenna said, not wanting to sound disloyal. ‘The customers seem to like it.’

  ‘Yeah, well, I don’t buy all that polite namby-pamby shit,’ Tony sneered. ‘He needs to get his finger out of his ass and start acting like a real fuckin’ man.’

  Wondering where this was coming from, Jenna frowned. Fabian hadn’t done or said anything offensive, as far as she was aware, but Tony obviously disliked him for some reason.

  Thrusting a twenty at the waiter when he brought their drinks over, Tony handed Jenna and Eddie theirs, then took a swig of his own, still eyeballing Fabian.

  ‘So, what did you want to talk about?’ Jenna asked, hoping to draw his attention back to her before Fabian got scorch marks on his back.

  Turning to face her, Tony shrugged and took another drink. ‘You, as it happens. I’ve been thinking about what we was talking about last night, and I’ve got to admit I’m intrigued.’

  Unnerved by the intensity of his gaze, Jenna said, ‘There’s really nothing to be intrigued about. I pretty much told you everything last night.’

  Guessing what she was thinking, Tony chuckled softly. ‘Relax, Angel-face, it’s your mind I’m interested in, not your body – hot though it is.’

  Jenna felt the blush flare across her cheeks.

  ‘I ain’t hitting on you,’ Tony assured her with a chuckle. ‘Melody’s always saying I give off the wrong signals, and it don’t usually bother me, but I wouldn’t want you thinking I don’t respect you, ’cos I do. That’s why I want to get to know you better.’ Giving her a sincere look then, he said, ‘You all right with that?’

  Nodding, Jenna said, ‘Okay, but let’s not talk about me again. I’d rather hear about you and your club. I imagine you do things very differently in the States?’

  ‘Oh, it’s different, all right,’ Tony said, thinking that, for starters, a little girl like her would never get to play in a big man’s game like this without a whole heap of trouble.

  Blissfully unaware that he had just been the focus of Tony Allen’s scorn, Fabian was enjoying making Melody grovel. She’d apologised for last night and promised that she would never try to force his hand again, but he wasn’t as fooled as his easy smile would have her believe. He knew that she’d get around to asking for coke sooner or later, but he wasn’t about to offer it on a plate. Far better to let her make the running so he could retain some control over the situation.

  Right now, though, he was just enjoying the foreplay.

  Sexy as hell in a red satin dress that clung to her hips and moulded itself to her breasts, with her hair swept up, leaving just a few long strands to frame her gorgeous face, and some serious bling sparkling at her ears, throat, wrists and fingers, Melody way out-glammed every other woman in the club – and, boy, didn’t she know it. Fabian’s dick was straining to get at her as she flirted with him, brushing up against him so that her breasts grazed his arm, fluttering her long eyelashes, and pouting her glossy red lips.

  Determined to play it cool, he put a hand in his pocket to disguise the bulge and leaned casually back against the bar, gazing nonchalantly around the room.

  Sensing that she was losing his attention, Melody eased her knee between his. ‘Where’s your head at?’

  ‘Just wondering what your boyfriend would say if he knew what you were doing.’

  ‘Oh, let’s think . . .’ Melody tapped a long red nail against her lip. ‘Well, first he’d boil you in oil, then he’d hang you out to dry with a pig’s head sticking out of your ass.’ Looking him in the eye now, she said, ‘Worried?’

  ‘Not at all,’ Fabian drawled unconcernedly. ‘I’d be more worried about you, to tell the truth.’

  ‘Tony would never hurt me.’

  ‘You trust him that much, do you?’

  ‘Of course.’

  ‘Even if he found out what we’re doing?’

  ‘But he’s not going to find out, is he? Anyway, stop depressing me. I’ve been dying to see you, and all you’ve done is talk about Tony.’ Leaning closer, Melody raked her nails up his thigh, whispering huskily, ‘You heard what that waiter said – he wants me to take my time. So, how about we nip to your office while no one’s looking?’

  ‘Love to,’ Fabian said, glancing pointedly at his watch. ‘But I can’t right now. We’ve not been open long enough for me to pull a disappearing act.’

  ‘Just long enough to get me wet, huh?’

  ‘Oh, yeah?’

