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Casa Rodrigo

Page 12

by Johnny Miles

  giving so much of himself to another man that made him feel vulnerable. And yet

  that was part of the excitement. To give so freely, so willingly. To completely let go

  of everything in the world and on his mind. To simply exist in the sensation and

  relish the incredible rush of having his cock not just sucked but devoured.

  Alonso looked down at Arbol, his lips around the base of his cock, throat

  bulging. He grabbed the back of his head and pumped gently. He could come so


  Johnny Miles

  quickly. But that wasn't how he wanted to come this time. He wanted to take Arbol

  the way he had taken Tocino on the ship.

  Alonso pulled out of Arbol's throat and, without a word, indicated for Arbol to

  rise. He looked into Arbol's eyes. Their lips met, and their palms touched, fingers

  entwining. He could taste something salty on Arbol's tongue as he suckled, and

  knew it was his own clear juice. The flavor made him growl, and he licked at Arbol's

  neck, wrapped an arm around him, and leaned over to suckle and chew on Arbol's

  nipples until they were hard and firm.

  Lower and lower he went, licking at Arbol's navel, until his cock was against

  his face, insistent and hot.

  Alonso had never seen another man hard until Tocino. Even then, though, he'd

  had no desire to touch a man's privates, let alone put a cock in his mouth.

  But there was something about Arbol and the way he made Alonso feel. Plus

  his cock was stunning. Thick, almost round, uncut like his own, the head a bright

  pink. The foreskin was loose and floppy while the rest of the shaft was a dark

  brown, smooth, creamy, and rich.

  “I've never sucked a man before,” Alonso muttered as he cupped Arbol's hefty

  balls, feeling their weight. He marveled at the heat emanating from the throbbing


  “You don't have to,” Arbol managed.

  “And that's exactly why I want to,” Alonso replied with a salacious grin. He

  then closed his eyes and suckled gently at the head, teasing, then biting. Arbol

  gasped and shuddered. His reaction pleased Alonso and spurred him on.

  He worked slowly, eagerly, greedily attempting to take Arbol's shaft down his

  throat but only managed to take a few inches before gagging. He tried repeatedly,

  but Alonso was barely able to take little more than a third of the fat brown cock.

  Alonso gave up after a while and spun Arbol around. There was something far

  more to his liking that he wanted to taste. He buried his face in the cleft of Arbol's

  ass. He inhaled deeply of the musky scent, and something fired in his brain. It was

  Casa Rodrigo


  like tiny pinpoints of light, stars all shimmering at the same time. In that moment,

  Alonso seemed to understand the hunger and greed with which Tocino had eaten


  Arbol felt Alonso's strong, firm grip on his thighs as he was turned around. He

  moaned when Alonso's hot breath seared his flesh, then sucked his breath in

  sharply when Alonso's thick, wet, probing tongue lapped at the puckered entrance.

  Arbol bent over farther to allow Alonso's demanding tongue access. It lapped and

  gently filled his hole with spit.

  Arbol moaned louder as Alonso brushed his chin up and down the crack of his

  ass. The stubble made Arbol tingle and his hole spasm. He dropped to his knees and

  rested his upper body on his elbows, ass up in the air. He pushed back, groaning as

  Alonso chewed at the rosebud, teasing him.

  Alonso's tongue darted in and out playfully. He reached back and placed a

  hand at the back of Alonso's head. He pulled him closer, trying to get him to go

  deeper as the infernal itch of desire rose within him and swelled to the point where

  he could no longer take it. He needed more. Something bigger, thicker, far more

  satisfying than a tongue or a few fingers.

  “Take me, Alonso!” Arbol whispered harshly, surprised at the depth of his own

  desires. He felt as though he were on fire.

  Alonso pulled his face away and replaced his tongue with the head of his cock.

  Arbol prepared himself for the onslaught. No matter how much spit Alonso

  produced and slicked his hole with, it could never be enough. Taking him would be

  painful no matter what. But Arbol wanted Alonso inside him.

  Alonso rubbed the head of his erection up and down Arbol's spasming hole.

  The juice from his cock, flowing freely, lubricated Arbol's puckered entrance. He

  remembered how delightful it had felt when he had been with Tocino.


  Johnny Miles

  Using his experience, Alonso rubbed the small of Arbol's back in an attempt to

  soothe him and help him relax.

  “Push back when I enter,” Alonso mumbled, leaning into him.

  But no matter how patient he wanted to be with Arbol, the very nearness of

  him intoxicated Alonso. He grabbed Arbol by the hips and pushed. He felt Arbol's

  sphincter yield, and a small, wet, spongy sound filled his ears.

  Before him, Arbol grunted painfully.

  Alonso pulled back a moment. Arbol was so tight, it felt as if his foreskin were

  ripping. If it was painful for him, he could just imagine how Arbol might be feeling.

  He pulled his cock completely out of Arbol's backside, and Arbol all but collapsed on

  the ground.

