The Lycan Chronicles

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The Lycan Chronicles Page 32

by Schroeder, Brent

  “I’m nervous, but I’m ready, Sebastian. I want you now, more than ever,” Moonflower whispered, as they kissed.

  “We’ve waited forever for this night,” Sebastian whispered back. “So, let’s make this right. I’ve waited long enough and I can’t wait any longer.”

  Moonflower looked like a goddess, with her soft skin glowing and her long, dark hair shimmering in the moonlight. Sebastian climbed on top of her, kissing deeply with his tongue, while she frantically kissed, in return. Sebastian tried to keep his change under control, when they began to make love, but it was just too much. They both howled, as she dug her nails into his back, tearing his flesh every time he thrust into her, healing instantly.

  Sebastian was surprised to hear Moonflower howl, as that was first time he’d noticed any signs of the Lycanthrope in her. They stopped for a moment and looked into each other’s eyes, knowing that they were made for each other, soul mates. Sebastian suddenly bared his fangs and Moonflower did the same and they made sweet love, deep in ecstasy, until the sun began to rise on the horizon.


  Chapter Forty-Four

  The phone rang several times and Sarah finally answered, “Wolf Creek Police Station, can I help you?”

  A deep and sinister sound was emitting from the receiver and Sarah instantly recognized the evil voice that was coming from across the Atlantic Ocean. It was the Baron himself, speaking from deep within his sun-hidden chambers.

  “Put Sheriff John Davidson on… NOW!”

  The great anger in the Baron’s voice could be felt all the way from England and it literally put a chill down Sarah’s spine.

  She immediately put the call through to JD and he picked it up on the second ring. “Sheriff Davidson, what can I do for you?” “My people have not checked in,” the Baron hissed. “They were last seen leaving the airport around 1:30 am. And, strangely enough, they never made it to their destination… EXPLAIN!”

  JD had been waiting all morning for this call. It was time for him to put on his third face and lie through his teeth. He hated doing this, but it was the only way. “For starters, don’t speak to me in that manner. Secondly, I don’t know what to tell you. You insist on using your people for protection and you never let us know when they’re coming to town. So, how the hell would I know where they would be going?” he innocently asked. “I keep telling you, that ever since those two bastards, Jack Donovan and Mason Rockwell, broke the Blood Law, the Vampire Hunters have been watching the airport and staking out our town. They’re constantly circling the area and that’s not my fault. Or, maybe you need to learn how to control your people a little better.”

  “Well, that sounds like a bunch of shit to me,” the Baron shot back. “Why haven’t the Hunters attacked or killed any of the Lycans? You want to explain that?”

  “Because, we‘re not the ones killing off the humans! For some reason, you Vampires just can’t seem to follow the fucking rules! If it wasn’t for Donovan and Rockwell, the Hunters wouldn’t even know about Wolf Creek,” JD went on, a bit more quietly. “I’ve kept the peace for one hundred and sixty five years and those two fucking assholes did everything they could to fuck everything up.” “Oh, I hardly doubt that. Wolf Creek is hardly out of the spotlight… I saw the YouTube video of your son, Sheriff. Don’t you think that might‘ve drawn a little attention from the outside world? How many hits? Two million and climbing? And, you’re preaching to ME about blending in? Perhaps, you should get your own house in order, as well, John Davidson.”

  “I’ve already had a talk with my son and from this moment forth, you will never speak a word about my family,” JD said, before getting down to business. “If you would just leave Leon in charge, maybe the Hunters would go away. Or, if you prefer, you could just send another Vampire and they’ll more than likely be waiting again. We’re two hours from the nearest airport, Valvasor. A lot can happen between here and there, you know.”

  “You just tell Leon that he’s in charge for now and we will be discussing this in the near future. And, just so you know, I am NOT PLEASED!” the Baron shouted, slamming the phone on JD’s ear. JD hung up his end of the phone, knowing they were on to him. Thinking that he might’ve gone too far this time, JD decided that it would be best to prepare for the worst.