  ‘Yeah,’ Melody purred, gazing promisingly into his eyes. ‘So don’t keep me waiting too long, or I might have to go and find someone else to play with.’ Winking sexily now, she picked up her glass and began to move away.

  Lust winning out over his determination to play hard to get, Fabian reached out. ‘Wait.’

  Turning back, Melody looked down at his hand on her arm. ‘Changed your mind, Lover?’

  ‘Five minutes,’ he told her quietly.

  Tipping her head to one side, she let her gaze slide down to his groin. ‘Sure you can wait that long?’

  Grinning, he shook his head. ‘You’re going to get me into trouble, Miss Fisher.’

  ‘We’ll see,’ she murmured. ‘Just give me a minute to have a word with Tony, and I’ll follow you down.’

  Fabian exhaled slowly when Melody sashayed towards the table where Tony and Jenna were sitting chatting. He must be crazy, he reckoned, getting deeper into this after the worry of last night, but she was too sexy to resist. And where was the harm – as long as they didn’t get caught?

  Apologising to Jenna for interrupting, Melody cupped her hand around Tony’s ear and whispered, ‘Gay-Boy’s offered to dance with me again. You okay with that?’

  ‘Yeah, whatever,’ he said, eager to get on with his conversation. ‘But no funny business.’

  Flicking her tongue into his ear, Melody giggled when he squirmed. ‘That’s the only funny business I’ll be getting up to tonight, Tiger.’ Waggling her fingers at Jenna then, she headed for the stairs, fully aware that every man in the room was following with his eyes.

  Seeing Fabian going down to the lower floor, Kalli waited a couple of minutes, then poured a glass of chilled orange juice and slipped out from behind the bar. Telling Vanessa that she wouldn’t be long, she nipped down the stairs and made a dash for the DJ’s booth, keeping her eyes peeled for Fabian.

  Smiling at Vibes who was lining up his next track, she edged in behind him and checked out the view through the three-sided window. It was the first time she’d been up there, and she was surprised how much of both the lower and upper floors you could see.

  Slipping his headphones down around his neck after a moment, Vibes reached for the juice and took a long drink, then wiped his mouth on the back of his hand. ‘Thanks, you’re an angel.’

  ‘You’re welcome,’ Kalli murmured, still looking out. ‘Doesn’t she look gorgeous?’ she said then, sighing softly.

  Following her gaze, Vibes felt something catch in his chest when he saw Jenna. She looked so beautiful, and classy with it – and so out of his league.

  ‘She sure does,’ he murmured resignedly. Then, ‘Who are those guys?’

  ‘One of them is Melody Fisher’s boyfriend,’ Kalli told him, flicking a glance at the swarthy man sitting across from Jenna. ‘He’s American, like you.’

  ‘Uh huh,’ Vibes said thoughtfully.

  ‘Something wrong?’ Kalli asked, gazing up at him.

  ‘Nah, nothing,’ Vibes said, shrugging off the dark sense of foreboding that had come over him when he’d looked at the man. ‘So, who’s Melody Fisher?’

  ‘I’d have thought you’d know that, her being a big Hollywood star.’

  ‘Can’t say I�
�ve heard of her,’ Vibes said, shrugging.

  ‘She’s down there dancing with Fabian somewhere,’ Kalli told him, gazing out at the dance floor. ‘You couldn’t miss her, she’s absolutely gorgeous.’

  ‘Ah,’ Vibes said, a light switching on in his head. ‘Blonde?’

  ‘Yeah. Have you seen her?’

  ‘Oh, yeah, I’ve seen her,’ Vibes murmured. ‘So, if she’s the mystery man’s girlfriend, what do you reckon’s going on with her and Fabian? Only they were acting real shady last night, taking off right in the middle of the party.’

  ‘Taking off?’Kalli’s eyes widened with curiosity. ‘You mean they went out?’

  ‘Got down, more like!’Vibes gave her a knowing grin. ‘I saw them having a cosy chat in the corner, then he went up to the office, and she followed a few minutes later. Then she came out, and he followed her a few minutes later. What do you make of that?’

  ‘Nothing good, knowing him,’ Kalli snorted.

  ‘Don’t think too much of him, huh?’

  ‘Not much,’ Kalli admitted.

