The Lycan Chronicles

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The Lycan Chronicles Page 1

by Schroeder, Brent

  The Lycan Chronicles

  Brent David Schroeder

  Copyright © 2013 Brent David Schroeder Printed in the United States

  No Halo Productions LLC All rights reserved. ISBN-10: 1483942023 ISBN-13: 978-1483942025

  DEDICATION I would like to dedicate this book to my parents who have always backed me up during all my crazy ventures and to all my friends

  who’ve had my back, through the thick and the thin. I would also

  like to give a lot of thanks to Abe Bratcher, for helping me edit my

  book, all the way through the brutal process. Thanks to all of the

  Lycans and Vampires I interviewed for this true-to-life adventure. Six years ago, I traveled out west to investigate stories of actual werewolf attacks and sightings, when I met a man at a bar who claimed to be a Lycan for over 200 years. His name was John Davidson and these were his stories...

  The Lycan Chronicles.

  RIP David Moore, I will always miss you, bro!

  Thanks again to Eileen Briggs for the extra set of eyes on the project.

  Cover design by my mate in England, Darren James Tomalin.

  And a special thanks to Carey Borth for helping me turn this book into five separate screenplays and having patience to put up with me. And thanks to Lisa West for her work on the second script.

  Chapter One

  ~ 3000 B.C. Clouds over England ~ The clouds churn and turn a dark color like the world had never seen. A bright flash of lightning lights up the entire sky, followed by an extremely un-earthly BOOM!

  A giant fireball barrels through the thick dark clouds and headed towards earth, picking up speed as it traveled through the atmosphere, leaving a trail of fire through the sky.


  The fireball impacted the ground and shook the entire countryside like a giant earthquake. Peasants in their shanties felt the ground shake and wondered what had happened, but hid inside.

  Fire shot all the way back up into the clouds, then was sucked back down to earth to the point of impact. Smoke cleared and a creature stepped out of the crater with fangs, claws, two horns and a set of large wings on its back. It looked to be very angry.

  Its body glowed a bright hot red color, almost blinding. It’s as if the skin has been burned off as it had fallen to earth from the heavens in a comet. It looked up at the sky and roared with the most evil sound the earth has ever heard and it proved it was beyond extremely angry.

  “What have you do to me?” asked the creature, reaching up towards the heaven from where he had been cast out. “I was the most beautiful being in the entire universe and now I’m this wretched thing. Damn you, damn you forever!”

  The creature actually waited for an answer from above, but heard nothing.

  “You’ll regret casting me out,” he bellowed, still looking towards the heavens. “I’ll rule this planet as I see fit,” declared the creature. I no longer answer to you and I denounce you and your pathetic followers.”

  The creature looked around and saw a huge castle in the distance, opened his large wings, flapped them and took flight towards the castle.

  The creature landed at the front gates of the castle, folded in his wings in and slowly cooled off and took a human form with long dark hair. It was the only thing covering his genitals, which were twice the size of any man on earth.

  The creature looked up at the castle walls, then started to pound on the front gate with enough force, it shook the entire castle.

  When he started to pound on the front castle drawbridge. It woke up the guards whom were asleep within. They both jumped to attention and prepared themselves for what was behind the door as it sounded like an army.

  “What’s that, it’s shaking the entire wall,” asked the guard, feeling the force hitting the castle. “Is it an army?”

  “Maybe it is a battering ram,” replied the other guard. “I’ll sound the alarm!”

  The castle bells started to ring and that meant danger and attack. It awakened everyone in the castle and they all went on high alert. The guard in the tower above yelled down to the gate guards.

  “It’s a single man and he’s buck naked,” yelled the tower guard. “He’s not even armed, other this his huge package between his legs. It’s sheer madness and he looks completely insane or drunk.”

  The two guards laughed, pulled their swords and started to let the gate lower. The drawbridge got about halfway down, when it suddenly slammed to the ground and a huge dust cloud flew up into the air.


  The creature jumped up and pulled the gate down with inhumanly force and with great ease like it was made of paper.

  “What in the name of all unholy?” said the guard, not believing his eyes, which were the size of dark coins made of lead.

  “How could he do that?” asked the other guard, drawing his sword and pulling down his face shield.

  “It has to be a demon, what else could it be?” added the guard. The creature started to enter through the gate into the castle.

  “Stop right where you are,” demanded the guard, raising his sword. “Stop or I’ll smite you.”

  The creature kept walking toward the guards with an evil grin.

  The second guard looked up at the archers on the wall and gave them the signal. “Archers,” yelled the guard. “Loose!”

  The archers pulled back and let dozens of arrows fly.

  Each arrow flew and melted mere inches before they could hit the creature and the wooden sticks of the arrow fell to the ground.

  “Oh my God, what is it?” said the gate guard, standing there shaking in his armor. “Attack!”

  The two guards attacked, but the creature caught both their swords and held them until they turned red hot and melted in his hands.

  “Oh my God, what is it,” asked the second guard, letting go of his melting sword.

