Shattered Hearts (Shattered Series Book 2)

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Shattered Hearts (Shattered Series Book 2) Page 9

by Marilyn Williams

  “In prison. It was a requirement. I fought it in the beginning by refusing to participate but eventually, I got my act together. I may be a more mature version of myself but that doesn’t mean I won’t go after Xavier.”

  “You can’t be the one to handle this guy. You spent years behind bars, and must be on your best behavior. Let me handle it.”


  “A lot has changed.”

  “Such as?”

  “I told you I work in the cutthroat world of commercial real estate.”

  “I can’t imagine real estate as cutthroat.”

  “You can meet some questionable people and that’s where I can help. I know people who know people.”

  “Okay, so you’ll help with Xavier?”

  “I’ll help you with anything.”

  Ramona shook her head and tried not to laugh because of her throat.

  “I don’t think you should stay here,” suggested Nick.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Until we deal with this problem of yours you have to be cautious. He may return looking for you. It’s not safe for you to be here alone.”

  “Where do you suggest I go?”

  “Well, maybe you...”

  “I know you’re not suggesting I stay with you.”

  “What’s wrong with that?”

  “I’m not staying with you, Nick. Besides, I can’t leave Lisa alone.”

  “Then I’ll stay here.”

  “Yeah, she would love that.”

  “So, it’s settled. I’ll stay here until we rid you of your crazy boyfriend problem.”

  Ramona sat down on the edge of the bed facing Nick. “He’s not my boyfriend.”

  “He’s not?” he asked, sounding surprised.

  “No. He wanted to be, but I told him I wasn’t ready for labels. He claimed he understood.”

  “Is that what set him off?”

  “No,” she sighed. “I found out he lied and confronted him.”

  “Lied about what?”

  “His job.” Ramona told him everything she knew about Xavier and his lies. If he wanted to help, he had to know everything. She never thought she would be here. Where Nick was comforting her over Xavier and willing to help her eradicate him from her life. Lisa always thought fate would bring them together maybe she was right. Time would only tell. Ramona snuggled next to him in her bed where she fell asleep in his arms.


  The next morning the buzzing of Ramona’s vibrating phone woke her from a deep slumber. Her eyes opened into little slits as she reached for the phone on the nightstand next to her. She turned it over and saw it was Xavier. Instead of answering, she sat up and glanced around the room. Where’s Nick? Ramona swung her legs over the edge of the bed, slid her feet into her faux fur booties. She put her phone into her pajama pants pocket. Moments later she felt the phone vibrating against her leg. It was Xavier, again. This time she answered.

  “I have nothing to say to you!” she shouted, her voice was raspy but better than the night before. She placed the phone on speaker.

  “I’m so sorry, baby. I don’t know what came over me,” he sobbed.

  “You could have killed me, Xavier!”

  “I would never do that again.”

  “I don’t believe you. This is becoming a pattern. You get upset and act out. And the very next day you apologize with a gift.”

  “I know but you were questioning me.”

  “So what?! I’m not allowed to ask questions?”

  “No, that’s not what I meant. You doubted me and I snapped.”

  “And that will be the last time. You will never lay a hand on me again! We are done!” Xavier then shouted she can’t leave him, he’s in love with her, and to please forgive him. Ramona hung up and stepped into the bathroom to splash water on her face to help calm herself down. That’s when she noticed them. The bruises and red marks all over her neck. She traced each contusion with the tip of her finger. With every stroke, she became angrier. Her breathing became heavier and her heart raced as if she ran a marathon. She could feel the tears pool in her eyes but refused to let a single one drop. Instead, of giving into the anger she did breathing exercises, inhaling/exhaling ten times a technique she learned to help curb her impulses. Before she could make it to five Xavier called again. She doesn’t know why she picked up but she did. “What do you want?”

