Colonel Turner said, “Look, here’s a small crack!”
There was a very small crack in the tile grout. A crack that the pin head size implant could fit into. Ron ran out to get a hammer and chisel from the truck. Coming back he began to hammer the tile breaking it up in small pieces around the grout line. We were all standing there shining our lights and Ron picked up something showing it to Colonel Turner and asked, “Is this it?”
We all huddled around trying to get a view and Turner looking at it said, “Yes that’s it.”
Eddy said, “Dam that thing is small. How does it work?”
Turner advised, “I don’t know how it works exactly but it gives off some kind of signal which can be detected by our drones.”
I replied, “This means Sessions isn’t here and the funds aren’t here either.”
I asked Rahim, “What do you think?”
Rahim said, “This is not a place that Aamir would use to hide any person or funds in my opinion.”
“Then what kind of place do you think Aamir would use?”
“Thinking back, Aamir hated Catholics but liked their churches. He liked the Catholic Church down the road because it has an excellent building design. One time we went there together just to look around. It is the Blessed Trinity Church about a mile from here. I suggest we search there.”
Turner commented, “My Rangers have not cleared that area yet. If we go there it will be dangerous.”
We all looked at each other waiting for someone to speak so I jumped in, “Look we searched every inch of this church and know that Captain Sessions is not here. I suggest we go to the Blessed Trinity now there’s no time to waste. I’ve been to that church a few times with my brother and his wife. It is a big church with a lot of rooms and it has a house next to it for the Priests and another building for storage.”
Turner replied, “Ok I agree, my men will go in first with Gun Smoke and clear the church buildings. I will leave eight men here for a check point leaving us forty men for the operation.”
I looked at my watch it was almost 2 pm we needed to get going.
Colonel Turner gathered everyone and assigned his men into four teams, one for breaching each building, all to be breached at the same time, and one team for security watch along with Gun Smoke. Our team “The Searchers” would be the last ones to enter any building.
Turner advised us, “Jack wait here until I radio you to come to the church. This area seems to be safe for now. It may take us an hour or so to clear the buildings. So stay here and be on your toes.”
“Ok Colonel we’ll wait for your call.”
The Rangers mounted up and sped down the road at what seemed like full speed. They wanted to move in fast and hard, taking any al-Qaida there by surprise.
They left and all was very still, no noise just the wind blowing. I posted my men to watch for any movement and stay alert. The eight Rangers were standing on the main road next to their Humvee with a 50 caliber mounted machine gun, ready to stop any car coming down the road. There was no traffic on the road so if you saw a car or truck most likely it was not a friend.
I was sitting in my truck with Tommy and Ron. We had the doors open and windows down because it was hot as usual. We were parked on the side street next to the church near some bushes. I was eating an orange and as I looked up there was a face in the bushes about hundred feet away. I looked closer at the face threw my rifle scope.
It was a little kid looking at us. I wondered what the hell is a kid is doing here. He just stared at us not making a move. Putting down my M 4, I waved at him to come over. He started to come out from behind the bushes. I watched him slowly approach, making sure he did not have any weapons or bombs.
I said, “Guys we got company a little kid is coming over to us.”
Tommy looked up, racked a round into his M 4, and replied, “A little kid, what the hell is he doing here?”
The little boy was about 10 years old. He looked skinny, he was dirty, his shirt was dirty, and his jeans had holes in the knees. He had light brown hair and was a good looking kid. I sat there watching this little boy walking up to us in this dangerous area.
I pulled my Glock out and put it on my seat just in case. Tommy and Ron jumped out of the truck, watching the whole area for anyone else that might pop up.
Walking slowly up to me, stopping about ten feet away, the little kid said in a whisper, “Hey Mister, are you with the Army?”
“Hi little man, yes we are with the Army. Are you by yourself?”
“No I have a little brother, we live over there.” He pointed to a house about 200 feet away.
I got out of the truck and he backed away from me, keeping his distance, showing he was scared of us. I reached in the truck grabbed an orange and tossed it to him which he caught showing good reflexes.
“Thanks Mister, can I have one for my brother?”
I tossed him another one and asked him, “What can we do for you?”
“We have an Army guy hidden at my house and he needs help. Come on I’ll show you.”
Tommy said, “Dad this could be a trap.”
I asked the kid, “What’s your name?”
“Johnny Evans and my brother is Jimmy Evans.”
“Where are your Dad and Mom?”
“The bad guys with towels over their heads killed my Mom and Dad. They came into our house and my Dad told us to hide. My brother and I have a special hiding place, no one knows where it is, my Dad made it.”
“Sorry about your Mom and Dad Johnny.
“What is the Army man’s name?”
“I think its Captain something. That’s what he told me.”
“Tommy and Ron get everyone; we’re going to his house. Captain Sessions has to be there.
“Ok Johnny, take us to your house.”
We followed little Johnny as he weaved around the bushes sneaking along stealth like. He did not follow the road or walk out in the open. This little kid knew what he was doing. As we approached the house Johnny opened a side window and crawled in. Tommy and I followed and the others stayed outside.