  Deep in Alnwick Castle, Baron Valvasor had called for a special meeting, where he stood and addressed the members of his inner council. “Wolf Creek has no idea what’s happened to Terrence… it’s a damn lie!”

  The Baron pounded his fists as he spoke, “The whole reason behind sending Terrence, was to extract the truth out of the Lycans. His power of glamour was unmatched by anyone and I find it too strange of a coincidence that he never made it into Wolf Creek. They must’ve known about his talents… somehow,” the Baron growled. “I want a special operations team of assassins put together and I want them ready to leave for the states, by the end of the month!”

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea? What if the Lycans really are telling the truth and it really is the Hunters?” Maximilian wondered aloud to the council.

  Maximilian was the Baron’s second-in-charge at the moment. He had a pretty good streak of evil inside, but he kept his wits about himself, using better judgment than most Vampires.

  “It’s not the Hunters,” the Baron replied. “It’s the Lycans. They’ve decided that they don’t need, or want, our help any longer and they want to keep Leon in charge,” he said with disgust. “Since they’re friends, he can no longer be trusted.”

  “Then why don’t we leave it at that,” Maximilian suggested. “If they’re happy with Leon, let it be. If he can handle the job and wants to live in the middle of nowhere, Indiana, I have no issue with that. Woods and endless cornfields surround that whole damn town… I truly cannot understand why anyone would want to stay there to begin with.”

  “Why don’t we leave it at that?” the Baron screamed out. “Because, NO ONE lies to me and goes without suffering the consequences! They will not make a fool of me and this will not go unanswered!” he insisted, suddenly lowering his voice. “Have the team assembled and ready, by the end of the month… they will leave on the first of the following.”

  Seventy miles north of Wolf Creek, in a remote location deep in the thick woods of Southern Indiana, a hideout had been set up in an old barn, occupied by Skinny Limpkins and Jason Cross, who had only vendettas in their hearts towards the Pack. After Skinny had returned to the Vampire club to find Jason, severely burned and near death, the two skipped town, after JD, Nate and the Hunters had blown up the hidden lab. Mason Rockwell was finished after the incinerate grenades blew up beneath the club, but jumping into the vat of Sunlife saved Jason… but because of the extremely high degree of heat, given off by the grenade, he was severely burned, over ninety five percent of his body. At the time of the explosion, Jason had not yet fed upon the blood of a human, rendering his transformation incomplete. In reaction to this, the Sunlife formula had melted into him, permanently infusing itself and he would never be able to heal properly. Jason must actively consume large amounts of type-O negative blood, to keep his body from shutting down and functioning.

  For some reason, Jason could still cast a reflection, but every time he looked into the mirror, he could only think of hate and revenge. The mirror would always remind him of the pain that he must endure for all eternity, never really enjoying his new Vampire powers. He would be forever bitter, because he was brought into this life against his own free will, when Donovan ordered him to kidnap JD’s wife and he’d suffered greatly. Jason believed that revenge would fill in the gaping hole inside of his now black and empty heart.

  Chapter Forty-Five

  JD stepped inside from the cold after a long day at work, to the warm smell of dinner being cooked. Wendy was putting the final touches on the table, while JD finished removing his jacket and kicking the snow from his boots. Nanook had taken care of business outside and was now scratc
hing at the door; JD let him in. He hurried through the opened door and went straight for his rug, to curl up into a big lump and continue living the life. JD was taking off his gun belt, which held his two 44 Magnum pistols, as Sebastian came rushing downstairs, like a herd of cattle and starving like one too… just like his father, Sebastian never missed a meal. The two passed, as JD made his way to his seat, giving his son a smack on the arm on the way. Out of respect for the alpha-male, everyone waited at his or her plates, for JD to take the first bite. But, once that was over, the table became alive and JD and Sebastian were a force to be reckoned with at the dinner table. Their forks and knives struggled to keep up with them, as the two Lycans tore into the steaks.

