Kiss and Make Up (Silent Partner Book 1)

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Kiss and Make Up (Silent Partner Book 1) Page 5

by Sheila Hudson

  Maggie and I were in costume. She was dressed like Sgt. Peppers’ Lonely Heart Club Band complete with red blazer, brass buttons, and hat. All that was missing was a monkey. We were laughing and appeared to be on our way to a party.

  All of a sudden, the new detective in town appeared and demanded Maggie’s costume. I thought he was rude, but she didn’t object. Instead Maggie’s costume changed to a princess while he wore the red blazer. We continued on our way.

  Auntie Lee was dressed like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, which no one seemed to view as strange. I passed a storefront window and noticed that my hair was platinum. I also wore a see-through skin tight dress much like Marilyn’s “Some Like It Hot” character. Just as we were about to reach our destination, my alarm went off.

  I headed for Mr. Coffee, a man I can depend on, and tried to sort out this bizarre dream. Perhaps it was tacos at 10:00 p.m.? Or perhaps the second glass of Chardonnay? Bugging me deeper still was the uniform. The design was something a Sky Cap would wear – red with burnished buttons and a billed cap pulled down over the forehead. Do Sky Caps have name tags or some identifying badge? I don’t recall seeing a name tag or anything identifying the Sky Cap who helped us at the airport. Was Maggie trying to signal that the Sky Cap could have been anyone – male or female? This just adds more pieces to the puzzle. You are not helping my twin friend.

  I drank a pot of coffee, telephoned Finn, and informed his answering machine that I was taking the rest of my vacation time. By the end of this evening I probably wouldn’t even have a job anyway.

  I dressed in jeans and a hoodie with dark glasses to use the library computers. I couldn’t chance the history showing up on my computer.

  I am determined to find out more about Miss Rae, Dee, and Kimball. Their back stories seem just a little too smooth and rehearsed.

  I always carry a little bag of peppermints when I go on an interview. It breaks the mood and freshens the breath. And if I remember to be very careful, I can get fingerprints off the wrappers. I have an ex-cop boyfriend who helps out occasionally. I called on him to do his magic and send the fingerprints through AFIS to see if my entourage is who they say they are. All it will cost me is a lunch and an afternoon at the art gallery.

  It seems Dee is indeed heiress to the Tabasco fortune, if she chooses to go back home and rejoin the McIlhenny clan. But from what I could find out, her father, Tony Simmons, told the local paper that his daughter was disinherited. So the heiress is cash poor except for her salary at Rock with Rosie.

  Kimball was mostly telling the truth about his education and knowledge of all things electrical and theatrical. Perhaps he had hopes of marrying Dee and cashing in on the family fortune. That plan has gone awry. I wonder why her father hates Kimball so much. The couple seemingly was up to their eyeballs in school and credit card debt. Another interesting tidbit is that one of Dee’s duties is bookkeeper to Ms. Adams. Note to self: check the financial standings of Rock with Rosie. Were they as prosperous as they appeared?

  My cell buzzed. It was a text from Callie – Rock with Rosie accounts being audited. Limits as to what I can find out.

  Audits, debt, disinherited – things were beginning to point in the direction of the happy couple.

  Then there’s Miss Rae Smythe (with a ‘y’) whose name is actually Raylene Childers Newberry from the wrong side of the tracks in Boondockville, South Carolina. First of all, she is not the age she pretends to be. Secondly, Rae was never enrolled at UGA. Somehow she slipped through the cracks, made friends, and hid out in the dorm. Rae or should I say Raylene did take classes at the police academy. She aced chemistry with a special interest in toxicology. When I called the school and pretended to be her mother, the counselor said she tested strongly in this area. The school recommended her placement as a forensic scientist on the Atlanta police force, but she turned down this opportunity to be in ‘show business.’

  So dear little overly made up Rae is not only a chemist who knows her poisons, she is a fairly good actress. I wonder if Dee and Kimball know any of her background or has she kept it from them as well. More importantly, did Rosie know? Was Rae’s job already on the line and that’s why she showed so little emotion at Rosie’s death? The cruise awaited her as soon as the reunion concert was over.

