The Lycan Chronicles

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The Lycan Chronicles Page 19

by Schroeder, Brent

  They got him to his cell and up on his bed and Sarah checked his pulse. “Well, he’s not dead,” she confirmed. “But, he’s gonna have one hell of a headache, when he wakes up.”

  The women actually had it in themselves to laugh, but it was more out of nervousness, than sincere appreciation, for Sarah’s humor. The three of them left the cell, locking the door and they went out into the main area of the jail to congregate. They all sat together at the main station desk and Sarah gave them both looks of sympathy, not really sure what she should say. “You should both try to get some sleep… I’ll be up, until the guys get back.”

  “Sleep?” Joy asked her. “You’ve got to be kidding. I’ll don’t think I’ll ever close my eyes at night, ever again.”

  “Me, neither,” Mary shuddered. “Hey, is there any more of that scotch left?”

  Sarah slipped over to the coffee area and opened a cabinet.

  “Let’s see what I can find,” she said, fumbling through the stacks of cups and creamer. “Bingo.”

  They all jumped when there was a sudden banging at the front door.

  “Hey, let me in!” Wendy’s voice could be heard from outside.

  “Have you been turned?” Sarah called out.

  “Our Father, who art in Heaven…”

  Sarah quickly hit the release to the silver barricade and opened the door, letting Wendy hurry into the station.

  After setting her pistol down on the desk, “Those bullets sure did the trick,” she boasted. “I smoked one of those blood-sucking bastards… the damn thing ruined my paint job. And damn, they sure do leave behind a mess behind, don’t they?”

  “Where’s the cheerleader?”

  “I dropped her off at home to her parents. She’s safe there.”

  “Well, come on in and join the party,” Sarah said, glumly, picking up Wendy’s gun. “Looks like you’ve got a story to tell, girl. You emptied the entire clip.”

  JD and his men stood together underneath the goalpost, watching as the team of Vampires gathered together, lining up in the middle of the football field, ready to charge at the Pack.

  “You’ve got to be joking,” Nate said in disbelief, “the entire football team?”

  “Cheerleaders, too,” Tony added. “And, the entire fan club.”

  “Shit,” Wilson said under his breath. “We are fucked, six ways to Sunday.”

  A couple more Vampires flew down from the sky, settling amongst the newly-turned football players; they were the older and more powerful Vampires that had many human kills under their belts. The majority of Vampires living in Wolf Creek didn’t have the capability of flight, only the ones who have fed upon at least one living human being. Pushing their way out to the front of the Vampire throng, baring their fangs at the Lycans, were Reggy and Tom and soon, the Lycans were outnumbered, ten to one.

  “We can’t possibly take on all of them,” Nate’s voice said, full of dread. “No fucking way, there’s just too many of them bastards.”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t give up just yet,” Tony replied, pointing to the school building across the yard. “Looks like we have some backup.”


  As Nate turned to look, the Wolf Creek baseball team could be seen through the thick snowflakes, emerging from their locker room, carrying wooden baseball bats and they were soon joining the Lycans’ side, ready to fight.

  As JD made a headcount, he saw that there were now eighteen of them now standing together underneath the goalpost. “Nice work, Sarah,” JD said under his breath, as Nanook ran circles around them, barking with excitement.

  “This does make me feel better,” Nate said, nodding his head.

  “Well,” JD said to everyone. “It looks like Donovan’s willing to kill everyone here, in order to achieve his goal… let’s just do whatever we can to make sure that doesn’t happen!”

  The Pack growled their assent, along with Nanook and the rest of JD’s reinforcements raised their bats in the air, yelling at the top of their lungs.

  “And, Donovan’s mine!” declared JD, punching himself in the chest as he yelled out. “I’m going to rip his heart out, personally!”

  JD passed the flask around one more time and all the Lycans took huge chugs of yohimbe, gagging and coughing, as it went down. The blood was now racing through both of their fully-developed hearts, causing them to beat much harder and almost double in size. Then, the morphing began to take place and the Lycans started to mutate and shred their clothes, transforming into massive, fear-instilling Werewolves. Standing on their hind legs, some of them towered over eight feet, with hundreds of pounds of thick, brute muscle. Their howls filled the air, as they made the change and after a few moments of intensity, they were ready for battle.