  The creature reached out and grabbed the two guards, bit into the throat of the first guard and then bit into the throat of the second guard. When finished feeding, it tossed both of them to the side like tossed aside rag-dolls.

  Tower archers let more arrows fly, but they also melted and fell to the ground, short of striking the creature.

  The creature stopped and looked up at the tower. It bared its fangs and threw two huge fireballs out of his hands and both towers on the wall of the castle exploded.

  BOOM! It burned the archers to death.

  Within a minute the ‘dead’ guards wounds healed and they stood back up. The creature looked at them directly in their eyes.

  “I’m your master and you’ll follow my orders without remorse,” declared the creature. “Do you understand?”

  Both guards have changed; they sport fangs and nod in agreement. They both answer with the same, “Yes, Master.”

  “Good,” said the creature, looking around the courtyard. “Lead me to the King of his castle, we must speak.”

  They walked up the old stone steps that led into the inner chambers of the castle. The guards pushed the double doors open and the creature stopped. It can’t enter for some reason. It tried several times, but something prevented it from entering. It became enraged and looked up at the heavens again in anger.

  “You think that will stop me from entering?” he yelled to the heavens. “I get it, I have to be invited. You’re just making it hard for me to exist on this miserable planet, but they will love me in time and do as I demand.”

  “Please enter master,” invited one of the guards, holding the door open. “It’s your new home and castle, welcome.”

  “Thank you,” replied the creature, grinning, as the two changed guards bow and kneel. “Please lead the way.

  The creature walked the long hallway to the King’s chambers and even managed to grab and bite servants along the way. They fell over, dead, then also come back to life and form a horde behind the creature that continued to grow.

  They finally reached the King’s chambers and the creature has a horde of a hundred behind him.

  “This is the King’s chambers,” said one of the gate guards, pointing to the huge double doors. “We have arrived, my mater.”

  “Step back,” demanded the creature. He appeared to be happy that he had arrived. “I’ll make my arrival known, I always make a hell of a entrance. ‘Shy,’ not a trait of mine.”

  The creature banged on the King’s chamber doors with force, as the castle has been alerted to what’s going on, but no one could explain it to the King. They just realized they were under attack.

  The King sat up on his throne at the end of the chamber as his men lined up from in front of his chamber doors. The pounding from outside the door rung through the chamber. The looks of utter fear could be seen on the faces of all of his men, as they await the unknown that has paid a later night visit to the place they called home, Alnwick Castle.

  “Hold steady and prepare to stop whatever is pounding at my doors,” the King ordered his men. “Man or beast, fight for your country, home and your King and fight to the death if you must.”

  The King stood and raised his sword.

  The King’s personal guard in charge stood with his men and held strong.

  “Steady yourself, “ ordered Croglin Grange, pointing his sword at the door. “Hold until I say. I have no idea what’s out there, but evil has arrived. Of that you can be sure.”

  The archers pulled back their bows and other had swords ready and shields up. All of them were scared to death and the room was filled with despair, waiting for whatever was on the other side of the door. None of them had any idea what could have such an inhuman force.

  “Hold steady,” ordered Croglin, readying his sword for battle.

  The chamber door came smashing in and parts few everywhere.

  “Loose!” said Croglin and the archers let their arrows fly!

  The creature put up his hand and they all melted before hitting him.

  “Oh, mighty God,” said the King, knowing all was doomed. “What’s that thing? It must be a demon in a form of a man. Kill it! Run it through or chop it’s head off, now!”

  The creature looked at the King and started to walk towards him without a single ounce of fear or hesitation.

  The King’s guards attacked and the creature tossed them out of the way and the infected behind him grab and bite into them, only adding to the horde.

  The creature stopped in front of the King, covered in blood with his fangs and claws out and lets out a blood-curling scream as it looked at the devastation in its wake.

  “Back you unholy monster,” commanded the King, raising his sword and prepared to defend this throne. “Who are you and what do you want? Don’t come a step closer, I order you. I’m the King.”

  The creature returned to human form and smiled at the King with an evil grin. He looked him up and down, not impressed.

  “Not much,” finally answered the creature, showing no respect for the crown. “I’ll be taking your castle, subjects and your head. As you see the entire room is under my control. I own them and their souls.”

  The creature lunged forward and tore the Kings head off with a single swing of his clawed hand. The creature turned around and held the King’s head up and everyone looked at the thing and kneeled and bowed in his presence. It picked the crown off the severed head of the King and looked at the name on the royal crest. He knew he had to pick a new name to hide his true identity.

  “I’m your new master and Lord and you will now bow before one other,” commanded the creature, “I’m your new King forever.”

  All the new beings in the room that had been mixed with the creature’s blood all nodded in agreement.

  “Excellent, remarked the creature, licking the blood from his lips.

  The creature took the crown off the detached head of the King and placed it on his head and smiled at his new subjects.

  “You’ll refer to me as Baron Valvasor, ruler of this planet.”

  All his new subjects bow and the former head guard of the former King stepped forward and addressed the Baron.