  Alonso spit down onto Arbol's hole, then buried his face in the deep cleft once

  more. He reached between Arbol's slightly spread legs, lifted his ass a little, and felt

  Arbol's soft cock. He groped and pulled down at it, slightly squeezing as though he

  were milking a cow. Within seconds, Arbol was as hard as before. His own clear

  juice slowly oozed.

  Alonso pulled Arbol's cock back and suckled on the head, tasting his precum. It

  was sweet and salty at the same time. He pulled Arbol's cock back even farther and

  tried to bend it so the head touched his hole, but he was too hard for that. Alonso

  rubbed the head of his would-be lover's cock against his palms. Arbol convulsed, and

  he moaned uncontrollably.

  Alonso rubbed the thick liquid oozing from Arbol's cock onto his own. He then

  smeared some of it along Arbol's hole with his thumb and added his own spit to

  further moisten his shaft.

  After a moment, he pressed the head of his cock up against Arbol's hole again.

  He pushed, and it popped in with an audible sucking. Both of them groaned.

  Alonso grabbed Arbol by the hips and felt a greedy power overtake him. He

  pushed and kept pushing, until he could go no farther. As if from a distance, he

  could hear Arbol growling. He opened his eyes and saw him clawing at the dirt.

  Casa Rodrigo


  Drunk with desire as he was, the image only fueled Alonso. Sweating

  profusely, he barely managed a few thrusts before a familiar sensation gripped him.

  “Ay, Dios mío! Arbol! I'm going to…” Alonso finished with a series of loud

  grunts that echoed in the night. As he came, Alonso felt as if more than just cum

  spilled from his balls. It was as if he had emptied a portion of his spirit into the

  slave. Along with a part of his heart, his fears, his frustrations.


  Johnny Miles

  Chapter Thirteen

  At first he was confused. What was he doing sleeping outside? He was

  accustomed to sleeping on a dirt floor, but to see greenery when he opened his eyes?

  He quickly remembered as he felt the warmth of Alonso's body behind him,

  along with the soreness from the repeated times his young master had taken him

  throughout the long night.

  But he couldn't dwell on that. The sky grew lighter, and he should have been

  miles away by now.

  Quietly, gently, Arbol pulled away from Alonso's sleeping body. He delicately

  extricated himself from the weight of the heavy, possessive arm and leg pinning him


  Alonso stirred as Arbol gathered his clothes and put them back on. He held his

  breath as Alonso muttered something he did not understand.

  But then Alonso rolled over, and Arbol sighed with relief.

  Arbol turned his back on Alonso and took a few steps before faltering.

  Something in his chest ached and brought tears to his eyes even as a sense of dread

  and sorrow filled him. He stopped and glanced over his shoulder at Alonso.

  The sight of Alonso's naked backside, the curve of his spine, and the ass that

  was so magnificently round filled Arbol with longing. He wanted to snuggle up

  behind the virile young man just once more, but he knew that if he did so, he would

  never leave. And yet knowing he shouldn't, knowing it would only delay him

  further, Arbol found his feet leading him back to Alonso, where he dropped to one

  knee, kissed the young master on the cheek, and held him fiercely.

  Casa Rodrigo


  “Forgive me,” Arbol whispered, stood, then hurriedly ran before he could

  change his mind. Already he missed the warmth of Alonso's body against his own

  and the musky scent of his sleep. Briefly, he wondered what it would have been like

  to fall asleep beside Alonso at night, to wake up with him without fear that he

  would be missed anywhere but in his arms.

  Arbol pushed the thought from his mind as he wiped the tears from his eyes

  and pressed on.

  * * *

  Bernardo sat in the large puffy chair in his bedroom. Beyond his window, the

  black sky grew gray, and a rooster confidently announced the rising of the sun. The

  soft light allowed Bernardo to see his reflection in the mirror set into the doors of

  his armoire. His hair was loose and tangled from his running his hands repeatedly

  through it. His eyes were bloodshot, and there were dark circles under his eyes from

  lack of sleep. He rubbed at his face, his jaw, and felt the scratchy stubble.

  Strangely, he thought of Adelina.

  It's a good thing she's not here, or she'd reprimand me for looking like this. I'm

  a fright. Bernardo looked away from the mirror.

  He found it odd how deeply one person could affect and influence another; but

  then, after so many years, she didn't need to be physically present to be with him.

  She lived in his very soul, it seemed, despite the lack of love in their marriage.

  And that, more than anything, was perhaps the single best reason why he

  knew he had to do what was best—and right—for everyone. But what? His son was

  right of course. He hated to admit it. There had to be a way.

  The memory of the dying black woman so many years ago—with the tiny black

  baby clutched tightly to her chest—had played itself over and over again in

  Bernardo's mind. Definitely one of the larger cruelties of life, he decided, was the

  inability to forget.


  Johnny Miles

  He thought he had done the right thing. Knew in his heart that if he had a

  chance to do it again, both he and Adelina would still have taken the baby from the

  dying woman's arms if only to keep him away from Raúl and a life of mostly endless

  torture. And yet a simple act meant to do good now mocked him. Yet another

  cruelty of life. Sometimes good deeds worked against him.