  The Vampire referee blew the whistle that was dangling around his neck and everyone charged forward. There were two flash grenades sitting near the goalpost, that JD had brought and he scooped them up with his morphed paws, racing towards his enemies. He chucked the first one at the frontline of charging Vampires, blasting a handful of them out of the way and blinding more, as he rushed through to pursue Donovan. After Nate and the rest of the Pack followed JD onto the football field, the body parts began to fly. Nothing could be seen, but razor-sharp fangs, claws and blood, as the Lycans clashed with the undead. Nate and Wilson were slashing away at the Vampire football players, sending a few of their heads rolling onto the field; some of the eyes of the severed skulls fluttered and blinked a few times, before disintegrating into a fine ash.

  The Lycan baseball team reigned in a frenzy, a few of them cracking their wooden bats over the football player’s helmets, leaving them with splintered fragments, that they used to jab through their undead hearts. Wayne and Tony worked together to lure a couple flying Vampires over to the goal posts. When they finally took the bait, Wayne and Tony leaped high into the air, grabbing the Vampires in midflight, slamming and piercing them through the peaks of each goalpost. The Vampires kicked and screamed, flapping their wings, in attempt to fly back up the posts, but gravity worked against them and instead, slid down, spinning and shooting blood in every direction, until their bodies finally burst into flames. Wayne and Tony climbed back up the posts to avoid the flames and Brad, being the biggest Lycan at around eight-hundred pounds, used his weight to pull the goalpost back, letting it snap forward, sending the Lycans shooting across the field, as they smashed into another line of Vampires. Brad regained his composure and growled, flipping back towards the army of the undead and leaping into action, following Wayne and Tony.

  Nate was already on all fours, breaking through another line of defense, but was thrown off his path, when he ran straight into the placekicker, who kicked him underneath his chin with such force, that it sent him sailing back into the air, directly through the center of the goalpost, for an instant three points. He eventually landed wellpast the sidelines, where he smashed through the hood of JD’s truck. Nate let out a furious howl, as he broke himself loose from the truck, before unleashing another round of destruction, roaring through the field, chasing down the placekicker, ripping his leg off and beating him to death with the severed limb.

  By this time, the Pack had taken down most of Donovan’s army, so the Vampire decided that it was a good time the disappear from the scene of his latest crime. He tore off his suit coat and shirt, before starting his transformation, spanning his wings out and taking flight into the snow-filled sky, abandoning the mess he’d created. Donovan had plans to travel back to Alnwick Castle in England, without a lick of remorse inside of him. Wolf Creek was a wash, as far as he was concerned and he knew that his reign of power was no more.

  JD never took his eyes off Donovan as he tried to fly off and running with all the speed he could build, JD leaped up onto a bus and into the air, snatching Donovan in midflight and they both came crashing down to the ground. Both were dazed from the hard landing that had caused JD to inadvertently transform back into his human form, where he quickly stumbled up to his feet
and staggered towards Donovan. “You going somewhere, without saying goodbye?”

  “Fuck you!” Donovan snapped back. “You and your Lycans are nothing to me! I’m over three thousand years old!” he bellowed. “I was there when they crucified Jesus Christ…”

  “But, I am the enforcer!” JD retaliated. “And, I’m here to relieve you of your duties as mayor of Wolf Creek. Any last words, Donovan?”

  “You work for me!” Donovan hissed back. “And, don’t forget it! Without me, this town would be nothing!”

  “Not anymore, Croglin Grange,” JD said, calling him by his real name. “You broke the Blood Law and you know what the sentence is, right?”

  “I haven’t heard that name in almost two hundred years! But, you should really be calling me, mayor! And I write the laws… I can break them, just the same as you, so don’t you try to….”

  “Still playing politician,” said JD, with a laugh. “I no longer work for you, Croglin. If you have any last words, speak them now.”