  “That black car in front of your house. Who does it belong to? It’s been outside your house all night.” Ramona’s eyes widened as fear filled her body. Nick’s missing and Xavier has been outside all night. She immediately dropped her phone on the floor and ran out the room. “Nick! Nick!” she shouted, running down the curved staircase. She almost tripped over the last two bottom steps. “Nick! Where are you?” Still shouting as loud as she could. “Ramona, what’s wrong?” asked Lisa, from upstairs.

  “Have you seen Nick?” she asked, frantically.

  “He’s outside by the pool.”

  She ran to down the hall as she reached the rear of the house she saw him through the window. She swiftly opened the patio door and ran outside. He stood with his back to her on the phone. “Nick! Thank God you’re okay.” She ran towards him wrapping her arms around him. He told the person on the phone to hold on a minute. “Sweetheart, what’s the matter?”

  “Xavier is watching the house! He called and asked about your car. He knows you were here all night.”

  “He’s what?!” Nick got off his phone call and walked Ramona back inside. “I’ll check around the house. I need you to stay here.”

  “No! Don’t!” She grabbed his arm. “He’s out of his mind!”

  “I’ll be fine. Just stay here. Don’t open the door until you see me.”

  Ramona nodded her head okay. After he walked out the front door, Lisa came running downstairs. “Xavier’s outside and Nick has gone to find him,” said Ramona.

  “What? How do you know he’s here?”

  She told Lisa about her phone call with Xavier. “The first one he was crying and sounding remorseful. But, when he called minutes later his voice sounded cold and menacing.”

  “That’s it! I’m calling the police.”

  “Please don’t,” Ramona pleaded.

  “I understand your apprehension to be around the police but this man assaulted you!”

  “Let’s just wait for Nick.” Ramona and Lisa waited near the front door for him to return. Her imagination ran wild as she waited. She imagined Nick finding Xavier ducking behind a bush and they get into a drag out, knock down fight. The second scenario that ran through her mind was much worse. She imagined Nick finding Xavier holding a gun, and he has it pointed right at Nick. Both caused her to panic and run towards the door in an effort to help him. “Where are going?” shouted Lisa. Ramona placed her hand on the doorknob of the front door. That’s when Nick reappeared without a scratch on him. “Didn’t I tell you to wait for me?” he asked, ushering past her.

  “Did you find him?” she asked, frantic.

  Nick shook his head no. “I looked everywhere and saw no one.”

  “I’m calling the police,” said Lisa, pulling out her cell phone.

  Nick placed his hand over hers. “Let’s think about that for a moment.”

  “There’s nothing to think about,” she said.

  “The police won’t help Ramona. She could file a restraining order but I don’t think that’s enough to keep him away.”

  Lisa crossed her arms and shook her head in a disapproving manner. “What’s wrong with you two? I witness this crazy man attacking my niece. We can have him arrested.”

  “Lisa, let me handle this my way,” said Ramona, glancing at Nick.

  She narrowed her eyes. “In what way do you mean? I hope you’re not thinking about doing anything that can land you back in jail!” Lisa was pissed, and she had to calm her down. “Of course, I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize my freedom. I never want to go back to that place. All I’m saying, I th
ink I can talk to him. You know, get him to understand that it’s best if we go our separate ways.”

  “I’ll hold off for now,” she said, rolling her eyes. “But, I will get a security team to remain on the grounds until we know for sure he’s no longer a threat.”

  “That’s a great idea,” said Nick. “I told Ramona that I think I should stay here until it’s safe.”.

  “I agree. I better make my calls now to have security here by morning.”

  Ramona waited until Lisa left the room before she uttered another word. She turned to Nick. “You know that was complete bullshit.”

  “You had to say whatever you needed to get her off the police idea.”

  “The last thing I need is the police sniffing around here. Instead of locking his ass up, they might throw me in there instead. There are people who still believe my sentence was an injustice.”

  “Don’t worry about those people, and as far as you know who, I’ll take care of everything.” He placed her hands in his. “Do you want to ride with me to my house? If I’m staying here until we resolve this situation, I need to pack a bag.”