  “Slow down, boys,” Wendy said, amazed. “Chew your food… no one’s trying to take it from you. We’re not animals for Christ‘s sakes.”

  Both men stopped and looked at each other, realizing that they were acting like the pack of wolves that they were and the room exploded with laughter.

  “Your mother’s right,” JD said through half a small bite, trying to contain his laughing, “slows down, Sebastian.”

  “You should talk, dear. You’re quite the animal yourself.”

  “Yeah dad, you should talk,” Sebastian said him. “And, anything I do, I’ve learned from you. Don’t forget that.”

  “Unfortunately,” replied JD, “my table manners have rubbed off on you. Hope this one doesn’t rub off… I learned it from the Moore brothers.”

  With that, JD leaned over and let one rip, loud as could be and everyone broke into hysterical laughter… even Nanook raised his head and barked. Any other time, Wendy would’ve been furious, but it was too late for her to get mad, because she was already laughing so hard, that tears were streaming down her face.

  They continued on, enjoying their dinner, talking and laughing like any other normal American family, but none the wiser, as to what was happening, just outside their window. Skinny Limpkins had his Vampire ear pressed to the outside wall of JD’s home, listening and gathering information. Limpkins left Wolf Creek after he’d finished producing enough of the Sunlife, manufactured for Mason Rockwell’s army. Mason ordered him to skip town, as his skills in the Sunlife production would later be needed. Skinny knew JD wouldn’t ever suspect him of returning, after what had happen with Mason Rockwell. But, now he was here, on behalf of himself and still a bit disturbed about JD blowing up his yohimbe lab, after he’d lived behind Dave’s Grill all those years… he liked it there. But, Jason cooked up the current plan, in his scheme to get revenge on JD and the Pack. Skinny thought he heard someone coming, quickly extending his wings and flying off into the darkness of the cold Indiana night.

  Thinking he’d heard something outside, Sebastian stuck his head out the window, seeing nothing. He shut and locked the window, swearing that he smelled something undead and he hurried up the stairs to his bedroom. He didn’t think anything of it, but then again, he wasn’t too sure either. Sebastian grabbed his coat and rumbled back down the stairs once more, heading for the front door.

  “Where are you running off to in such a big hurry?” JD inquired. “Hot date?”

  “Matter of fact, I do,” replied Sebastian. “And, I can’t keep Moonflower waiting, now can I? You know her temper.”

  “No, son,” JD said sarcastically, rolling his eyes at Wendy. “Making a woman wait is never a good thing.”

  Wendy kicked JD under the table and hard.

  “Was that really necessary, Wendy?”

  “You know, JD, sometimes you drive me crazy.”

  “You were already crazy when I met you, so I have no idea what you’re talking about, woman,” JD snapped back.

  “And, you’re the picture of perfect mental health?” Wendy asked, with a smile.

  “Just don’t you worry about me, Miss Wendy,” JD said, as he went into the bathroom. “I’m going to ease my troubled state of mind in a hot shower.”

  “Always walking away from an argument,” Wendy called out.

  “That’s right, I know better!” JD called back, so she could hear. “I’ve learned, that I’ll never win anyways… so, what’s the difference?”

  “Just shush it and go wash yourself,” Wendy called back. “You always have something smart to say!”

  JD shut the door and turned on the shower, stripping off his clothes and jumping in. He let the warm water flow over, for a good minute, before finally hopping out. He wrapped a towel around his waist and began shaving, when he started to think of Wendy. Taking a quick peek out the small bathroom window, to make sure Sebastian’s car was no longer in the driveway; JD could see that they had the house, all to themselves. He reached up underneath the sink and pulled out his flask of yohimbe, which he only used on occasion, swallowing two mouthfuls. He finished shaving, giving himself a moment, to let the effects set in before he left the room, ready to show Wendy that he really was the alpha-male: the leader of the Pack.

