Temptation Of The Moon: A Silver Moon Novel

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Temptation Of The Moon: A Silver Moon Novel Page 7

by L. S. Slayford

  “Proud of me? Why?” she asked, surprise lacing her tone.

  Careful of the hot tea she held, Michael pulled her into a warm embrace. “You dealt with everything Mike had to say with calmness and grace. Other women would break down and piss themselves, but not you, Luna. You didn’t cry and run off screaming. Instead, you sat there and listened to what was said and just dealt with it. You acted like a true leader. You kind of reminded me of Dad tonight. You’re more like him than you realise. I reckon you’d be a good alpha if you were born first.”

  Warmth flooded through her at Michael’s words. Looking up at him, she took comfort in those blue eyes staring down at her. His slightly unruly hair shone in the sunlight streaming through the open window, his eyes beaming with brotherly love. “Thank you,” she whispered before a mischievous smile tugged at the corners of her lips. “Does this mean I get to boss you about now?”

  Michael laughed softly, shaking his head. “Don’t you always?”


  “I’m telling you, magic isn’t always the best answer. If Luna could break through those fantasy balls, then what makes you think it’s going to work on a pack of werewolves?” Standing in front of Pierre with a scowl on his face and a snarl on his tone, the Frenchman merely stared back with an amused expression etched across his face.

  “Ah, mon amie, my little Luna is special, no?” he replied, winking in her direction just behind Chase.

  “She’s not yours, Fang Boy,” Chase muttered, turning his attention away from the dhampir and concentrating on the coffee pot.

  “Are you sure, loup enfantil?” A low rumbling from the back of Chase’s throat was the only response Pierre got. Wafts of bitter coffee swirled around the kitchen. Luna suppressed a sigh. Taunts and insinuations had been flung between both dhampir and werewolf all evening and, if she was completely honest with herself, it was starting to grate on her nerves. But Chase did have a point.

  “I’m not taking sides, but Chase does make a valid point. I was able to break through that illusion or whatever it was. Explain how these work, Pierre,” Luna asked, sipping her tea.

  Holding up a small leather bag, Luna heard the faint sounds of something jiggling within. “These may appear like the batteries you find in watches, but they throw out an anti-magic force field when the main switch has been triggered. Should anyone try throwing magic at you, all you need to do is touch one of the main switches. The force field will go up, and nothing magical should get through. Everywhere within ten feet of these small devices will be protected.”

  Worry creased the lines on her face. “Where are the main switches? How does it work?”

  Reaching into the bag, Pierre pulled out two pieces of what looked like black onyx. Shaped into squares, the glint of the kitchen light reflected off the stone. “I do not know for certain how they work, ma petite, the mages do not trust outsiders with knowledge of their craft. Just touch it to activate it.”

  “That’s it? Just touch it?”

  “Well, in a manner, so to say. It needs to be programmed to your touch, like the human security system Michael installed. Only instead of a code or fingerprint, it needs your blood.”

  “My blood? What is it with you lot and blood? Why does everything have to involve blood?” Luna groaned, rolling her eyes.

  “I told you before, blood is life. There are more benefits to the red nectar than what humans can understand. We just use it to its full capabilities. Werewolves can use it to heal, as I can. Seers are able to find more information by it. Witches, mages, and wizards can create powerful spells with blood. Anyone in the paranormal world can use it to seal magical, binding oaths. And humans simply think it is another part of the body!” Scoffing at the thought, Pierre took a few steps closer before handing the switch over to Luna.

  Taking it into her hands, she traced her finger over the material. Only three inches wide, the stone was smooth, cold, with various markings etched into the outer edges she had never seen before. Pierre continued as he took back the panel. “I could only acquire two switches, unfortunately. I will install one by the kitchen door, the other by the front door. Should the need arise, get inside and touch one of them.”

  A snort of derision originated from the corner. Turning her head, Luna watched Chase’s unconvinced face twist into a scowl. “Bet you ten bucks it doesn’t work.”

  A grin stretched across Pierre’s face. “You are on, my friend. Let us set this up, and you can be, how do you say, our guinea pig, oui?”