  He hated himself for thinking the only solution to his problem was to sell Arbol

  to Raúl. Yes, there was a certain sense of satisfaction in taking the man's money for

  something that rightfully belonged to him. But at the same time he was revolted by

  what Raúl might do to the young man. After all, hadn't he witnessed Raúl's

  peculiarities firsthand?

  And yet if he didn't sell Arbol to Raúl…

  The very thought of his family in financial ruin, socially outcast as well—not to

  mention lost to him—was unacceptable.

  No. There simply was no other way.

  Arbol must be sacrificed to save Bernardo's family.

  And your own skin. The voice in his head spoke truth.

  Bernardo pushed the voice aside with a quick sigh, firm and resolute—if

  uncomfortable—with his decision. Suddenly weary and tired, Bernardo nodded, and

  his eyelids drooped.

  “God forgive me,” Bernardo muttered, “for my own son may not.” He tilted his

  head. His eyes were gritty, and his tongue felt as if he had licked the brocade pants

  he still wore from two days ago.

  But the look of shock and disgust on Alonso's face when he'd learned Raúl was

  a blood relative haunted Bernardo.

  Sadly, Bernardo realized that no matter what the choices, he would lose

  something. Sadder still was the fact that losing the elder of his twin sons would

  hurt far fewer people. His best hope was that someday Alonso would forgive him.

  Casa Rodrigo


  Perhaps when he's older. Bernardo wondered when he had gotten so old

  himself. When was it exactly that life had run away from him?

  Bernardo felt a huge wave of regret wash over him. He knew, finally, and

  understood how his son must see him. Briefly, he wondered if that was how he had

  looked when—at roughly Alonso's age—he'd discovered his father had lost nearly all

  the family fortune on loose women, drinking, and gambling.

  Across the room, the warm, comfortable bed beckoned as surely and

  seductively as Raúl's arms had once done. He stood as if entranced. His body

  creaked and complained as he stretched and rubbed his eyes.

  Exhausted, Bernardo drifted even before his head touched the pillow. But even

  as he found comfort, his body twitched and jerked, fraught with unwanted dreams.

  * * *

  Alonso moaned and stirred in the damp coolness of morning. He felt chilled

  and wondered—even as he dreamed of Arbol's lips softly kissing his cheek, the

  warmth of his body as Arbol embraced him—why he felt so suddenly overwhelmed

  with an inexplicable sadness. Even though they were together now, his heart ached.

  No harm would come to Arbol as long as Alonso was around. He had promised.

  Alonso rolled over in his sleep, meaning to throw an arm and leg protectively

  over Arbol's body. He opened his eyes. He was confused at first, what with all the

  greenery before him, the sound of the river as it flowed lazily nearby, the loud crow

  of the rooster.

  He sat up with a start and looked around. Arbol was nowhere to be seen.

  As he gathered his clothes and slipped them on, Alonso told himself nothing

  was amiss. That Arbol had simply gone to the fields as he was supposed to. But in

  his heart, Alonso knew differently. There had been an urgency about Arbol the

  night before that was about more than just lust. Alonso knew that now in the light

  of day.

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  Fully dressed, Alonso slowly scanned the trees. He glanced up toward the

  mountain range in the distance that separated them from the other side of the


  A heavy feeling filled Alonso's heart and settled on his chest. He struggled to

  breathe suddenly, and the effort caught in his throat as his vision blurred.

  With watery eyes, Alonso turned and made his way back to the house, praying

  profoundly that no one had found Arbol.

  But even as he climbed onto the porch and saw the frantic panic that lined the

  overseer's face, as he watched him fighting with Dante, Alonso knew without a

  doubt that the alarm would soon be raised. He could not let that happen. He would

  have to stall Perez. Buy Arbol some time. It wasn't much, but it was the best he

  could do.

  “At least it's something,” he muttered.

  Alonso swallowed back his fear, found a confidence he did not feel, and


  “Hear, hear, señor Perez,” Alonso said, hoping he sounded more jovial than he

  felt. “It's too beautiful a day to be in a panic. What's all this commotion?”

  “I need to see don de Rodrigo immediately! This insolent piece of trash will not

  let me in!”

  “Señor Perez.” Alonso struggled to remain polite and swallowed back a sudden

  mounting anger. “Por favor. I would appreciate it if you did not speak ill of our


  Perez looked at him with disdain but stepped down.

  “Now. What is the matter? Anything you need to bring to my father, you can

  bring to me. What did you need to speak to him so urgently about?”

  “With all due respect,” Perez enunciated in a biting tone. “I need don Bernardo

  de Rodrigo.”

  “Señor. Forgive me, but—” Dante interrupted.

  Casa Rodrigo


  Alonso turned his attention toward Dante, aware Perez was bubbling just

  inches away. At the same time he was pleasantly surprised by Dante, who—as if

  emboldened by Alonso's presence—now squared his shoulders, lifted his chin, and


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