Winding room to room in the house we came to a closet in the hall and Johnny opened the door. Tommy and I had our guns at the ready not knowing what to expect. With the door open we saw clothes hanging there, it was a small closet, and no one could fit in there. Then Johnny pushed the clothes aside showing a bare wall, he reached down and picked up part of the floor, it was a trap door.
Johnny said, “Go look he is down there with my brother.”
I pulled out my flash light and my Glock 17 just in case and jumped down into the hole it was only a four foot drop. A strong odor came from the room it smelled like urine, crap, and blood. I kneeled down shining my light into the dark and saw a little kid holding a candle to provide some light in this concrete lined little room. I guessed the room size was 10 x 10 feet in size.
I told the kid, “Jimmy don’t be afraid your brother Johnny is here with us. We’re with the Army. We’re the good guys.”
Huddled in the corner holding his candle he answered, “I am glad you are good guys.”
Shinning my light around I saw him lying there, it was Captain Sessions, bloody but alive, and Sessions mumbled, “What the hell took you guys so long.”
“Captain, are you able to move?”
“I can crawl but can’t walk. I took a round in the leg and I think it’s broke along with my collar bone. They beat me up pretty good but I could be dead.”
“Come on Captain let’s get out of here. Tommy come down here and help me carry Sessions out.”
We dragged him out and pulled out little Jimmy who was about seven years old. He looked just like his brother.
I got on the horn to Colonel Turner, “We located Captain Sessions he is alive but wounded and will need a chopper and medical help.”
“Holy crap Jack! Where did you find him?”
“He was in a house directly behind the church. A little kid named Johnny saved his life.”r />
“We already checked that house and all the others around that area. Tell Sessions the chopper is on the way. I will be there shortly.”
“Roger that Colonel.”
Out in the light Captain Sessions looked pretty bad, but lucky for him the leg wound was not bleeding, it looked like the bullet went in broke the bone and came back out. His face and head were badly bruised and he had two black eyes.
We had Sessions on a homemade stretcher, a blanket. Everyone there came over to shake his hand. I gave him some water and Johnny peeled him an orange with an old rusty pocket knife. I looked at Johnny and thought what a good kid. He took care of Sessions and his brother. He was a Hero in my mind.
I asked Johnny, “How did you find Captain Sessions?”
“We saw the bad guys all leave the church so I sneaked inside looking for some food and found him tied up on the floor. I cut the ropes with my knife and he was free. The Captain cut something out of his side with my knife and then I helped him to my house to hide. We all hid in the room when the bad guys came back looking for him.”
“Well Johnny you are a hero. Let me see your knife. I see it’s a little rusty. I want you to have my pocket knife. This is a very important knife it belonged to one of my best friends who was also killed by bad guys.”
As I handed him Marks fishing knife he replied, “Gee Mister thanks a lot, it’s a great looking knife.”
“Be careful it’s very sharp.”
“Yes Sir, I’ll be careful.”
Little Jimmy watching asked, “Can I have a knife?” Johnny handed him his old rusty knife and Jimmy was happy as a pig in the mud.
I told them, “My name is Jack Gunn.”
They replied, “Yes Sir, Mr. Gunn.”
I thought what well manner kids they are, their parents would be proud of them. We have to get these kids out of here, out of danger and take them to Tocabaga. I like these boys and want to adopt them into my family since they have no one else to help them. I have to take them back to Tocabaga now.
Colonel Turner came down the road in his Humvee and stopped next to Sessions. He shook his hand and whispered something in his ear. Just then we heard the Black Hawk UH 60 coming in to land in the street. With the blades still spinning the Rangers loaded Captain Sessions on board and it took off toward SOCOM HQ located in Tampa, where Sessions could obtain proper medical help.
We obtained our major objective which was to find Captain Sessions. I looked at my watch it was 5 pm and in a few hours it would be dark. That’s no time to be out there. We would have to come back tomorrow to search the other church. Right then I wanted to get these kids out of danger.
I commented, “Colonel Turner this is Johnny Evans and his brother Jimmy. They saved Captain Sessions.”
Turner shook hands with both boys and said, “On behalf of the United States Army Rangers thank you for your service to your country boys. You did a brave deed. Where are your parents?”
Johnny answered, “They were both killed by the bad guys.”
“Oh I’m sorry Johnny. You are safe with us and I am sure Mr. Gunn will take good care of you.”
Looking at me Johnny said, “Mr. Gunn can we come with you when you leave?”
“Johnny how would you and your brother like to come live with me on Tocabaga Island. It is safe there and we have a lot of food.”
“You mean stay with you.”
“Yes with me and my family.”
“Yes Sir, that sounds great.”
Turner advised, “We have cleared the church buildings but I think it is too late for you to do any searching for al-Qaida funds. Jack I have to give you a lot of credit for finding Captain Sessions. We owe you and your men a lot. You have our upmost respect.”
“Colonel you owe us nothing, we all owe Johnny and little Jimmy a lot for saving Captain Sessions. If you agree we are heading back to Tocabaga with the kids and we’ll come back to search the church tomorrow.”
