Wedding Bell Blues

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Wedding Bell Blues Page 30

by Meg Benjamin

  And she stood in front of him, wearing only a scrap of peach-colored silk at her crotch.

  Cal stared, his pulse racketing in his ears. There she was again—Botticelli’s Venus with her wild red curls drifting around her face and shoulders. Perfect breasts, high and full. Waist narrowing to a gently rounded stomach. Long, creamy thighs stretching to muscular calves.

  Oh God, oh God, oh God. If he was dreaming, this was when he’d wake up, hard and aching.

  “Your turn,” she whispered.

  He came down to earth with a thump. This was it. The point at which some of his past sexual encounters had come to an abrupt halt. The time when he’d need to get enough blood back into his brain to soothe, to reassure, to explain that, after all, size was relative and bodies did adapt to each other.

  But he might as well get it over with.

  He unzipped, pushing his slacks and underwear down together, feeling himself spring free. No point in delaying the moment—he wouldn’t get any smaller.

  At least he profoundly hoped he wouldn’t.

  Docia’s gaze was riveted on his groin. She stared at his cock, as he’d known she would. His throat was dry with wanting her. Somehow he had to figure out how to say all the things he needed to say to get past this moment. All the encouragement and reminders about how well they’d fit. How they were made to fit together. How if she lost her nerve now he’d probably go jump off a cliff somewhere.

  She reached for him suddenly, before he realized what she was doing. Cool fingers wrapped around his shaft, measuring him, sliding lightly down the length of him.

  “You’re very big.” Her voice sounded husky.

  Cal swallowed, nodding. Even if he tried to speak, he figured his voice wouldn’t be more than a croak. And he wasn’t sure he could speak at all as long as her hand stayed where it was currently.

  And then she grinned, eyes sparkling. “Fortunately, so am I.”

  When opposites attract, they are screwed three ways from Sunday


  © 2009 Inez Kelley

  Frannie learned the hard way that a McHottie doesn’t always equal marriage material. She’s happy with her vanilla life. She has friends, a career and a double-D-powered vibrator. Then Fate shoves her, literally, into Prince Charming’s lap. His declaration of love at first sight is cute—and spikes her bullcrap meter into the red zone.

  She’s more than willing to give in with her body. But she’s barricaded her heart behind castle walls—and permanently welded the gates shut.

  Tragedy taught Jinx that time is too precious to waste, so when a series of uncanny coincidences thrusts Frannie into his life, he holds on tight. He knows she thinks he’s several fries short of a Happy Meal, but he’s determined to breach the fortress around her heart and give her a Happily Ever After.

  Even if he has to carry her fanny-first into his kingdom.

  Warning: includes jelly shoes, a narcoleptic cat and meatloaf. The steamy sex scenes may lead to fogged windows and wet panties so proceed at your own risk. Do not attempt to read without tissues, napkins for spewed beverages, and a booty call on speed dial.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Jinxed:

  After slicing two pieces of cheesecake, hers less than half the size of his, Frannie went to the coffeemaker. When she offered Jinx a cup, he agreed but a dare seeped into his tone. “Take one guess how I like it.”

  As she poured liquid creamer in her cup, she smirked. She added an equal amount of the rich white cream to his cup and handed it to him.

  Chuckling, he took a small sip. “Perfect.”

  “You know, this has got to be some kind of cosmic thing.” She pulled her knees up under her on the chair. “It’s unreal how similar we are.”

  “Well, there are some important differences,” he pointed out, hiding a smile behind his coffee cup. “I don’t have three romance novels tucked underneath my thong panties.”

  “You went through my suitcase!” The accusation in her voice should have made him feel guilty. Instead, he just laughed, arching that devil-black left eyebrow.

  “Tell me you didn’t do the same.”

  Since she couldn’t, Frannie wisely stayed silent and sipped her coffee. A panicky thought burst through her brain. Had she packed anything embarrassing? No. Her vibrator was still in her nightstand drawer and she hadn’t needed the acne cream so far this month, so she was covered. But just knowing his fingers had touched her underwear made her blush. Peering over the rim of her cup, she caught him studying her with intense eyes. The crackle of mutual attraction electrified the air.