  ‘Well, well,’ Vibes said, chuckling softly. ‘Speak of the Devil.’ He nodded down to the dance floor, where Fabian and Melody were casually dancing their way towards the edge. ‘If I’m not very much mistaken, they’re going for a rerun.’

  Glancing down at them, Kalli frowned disapprovingly. ‘Dirty pig! Do you think I should tell Jenna?’

  Shaking his head, Vibes said, ‘Nah, you don’t need to be getting involved, and neither does she. If Fabian wants to get his fingers burned, he ain’t taking my two favourite ladies down with him.’

  ‘You think so?’ Kalli gazed up at him trustingly.

  ‘I know so,’ he said. ‘Anyway, you’d best get out of here before he comes back. Wouldn’t want him taking his guilt out on you.’

  Nodding, Kalli said goodbye and hurried back up to her bar. Fabian was a dog, but Vibes was right to tell her to stay out of it. It would end in tears without her intervention. These things always did.

  Locking the door when Melody came into the office behind him, Fabian pushed her up against the wall and pressed himself against her, his lips covering hers, his hands sliding over her buttocks.

  ‘Not yet,’ she gasped, holding him at bay.

  ‘I thought you said you were wet.’

  ‘Soaking, Babe, but I need something to really get me going.’

  ‘I’ll do that,’ Fabian assured her breathily, reaching for her breasts and circling her erect nipples through the satin with his thumbs. ‘Oh, Christ, they’re incredible.’

  ‘Yeah, I know.’ Melody impatiently slapped his hands away. ‘But I really, really need a line. You have got it, haven’t you?’

  ‘Yeah, I’ve got it.’

  Backing off with reluctance, Fabian took the coke out of the safe and laid out two thick lines. Snorting his, he handed the straw to Melody. Moving behind her then when she leaned over, he rubbed up against her. Encouraged when she let out a tiny gasp, he eased up her skirt, groaning lustfully when he saw her diamante thong.

  ‘Oh, that’s good,’ she moaned, rocking back against him when he slipped his hand between her thighs. ‘Oh, yeah . . . keep doing that.’

  Unzipping his fly, Fabian freed his hard-on and slid into her. Keeping still then, afraid that he would come if he moved, he held on tight to her hips.

  Melody couldn’t wait. Arching her back as the coke rushed to her head, she put her hands flat on the table and bucked against him, crying, ‘Oh, God, now!’

  Pounding into her until he felt the first searing rush of ecstasy, Fabian pulled out and swept everything off the desk. Flipping her onto her back, he tore off her panties and tossed them aside, then pushed her dress up over her breasts and bit down on her nipples. Wrapping her legs around his waist, Melody sank her nails into his back, holding on tight as waves of pleasure tore through them both.

  Easing herself up when her breathing had slowed, Melody shoved Fabian off and stood up. ‘Oh, shit!’ she moaned, looking down at the creases in her dress. ‘Look at the state of it.’

  ‘Don’t panic,’ Fabian said calmly, running his hands firmly down the material to smooth it. ‘It’ll be fine.’

  ‘Best had be,’ Melody grumbled. ‘Tony will flip if he sees me like this. Christ, my hair!’ she gasped then, reaching up to find the diamante clips that had been holding it in place. ‘I’ve got to get cleaned up or we’re both dead. Where’s the bathroom?’

  ‘You’ll have to use the staff toilets,’ Fabian told her, cursing Jenna for not getting him an en-suite when she’d had the one that her dad had started completed. ‘Just let me make sure no one’s out there first.’

  Going to the door, he frowned when he noticed the tiny red light glowing in the corner. He was sure he’d switched the CCTV off when he came in this morning, but he must have forgotten. It would have caught the whole thing, and how damning would that be if it got into the wrong hands? But he didn’t have time to erase it now, because he had to get Melody out of here before anybody caught them.

  Sticking his head out, he peered both ways along the corridor, then waved her out when he saw that it was clear. Waiting for her outside the toilets, he hopped nervously from foot to foot, wondering what excuse to give if anybody came along just now.

  Or, worse, what if her boyfriend had seen them coming in here?

  But if Tony Allen had seen them, Fabian had no doubt he’d have followed them or sent his goon to see what was going on – and Fabian would be picking up his teeth right about now.

