Willis and I both replied, “Yes Sir understood.”
“The Iron Maiden will be along in case we need her. We will move in fast and hard. I don’t want any robot left in one piece.
“After we take care of the one hundred Units on Route 275 we will move on to Ellenton and finish off the robots there. What do you men think?”
“Yes Sir Captain, that sounds like a good plan to me,” Willis said while looking at me.
I replied, “I agree with Willis Sir.”
Sessions added, “Men one more thing I think Alvin should be watched very closely. You are right he is dangerous and can never be trusted. Most of the hard core socialists never change their stubborn thinking. We are at war and war is hell. The very life of our country is at stake.
“After you take care of the work men and their trucks you need to retrieve SFC Dale. Tow the Humvee back to the check point. They will take Sergeant First Class Dale’s body back to Fort Desoto.
“Oh by the way the dead BOT is being checked out by SFC Cain and SOCOM wants it flown to them ASAP. I haven’t told SOCOM yet about the truck and the men you captured. I am going to ask SOCOM to do an air strike on the USF labs where they are making these things. We need to blow that place off the map.
“I have to phone General Harper inform him of our actions and discuss the request made by Dr. Urban. I don’t think General Harper will look kindly on Urban’s demands. I think the General will tell me to arrest them and send them to SOCOM. That’s it for now men make ready and be back here by 06:00 hundred hours. By the way good work men.”
We both answered, “Thank you Sir.”
We walked out of the office and Willis commented, “Sounds like the Captain don’t like the robots too much or Alvin.”
I replied, “We’ve been lucky so far finding out how to kill the BOTs and nabbing the inventor. I think God is watching over us.”
“I agree Jack. Let’s go have a drink and get some rest.”
Arriving at the bar we found Tommy who was telling about twenty people sitting there, the story of the FPF truck we captured. I just listened because I was too tired to talk.
Pulling Tommy aside from his story telling I told him, “Tomorrow we leave to attack the robots at 06:00 hours. We have to be at the Fort by then. The only ones going from our group are you, me, and Willis.”
“Ok Dad, I’ll wake you up. After this drink let’s go home and see the wives and kids.”
“Ok one more JD and we’re out of here.” Looking at my watch it was 2 pm.
Returning home my wife Hemmi was a little upset with me for being gone all night. I tried to explain why I couldn’t call her. Ron and Jim Bo came up and we shook hands. The grand kids gave us both big hugs. Tommy and I took a hose shower, cleaned up and ate some lunch. Then we played catch with the kids and took a nap until dinner time. After dinner we both went to bed at 8 pm.
I was lying in bed thinking, something was not right about Alvin’s story. I didn’t know what it was exactly but it seemed fishy that he would openly state that he was pretty much a stinking Commie. I had to think of some way for an accident to terminate him. I don’t want any stinking Commies on Tocabaga.
If my wife had any idea the number of times I put my life on the line she wouldn’t be a happy camper. Funny thing is she has never asked me for any details. That’s good because I could never tell her what I have done. I don’t want her tainted by the bloody life of combat and have the nightmares that I endure.
JUNE 25, 2025
It was 05:30 hours as Tommy and I arrived at the Fort. We found Captain Sessions talking to Willis and the tank commanders laying out the battle plan. When Sessions was finished he waved us over and told us, “General Harper wants all the BOTs destroyed except for the ones in the trailer. He wants those taken to SOCOM along with Urban and Sinclair. They are officially under arrest now. Sergeant Major Willis and both of you will be responsible for them until we return.”
While we were standing there Urban and Sinclair were brought out and handed over to us. Carl asked me, “Where are we going so early?”
“We’re going to Ellenton. You need to tell us what equipment you require and let us know if there are any good workers we should have on our side.” I made it a point not to tell him we were going to destroy all of his machines.
Carl replied, “They are called Technicians not workers. I only know of one Technician we could use. He has a lot of training and education that can be useful. He is very close to me.”
“Ok Carl we’ll see when we get there.”