  Before she could think of a response, Hocus and Pocus wandered into the kitchen. Idly, Jinx reached down and stroked one silky cat as it twined through his feet. A love-starved Pocus pushed his broad head against Jinx’s calf. With a deep chuckle, he reached lower to pet the animal. A second sneaky black paw darted out from behind his chair. Suddenly, he jerked his arm up, hissing in surprise and pain.

  “Hocus! Pocus! Out!” Frannie scolded, sending both cats scurrying into the living room at breakneck speed. Flirtation fled as mortification barreled into the room. Three long scratches just above Jinx’s right wrist oozed blood. He took a paper napkin and dabbed at it as she ran water on a clean dishcloth.

  “I’m so sorry. Hocus doesn’t like men but he’s never drawn blood before.” Face burning, she handed him the cloth.

  “It’s okay, it’s just a scratch, but it stings like hell.”

  My luck he’ll get some weird cat fungus and sue me. “Come in here. Let me wash it out and put something on it.”

  Frannie led him to a small half bath off the hallway. She poured peroxide on the thin red lines and tried to ignore the way he seemed to take up all the space in the tiny room. There was barely enough room to turn around with him standing beside the sink, and she fumbled with the bottle lid. He was too close, too male, too delicious. The scent of pure masculine essence intoxicated her. She couldn’t think straight.

  It’s not fair. No one should be capable of making a bathroom a sexy place.

  But he did, just by being there. Gone was the easy friendly presence and harmless flirtations which had developed in the kitchen. Here in the tiled closet, he oozed sex appeal. And I like the ooze, damn it! He stepped even closer. Concentrating on drying the foaming bubbles from his arm, she tried to ignore the jerk in her heart. His quiet voice fanned the hair at her temple.

  “So, no husband, but is there a boyfriend I need to worry about?”

  “What?” Why do I always turn into an idiot around this man?

  “If I kiss you, is there a boyfriend somewhere who’s going to clean my clock?”

  Frannie raised her head and stared directly into the deep pools of his eyes. Thick lashes framed his searing gaze, rekindling the smoldering fire he had sparked on the plane. He’s a snake charmer and I’m dancing to his tune. Mesmerized, she couldn’t speak and simply shook her head. He took the damp cloth from her hands and tilted her chin fractionally upward with his knuckle. Her eyes closed as her mouth parted in anticipation. Since the encounter on the plane, she’d been dying to taste his kiss. Soft as a snowflake’s landing, his lips settled across hers.

  Like met like and the electric surge shocked them both. In the same instant, their eyes flew open and locked. A battery charge, the sexual tension sparked with a blue-hot sizzle. Chemistry collided and exploded into immediate and frantic lust. The kiss rocketed from a timid first taste to frenzied longing.

  Frannie moaned as the drum deep inside began pounding. Passion sang through her veins. He nipped her mouth and, without thought, she nipped back, sliding her tongue across his bottom lip. Jinx knew how to kiss—or at least how she liked to kiss—and gave as much as she took, took just what she could give. It was perfect—not too wet, not too dry and just enough oh-my-Gawd-do-that-again. With a half-muttered groan, Jinx pulled her to him, her arms already seeking his shoulders. Like water on satin, her fingers weaved through his hair.

  Good Gaw
d, if this is heaven, take me now. She met and challenged each thrust and parry of his tongue until they were both breathing harshly. He tasted of creamy coffee and rich cheesecake, two of her weaknesses. A strong suspicion grew that he could easily become a third weakness. She swayed against him, her skin aching to be closer.

  Jinx hefted her up until her butt met the cold marble of the sink vanity. Caught between her widespread knees, he framed her face in large hot hands while he drank his fill from the well of her lips. The increased height perfectly positioned her dampening crotch against his straining zipper and he pulled her hips closer. Her feet met behind his legs as she arched to him. The rough fabric of his fly ground into her flimsily covered slick center. The tightening bud nestled there hardened and throbbed, and she let her head fall back, giving full access of her throat to his heated mouth. He found a spot just below her ear that turned her bones to jelly.