  So, no, they were probably safe this time. But it had been a stupid risk to take, all the same, and he wouldn’t be doing it again any time soon – even if it had been one of the best fucks of his life.

  ‘How do I look?’ Melody asked, coming out just then.

  ‘Great,’ he grunted, just wanting to get her out of here.

  ‘My pants,’ she squealed as he grabbed her arm and rushed her down the corridor.

  ‘I’ll get them later,’ he promised, pulling her on down the stairs.

  Easing the lower door open, Fabian was relieved to find a group of drunks weaving about in front of it, blocking them from view. Slipping out after Melody, he headed for the downstairs bar while she made her way across the room.

  Two burly doormen were standing guard at the door to the VIP stairs, and they were refusing to let Leonard and Avril go through. When they stepped aside to let a blonde tart in a red satin dress in, Leonard almost blew a fuse. Already furious because the Buckleys’ party hadn’t finished as early as he’d expected, this sleight was just adding insult to injury.

  It was Avril’s fault for making them get here so late. If she’d bothered to tell him that the Buckleys were celebrating their silver-wedding anniversary, he’d have guessed how thoroughly tedious the party was going to be and would have invented a life-threatening illness to get out of going. At the very least, he’d have found a way of getting out of there before the toasts. But, thanks to Avril, he’d had to endure a five-course meal – very little of which he could actually stomach – followed by a two-hour session of whining neoclassical tripe from a string quartet. Then there’d been an hour of congratulatory speeches from the couple’s family, friends, and associates.

  Flooring his precious Jag when they had finally escaped, Leonard reached the club in record time, only to be told that he’d have to pay twenty pounds – each. And, if that weren’t insult enough, these imbecilic thugs were now refusing to let them go upstairs. It just wasn’t on!

  ‘If you don’t have a VIP pass, we can’t let you in, sir,’ one of the doormen was telling him for the fourth time.

  ‘But I’m a friend of the owner,’ Leonard told him – again. ‘And I spoke to the manager just last night, and he personally invited me back tonight.’

  ‘Sorry, sir, but we need to see your pass.’

  ‘No, you don’t!’ Beads of sweat burst out on Leonard’s brow and upper lip now. ‘I don’t need one, because I’m a friend of the
owner. Go and get her. She’ll tell you.’

  ‘Sorry, but we can’t just go walkabout, sir. If you haven’t got a pass, you—’

  ‘Oh, for Christ’s sake!’ Leonard barked, spraying Avril with sweat as he shook his head angrily. ‘This is outrageous. I will not be treated like this.’

  ‘Leonard, leave it,’ Avril cautioned when one of the burly doormen took a step forward. ‘There’s a perfectly good table over there.’

  Turning on her, Leonard yelled, ‘You can sit down here if you want to, but I’m not going anywhere until I get the respect I bloody well deserve.’

  Hearing the commotion, Fabian made his way over to see what was going on. Reaching them just as the doormen were about to escort Leonard out, he said, ‘What’s the problem?’

  ‘These people are refusing to allow my wife and me upstairs,’ Leonard told him indignantly. ‘I’ve told them that you invited me, but they’re being deliberately obstructive. And they wouldn’t go and get Jenny to verify that I’m a personal friend. They just keep going on about bloody VIP passes.’

  ‘I’m sure they didn’t mean any offence,’ Fabian told him, his tone placatory. ‘It’s my mistake. I must have overlooked you when I was allocating passes. Why don’t you let me get you a drink by way of apology?’

  ‘Very kind,’ Leonard grunted, casting a last glance of displeasure at the doormen as Fabian waved him up the stairs. ‘You really ought to have strong words with these chaps about their treatment of your personal guests, you know.’

  ‘Oh, I will,’ Fabian assured him, sharing a conspiratorial glance with the grinning doormen – who resumed their places as if nothing had happened.

  Following Leonard and Avril up, he escorted them to the bar and told Vanessa to give them whatever they wanted. Then, apologising again, he promised to sort out the VIP pass as soon as he had a minute.

  ‘That was so humiliating,’ Avril hissed when he’d gone. ‘Why do you always have to throw your weight around?’

  ‘I wouldn’t need to if people knew their places,’ Leonard retorted self-righteously. ‘And if it wasn’t a problem for the manager, I don’t see why you’ve got to make an issue of it.’


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