  “A bag? Don’t you mean three or four?” Ramona joked. “You’re the only man I know who has more clothes and shoes than a woman.”

  “I’m glad to see you’re feeling better.”

  “That’s because of you,” she smiled.

  “Are you coming or not?”

  “Give me a moment to change and I‘ll be ready to go.”

  Ramona freshened up and was out the door thirty minutes later. It was a hot August day in so she put on a pair of denim shorts with a red short sleeve button-down shirt. She didn’t have time to straighten her hair, so she left it in its natural state. A head full of curls. She stepped out the front door and saw Nick waiting in his car. Ramona walked over the driver’s side, and he lowered the window. She welcomed the feeling of the cool air against her toasted skin. “Hey, I don’t think we should take your car.”

  “Why not?”

  “If he comes back, we want him to think you’re still here. Let’s take mines instead.”

  Nick agreed and followed her to the garage. She opened one of the four garage doors that led to the white convertible she drove. “Are we taking this one? The white coupe?” he asked. Ramona reached into her purse and pulled out the heart key chain. The one she dreaded looking at but refused to remove from her purse. “We could take the car that belongs to this key.”

  Nick eyed it intently. “Is that what I think it is?” Ramona shook her head yes and led him to the far end of the garage. She didn’t know what thoughts ran through his mind but his face was full of joy. “When Lisa bought it, she never said what she intended to do with it.”

  “She kept it and has bugged me daily about driving it.”

  “Have you?”

  “No. Today would be the first time.”

  “It might not start.”

  Ramona dangled the keys. “There’s only one way to find out.” She handed them to Nick, and the car started with the push of a button. She took her place on the passenger side and they were on their way. Riding in the car with him felt surreal as a wave of memories entered her mind. She wasted time pushing him away when deep down she wanted to be with him. That stubbornness allowed Xavier to creep into her life.

  They drove for what seemed like a million miles away arriving at a beautiful suburban neighborhood on the far outskirts of Houston. Nick lived in a two-story brick home with an impeccably manicured lawn. The black wrought iron front door stood out against the sand-colored brick. Once inside, you enter a grand entryway with an opulent crystal chandelier that hung from the ceiling. A few steps away was the living space. The staircase to the upper level was in the rear of the house. The backyard had a pool with a mini waterfall, in-ground hot tub, and an outdoor kitchen. “Beautiful home, Nick. Very domesticated.”


  “Yeah, this is big for only you. The condo you had was more of a bachelor pad, but both represents your style. Swanky, yet modern.”

  “Well, you’re not the only one who’s changed. Have a seat and relax while I pack a bag.”

  “I can’t see upstairs?”

  “I didn’t want to be presumptuous and ask you to come see my bedroom.”

  “It wouldn’t be presumptuous at all. I’m curious to see the man you’ve grown into.” Nick led her upstairs into one of the five bedrooms. The cramped room held a computer, television, and small dark brown sofa. “Is this your office?”

  “Sort of. I keep my casual clothes in the closet in here. My bedroom’s closet has my dressier clothing.”

  That didn’t surprise Ramona one bit he would organize his clothes in that manner. He was a neat freak when they were together and nothing has changed. She stared at him as he carefully selected clothes to pack. It was amazing how life could change in a matter of twenty-four hours. Yesterday morning she was happily accepting a gift from the man who she was dating until she was ready for more and the very next morning she’s at her ex’s house. An ex she vowed to stay away from because he’d represented a painful time in her life. But, like always he’s there regardless if she wanted him to be. This time she wants him, right beside her. “I don’t mean to interrupt your thought process, but can we talk for a moment?”

  “Yeah, sure.” Nick sat beside her. “What’s on your mind?”

  “I want to thank you for disrupting your life to help me. I appreciate it.”

  “I told you I would do anything for you, and I meant it.”

  “Besides Lisa, you’re the only other person left in my life who cares for me. I thought I could add Xavier to the list, but he turned out to be an abusive asshole.”