  So maybe this flavor-of-the-month thing had benefits.

  Consumed with the need to feel his skin, Frannie tugged at his shirt collar and he raised her tee shirt hem. Both tops landed on the floor with a soft thwap. Heat engulfed them as passion arced higher. Flesh on flesh, the sparse hair on his chest pricking her nipples, she gasped into his mouth. Jinx seemed as hungry as she was. He cupped a small breast and lightly pinched the tip, swallowing her cry of pleasure. She arched her hips into his groin and felt through thin cotton how hard he was, how hard she’d made him in so short a time. Power surged through her. Clamping her thighs around his hips, she pressed herself harder against the hidden steel. A deep masculine moan sounded low. The rumble deep in his chest vibrated against her swelling breasts, thrilling her. He grabbed her hips once again, pulled her hard against him and rocked his hips forward, lips never leaving hers.

  This is going to be good. It’s like he’s reading my mind. Let’s hear it for similar brain patterns! Wahoooo!

  His maddening mouth slid down her jaw. With her head back against the mirror, she whimpered. Her neck beckoned for his tongue and he skimmed her throat as he tasted and caressed down to her swollen breasts. At last, his lips captured one aching peak. An internal spotlight shone on her, intensifying every zing of pleasure Jinx plucked from her sizzling flesh. Hot and teasing, his tongue provoked each bud to stinging awareness before drawing them into the warmth of his mouth. A soft hum buzzed the pebbled crests.

  Every nerve ending in her body sat up and screamed his name. The soft brush of his hair in her hands was more noticeable than the bite of the faucet in her lower back. The feel of his hot skin against hers created a firestorm, baking her in its heat. Her core turned to molten lava, she pulled his head back to hers and kissed him. Gawd, hurry!

  “Where’s my shaving kit?” he asked between nips of her lips.

  Why does he want to shave now? Oh, wait…shaving kit…condoms. Hallelujah! “Upstairs on my bed.”

  At her last word, he groaned into her mouth. Wanting him more than imaginable, Frannie was reluctant to leave the warmth of his embrace. The bed could wait one minute longer. With lusty patience, Jinx made no move to unseat her, but allowed her tongue and lips to trace a blazing trail down his neck to his shoulder, where she nipped him with sharp teeth. The untamed savagery brought a shiver which spiked her desire another notch.

  He caught her lips once more before whispering, “Let’s go upstairs.” She nodded into his kiss. “I love you, Frannie.”

  Like a bucket of cold water, his words ripped Frannie from her sexual haze and she shoved him away. He stepped back against the wall and her ass slid into the sink basin. The washcloth soaked her ass, cold seeping into her skin.

  “What did you say?”

  “I said I love you.” Wide devil-dark eyes gaped at her.

  The stunned expression on his face might have made her laugh if she hadn’t gone from incredibly horny to incredibly pissed-off in two-point-two seconds. Struggling to pluck her rear end from the sink, she flailed her legs until her thighs, still feeling his body’s crush, caught on the edge and pulled her free. She hopped off the vanity, grabbed her shirt and threw his at him. It hit him squarely in the face as he followed her out of the small bathroom. Her hair poofed with the force of her cotton tee being snapped over her head.

  “You have no idea how royally you just screwed up. Two minutes ago, you were pretty much guaranteed a piece of ass. Now you can get the hell out of my house and stay out!”

  She’s got the heat. He’s got the kitchen. Together, they’ve got trouble cookin’.

  Let’s Dish

  © 2009 Catherine Wade

  Maggie Donnely has problems no Food Network star ever had to deal with. Her coffee shop is running in the red, her EPT just turned pink, and keeping her business partners in line is making her blue in the face. A run-in with her old cooking school nemesis is the last thing she needs.

  Kevin Best is a blast from the past with more than Maggie’s mouth-watering recipes on his mind. He knows he made one big mistake with her, but she’s got no idea just how far he’ll go to put her heart back on the menu.

  When Maggie loses her shop to a fire, and her partners to a stupid mistake, she’s forced to turn to Kevin to help her win a contest that could save her bacon. Friendless, desperate—and with the proverbial bun in the oven—it’s a choice that could change the rest of her life. If she can learn to love again.

