The Lycan Chronicles

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The Lycan Chronicles Page 24

by Schroeder, Brent

  A heavy metal band was playing on the center stage, ripping out a great cover of Dio’s, ‘Rainbow in the Dark,’ while a few new, young Vampires head-banged, dripping blood over their faces, reveling in their new-found life; after a certain age, the humans in Wolf Creek had the opportunity to become a Vampire, or to remain a bloodgiver.

  Mason Rockwell’s face finally came into view, as JD made his way through the club. Before they had a chance to shake hands, distrust flashed through JD’s mind. Even though Mason had always been a polite being, JD was never sold on his act, but he tried his best not to show it.

  “I understand that we have some issues to talk about,” said Mason. “Have a seat, JD, can I get you something to eat or drink?”

  “Yeah,” replied JD, needing to settle his nerves. “I’ll take a double-scotch on the rocks. Wait, make that a triple and forget the rocks. Nothing to eat, thanks.”

  “Have a lot on your mind that you want to forget, Sheriff?”

  Mason waved for a waitress and ordered JD’s drink and also four shots of blood type-O negative for his inner circle of Vampires who were accompanying him, the mayor’s seven-foot bodyguard, Samson, standing closest. He was never more than a few feet away from Mason at any given time and it was a sure thing, that if you wanted to get to Mason, you would have to go through Samson first.

  “So, what brings us together, Sheriff?” Mason asked in a very friendly manner. “You’re not a fan of this place, that’s pretty well known. As for me, I prefer the darkness and seclusion… it’s kind of cozy to me. Reminds me of home at Alnwick Castle.”

  “A town called Willow Creek has had some Vampire activity, resulting in several human deaths,” JD said, cutting to the chase. “I wanted to know if you were aware of this. And, Mason, if I find out you’re involved, I can promise you this: you will meet the exact same fate as your predecessor.”

  Mason laughed and took his shot that the waitress had set in front of him. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. Besides, how would I know what’s going on in another town a hundred miles away?” he coolly asked. “On top of that, I just woke up. Remember, I sleep during the day, or have you forgotten? So, I have an airtight alibi. I might be good, but not even I can murder someone from the grave.”

  “How did you know Willow Creek was a hundred miles away?” JD asked, trying to trap Mason in a lie.

  He watched his face for changes in expression, but saw nothing; Mason was stone-faced, no matter what JD said.

  “Because, I’ve been through there many years ago, but most definitely not recently, I can assure you. There’s nothing special there that would interest me, in the least.”

  “Did you have anything to do with Jason Cross getting out of prison early, or scrubbing his record?” the sheriff asked, kicking back some of his drink. “No one seems to know where the hell he is and I want to know.”

  “Now, why would I do that?” Mason innocently asked him. “Is that the hacker who used to work for Jack Donovan? If it is, then I’ve never personally met the guy.”

  “You know he is,” snapped JD. “You’re starting to piss me off and that’s not good for anybody.”

  JD kicked the rest of his drink back and leaned across the table, just a few inches away from Mason’s face… both of JD’s hearts were racing with anger; he didn’t like being lied to.

  “I’m a business man, JD. Why would I risk everything? Think about it,” Mason said without raising his voice. “So, don’t waste my time with this fucking bullshit. I like the way things are and I am not anything like our dearly departed friend, Donovan… I couldn’t care any less about walking in the daylight. It’s been thousands of years and if I recall, it’s way overrated… and frankly, I don’t miss the sunburns,” he said, as JD let him carry on. “Besides, I love my babysmooth skin and lady-charming appeal too much to ever think of messing with the sunlight. And also, no one ever found the book. You guys blew it up in Skinny’s lab and the Baron is still fuming over that,” Mason said, leaning back in his seat. “It must’ve been by the grace of God, that he didn’t come here, personally, to express his anger. Even the messenger took the bad news along to the grave… in pieces.”