  Within ten minutes and a few drops of Luna’s blood later, Pierre had fixed the two panels into position, one adjacent to the security panel by the front door, the other next to the back, and they were ready to test it out. They had positioned several of the smaller devices around the kitchen. Small and gun-metal grey, they did resemble watch batteries, but on closer glance, they seemed to be made from some kind of crystal, each one marked with a carving. Reaching into the leather bag, Pierre handed over a small red ball. The size of a tennis ball, Luna had a feeling she wouldn’t want to bat it around a court. Glowing red, the sparks gave off heat even from several feet away.

  Arching an eyebrow at the dhampir, Chase remained silent. Pierre tilted his head to the side, a smirk forming on his face. “You know what to do, oui?”

  Sighing, Chase just turned around, opened the door, and walked away from the house before turning to face them. “Far enough for you?”

  “Yes, yes, that is great there.” Turning to face Luna, he pulled her in front of him, her back resting tight against his front. Luna inhaled sharply as the scent of sea salt and lavender. It should have been an old lady’s scent, but with Pierre, it promised comfort and pleasure. Gently, he wound an arm around her waist, his lips close to her temple. Feeling his hardness against the small of her back, the junction between Luna’s thighs began to ache. Sucking in as much air as she could, she forced herself to remember what they were meant to be doing.

  “Pierre,” she whispered, his name rushing out in a breathless whisper.

  Those lips brushed the side of her temple, a feather-light kiss that sent shivers racing throughout her body. The ache deepened between her thighs. “Yes, ma petite?”

  “Chase is waiting outside for us.”

  Both Luna and Pierre’s eyes immediately looked ahead. Chase scowled, his displeasure clear as day. “Ah, yes. What the werewolf holds in his hand is a fire orb. Simply put, it is a magical spell contained within a small sphere. Once it comes into contact with something, it sets it alight. The stronger the magic, the more damage it can do. Luna, if you would be so kind to touch the panel and then we can have a first-hand demonstration of the anti-magic field in action.”

  Quickly, Luna touched the black panel and was ready to position herself a little further away from Pierre this time, when her ex-lover grabbed her by the hand and pulled her closer. “Stay with me, ma petite,” he whispered, his voice as thick and sweet as honey. Turning back to his rival still scowling outside, he called to him. “When you are ready, Monsieur Loup.”

  “If this doesn’t work and Luna gets hurt, I’m going to ram my fist down your throat and pull out your black heart and then shove it up your ass, you got me?”

  “Oui, oui, I hear you. Just throw the orb and try not to do it like a little girl, please.”

  Snarls flooded the air, frustration tearing away his cool, as Chase’s eyes glanced at Pierre’s hand holding Luna’s. All of a sudden, Chase threw the orb towards the dhampir, aiming, no doubt in Luna’s mind, right for his face. Breathless, Luna’s heart began beating in her chest as the shimmering red orb headed straight towards them. But just as it was about to pass through the open doorway, an explosion of scarlet and orange lights burst before their eyes. Luna gasped as not a single particle penetrated the invisible barrier that separated them, but she could sense an energy that soaked all the way down to her bones.

  Striding towards them, Chase’s face remained expressionless as he examined the remnants of the orb, the shimm
ering lights melting into nothing.

  “I believe you owe me ten dollars,” Pierre told him, the self-satisfied smirk on his face increasing. So much for his lawyer mask, Luna thought to herself, shaking her head.

  Chase met his eyes. “Bill me, asshole.”

  Pierre nodded, unfazed by his unfriendly tone. “I’ll have my secretary get right on it.”

  Chase’s brown eyes began to darken, flecks of amber shining them. The warm azure blues of Pierre’s darkened, storm clouds gathering above a raging ocean. Luna took in a sharp breath as power rolled over her skin. “Enough!” she cried, trying to stop them from going any further. They duelled with glares before both directed their attention to her.

  “Yeah, I think I’ve had enough of this shit, too.” Michael’s weary voice brokered no argument as he sauntered through the kitchen door.

  “Jeez, Michael,” Luna told him, hand over her heart. “I swear I need to get all three of you a collar with a bell. One of these days you’re going to give me a heart attack!”