  What’s the old saying about too many cooks? Maggie’s about to find out…the hard way.

  Warning: This book contains graphic depictions of baking, gratuitous bread-kneading, Oreos with lemonade, smart women with smarter mouths, and the occasional flying squid.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Let’s Dish:

  That afternoon, the doctor confirmed everything I already knew. I was pregnant. Oh, joy. In my pocket was a crumpled piece of paper. It was a simple prescription for prenatal vitamins, but to me it represented so much more. It was a commitment.

  Or a sign I needed to be committed. I wasn’t quite sure which.

  I headed to the supermarket with the least nosey pharmacist and proceeded to weave my way through aisles and aisles of jarring reminders. Baby food, baby bottles, diapers. Why couldn’t the pharmacy be near the chips and ice cream section?

  Just as I was getting comfortable with the sinking feeling of impending doom, I turned a corner and came face-to-face with a familiar leather jacket. Face-to-back, actually, so he hadn’t spotted me. Kevin was hovering over the coffee section, five different cans in his cart. I froze in my tracks, wondering if I could somehow slip unnoticed back the way I’d come. My hesitation, however, turned out to be fatal.

  He must have sensed me behind him, because his head swiveled around and he caught my eye. “Maggie. Hi.” There was surprise in his voice, but I noticed his shoulders droop a fraction of an inch. Wasn’t he glad to see me? I mean it wasn’t like I was going out of my way to be nice to him or anything, but he was the one who insisted on stalking me. A chance meeting should be a happy thing. For him.

  “Uh, hi.” I was too busy trying to figure out how to extricate myself to think up a snappy retort.

  He scrutinized me, perhaps surprised that I hadn’t bolted the second I saw him. It’s not that I didn’t want to, but I seemed glued to the spot. “You okay?” he asked.

  “Why?” My hand made its way into my pocket, self-consciously fingering the prescription.

  “You look a little pale. And when Lyla said you were out this afternoon—”

  “You talked to Lyla? What did she say?”

  Kevin stared at me. “Nothing. Just that you weren’t feeling well.”

  “Yeah.” Paranoid much? I scolded myself. Lyla hadn’t outed me. She’d promised not to say anything, but she had an insane streak when it came to Kevin. Still, if this was the way I reacted to a simple question, I’d soon out myself.

  “Nothing serious, I hope.”

  Oh, if he only knew. “Don’t think this is your big break or anything. We’re not going anywhere. Flu or no flu, we’re still in bus

  “I didn’t say you weren’t.” He was putting on his innocent look again, his bright eyes calm and clear like a forest lake. I wasn’t buying it.

  How dare he catch me trying to sneak to the pharmacy? “What are you doing tracking me down at the grocery store, anyway?” I asked. “Don’t you own a business? Or do you ever actually cook there?”

  He grinned. “Hard to find time to cook, what with all the time I devote to tracking you down.” He made little quote marks in the air and tilted his head from side to side as he imitated my tone.

  “Ha ha. Very funny.”

  “But a wise woman once told me there are bakeries in grocery stores.” He shoved his hands in his pockets and bounced on the balls of his feet. He looked like a little kid waiting for a treat.

  “This is the coffee aisle.”

  “Uh oh. You’ve discovered my secret.” He leaned close and I felt his breath on my cheek. “Sometimes I drink coffee with Danishes.”

  My eyes rolled back and I shook my head. “Whatever. I have to go.”

  I took a step backward and turned to leave, only to hear from behind me, “Don’t you want to know why I called?”

  Despite my better judgment, I turned to face Kevin again. “Not really.” What a liar.

  Kevin’s smile waned. “Listen, I’d love to stand here and mess with you all day, but the truth is I felt bad about how things ended this morning.”

  “Ended is right. I’m happy to live the rest of my days without listening to any more of your malarkey.” My tone was sharper than I’d intended, and my mother’s guilt-trip tapes played in my head. But Mom never planned on Kevin Best coming along. He wasn’t exactly getting the hint that I wanted him out of my life and, if possible, the galaxy. Being polite was not going to cut it.


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