  More to think about. Maybe if I put enough pressure on Rae, she’d unveil the murder or murderers unless of course it was her. For a South Carolina belle, she appeared to be a pretty tough cookie. Her file revealed little about her childhood or educational background. How did Raylene become the person I interviewed?

  A little more digging showed Kimball’s family to be in the electronics business. I’m sure he picked up a few tips there. Motive for murder seems to be money to pay off school debts, jealousy, or something else entirely.

  I decided to place that call to none other than my new friend – Ms. Phylomena Anderson.

  “Hello. Would you have time for a coffee date? I would like to ask you to help me with this investigation. I think it will help get me off the hook and clear the newspaper’s name.”

  Possibly if Phyl agreed, she could help me determine if anyone in the troupe was an addict, a gambler, or an embezzler. Maybe one of each. Any and all of those could be a motive for murder in my book. Let’s just see what information I can come up with from someone who happens to have a lot of pull in this town. I laid out all the evidence I had.

  “Mollie, if what you say is true. Then how can we prove it?” Phyl’s face was a picture of concern. She wanted me to let the police handle everything, but acquiesced when she realized my tenacious spirit.

  “You do realize that one or more people may be looking to do away with the evidence and you, if necessary,” she warned. “Chief Hardin is a dear friend, but officially he couldn’t help us get information on one of his own.”

  “I understand, but I need to access personnel files and to obtain a copy of the video from the airport curb cameras. If I can identify the person who put Rosie’s bags in the caddy, we might just have our murderer. You have your assignment my dear. We’ll meet up in at the concert and hopefully catch a killer.”

  Phyl was so excited over her assignment that she skipped out of Starbucks©. I loved having friends in high places. I wonder what her son would think of our newfound friendship and his mother doing some undercover work for me.

  I was so pleased with my theories that I could burst. Then I gave some thought to what Phyl said if I was correct. If the trio had done away with one person, what’s to stop them from doing away with another? Namely me.

  This is dangerous stuff. Shouldn’t you have the police doing this and not play the Lone Ranger. I’m worried that you could be the next target. It was Phyl’s words but I heard Maggie’s voice.

  I defended my plan by saying, “I can’t trust many people right now. You, Natalie, Auntie Lee, and Finn are my confidants and the only ones who have my back. Everyone else is a suspect in the murder of Rosalie Adams as far as I’m concerned. If my hunch is correct, the murderer will try to keep me from the truth.” I said in bravado of courage. I keep telling everyone that I know what I am doing. Wish I believed it myself.


  I acted like I hadn’t a care in the world when Jonathan picked me up for the reunion concert.

  “I am so happy that you invited me tonight. I am not at all sorry that Finn Anderson is on assignment out of town,” Jonathan said and put his hand at my waist.

  “I am the one who is honored that you were willing to forego the ballet and accompany me to the concert. Ms. Adams’ entourage is scheduled to honor her tonight and I wanted an official escort for the occasion.”

  Jonathan looked very handsome in his tux – rented for the evening no doubt. How often does a police detective need a tux? But he does frequent the ballet so who knows?

  I chose a rose satin gown, Mother’s pearls, and a lace shawl I purchased on our cruise to Mexico. It seems everything is filled with a memory. Maggie, I need your support tonight! E
arlier I read a passage from her diary that she wrote before the pneumonia took her.

  Illness makes one realize how many are touched by actions of love. I pray for time to repair the broken relationship with our father, but the tie I treasure the most is the one with my twin.

  Please let tonight go well. Mollie I need your spirit close to me. I am not as brave as I am pretending to be.

  Phyl and the Curmudgeon were there along with other community big wigs. Phyl radiated culture in her lemon pastel gown and matching stole. The senior Anderson looked like he always does – curmudgeonly.

  I borrowed Maggie’s opera glasses to both look classy and to see who was on the first row. There they were –the threesome along with a few others – Rosie’s family maybe?

  Phyl signaled me to meet in the ladies’ lounge. I made excuses to Jonathan and slipped away. If her research panned out, we’d have the murderer in cuffs before the concert ended.