  “You don’t need him. I’m here now,” he said placing a gentle kiss on the back of her hand. Ramona revealed a nervous grin under Nick’s gaze. In the pit of her stomach, she felt a flutter of butterflies, the exact feeling she had when they first met. It was at a dinner party and he was the most handsome man she had ever seen. She couldn’t take her eyes off him. She’d purposely ran into him and from his response, she knew he was interested. That night was the start of a love like she had never known. And she’s ready to receive that love once again. “Can I be honest with you?” he asked, interrupting her thoughts.


  “I can’t sit here another moment and not kiss you.” Ramona blushed. “I’m serious,” he continued. “I’ve waited years, months, and days to hold you in my arms again and you allowed that to happen last night. But, I’m dying to feel your lips against mines.”

  “I feel the same,” replied Ramona. “But, before we go any further I have to know if there’s anyone else. And please don’t lie.”

  “That’s a fair request. In the past, I was less than truthful about my marriage and I played games with your heart. But, that’s over, I’m no longer that man. When we were apart, I felt lost. I was no longer whole, it was if a piece of my heart was missing.”

  Tears fell from Ramona’s eyes as she listened to him pour his heart out. Nick wiped the falling tears from her face. “I don’t mean to make you cry. I meant it when I said I’ve changed. There’s one woman for me and I’m looking at her.” He leaned forward and kissed her once on the lips. “I love you,” he said.

  “I love you, too. Always have,” she replied. Nick kissed her again softly on her lips. He pulled back slightly and stared into her eyes. It was if he was waiting for permission to go further. “It’s okay. I want to,” Ramona whispered.

  Nick kissed her again this time with more fever and passion. They devoured each other as their hands explore the other’s body. Ramona straddled her body on top of his and continued to kiss him. He slowly unbuttoned her shirt. “Wait, stand up,” he said. Ramona did as he asked. “Let’s not do this in here.” Nick stood and lifted her into his arms. He carried her down the hall into his bedroom. He placed her on top of his bed. She watched as he removed his clothing, the view of his naked body caused her insides t
o pulsate. She was more excited than ever to intertwine their bodies. Ramona sat up and placed her hand on the bottom button of her shirt to undo it, but Nick stopped her. “Let me. I’ve envisioned this moment since the day we were separated. I don’t want to rush a second,” he said. Heavy breaths escaped from her lips as he removed both her shirt and bra. He caressed and kissed her breasts before guiding her body backwards to lied flat on her back. Next, he removed her shorts and underwear. By then, Ramona’s insides were on fire, she wanted him inside her and couldn’t wait another moment. Nick instead explored her naked body slowly, causing her to quiver with every stroke of his tongue. Finally, he gave her what she wanted. He entered her, feeding her body with what it craved most. She called out his name with every stroke. Each harder and faster than the last. Their bodies rocked in a harmonious motion. She didn’t want the feeling they shared to end. The feeling of passionate love. Love that's capable of encasing your heart or breaking it into infinite pieces. She held on to Nick’s body for dear life. If it was a dream she did not want to wake, she couldn’t bear to be without him. Ramona called out his name one last time before they both collapsed in each other’s arms.

  They both laid next to each other breathing heavily. Ramona rolled over onto her stomach and kissed Nick’s chest. “I missed you,” she said.

  “I can tell,” he laughed.

  She playfully hit him. “The same goes for you.”

  “I can’t lie. You know I missed you,” he said between breaths. “Let’s not waste any more time. I want to prove that it will be different.”

  “Okay,” grinned Ramona.

  “Okay?! Are you sure?” Nick sat up in the bed.

  “Yes, I’m sure. We’ve been apart far too long.”

  Nick leaned over and kissed her.

  “But, answer this first. Has there been anyone serious since we parted?” she asked.

  “No,” he said quickly. “I dated. A few of them wanted more but I couldn’t give them my heart. It was already taken.”

  “I felt the same way with Xavier. He kept pushing for more but I couldn’t give it to him.”


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