  “I better not find that you’re attempting to manufacture the Sunlife,” JD warned the new mayor. “Due to the ingredients, an immediate death sentence will be the result of such actions, make no bones about it. Aside from that, we don’t really need you guys walking around during the day… you’re already enough of a pain in the ass at night.”

  Mason just shrugged his shoulders. “JD, I have no idea how to make it and like I just said… the book is still missing. If you ask me, we all think you have it. So, have a nice evening. Stop by again sometime and we’ll have another drink,” Mayor Rockwell said, with a smile.

  “You know goddamn well, that I don’t have that fucking book!” JD snapped, suddenly jumping out of his seat.

  The waitress brought more drinks and JD grabbed one and downed it, before turning to leave, taking one last look at Mason and his new city council of much younger Vampires.

  All of their eyes were on him, stabbing like daggers, as JD made his way to the front of the club, where Leon was stationed. “Good night, Leon. And, hey… I don’t trust your boss. Keep an eye on him for me, would ya? And, if you see Jason Cross or Skinny Limpkins around, give me a call… you have my number.”

  “You know I’ll always have your back,” said Leon. “I was human once and part of me still is just like you… I still know right from wrong.”

  Leon gave him a wink and JD started the climb back up the ladder. When he reached the top, he let himself out and jumped to the ground, where Nanook was waiting, wagging his tail.

  “Come on, Nanook, let’s blow this dump.”

  The walk to his truck and the drive back to Wolf Creek, gave JD some time to think about things. All of his senses pointed to Mason Rockwell and he could’ve sworn he caught Jason’s scent, while he was down in the club. And, he also thought, he might’ve caught a whiff of Skinny Limpkins as well, but he couldn’t be sure… for now.


  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Mason got up from his table and walked through a door behind the bar that led down a long dark hallway. He took a quick peek behind, before pushing a special brick in the wall that opened up a section of wall, revealing a secret staircase that led further down into the bowels of the Vampire club. His feet never touched the steps, as Mason let his body gently float down the staircase, until he reached the bottom. The Vampire was so silent in his arrival, that he caught Jason Cross and Skinny Limpkins off guard, startling them and almost causing Jason to spill some chemicals.

  “Damn it!” Jason shouted in surprise. “Why do you have to do that? Fuck me!”

  “Because, I can!” Mason shouted back. “So, shut up and listen, you two morons!”

  “I saw him coming, but I thought it would be funny if he scared you,” Skinny laughed.

  “Fuck you, Skinny!” Jason shouted.

  “Both of you, shut the hell up!” snapped Mason. “Listen upend you better listen good! JD was just upstairs, looking for the both of you! He knows that someone… that someone being us, has finally made the Sunlife. I tried to convince him, but I don’t think he believed me for a second.”

  “JD’s gonna kill us,” Skinny moaned, visibly scared. “Last time, he let me off with just an ass kicking. Shit! I don’t want to mess with JD, or any others from the Pack!” he cried out. “Damn it, Mason, you said they’d never figure it out!”

  “Relax. He has no idea about this underground lab, or where you are. If he did, he’d be here right now. Hence, he’s not here. Right?”

  “What am I gonna do?” Jason said along with Skinny. “JD made it perfectly clear, that if I followed Donovan’s plans to make Sunlife, he’d rip my heart out. He knows where my parents live… I’ll never be able to go home again,” he sadly said, hanging his head. “You fucked us for li
fe, Mason.”

  “Oh, shut up, you fucking crybaby. You’ll stay right here and keep working, or I’ll rip your heart out, myself. Do you have enough formula made yet, or what?”

  Skinny couldn’t help but smile, at Mason’s remark towards Jason.

  “Wipe that smile off your face, Skinny!” Mason ordered. “You’re not on my top ten list either, Limp-shits! And, for Christ’s sakes, go take a damn shower! You smell like a bag of assholes!”

  That cheered Jason up a little and he answered Mason, “No, I need more skin and virgin blood. I have about enough for thirty Vampires and that’s not enough to take on JD and his Pack. You’ll need at least a hundred.”

