Shattered Hearts (Shattered Series Book 2)

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Shattered Hearts (Shattered Series Book 2) Page 11

by Marilyn Williams

  Ramona shrugged her shoulders. “Don’t care. After what that bastard has done to me and Lisa, I’m ready to nail his ass to the wall.”

  “I’ll make a few calls and we’ll be set.”

  “Okay, I’ll wait downstairs for you.”

  Ramona anxiously scrolled through her email inbox on her phone. She tried to read through the many condolence messages but her mind switched between memories of Lisa and thoughts of seeing Xavier again. She couldn’t help but question herself on why she stayed with him. She saw all the red flags, but ignored them. In past relationships, she’s been weak and put up with more than she should from a man. But, she's never been on the receiving end of violence. Her therapist once suggested that she expects the men in her life to fill the shoes of her father. Since he didn’t play a significant role in her life, it caused her to look for him in a partner. That led to her to accept bad behavior as a norm.

  “I’ve finalized all the arrangements. We won’t make it in an hour but it’ll be close enough,” said Nick, running down the stairs.

  “We?” she asked.

  “Yes, we. I hope you didn’t think I would have you meet this guy without me.”

  “No, but you need to lie low. Not that I’m worry he’ll try anything, but I need him to confess. He won’t do it if he sees you.”

  “I realize that and don’t worry it’s all settled. I texted my guys the address you gave me. They’ll meet us at a gas station not too far from his house. I’ll get into the car with them and we’ll follow you. You will never be out of our sight. Just don’t go inside. Insist on remaining outside.”


  Ramona and Nick parked next to a blacked-out SUV in the parking lot of Thrifty gas station. Three bald buffed guys in black suits stepped out. Two were identical twins. The only difference between them was one wore diamond stud earrings in both ears. They were like characters from a movie. She chose not to question Nick on the nature of his relationship with the twins. One look at them and Xavier would think twice about placing his hands on her. Ramona exited the car with Nick and he introduced her to his ‘friends’. “This is Lou, Titan, and Blaze. Titan and Blaze, the twins, will be with you the entire time. If he raises one finger at you these guys will handle him before he can blink. Lou and I will remain in the car...watching in case things go left.”

  Ramona glanced at the time on her phone. “We have to get going. I’m already twenty minutes late.”

  Nick hugged Ramona tightly. “Remember, my eyes will be on you the entire time.”

  She kissed him on the lips before returning to the car. She drove the one mile to Xavier’s house and just like she thought he was waiting for her outside. He smiled when he saw her turn into his driveway but suddenly he shifted his eyes past her and the smile disappeared. She knew why. Ramona took a deep breath and immediately exited the car to keep control of the situation. “I thought I told you to come alone. Who are they?”

  Ramona turned and saw he was pointing at the twins. “They’re with me. After what happened I couldn’t take any chances. Do you have a problem with that?”

  “You feel you need bodyguards just to speak with me?”

  “Do you see my neck? So, either the twins stay with me or I’ll leave right now. The choice is yours.”

  Xavier gave the twins a once over and turned his attention back to Ramona. “They can stay.”

  “Good. Are you ready to talk?”

  “We can go inside, but those two must stay out here.”

  Ramona looked back at the vehicle where Nick was waiting. She promised him she would remain outside, but she had to get the truth from him. “I already told you we’re a package deal.”

  He balled his fist and frowned. “Alright.”

  Ramona followed Xavier and opened her phone’s voice recorder before placing it in her purse. Hopefully, he says something to incriminate himself. She sat across from him on a chair and the twins stood a respectable distance from them. “Do you know why I wanted to see you?”

  “I think I have an idea,” said Xavier.

  “Last night, someone broke into my aunt’s home.” Ramona fought back the tears that were begging to fall from her eyes. She resisted, she didn’t want to show any emotion in front of him. “Someone broke in and killed my aunt.”

  Xavier sat up straight. “Someone killed Lisa?! Last night?”