While standing there talking, dawn was just breaking. We were getting ready to mount up when out of the shadows walked 8 TALOS Warriors. We just stared at them in awe … they did look like Iron Man. It was the first time any of us had seen the TALOS Battle suits.
The Warriors stood in a straight line; they were all the same height standing about 6 foot 5 inches. The TALOS suits were a dark grey, brown, and black mixture of colors. These men had been selected to wear the TALOS after passing grueling physical testing and extensive training. They were the best of the best the Rangers had to offer.
The TALOS suit had the same outside reactive armor as the BOTs. Due to the shape you could tell a man was inside and this was clearly not a robot. I wondered how it must feel knowing you can pick up 500 pounds and run 20 mph. What does it feel like knowing you can walk threw a hail of bullets and they just bounce off of your armor. Wearing the TALOS you more or less become Iron Man the only difference being you can’t fly.
The TALOS suit is a fully integrated system. It contains computers, sensors, 360 degree camera, and antennas embedded into the suit to improve the warriors real time battlefield information. It has integrated coolers and heaters that can control the temperature inside the suit. It monitors the body temperature, heart rate, and hydration level of the warrior. The suit has an exoskeleton which operates by electrical - hydraulic servo systems which is powered by a new atomic battery pack that can provide energy for one year without a charge. The exoskeleton supports the weight of the suit and the equipment. The hydraulic systems enable the wearer to have amazing strength.
The helmet is round and angled with no flat surfaces so bullets would be defected. It has a small face shield with two eyes. It has a heads up display with thermal imaging and infrared. The operator can use a computer laser aiming device that never misses a target.
Looking closer at their weapons two men carried Mini 134 Gatlin guns, two had a 50 caliber COBB rifle, two men had in their hands an Mk 14 40mm six barreled grenade launcher and the remaining two warriors had M249 SAW light machine guns. These are all special weapons that are tied electronically to the built in computer laser aiming device.
The Mark 14 or Mk 14 40mm super six, was developed in 2012 and can launch grenades up to a range of 1,000 yards. It holds six grenades and can fire them in rapid order. It is a light weight weapon and is used by USSOCOM operators.
The M134 Mini gun is a 7.62x51 mm NATO, six-barreled Gatling gun with a high rate of fire up to 6,000 rounds per minute. It has rotating barrels with an external power electric motor. This baby shots a steam of fire that can cut trees in half.
As Captain Sessions approached them one of the TALOS Warriors yelled, “Attention,” in a computer aided deep voice. All eight snapped to attention clicking their heels together at the same time. The first Warrior in line raised his helmet visor when Sessions stepped up to him and said, “First Lieutenant Fisher and the TALOS Warriors reporting for duty Sir.”
Sessions responded, “At ease Warriors.” The men took the standard at ease military position all at the same time.
“Do you Warriors have any questions about this mission?”
Lieutenant Fisher replied, “No Sir.”
“If no one has any questions then everyone mount up,” Sessions replied while holding his hand in the air waving it in a circle.
The 8 TALOS Warriors yelled in unison, “Rangers Lead the Way!” In a single line they trotted
to the BFVs and climbed inside.
While everyone was scrambling to their vehicles I looked at Carl and Alvin and they were just standing there with their mouths open. I bet they were thinking the TALOS Warriors were bad ass dudes and very scary looking. The geeks were seeing what a real Army was like.
Carl looking at me inquired, “So what are you going to do with the TALOS men?”
“You’ll see just get into the truck we have to move out now.”
As we got into the Hummer Carl and Alvin took the back seat. Willis was driving, Tommy was on the M 2 machine gun, and I was riding shotgun. The convoy pulled out across the Tocabaga bridge. Sessions was leading the way in his Humvee. Next came the two BFVs (Bradley Fighting Vehicles), then the Iron Maiden with four Humvees in the rear. We were the last vehicle in line.
Here was the general plan of attack:
The drones confirmed there was no movement of any BOTs located on Interstate 275 or at Ellenton.
