Tula, 37
Tunica Indians, 26
Tupian culture, 47
Tupi-Guaraní culture, 47–48
Tupinamba people, 212
Turner, Frederick, 172
Tuscarora Indians, 28
Tuskegee Indians, 26
Twana Indians, 21
Typhoid, 53, 57, 128, 136, 138
Typhus, 57, 91, 102
Tyre, Archbishop of, 178
Ugandans, genocide against, 75, 150
Umatilla Indians, 21
Underhill, John, 111–15
Urban II, Pope, 176, 178
Ute Indians, 19
Uxmal, 37, 82
Vaca, Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de, 81
Vacuum domicilium, 234–35
Valdivia, Pedro de, 211
Vale, Leonardo do, 93–94
Valla, Lorenzo, 188
Valladolid debate, 210–11
Van den Berghe, Pierre L., 246
Vasconcellos, Simão de, 92–94
Vaughan, Alden T., 276–78
Vega, Garcilaso de la, 43
Venezuela, 49, 97, 198
Vera Cruz, 215
Verlinden, Charles, 181
Verona, Giacomino di, 158–59
Verrazzano, Giovanni de, 101
Verwoerd, Hendrik, 246
Vespucci, Amerigo, 52
Vietnam war, 119, 252–53
Villani, Matteo, 188–89
Villegagnon, Nicolas Durand de, 212
Vizcaino, Sebastián, 135
Waccamaw Indians, 26
Wadsworth, Benjamin, 232
Wahunsonacock. See Powhatan.
Wailaki Indians, 22
Walesa, Lech, 256
Walla Walla Indians, 21
Wallerstein, Immanuel, 189, 215, 223
Wallis, Samuel, 134
Wampanoag Indians, 28, 276
Wappinger Indians, 28
Wappo Indians, 22
War: native American traditions of, 76, 78, 109–11, 114, 116
European attitudes toward, 111, 116, 177–80, 204, 216
Washington, George, 119–20, 240–41
Washo Indians, 22
Waterhouse, Edward, 106, 228
Watlings Island, xiii
Watts, Pauline Moffitt, 196
Weapemioc Indians, 28
Weber, Max, 233
Wenatchee Indians, 21
Wenro Indians, 28
Westmoreland, William C, 252
Whilkut Indians, 22
White, Hayden, 169, 173
White Antelope, 133
Whooping cough, 136
Wichita Indians, 19
Wiesel, Elie, xiii, 153, 184, 246
Wiesenthal, Simon, 152
Wildness and wilderness: in Christian thought, 154, 169–74, 242, 250
among New World settlers, 227–31, 238–39
Williams, David R., 173
Williams, Roger, 111, 236
Williamson, David, 125
William the Conqueror, 180
Wilson, L., 133
Winthrop, John, 112, 235–36, 249
Wintu Indians, 22
Wisconsin glaciation, 9, 261, 264–66
Witch hunting, 51–52, 60, 61, 98, 162–64, 230
Wiyot Indians, 22
Woccon Indians, 26
Wounded Knee massacre, 126–27, 257
Wright, J. Leitch, Jr., 27
Wyclif, John, 187
Xochimilco, Lake, 4
Xoconocho, 39
Yahgan people, 48
Yahi Indians, 143
Yakima Indians, 21
Yama Indians, 22
Yamasee Indians, 26
Yaqui people, 82
Yavapai Indians, 24
Yaxchilán, 37
Yellow fever, 53, 68
Yucatán, 37, 82
Yuki Indians, 22
Yukon, 20–21
Yuma Indians, 24
Yurok Indians, 21
Zapotec people, 35–36
Zintka Lanuni. See Lost Bird.
Zorita, Alonso de, 82
Zucayo, 71
Zuni Indians, 24, 26, 128
Zweig, Paul, 170–71
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