  Ramona nodded her head yes. “Has the police contacted you?”

  “No. Why would they?”

  “They asked about anyone who’s been in contact with her recently. Since you’ve been to the house, I had to give them your name.”

  “You don’t believe I had anything to do with it. Do you?” he asked.

  “Well, you do have an anger issue. My bruises are evidence of that and you were unhappy that my aunt wanted me with Nick.”

  “I apologized for hurting you. I behaved out of character but I would never harm your aunt.”

  Ramona tried reading him but he wasn’t giving away anything. The more she listened to his tale of innocence the more infuriated she became. “How do I know you wouldn’t harm her? You claimed you loved me, yet you strangled me! I could have died!”

  Xavier moved the coffee table aside and knelt in front of Ramona. His movement caused the twins to step closer. He then grabbed her hand which caused her to flinch. “Relax, I promise I won’t hurt you. I need you to understand that it pained me knowing I hurt you and I will admit that was the lowest point of my life. Because of the feelings I have for you, I could never take your aunt away.”

  Ramona gazed at Xavier who was still stroking her hand. He had not given her the confession she came for. He was smarter than she thought. The only way he’ll admit anything if she played to his ego.

  “I believe you,” she said, forcing a smile. “I’m sorry for suspecting you. It’s just I don’t know who to believe or trust anymore.”

  “You can trust me. I would like to help you through this. I mean, if I came home and found the person who I considered a mother figure dead in her bedroom… that would mess with the most stable mind.”

  Ramona snatched her hand from his. “How did you know she was in her bedroom? And I was the one who found her?”

  “I… I just assumed it was you,” he stammered, “and I only guessed she was in her bedroom.”

  “I have to get out of here!” Ramona bolted for the front door. Xavier tried to chase after her. When she looked back, she saw the twins had blocked him. She ran outside and within seconds Nick was out of the waiting SUV and darted towards her. “Get me outta here!” She blurted before he could say a word. “What happened in there? Did he hurt you?”

  Before she could respond the twins exited the house with Xavier right behind them. “So, this is the guy you spent the night with?” he shouted.

  Nick turned and faced Xavier. “Yep, and I’m about to kick your ass for laying your hands on her!”

  Next thing Ramona saw was Nick charging towards Xavier on the front lawn, with the twins and Lou holding him back. “Nick! Stop it! He’s not worth it,” she shouted.

  “So your plan was to set me up? You bring your boyfriend and his thugs to my house and you think that’s okay?!” shouted Xavier.

  Ramona ignored his rantings. Her only concern was Nick.

  “Bitch, get off my property! You took one day to get with somebody else. You’re nothing but a whore, you better believe you will pay...just like Lisa.”

  Ramona cut her eyes at Xavier who wore the same dead expression on his face the day he strangled her. She couldn’t let him get away with what he’s done. He took the anger he had for her and made her aunt pay the ultimate price. She slid her hand into her purse and retrieve a thirty-eight caliber gun. With her hand on the trigger, she pointed it straight at Xavier. He appeared unfazed as he stood at the receiving end of a weapon that could take his life.

  “Whoa, sweetheart what are doing?” asked Nick, who jumped in between them. The Twins stood beside her but Nick waved the
m back like he was telling them he got this.

  “Move out of my way, Nick! He has to pay!” Her grip was steady, and she didn’t blink an eye as she stared Xavier down.

  “We’re not doing this again. This time you’re walking away,” said Nick, who stood with his hands out towards her.

  “Listen to your boyfriend! You better walk away!” shouted Xavier.

  Ramona kept her eyes fixated on Xavier as Nick inched closer to her. For one second she turned her attention away from the evil that taunted her and glanced at Nick. He had a familiar fear in his eyes and her mind flashed back five years ago to his condo, where he stood in between her and Tami. Her hand trembled as she recalled how her prior actions cost her time apart from him. If she shoots Xavier, she'll lose Nick once again. That's something she cannot risk.