  “I’ll expect one for my birthday, sis. Don’t forget the catnip though for Chase, otherwise he won’t let you rub his belly.” Placing a light kiss on her brow and giving her a small smile, Luna noticed it lacked its usual warmth.

  “What’s the matter, Michael?” she asked, her green eyes settling on him with concern.

  Sighing, Michael threw down the phone and car keys he held in his eyes onto the counter. “Any chance of a coffee?” Pulling her hand out of Pierre’s grip, Luna hurried around the kitchen. Glancing over, a weary look stretched over Michael’s face, his blue eyes exhausted. Grabbing the vanilla creamer out of the fridge, she poured it into his coffee. Wafts of vanilla and roasted coffee beans flowed around the kitchen. Luna may not have liked the taste of coffee, but the tantalising mixture of aromas was heavenly.

  Placing the cup in front of him on the table, Luna sat opposite her brother so she could assess him. Dressed in a dark rumpled t-shirt with grass and oil stained jeans, an air of weariness enveloped him. A genuine smile played across his lips, his eyes closing in appreciation as he sipped his coffee. “Hmmm, just what I needed after today.”

  “What happened?” Chase asked, pouring himself a new cup of coffee, minus the creamer.

  Heaving a sigh, Michael set his cup down, his eyes quickly reverting to its haggard look. “Had a call from Howie. It seems our mystery guest turned up on his property today, so I went over to sniff things out. No idea who or what it is, but it does smell somewhat like a werewolf but mixed with a dozen other scents.”

  “What kind of scents?” Luna asked, confused.

  “Vampire, ghoul, wendigo, brownie, bogart, goblin … with a faint trace of magic. I don’t understand what it is, but it stayed on Howie’s property for several hours before heading into town.”

  “Think it’s one of the pack’s spies?” Chase asked.

  Michael shook his head. “Can’t see how. Whatever it is, it saved Luna from the pack’s witch. While I’m not entirely sure it’s friendly, I don’t think it’s one of theirs.” Not knowing what to say, the room plunged into an uneasy silence until Michael glanced over at Pierre. “How’s the installation coming? What’s next?”

  Pierre shrugged gracefully. “The anti-magic shield is operational but is only programmed with Luna’s blood so far. You will need to do it as well as him,” he nodded in Chase’s direction, “if you want him to. A dozen fire and ice balls are sitting in your parlour and tomorrow I’m picking up a few more items my supplier has managed to acquire on my behalf.”

  Luna’s brow knotted into intrigue. “Where do you get these items?”

  Pierre winked at her. “After being alive for three centuries, ma petite, you tend to pick up a few contacts here and there.”

  Silence filled the air once more, the only sounds from the sips of coffee drunk by the werewolves until it was broken by a sharp shrill. Muttering, Michael pulled out his phone from his pocket, his forehead creasing into confusion as he stared at the screen. “Yes?” he asked, sharper than usual, then began growling. Stabbing a button with a finger so hard she thought it would go all the way through the phone, deranged laughter flooded the room.

  “- how much of your sister’s blood stained the snow, alpha? I would have loved to have seen it. Nothing quite like fresh blood to start the day off right, huh?”

  Chills ran down Luna’s spine and dread unlike she had ever felt before swept through her.

  It was them.

  “What do you want?” Michael responded through gritted teeth.

  Laughter continued to peel down the phone. “Faith, trust, and pixie dust of course! Ha, just kidding. We want the girl. It’s time to hand her over, alpha,” the voice told them, a sneer coating the last word.

  Michael shook his head, raising a hand to silence Chase when his mouth started to open. “You and I both know that’s not going to happen. She’s not going anywhere near you.”

  “Don’t be too sure about that. My alpha is coming for her soon. What he wants, he takes, and believe me. He’s going to take her.” The voice on the other end cackled on the last words. Luna shuddered at the harrowing implication.

  A freezing cold enveloped her, seeping into her bones, turning her blood to slush. Swallowing down the gasp that threatened to spill out of her lips, Luna’s fingers gripped the edge of the table, her knuckles turning white from the force. Cold fingers brushed her shoulder, causing her to jump in her seat. Twisting her head, she gazed upwards at Pierre. She tried to see what he was thinking but his expression was blank as he listened to the voice booming through the phone.