  “Thanks so much, Phyl. That’s the last piece of the puzzle,” I said as I read and folded the information she gave me. I hugged her and returned to my seat with evidence burning a hole in my beaded purse.

  I could hardly contain myself until intermission. Jonathan and I went into the lobby for a glass of champagne. I decided to make small talk.

  “So you know everything about me and I don’t know much about you,” I began.

  “I lead a pretty dull life. Not much to tell,” Jonathan responded.

  “I know you went to high school here but what came after that?”

  “Police academy in a small town in South Carolina you’ve never heard of,” Jonathan continued with some discomfort.

  “Is that where you met Rae – I mean Raylene?”

  He choked on his champagne and his neck turned the color of a tomato. I could imagine the wheels turning and expected steam to come out of his ears.

  “I don’t have any idea what you are talking about.” Jonathan pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and blotted his lips. He was trying to act as if he was oblivious but I knew better.

  I had covered my bases with security personnel in place and theatre guards on their toes. All had been instructed to keep an eye on the trio. Everyone knew that as soon as the honorary award was made, they would be packing and leaving our burg forever.

  Natalie and Callie had made it a point to befriend Rosie’s family. So they were seated on the front row and ensured that nothing happened to Rosalie Adams’ remains until the killers were found.

  “I think we should go to the police precinct,” I said.

  “Now? The concert isn’t over yet,” Jonathan looked at me as if I’d gone mad. And in truth, I was mad but not the insane kind of mad. This dope had used me, gotten me to confide in him, played on my deepest affections, and all the time he was laughing behind my back.

  He took my elbow and whispered “I have a derringer pointed straight at your heart. We need to quietly exit without any fuss. Nod, if you understand.”

  I nodded, placed my champagne flute on the table and we proceeded to the exit. I glanced at Phyl and Mr. Anderson with a look that I hoped conveyed “help.” Surely she had shared the information with her husband and I hoped, against my orders, with Chief Hardin.

  Unfortunately the Andersons were hobnobbing and didn’t see me leave with Jonathan us leave the theatre. Jonathan opened the door of his sedan and motioned for me to get in. I hadn’t actually seen a gun but this was no time for show and tell.

  I left my opera glasses on the champagne table in hopes that Callie or Phyl would notice. Callie knew that those glasses were a prize possession of Mollie’s and that I would never part with them.

  In the car Jonathan became chatty. “How did you figure out that the Sky Cap was me?”

  “I kept going over the interview when I first saw you. I never said anything about a Sky Cap or any assistance with the luggage. But YOU did. I thought about it a lot and when I viewed the footage from the airport, I was sure. You never take off that ID bracelet and it was the final evidence that pointed to you. Jonathan, what I don’t understand is why?”

  “Raylene and I were in the academy together. We were both poor as church mice. She got the gig with Rosie and was making good money. I kept applying for detective jobs in the area and finally landed this one. Rae and I had to keep things on the down low because Rosie wanted Rae for herself. Mother’s illness took everything and left me near bankruptcy. I was desperate.

  Meanwhile Rae discovered that Dee was embezzling from Rosie so she blackmailed Dee. When Dee had enough, she threatened to tell Rosie everything. According to Rae, Kimball wanted to leave the whole mess and make amends with the Simmons family. He still had hopes of inheriting the family fortune.

  We had a meeting and everyone was in a quandary, Rae was a chemistry whiz. She convinced us that she could put Rosie in the hospital long enough for us to clean up the affair. Everyone agreed. The injection wasn’t supposed to kill her, just incapacitate her for a while.”

  Jonathan wiped away a tear and continued driving like a bat out of hell. I wanted to believe him. In the meantime, where was he taking me? I couldn’t plead his case if I were dead.

  “Jonathan, if you take me back. I will use my influence with the authorities to see that it was an accident. Rae took advantage of you when they got you to administer the poison,” I tried to soothe the savage beast.

  “No. Rae didn’t do anything wrong. She is the love of my life and I trusted her,” he screamed at me.