We would stop 800 yards away from the robots so the TALSO Warriors could dismount and follow behind the BFVs. The armor would open fire on the BOTs while moving forward … not stopping. Once reaching the metal men the TALOS Warriors would move the exterminated pieces of junk to the side of the road destroying whatever was left and collect any weapons.
The Warriors and Armor will be moving south on Route 275 using the north bound side of the divided interstate. The Hummers under command of Willis are to speed ahead down the unimpeded south bound side of Route 275 when the first cannon shot is fired. We were ordered to cut off the technician trucks so no one can escape. If any resistance is encountered we will terminate them. Carl and Alvin are to advise us what equipment to take back. Everything else gets demolished.
After that is complete our Humvee is to speed ahead and retrieve SFC Dale and the broken Hummer. We will tow it back to the check point where other Rangers will take Dale’s body back to the Fort. Then we rush back and wait while mop up is completed on the 275 bridge.
Once mop up is finished we proceed to Ellenton with Armor on the north bound side of the highway and the Hummers on the south bound side. Drone recon shows there are about 300 BOTs standing idle there with no work men. So the Hummers will be providing security in case someone comes along out of nowhere.
We were assigned to burn Ellenton Mall to the ground. Soak it with fuel and light it up. The bodies left there could cause disease to take hold so it was necessary to cremate them all. Once all the robots have been destroyed we would return back to Camp Tocabaga.
A simple plan right, what could possibly go wrong. It seems at Ellenton anything could go wrong at any time. I am not counting my chickens before they hatch. The two trips we made to Ellenton turned into FUBAR.
FUBAR is military slang which means “Fucked up beyond all reason.”
The tanks stopped one mile away and the TALOS Warriors dismounted. On the radio we heard Captain Sessions say, “Commence firing!” On his order the Abrams tank, BFVs opened up, and they all started moving forward.
The Hummers started to gain speed, and we reached the FPF trucks in about three minutes. The work men were trying to escape in their trucks. Pulling up to them we shot out their tires. If they didn’t stop then they would be terminated.
Willis and the other Rangers were yelling, “Pull over US Army Ranges! You are under arrest!”
Alvin wailed, “Stop! You are killing our children! Stop it!”
I turned around in my front seat, looked at him and said, “There’re no children here you fool. What the hell are you talking about?”
“The Units are the children! They belong to Carl and me. Please don’t kill them!” Alvin and Carl were watching their children being blown to pieces. I laughed and so did Willis.
Looking across the divided highway the BFVs and Iron Maiden were blowing them to shit. Robot pieces were flying everywhere. I saw an Abrams direct hit and the robot was an instant piece of burning junk from the 120 mm cannon. The BFV 25 mm chain guns would hit the BOTs and blow a big hole in the chest, cutting the metal men almost in half.
It was a blood bath except there was no blood but it looked like blood as the red hydraulic fluid flowed onto the roadway out of the tin bodies. Pieces of metal and robot parts were lying on the ground. They had no chance against the Rangers fire power.
The TALOS Warriors were walking along next to the BFVs picking up any robot parts and crushing them.
Carl yelled at me, “You didn’t have to destroy them! You never told me you were going to do that.”
I replied, “Those are the orders. The BOTs must be destroyed so they can’t be used again.”
Carl told Alvin, “Don’t worry we can make more Units … we can make more children.” I thought these fuckers are really sick. They think these tin men are their children.
We rounded up the ten panel trucks and the big semi truck. All the men were ordered to get out with their hands up and stand next to their trucks on the drivers’ side. Other Rangers were frisking them and using zip ties to cuff their hands.
Carl yelled, “Alvin put that knife down now.”
I turned around to see what the hell was going on and Alvin had a knife holding it to Carl’s chest. Alvin waving the knife at Carl said, “You lied to me! You lied and now you are letting them kill my kids.”
I shouted, “Put down the knife, put it down now,” as I drew my Glock and pointed it at him.
“No I am going to kill Carl and all of you for what you have done.”
“I am warning you Alvin put the knife down now or you’re going to get shot.”