  “So, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. It’s your choice. Hand her over, we leave you alone, and you go on as normal. Refuse, and we’ll destroy the entire town and take her anyway.”

  “I’d let the world burn to the ground before I let your alpha anywhere near my sister.” Michael’s words were low, but they carried such force and determination that Luna believed him. She could easily see him sacrifice everything to ensure her safety. They were family, the last family either of them had. She would do the same for him.

  “Excellent!” Excitement laced the voice’s words. “We’ll be seeing you soon. Oh, tell your sister to wear white. The alpha loves to fuck his women wearing white. Makes their blood stand out so well.” Before Michael’s and Chase’s snarls could escape the confines of their mouths, the phone went dead.

  For a second, Luna thought her heart was going to stop. It pounded against her chest wildly that she feared it would suddenly cease and refuse to beat again. Fighting to maintain composure, Luna sucked in as much air as she could and released her fingers from their death-grip on the table. Luna tried to wipe away the tears that were pooling in her eyes and threatened to fall, but she wasn’t fast enough. They trickled down her cheeks, icy rivers of fear that followed the contours of her pale skin. Pierre’s hand remained on her shoulder, a comforting presence during such terrible chaos. Curses flowed around the room, but she paid no heed to them. A jumbled mix of emotions and thoughts swirled around in her head, each one a deadly thorn digging into her heart. Was this the future? To be snatched away from her loved ones only to be raped and used by a heartless monster?

  The black abyss of such a possibility was calling for her, and Luna was just about to teeter over the edge when the phone rang again.

  Michael stabbed at the phone. “I am going to gut you and feed your entrails to my wolves you fuc-”

  “My, my, what colourful language. Have I interrupted at a bad time?”

  A sweet feminine voice flowed through the phone. “Who is this?” Michael grunted, his voice coated with anger and disdain.

  “I’m your resident seer, Michael England. Your sister came to see me last year, remember?”

  Releasing a sigh, Michael wiped his face with his hand, the anger on his face melting into weariness. “I remember. Cassandra, right? Sorry, you caught me at a bad time. What can I do for you?”

  “You can
have Luna come to meet me at my house tomorrow morning, please.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “She needs to be there at eleven sharp, and I believe there’s going to be traffic, so I’d advise her to leave early. Oh, and before I completely forget, tell her she shouldn’t leave without her weapon. I’ll explain when she gets here. Bye bye!”


  Fear and worry grated at Luna’s mind as she stared silently at the door. It wasn’t the door that had tendrils of anxiety snaking around the depths of her being; it was what lay beyond the door. Just a few months earlier, it had been Pierre who had been suffering from a case of nerves – not that he let anyone saw usually, Luna had only caught a faint flicker of it on his face before it disappeared – but now it was her turn.

  Beside her, Chase sighed. “It’s just a door, princess, it’s not going to bite.”

  “Easy for you to say,” she muttered. Still, there was a hesitation there. Last time, Cassandra had informed her of her role in a prophecy that had caused her parents to whisk her off to another country as a child. What else could she tell her?

  “Just knock, Luna. I want to get you back home before dark,” Chase said, a faint trace of irritation layering his words.

  Luna glanced over at him. His tone may have been one of exasperation, but his face was one of concern. Black clothes encased his log frame; a black shirt clinging to his broad shoulders underneath a leather jacket and emphasising his narrow waist, tight black jeans that outlined his slender legs and hips. The nerves in her stomach threatened to turn into something else. Shaking her head as if to throw away those thoughts, Luna drew in a deep breath and with a shaky hand, knocked on the door.

  Seconds stretched into eternity before the door finally opened. “Great, you made it! Come in, come in. Tea’s already on.” A mass of scarlet hair and a wide grin welcomed them. Following the seer into the kitchen, Luna glanced around. Stacks of boxes stood in tall pillars throughout the house. Steam swirled upwards as the kettle whistled. Three mugs sat on the island, tea bags already sitting within, waiting for their watery fates. Gesturing for them to sit, Cassandra quickly began pouring hot water. A piece of black velvet covered a strange-looking object on the table. Cassandra gestured to the chaos. “Sorry about the mess. You don’t realise how much junk you accumulate until you move with kids.”


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