  It began to rain and the roads were getting slippery. I feared that we would hydroplane at the speed we were travelling. Jonathan wasn’t in control of his emotions and I hadn’t given him much hope.

  “I know the law. I’m the killer at worst or at least an accomplice,” he spewed. “Since I’m a police detective they’ll be twice as hard on me. Why in God’s name did I agree to do this?” he said to nobody in particular.

  Twirling blue lights made their appearance in our back window along with a siren. We both knew he had a choice – either try to outrun them or pull over. I was praying he would choose the latter.

  Chief Hardin stepped out of the car along with no other than the curmudgeon. I was surprised and relieved. However, I knew that Jonathan still had his gun in a pocket out of sight.

  “Son,” the Chief said. “Please step out of the car and allow Ms. McLachlan to get into the cruiser.”

  Jonathan began to comply when he tripped and fell onto the car door. Just at that moment the senior Mr. Anderson walked up closer and the derringer fired.

  I screamed and I think Jonathan did too. The rest is a blur of lights, the paramedics, an ambulance or two, uniformed officers, and Chief Harden handcuffing Jonathan.

  I learned later at the hospital that Phineas Anderson had been transported to the Clarke County Medical Center. Word was sent Phyl and to Finn as to his status. I was checked over by the paramedics. They were afraid I was in shock.

  When I asked about the others, Chief Hardin had instructed that Dee, Kimball, and Rae were to be ushered out of the theatre in unmarked cars and taken to the precinct for questioning. I told the Chief what Jonathan had confessed to me. By the time the paramedics were finished and I was taken to the precinct, the others were there and were watching the footage from the airport camera. It was plain that Jonathan in his Sky Cap uniform pushed the deadly potion into an elbow crease with a gloved hand.

  The Chief told Rosie’s family: “Hydrogen cyanide is poison in any form. Rae was either not telling her troupe everything or she wasn’t as confident in her chemistry as they thought. The lab report said the nasal spray was also tainted with a toxin to speed up her death.”

  I heard the yelling through the interrogation room door. Dee and Kimball were blaming Rae and Rae was blaming Jonathan. They were at each other’s throats and thankfully not at mine.

  As soon as the Chief was through questioning me, I hurried to the hospital to check on Mr. Anderson. I found Phyl in the 3rd floor waiting room valiantly trying no
t to sob. The dam burst when we saw each other. We hugged.

  “How is he?” I managed to say.

  “Doc says he will be okay. Finn is on his way.”

  Quickly I filled Phyl in on the parts that Rae, Dee, and Kimball played in this fiasco. She already knew about Jonathan playing the Sky Cap. I assured her that they would be brought up on charges and incarcerated for a long time. I briefed her on the embezzlement and the blackmail that was the motive for this crazy scheme gone wrong.

  “It’s still hard to believe that they would go this far to cover it up,” she said.

  “Desperate times and desperate measures, I suppose. I still can’t believe that Mr. Anderson came with the Chief,” I said.

  “Phineas was concerned for you. When Callie found your opera glasses and explained how you prized them, I knew from my research and your sudden disappearance what must have happened,” Phyl took a breath and continued. “He insisted on going along, but none of us had any idea that this would happen.”

  She teared up again and I put my arm around her. It was kind of like having my mom back again.

  “I told you that Phineas loved to put on an act. He’s really a sweet teddy bear of a man,” Phyl said and dabbed more tears.

  “Ms. Anderson,” the doctor said as he exited the room and addressed Phyl. “It was only a graze. The bullet didn’t lodge so he will heal quickly. Right now his adrenaline is high along with his blood pressure. I want to keep him overnight for observation to make sure we get his BP leveled out and that the wound is clear of infection.”

  Phyl was nodding like a bobble head. “Can we see him?”

  He nodded his approval. “Just don’t excite him any more tonight.”

  Phyl immediately went to his side and kissed his cheek. He patted her hand. “Baby I was so worried. You were so brave to go with the Chief,” she cooed.

  “Mr. A, I owe you everything,” I gushed. “I am so sorry that you were injured. I was crying and talking. He smiled and motioned for me to come closer.


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