“Jack, I agree we will post men at the church tonight so tomorrow you can go there knowing it’s safe. Give me a call when you are leaving Camp Tocabaga.”
“Thank you Colonel.”
We made it back to Tocabaga with no problems. I introduced the boys to their new family. Hemmi, my wife, was very happy to have little boys around. It made me feel really good that we saved two little kids from the jaws of death. I need to do more searching; I need to save more kids from a terrible life.
Shanda and Kendra were happy to have new play mates and showed the boys around the house.
Johnny and Jimmy ate more food than two grown men could. They loved the baked fish, fruit, and rice. It seems they like their bedroom and new home. I would see that Johnny and Jimmy got a medal for saving Captain Sessions.
It was late so Hemmi and I took the kids to their bedroom where they took a shower and washed up. We tucked them into bed. Johnny held his new knife tight in his hand as he fell asleep.
I decided I would go back to their house and see what I could find to bring them, like toys or pictures of their parents. I also wondered what happened to their parent’s bodies so we would look for them.
Later that night I got a phone call from Captain Sessions advising he would be out of action for only a few months according to the Doctor. Maybe someday he will tell us the story of what happen to him.
Tomorrow we will go back to the church and search for the al-Qaida cache.
MAY 16, 2025
As stated in my earlier chronicles, the United States is in a state of chaos, and extreme turmoil. We came to this because of an overzealous President and a Congress that sat by and did nothing to protect our rights.
The President put into effect Presidential Executive Order 13603 which to everyone’s surprise declares that all property belongs to the Federal government, your house, money, guns, and even your kids. They can tell you where to live and where to work.
Years before things were not making much sense especially when the government took control of the news media. It became state owned so the only news we received was what the Federal government wanted us to see.
Back in 2013 the NSA started to tap our phones, reading our emails, reading our snail mail, reading our face book page. We were all being watched, we were all suspected of doing something wrong, we were all having our Bill of Rights violated in the name of government security, and no one did anything about it.
Benjamin Franklin once said, “He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither.”
Thank God the US Military believes Executive Order 13603 violates the US Constitution. The Army Rangers are fighting with us to gain control back from the Federal Police, al-Qaida, and numerous gangs. We will win this fight, we will never surrender, and we will persevere.
I woke up early as usual it was 5 a.m. and made a cup of coffee then went out for a smoke. I need a smoke to wake up with a cup of strong coffee. It seems to be a habit I can’t break. I don’t smoke around the kids. I get my cigarettes from the Rangers who seem to have an endless supply.
Looking at my phone I had an email message sent to [email protected] from Colonel Turner it read, “Call me when you are ready to leave.”
I went to check on the boys in their bedroom. They were sleeping sound as a rock. I noticed that Johnny still had Marks’ knife in his hand. This maybe the first time in months they had good food and a good nights’ sleep without worry. Johnny had to have a lot of stress on him watching over Sessions and his little brother. Taking care of them, getting them water, and food to eat. I thought this kid is special.
Looking at Johnny and Jimmy I didn’t want to go searching for anything. I wanted to stay here and spend some time with them. I felt that was important to do since this was their new home. Maybe we can play baseball when I return.
Hemmi woke up and I made her a cup of coffee like I always do and I asked her, “Please pay special attention to the boys since this is their new home.”
Hemmi said, “Don’t worry Jack I know how to take
care of kids better than you. They will feel right at home.”
“I know Honey you’re the best.”
I went to take a shower while she cooked breakfast. It was the usual fried fish and oranges. Tommy, Ron, and Jim Bo woke up shortly after and joined me for breakfast.
Tonya, my son’s wife asked, “Are you going back to the church today.”
Tommy replied, “Yes we’re going to search for the funds.”
My brother’s wife Joan said, “What for, it is not worth risking your lives.”
I commented, “Well we also need to go back to the house Johnny lived in and bury his Mom and Dad. I want to bring back any items such as toys, and pictures. These kids saved Captain Sessions and we owe them a lot.”
Joan answered back, “I guess you are right.”
“Johnny took care of Sessions and his little brother; he is a hero in my eyes. He is a smart little kid and very well mannered. So please, all of you take special care of them and show them around Tocabaga. They are part of our family now. We are all they have.”
“Don’t worry Jack we know how to take care of kids,” replied Joan.
It seemed I just heard that statement. No one else said a word. All the men got up and left to go outside. I got on the radio to the others advising to meet at 9 am at the bridge.
The same team showed up at the bridge and we all shook hands. We were proud about finding Captain Sessions. I felt we could accomplish any mission no matter what it was. I told everyone we were going to the kids’ house to find their dead parents and bury them. I also advised them I want to bring back any toys and pictures so we need to search the house. After that we’ll go to the church to look for the loot.
As we were talking Amy, Johnny, and Jimmy came running up to us and Amy said, “Johnny wants to ask you something.”
Johnny said, “Sir if you go to my house will you bring us our baseball gloves, baseball, and bat. They are in our bedroom.”
I said, “Yes Johnny is there anything else you want?”
“We got a toy box could you please bring that too?”
“Ok Johnny we will bring everything. Are there any other kids living near your house?”