  As JD spoke, Donovan reached around, pulling out a 357 Magnum from the swell of his back, firing four silver bullets into JD’s chest, dropping him to his hands and knees. Blood poured from the holes in his chest and for the first time in many decades, JD feared for his life.

  “I told you, I was the boss,” Donovan snarled. “I just let you think you were in control, you overgrown dingo. Stay there on your knees, where you belong.”

  “Fuck you, Donovan,” JD said, choking up some blood.

  Donovan just laughed. “Fuck me? It looks like you’re the one that’s fucked! If I threw a stick right now, you wouldn’t even be able to fetch it!”

  Donovan moved in closer, getting ready to fire two more rounds into JD’s head, when Nanook came leaping from out of nowhere, sinking his fangs into the Vampire’s arm. Struggling, Donovan dropped the gun, as he tried shaking off the dog, but Nanook wouldn’t budge, keeping a solid lock on his arm. “Let go, you fleabitten mutt! Get the fuck off me!”

  JD was in an extreme amount of pain, as he looked up to the full moon, letting out a high-pitched, echoing howl. He used every muscle inside and he began pushing the silver bullets out of his chest. His teeth were grinding, as he focused and the silver bullets slowly began popping from his chest, one by one, sizzling on the ground, still smoking hot. After the silver was extracted, JD was able to quickly transform back into his Lycan form, with the burning-red eyes of an untamable beast.

  Nanook finally lost his grip on Donovan’s arm, allowing him to reach for his gun. He went for it, snatching it from the ground and pumping two bullets into Nanook, as he was leaping back at him for another bite.

  Donovan smiled, as the dog hit the ground. “I never liked that mangy mutt, to start with,” he said, spitting on Nanook, taking great pride in taking him out. Turning around, Donovan could see that JD had recovered and was charging towards him and he took aim with the gun, once more, pulling the trigger… realizing that it was all out of bullets. Instead of being shot, JD plowed directly into Donovan, full force, in a failed attempt to rip the mayor’s heart out.

  “You’re going to have to do better than that!” Donovan yelled, as he rolled onto JD, biting into his neck, as they fought on the ground. This sent JD into a deeper rage and he let out another howl that echoed for miles around; Brittney even heard it, as she sat nervously in her bedroom. Channeling his fury into a burst of energy, JD reached around, snapping the wings off the Vampire’s back, causing Donovan to release his bite from JD’s neck. Grabbing Donovan by the head with both of his clawed hands, JD picked him up off the ground and lifted him into the air. He let out a bloodcurdling howl, before he began slamming the former-mayor’s body against the bus, so hard that it almost tipped over on its side.

  Donovan was now on the ground, facing his enemy. Feeling that the time to strike was right, JD ripped into the front of Donovan’s chest, tearing his heart out, with his Lycan grip and shoving it in his face. Terrified at the sight of his own heart, the Vampire knew that there was nothing he could do to save himself. He knew he was finished, already beginning to feel the flames of death consuming his body. JD gripped Donovan’s heart, fiercely biting into it, as he finally burst into a bright ball of fire.

  The fight was over and Donovan was now nothing more than a pile of ashes, blowing away in the Wolf Creek winter winds. As a result of the Vampire’s passing, any new Vampire that had never made a human kill began to turn back into a human being. In the middle of all the confusion, the Lycans didn’t realize what was happening and they continued snapping at everyone.

  JD, back in his human form, was standing on the top of the bus, yelling and trying to get everyone’s attention. “Donovan is dead! Any Vampire who does not back down, immediately, will be killed! Is that understood?”

  The fighting subdued and the remaining Vampires, who were left standing, began to surrender, as the Lycans howled and transformed back into human beings, their howls merging into voices of cheers.

  JD jumped down from the back of the school bus to check on Nanook, who was fading fast; JD only knew one way to save him. “I got you, buddy, you’re going to be just fine. Hang on, boy!”

  Biting into his own wrist, JD dripped his Lycan blood into Nanook’s mouth and he began digging out the bullets the wounds using his index finger. Nanook remained motionless on the ground and it wasn’t looking good, but after a few more seconds, the dog was already back up and leaping around, barking with excitement, with his wounds already healing up.