  “You’ll have everything you need, by tomorrow night,” the mayor assured him.

  “I’m getting the hell out of here,” Skinny said, a bit worried about leaving. “But, I’ll be back before daylight. I’ll be able to get the skin… but what about the blood?”

  “Jason and I got that covered,” Mason told him, before dismissing him. “Now, get going. I have a feeling that we’ll need to move quickly. I also heard that Vampire Hunters have arrived to do some poking around. I thought you said that your internet connection couldn’t be traced, Jason?”

  “It can’t. There’s my computer, right over there,” he said back. “The best they could do is trace it to the general area, but they would never be able to find the actual location. And, whoever it is that tracked us this far, is good… like Federal good.”

  Jason hurried over to his computer, pulling up his fake Facebook profile he’d created under the name Trisha Knox: a stripper from Hollywood who’s just moved to Southern Indiana and loves meeting up with young guys. He entered his login code, 669and opened up his inbox of messages. Jason had been chatting with several unsuspecting young boys, who were soon to be the next round of victims. With the profile he’d created, there was an endless supply of young males; interested in meeting up just about anywhere they were told to go. The fictitious, Trisha Knox, was everything a young boy could ever want and more, she even loved video games.

  Jason tapped the keyboard and located two high school teens, Mickey and Steve and he instant-messaged them; they were both more than eager to sneak out and meet Trisha at the end of their dark country roads that night.

  “There you go,” Jason said to Skinny. “Go pick them up.” “Have you found me another virgin yet?” Mason asked. “I know they’re hard to come by these days… I watch Jerry Springer.”

  Jason thought that was funny, chuckling a little, as he searched through his list of friends; Facebook had become a remarkable tool for the Vampires in the finding victims… in a way, the CIA had done them a huge favor by their backing of the social media website.

  “Got one, boss,” said Jason excitedly. “She’s about a hundred and fifty miles away… I’ll print out a map. I’ve been working on her for some time now. I’m sure I can get her to come out.”

  Mason took the piece of paper with the printed directions and he grinned. “Lure her out of her place and I’ll take care of her myself.”

  Mason walked through the college campus, as he’d done many times in the past; he knew his way around. He moved smoothly through the campus grounds and between the tall buildings, completely unnoticed, until he found himself standing outside a sorority house. He carried with him, a bouquet of fresh flowers and an expensive bottle of wine. Meeting him at the sidewalk, Becky hurried down from the front porch of the house, with her long, blond hair flowing behind her, thinking that she was in for a special evening with a young, acclaimed professor and accomplished horror writer, from another city.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you,” said Mason with elegant charm, taking her hand in his. “You look wonderful, tonight. You look like a victim out of one of my horror novels.”

  “Thank you,” Becky shyly said. “I can’t believe someone, as important as you, would take the time to meet with me… with you being such a brilliant writer and all. Thank you, very much.” Little did Becky know, that those would be some of the last words that she would ever speak.

  Mason took her hand, as they turned away and slipped into the night. “Think nothing of it, my dear. I’m always glad to meet someone so young and pure. Come this way, my young lady. I have great plans for you tonight and I think you’re going to love them… I know that I’m very excited.”


  Chapter Thirty-Three

  It’s two o’clock in the morning, outside of Hank’s motel and Mason Rockwell was tucked away in the shadows watching and listening to the Hunters drink and cause ruckus inside their rooms. But, Mason was not there for them, not yet anyway… he had his sights set on someone else staying at the motel.

  Brittney was getting a little hungry and her drinks were warm, so she decided to step outside to get some ice and maybe something to snack on from the vending machine, just a few doors down from her room. When she got to the automatic ice dispenser, half of the cubes shot out of the machine, completely missing their mark and sliding on the concrete pavement, past her feet. After fumbling for some change in her purse, she clicked the button marked F7 on the snack machine and then waited patiently for the probably-stale peanut butter and cheese crackers to fall from the spinning coil. Luckily, the snacks didn’t get jammed up in the other racks, tumbling all the way down to Brittney’s hand. She gathered her things and turned to walk back to her room, but when she did, there was man standing in her path, looking directly at her. Brittney had no clue who he was, but could sense danger; she wanted to run, but was completely frozen up, where she stood.