  As Ramona's thoughts continued to distract her, Nick seized the opportunity to retrieve the gun from her hand. He handed it to Lou and grabbed her by the arm, guiding her towards his car. “Let’s go,” he demanded. They were halfway to his car when he abruptly stopped. “Wait right here,” he said. She watched as he bolted towards Xavier. Before Lou or the twins could intervene Nick had punched him dead in his jaw. “That’s for wrapping your hands around her throat, you piece of shit!” he shouted, before running to the driver’s side of his car. He drove off with his associates following behind them.

  “What were you thinking pulling a gun on him?” he asked.

  “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking.”

  “Is it your gun?”

  “No. It’s yours.” She shifted her eyes out the car window.


  “Don’t be angry,” she pleaded. “I took it from your bedroom. I didn’t want to see him unprotected, and I knew you would object.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’m only thankful you waited until you were outside so I could stop you. I thought we agreed you wouldn’t go in his house.”

  “I know I promised, but I needed him to think he was in control. Only so I could get the truth.”

  “Did you?”

  “Xavier told me that Lisa was in her bedroom and I was the one who found her. How would he know that?”

  “Did you record him like we discussed?”

  “Yeah. I want to take it straight to the detective.”

  Ramona tried to calm her nerves down but what she just witnessed proved Xavier’s guilt without a doubt. The police had no choice but to take her seriously. “Maybe I should call the department to let them know we’re on our way to speak with the detective.”

  “That’s a good idea.”

  Ramona retrieved her phone from her purse and realized that her recorder was still on. It recorded everything including the scene outside. She pressed the stop button and looked for the detective card in her purse. Right when she placed her finger on the number two to enter his number her phone rung. It was her job. “Hello.”

  “Miss Vasquez, this is Irma. I realize this is a terrible time but there’s a bit of an emergency at the office. We need you to come in.” Ramona rolled her eyes. This was the last thing she needed to add to her plate. “What kind of emergency, Irma?”

  “It’s concerning missing files that belong to Lisa. You really need to come in.”

  “I can be there in thirty minutes.” Ramona pressed the end button on her phone. “Damn it!”

  “What is it?”

  “I don’t need this right now, Nick. How am I supposed to handle getting justice for my aunt, planning her funeral, oversee the Helping Hand, and Lisa’s other business affairs? It’s too much.”

  “You’re thinking too far ahead. Lisa was a smart businesswoman, believe me, she made provisions. Everything will take care of itself. Are we stopping by the office first?”


  “Alright, I’ll call my guys and thank them for their help so they’ll go on their way and I’ll take you to the office. Remember, I’ll be right by your side. I’m not going anywhere.”


  When Ramona entered the Helping Hand’s office she immediately noticed the somber atmosphere. Normally, the place was alive with lots of chatter. Today it was as quiet as a school’s study hall. “Irma, what’s the big emergency?”

  “I don’t know for certain. I was helping Kelsey in her office when she noticed files missing from the system. She asked me to get you on the phone.”

  Ramona glanced at Nick who was standing beside her. She needed him to help her stay calm. She wasn’t in the mental state to deal with work. “Where is she?”

  “Last time I checked she was still in her office.”

  “Thanks, Irma.”

  When she was out of ear reach of Irma, Ramona placed her cell phone into Nick’s hand. “Take this to the police station and play it for the detective. It recorded everything so you probably have to erase the part where I — you know.”

  “Don’t worry we’ll take care of that part of the recording after we’re done here.”

  “Who knows how long this will take and we need to have Xavier arrested now.”

  “What did I say before? I’m staying right by your side.”


  “But, nothing. Take care of business and then we’ll go to the police.”

  Ramona stood in the doorway of Kelsey’s office and watched her scuffled through a big cardboard box on her desk. What the hell is she doing? She knocked twice on Kelsey's door before entering.

  “Oh, I didn’t realize you were standing there,” she jumped, apparently from the sound of the knock.

  “Obviously,” stated Ramona with an raised brow.