  “Calm down, boy!” JD called to him. “It’s okay!”

  After the short reunion, JD stood up and began walking through the mass of shredded bodies with Nate. “Get Jerry Davich on the phone… wake his ass up, if you have to. And, if he gives you any lip, just tell him, I said to get his ass down here right now.”

  “Davich?” Nate asked him. “But, he’s a reporter. You don’t want this in the newspaper. Have you lost your mind?”

  “Don’t worry, I’ve got a plan,” JD assured him. “Just call him and have him meet us at the hairpin turn on I-65 in two hours. Go!”

  “Okay,” Nate said, trusting that JD knew what he was doing. “I’m on it.”

  “And, bring the kid’s truck back from Zeke’s auto shop. It should have enough juice to make it here. If not, tow it. But, we have got to work fast,” JD instructed. “We probably only have about two hours, before all those freshly-unturned Vampires come back to their senses and start realizing what’s happened.”

  JD wanted to cover everything up as best he could, out of fear that people would try to leave Wolf Creek and let their loose lips eventually sink the ship, known as Wolf Creek.

  Nate headed straight for the auto shop, while everyone else cleaned up the carnage that was scattered across the football field. JD scanned mess of blood soaked snow and the tattered body parts, not believing the number of innocent casualties… so many young, wasted lives.

  A few of the bitten football players were coming back to consciousness and among the surviving players, Robert was one of the first to get back to his feet. He wandered among the mess, in a daze, still not knowing who he was, or what was happening. “What the hell?” he mumbled, “I feel like total shit. Talk about a hangover.”

  “Well, it was one hell of a party,” JD said to him. “Congrats on winning the big game!”

  But, Robert was too confused to understand and way beyond comprehension, as JD put his arm around the boy, leading him away from the gruesome scene.

  “You’re pretty hung over, buddy,” the sheriff said, hoping to God that none of this would be remembered. “Let’s get you inside and let you lay down. I’m sure you’ll feel much better in a while.”

  “Yeah, okay,” Robert answered him. “I don’t think, I could feel any worse.” And, then he threw up.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  JD, Tony, Brad and Wayne stood together, waiting for Nate to return; it seemed like it’d been an eternity, but in reality it had only been a half-hour.

  “Has anyone seen Wilson?” Tony asked to the others. “Where the hell is he?”

  “You didn’t see? He didn’t make it,” Brad said sadly. “Five of those bastards ganged up and killed him. I tried to help, but I just couldn’t get to him in time.”

  “Goddammit!” Tony screamed out, his eyes darting towards the destruction out on the football field. “He was the Godfather of my children!”

  JD put a comforting hand over one of Tony’s shoulders. “He was one of us and we all cared very much for him. We will mourn later, but right now, we have work to do, brother. Try to keep a level head… I need you to be strong.”

  Not a moment after JD had spoken, Nate finally arrived, towing Tom’s truck onto the field. Brad and Tony recovered Reggy’s and Tom’s remains from the pile of body parts and they began stuffing them in, strapping the seatbelts over the two dead boys. Nate had already stopped by the police station and picked up Sam’s dead body, cramming his pieces into the truck, as well. The rest of the bloody limbs and pieces, that were spread all over the field, were loaded into one of the buses; propped up in the seats, if they’d stay in place, or on the floor, if they didn’t.

  Only one of buses were needed to carry the remains and after it had been filled, Brad hopped into the driver’s seat and JD climbed in Tom’s truck, along with Nate.

  “Okay!” JD yelled out to Brad, as he leaned out the window. “Let’s roll!”

  They proceeded to make their way out of town, eventually pulling onto the Interstate I-65 freeway, as the snow continued beating down. Brad knew what to do and when it was time, he pressed the gas and bus began building some momentum. Knowing that a sharp curve was coming up, Brad let the bus pick up even more speed, driving straight through, completely missing the hairpin turn and blasting through a guardrail, sending the bus sailing off the edge of a cliff. Just as the tires left the pavement, Brad leaped out of the driver’s seat and the bus soared through the air, crashing into the shallow water of a ravine below.


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