  It was Mason, baring his fangs, “Hello, Brittney, let me introduce myself… Mason Rockwell. Let me thank you for bringing the Hunters to my town.”

  Brittney attempted to scream, but Mason was too quick for her and he whisked her away. In an instant, she was gone and no one heard or saw a thing. All that remained of Brittney was a spilled plastic bucket of ice and a can of Cherry Coke that was spraying liquid, as it rolled through the motel parking lot.

  Clyde Moore heard some noise outside and yelled to his boys. “Hey, go out there and see what all the commotion is!” David and Ross got up and went outside to the parking lot, immediately noticing the spilled ice and pop. As Ross went to go pick up the plastic bucket, two Vampires suddenly jumped down from the roof of the motel, onto the Moore brothers’ backs, attempting to sink their fangs into their necks… luckily, both of them were wearing silver necklaces around their necks. Both Vampires sensed the cursed metal, recoiling back for just a split second… plenty enough time for the Moore brothers to grab them, smashing their heads into the side of the building, stunning them for a moment. The two Hunters pulled out their pistols and it only took a few bullet’s duration of travel, before both Vampires were pumped full of silver ammo and reduced to a cloud of smoke. The brothers took a good look around, before holstering their weapons and just as they were about to turn and head back to the room, they were hit, yet again, by two more hissing Vampires, who were actually able to knock them to the ground, this time… but once more, both Vampires were soon down to the ground and up in flames.

  “I guess dead man’s blood works, after all,” David remarked, showing the bloody knife he was now holding in his hand.

  “That one was for mom!” Ross shouted in celebration. “You blood-sucking bastards!”

  None of the other hotel room doors opened up, because nobody hardly ever stayed there, but Clyde heard the shots go off and the cheering, so he opened up his. “What the hell just happened?”

  “We were attacked by Vampires,” David told him, whipping out his pistol again, but no worries we smoked ‘em

  “I guess we’re at the right place then,” Clyde said, pouring out some holy water across the threshold, casting a glance up to the sky. “And, I guess they know we are here… get your asses inside.”

  Becky was suspended by chains, hanging upside down in Skinny’s secret lab. She f
inally stopped kicking and screaming and her throat had been slashed, long-since. Not a drop of her virgin blood was wasted, as she was drained of her life above a large steel basin that caught every drip, her blood being one of the most critical ingredients for the Sunlife formula… it created a magical bond.

  As the kidnapped virgin swung, on one side, Mason brought Brittney’s limp, lifeless body down to the hidden laboratory and tossed it to the dirt floor, on the other. She had already been bitten and killed and Mason was now waiting for her to come back as part of the undead. Brittney suddenly jolted up into a sitting position, screaming at the top of her lungs, her high-pitched voice echoing throughout the sublevel laboratory.

  Skinny jumped at the sound, dropping his beaker and it smashed to pieces on the floor, spilling out an unknown liquid.

  “Relax, Brittney,” Mason said, his voice quite sinister. “You’re fine and you’re safe. I have given you a gift that will last for the rest of your life.”

  “What have you done to me and why?” Brittney begged, looking down to her colorless hands, scared out of her mind.

  “I have turned you into a Vampire and you will do as I say… I am now your master and ruler.”

  “What the hell do you want from me?”

  I need you to gather intelligence on JD and the Hunters,” he went on to say, but that is of no concern right now, "First, we must prepare you for the sunlight. Now that you are a Vampire, you can no longer live outside, during the daylight hours.”

  “What does that mean? I don’t want to be a Vampire!”

  “And, don’t you worry your precious, little self,” Mason said to her, brushing her cheek with the back of his hand, “you’re not the first one, we’ve tried the Sunlife on. A few mistakes, here and there, but we know what we’re doing now… right, Jason?”


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