Alvin suddenly turned and stabbed Tommy in the leg while he was standing in the gun turret. Tommy yelled, “Dam it! The fucker just stabbed me.”
Then quickly in one move Alvin lunged at Carl and I shot him twice in the back. He fell on top of Carl and didn’t move.
Willis jumped out of the truck and pointed his M 4 at Alvin.
Tommy got out of the turret as I jumped out of my seat and opened the back door. Dragging Alvin out by his shirt collar I threw him to the ground. I looked inside and Carl had the knife stuck in his chest but he also had two bullet wounds in his chest from my gun. The bullets went right threw Alvin and into Carl.
Carl was still alive but fatally wounded and with his last breath he said, “Take care of my … Son.”
“Tommy did you hear what Carl said?”
“Yes but who or where is his Son? Maybe he thinks a robot is his son.”
The shots killed both of them. Tommy pulled the knife out of Carl’s chest and asked, “Where did Alvin get this steak knife from?”
“They had a steak dinner yesterday and he must have kept the stupid knife.”
Willis shaking his head commented, “The guards should have known better.”
“Tommy come out here let me take a look at your leg.”
Lucky for Tommy he was just stabbed in the thigh and no major blood vessels were cut so the bleeding was minimal. The serrated knife blade however made a nasty looking wound.
“You’re lucky no serious damage was done but you’ll be hurting for a while. I’ll put some antiseptic on the wound and wrap it up. When we get back Doc Scott can check it out. ”
After patching up Tommy we looked around as mop up was going on. The TALOS Warriors were throwing the dead BOTs to the side of the road and collecting the weapons. I watched one Warrior smash a robot head with his foot. All the robots had been demolished and the work men or technicians were in custody. It wasn’t much of a battle for the TALOS Warriors but I was glad they were along in case any FUBAR did happen.
Willis radioed Captain Sessions and told him what had happened to Carl and Alvin. Sessions told Tommy and me to stay behind and guard the prisoners. Willis was to hitch another ride to go and retrieve Dale’s body. He also told us to burn the bodies of Carl and Alvin as there was no time to bury them.
Tommy and I dragged the bodies to the side of the road, poured fuel on them, and sorry to say we torched them. We had no o
ther choice but to cremate the robot geeks. I felt a little sad standing there watching Carl burn up. I had grown to like him a little. I made the sign of the Cross and said a silent prayer for Carl.
Tommy said, “Too bad Carl got killed, he seemed like a good guy.”
The Rangers blew up all the trucks except for the big semi. Tommy and I were left behind to guard the workers and ask them a few questions. All was still as the main convoy drove away toward Ellenton Mall to attack the remaining BOTs.
Tommy and I now looked at the fifty prisoners sitting in the grass on the side of the road. They were huddled together in a large group. I went over to them and asked, “Who’s in charge?”
One wise guy stated, “You’re in charge boss man.”
I walked up to him and kicked him in the face with my combat boot knocking him over and blood flowed from his broken his nose. Sitting back up he said, “What the hell did you do that for?”
I was not in a good mood since Carl was dead and Tommy had been stabbed and I replied, “Do you want another kick to knock some sense into you?”
Another man commented, “Hey we know our rights. We don’t have to talk to you. You’re a real tough guy kicking a man tied up on the ground.” I couldn’t help myself I walked up to him and kicked him so hard some teeth flew out of his mouth. He was knocked out cold.
“Now who else wants a kick? Let me explain something you have no rights. The President took them all away with Executive Order 13603. Now you are all under arrest for treason. Treason means the death sentence in war time and this is war.
“You men are responsible for killing a few hundred people at Ellenton Mall. So you are also under arrest for murder.”
I noticed each man had a picture ID badge on their shirt. I told Tommy to watch them closely as I walked around tearing off the badges and taking the Unit control cards hanging around their necks.
They all had hate in their eyes as they looked at me. So I kicked a few more jerks in the face just to let them know I didn’t like them. Then one man I looked at had eyes that told me he was looking for help. He appeared to be someone we could possibly talk too. His face looked familiar but I knew I had never seen him before.