  Wendy must’ve somehow felt the vibe, or maybe it was just intuition, but either way, she was already waiting for him, wearing the black negligee that JD loved so much. She stood there waiting for him to come out, pressed up against the doorframe, black stockings racing up her legs. Not a second was wasted, as JD swept her up in his arms and brought her to their bed, where he laid her down. Neither of them held back and the growling and howling could be heard up the street for the next few hours, as the lovers took fulladvantage of the empty house.

  Another huge bonfire was set out in Boone County Woods; just a party for the high school kids, to let loose and forget about all the pressures of life. Everyone came to drink beer, smoke some weed and maybe hook up, if the feeling was right. A lot of them also came to brag about their sports abilities, usually far-beyond the point of being boring… even to the girls. But, for the most part, everything always went smoothly and very few fights ever broke out.

  “Hey, I’m over here, handsome!” It was Moonflower, calling out to Sebastian.

  He stood on his toes and looked over the crowd, towards where the voice was coming from. His eyes finally came in contact with the love of his life, her dark hair glistening from the bright moonlight. “Come over here!” Sebastian yelled to his girl. As she got closer, he began to leak with compliments. “You look breathtaking. Damn, I’m so lucky to have the most beautiful woman.”

  Moonflower blushed and planted a huge kiss on him, leaving lipstick on his cheek, marking her territory. They kissed a little more, clueless that two hooded men, who were standing just a short distance away, were watching them.

  Just then, a black van came roaring up, with a bunch of guys inside and it screeched to a halt. It was the new basketball team, who’s been wiping up the courts and destroying every team they played: the Black Wings. Everyone knew that it would be the Wolf Creek Wolves playing the Wings in the championship game and these guys only showed up at the party to cause problems.

  The two hooded men, Jason and Skinny, scurried over to the van and climbed in.

  “Alright, guys,” Jason said to the team. “You guys remember, everything I taught you?”

  “Yes!” they all answered in unison.

  “Good, because it’s show time!” Jason shouted. “And, make sure all your equipment is in place, or they’ll sniff you out. Don’t screw this up, because if you do, you will probably not be going home.”

  Jason looked out the window, seeing his burnt reflection, as he continued with his instructions. “Since I can’t be seen around these parts, I’m putting Edward Taylor in charge. These idiots think I’m dead and I want it to stay that way.”

  “And, they probably want my head ground up to feed to their dogs,” Skinny chimed in.

  Edward answered Jason, “I won’t let you down. Anyway, it’s our birthright to run this world.”

  “Don’t go getting ahead of yourself, Eddie,” replied Jason, shaking his head. “Let’s just start with taking down the Lycans. They’re the only thing holding us back, for now. But, you can’t underes
timate them, so don’t get cocky.”

  “I know the plan,” Edward assured Jason. “Everyone out of the van and follow my lead. Be cool… try not to provoke them, too much. C’mon, check yourselves and make sure all your gear is in place.”

  The players all moved around in their seats, double-checking all of their equipment; each one of them had a pump implanted into their groin, that pushed body-temperature blood through their systems, radiating the illusion of regular body heat. Without these pumps, the Lycans would know, for sure, that they were Vampires. The team was also equipped with a ‘thumper’ in each of their chests, to mimic the sound of a heartbeat.

  Jason checked his guys over, one more time, to make sure everything was in place and then the five members of the Black Wings began spilling out of the van. Not much was known about the undefeated team, except that they came out of nowhere, from a new private school. A couple of them even possessed superior skill-levels, close to Sebastian’s… but not quite. JD was a little suspicious of them and he’s been keeping a close eye on them. But, so far, they just seemed like ordinary kids, who were really good at what they did.

  “Alright, guys,” Edward said to his mates, “let’s have some fun.”

  Trent Rucker, 17, with a blue and black Mohawk, average build and covered with tattoos, was Edward’s new best friend. “Right behind you, bro. Got your back.”

  Chris Stark, 18, had short, dark hair and chiseled, solid build; a good-looking Vampire. The six-foot, five forward on the team was having some issues. “Hey, wait up! My coat got caught in the door!”


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