  “I served the last King for two decades and I would be honored to continue on and sever you as well,” said Croglin Grange, bowing at the creatures’ feet.

  The Baron looked at the man that stood in front of him.

  “You’ll be my second in charge,” said the Baron, looking the man over. “Step forward and become a pure blood, made from me.”

  “Yes sir,” answered Croglin, stepping closer to his master.

  “Your life as you knew it is over,” declared the Baron, with the most evil grin on his face. “Take this gift and live forever.” The Baron reached down and pulled him up with just two fingers and bite savagely into his neck, feeding and interchanging blood. When finished he threw Croglin down the steps of his throne.

  “It’s done,” announced the Baron, pleased with himself. “We are one, my blood flows through your veins and yours in mine. I’m your make and master. You’ll only answer to me and me alone.”

  Croglin got up from the floor and he held his neck as the blood ran down his chest. Moments later, he took his hand away from his neck and the bleeding had stopped and the wounds healed instantly and without leaving a single mark.

  “Thank you my Lord,” said Croglin, proudly standing up. “I’ll serve you till my death, the true death.”

  “Now go,” ordered the Baron, pointing the way. “Make the rest of the castle part of the new family and do it quickly.”

  “Yes my Lord,” replied Croglin, turning to leave. “It will be done by nights end.”

  The newly changed subjects left the King’s chambers and spread out throughout the castle. Screams and cries for help rung out for the rest of the night and then finally hours later—silence.

  Before dawn, Croglin returned to the Baron’s new chamber in his human form as the Baron sat on his throne slipping from a silver goblet filled with pure virgin blood. A young girl was on the floor complete drained, tossed to the side like her blood was her only value.

  “It done,” announced Croglin, upon his arrival before his master and Lord of the castle. “Everyone in the castle that could be changed had joined the new family. Others, they had to be killed and finished off, as they would not accept the new gift you have graciously shared with us.”

  “Very good,” replied the Baron, looking very satisfied. “The sun is about to break the horizon. Come with me, as I look at my new kingdom on earth, I want to gaze upon it.”

  They walked over to the window and Croglin opened it and let in fresh air and let the smell of death escape from the room.

  “This is a view for a King only,” remarked Croglin, standing next to the Baron. After all, he was second in charge and the personal guard. They both looked over the valley below and his new kingdom.

  “Maybe in time I’ll come to love this place,” declared the Baron, not sure if he ever will. “If not, I will throw this world into total chaos and pit man again man, brother against brother and husband against wife. I won’t speak of what I shall do to the youth with their young and open minds that I can enter at any given time.”

  As they are stood at the castle window, the sun came up over the horizon and broke the mountain top and shined. Croglin and the Baron stood side-to-side, started to burn and almost caught on fire.

  “Ahhhh…” cried the Baron as he held his hands over his face and backed away, pulling Croglin with him.

  “What’s going on?” asked Croglin as he patted out the fire on his arm. He looked down and saw other individuals in the courtyard below on fire and in succession for the shadows. He closed the window and locked the sun-light out for all times sake.

’s happening, my Lord?” asked Croglin, as it made no sense to him and it was beyond his understanding.

  The Baron looked furious and clenched his fists rightly. He looked up at the ceiling and through to the heavens above. “I detest you for the rest of my being for the curse you have placed on me,” yelled the Baron. “You’re the truly evil one, hiding behind the mask of good.”

  Croglin looked confused and not sure who he was talking to and about what. When the Baron was finished with his rant, he faced Croglin, who hoped for some type of answer.

  “Our Father in the heavens has cursed us to never feel the love and warmth of his life giving sun again,” explained the Baron, who was very upset. “He’s cruel, spiteful and a very jealous God. I no longer serve him or any of his followers.”

  “I only serve you,” replied Croglin as he stood at attention.

  “Bring me an Oracle,” ordered the Baron as he thought about his situation. “There is a way to walk in the sunlight and I’ll teach this person to see beyond their current powers. I won’t be defeated by this weakness and I will never be blissful until I can walk in sunlight.”

  “Yes, my Lord,” replied Croglin, as he bowed and understood. “I know who to retrieve. He’s already very powerful and one of my former King’s most secretly deadly weapon.”

  “Good,” answered the Baron as he rubbed his decrepit hands together. This caused smoke to rise from them as the rubbed harder. “Good, bring him to me at once!”

  “Yes, my Lord,” answered Croglin, who turned and left the room. Two hours later Croglin entered the Baron’s chamber with a man that walked closely behind him. They stopped in front of the Baron’s throne and bowed and kneeled before their new King and master. “Stand,” ordered the Baron, as he waved his hand. “Is this the man you have spoken of?”

  “Yes,” replied Croglin and he presented the man. “This is Ouija and he’s an Oracle, and the best ever the world has seen.”

  Ouija looked up at the Baron through his long black hair.

  “I’m here to serve you as your eyes to the outside world and into the future. My visions served my last King to his advantage and I won every war for him. I lead his army into battle knowing the outcome.”


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