  “Come in. I assumed Irma called you about the files.” Kelsey looked past Ramona and focused her eyes on Nick.

  “Kelsey, this is Nick. Nick this is Kelsey.” They exchange pleasantries and shook hands.

  “So, what about the mysterious files you can’t locate?” Ramona was eager to take care of this matter and leave.

  “Yes, I need to locate the expenditure list from the gala. Lisa created it and I checked her computer and…”

  “Wait, a minute! Why were you on her computer?”

  "I needed the file, so I had someone from IT log on to her computer.”

  “Excuse me, but no one gave you authorization to search through her computer. Why do you need this list, anyway?”

  “I have to verify the numbers. I was scouring this box for a hard copy when you walked in.”

  Ramona’s eyes widened. “Lisa’s things are in this box?” she asked in a slightly raised voice. She could feel Nick’s hand on her back. It was his way of reminding her to keep her cool.

  “Yes, it Lisa’s items from her office.”

  “Who did this?! Who boxed up her things?”

  Kelsey shrugged her shoulders in a matter-of-fact fashion. “I did,” she said, unapologetically.

  Ramona stepped towards her on the verge of exasperation, halting when she was close enough to smell the scent of peppermint escape pass Kelsey's lips. “You had no right to enter my aunt’s office. Let alone put your hands on her personal items.”

  “I understand you’re grieving. We all are, but there’s still a business to run.”

  Ramona glared at her. “Stay out of her office!”

  Nick pulled her close. “Let’s go,” he whispered in her ear.

  “Can you grab that box, please?” Nick removed the box off of Kelsey’s desk. Ramona led him up the elevator to Lisa’s office. She slowly opened the door and almost fell to the floor when she saw the empty space. All Lisa's personal effects were packed in five medium sized boxes arranged on a table. “Can you believe this? Everything boxed away like she never existed.”

  “Who was that woman? Lisa’s assistant?” asked Nick. Placing the box with the others.

  “Kelsey is not an assistant to anyone. She’s a friend who overstepped but I think in her own way she thought she was helping.” Ramona closed the office door. “Nick, I can’t deal with any of this.”

/>   “You don’t have to, sweetheart. You should call Dave Lockhart. He was a close friend and an adviser to Lisa. Whatever you need help with he’s the guy. I’m sure he could help with funeral arrangements and this place.”

  “I spoke with him right after word had gotten out about Lisa’s death. He called and told me if I needed anything to let him know.”

  “What about family?”

  “It was just my dad and my aunt. Their parents died in a car accident when they were in college. There are distant family members but I never met them.” Ramona thought about how happy Lisa was when she’d agreed to work with her. She was giddy and filled with pride. “I didn’t tell you the last thing we discussed on the phone.”

  “No, you didn’t.”

  Ramona smiled at the memory. “She was concerned because she assumed I was hanging in the streets or something to that effect. I told her I was with you. I never mentioned we reconciled, but she knew.”


  She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. She claimed it was something in my voice. That I sounded happy. She had finally gotten her wish.”

  Nick grabbed Ramona’s hand and pulled her down onto his lap. They sat silently while he held her. She felt safe and secure in his arms. Like the world was nonexistent beyond them. That was until Irma burst through the door. “I’m sorry to interrupt. I had to speak with you before I left.”

  “It’s okay Irma. What is it?” she asked, standing.

  “Because Lisa is no longer with us, everyone here is feeling uneasy. They don’t know what will happen to them or the organization.”

  “They need reassurance.”

  “Yes, we all do.”

  “To be honest, I don’t know what will happen. It’s only been a day.”

  “Excuse me,” said Nick. Both ladies turned around. “Although, it’s been just a day. You, as her niece and her closest relative, should send a company-wide email asking for patience in this time of turmoil or something to that effect. Most importantly, reassure everyone all will remain the same until you decide about the future of the company.”

  “Thank you, Nick,” smiled Ramona. She turned her attention back to Irma. “How does his suggestion sound?”


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