Revenge (Out For Blood Book 1)

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Revenge (Out For Blood Book 1) Page 1

by CY Jones


  Out For Blood: Book 1

  CY Jones


  A Note From the Author


  1. Somewhere in Russia

  2. Washington D.C.

  3. Present Day

  4. Remy

  5. Do you plan on locking me in a tower?

  6. Don’t stick your dick in crazy

  7. Her scent is intoxicating drawing me in like a siren to the sea

  8. I didn’t choose this life. It chose me

  9. All traces of Remy are gone, and in her place, Shadow the girl we know and fear

  10. You know, Vixen, having you around is going to be so much fun

  11. It’s crazy how quickly I went from hating the girl to willing to move the earth itself to protect her

  12. I don’t think we should be the ones to tell her she’s not exactly human

  13. Are you high?

  14. It had to be you

  15. Congratulations dude your soulmate’s a whore

  16. How many people has she killed for them to all blur together?

  17. We were meant to be together

  18. Don’t get your panties in a wad. I’m sure she’ll get over it

  19. Magical lojack

  20. When will these guys learn to never wake an assassin?

  21. I could never live in a world without you in it

  22. I would rather cut my heart out than leave her

  23. This shit was already preordained and dropped into my lap

  24. I guess love makes you do crazy things, even unrequited

  25. Just because you’re twins that doesn’t make you two the same

  26. He will make a mistake, and as soon as he does we’ll be there to take him out

  27. Don’t you know coming at me from behind is suicidal?

  28. This is just a illusion covering up the true beauty within

  29. None of us here came from happy situations

  30. I’m still Shadow. She will never go away

  31. You were always meant to save the world

  32. There's plenty of pages left in this story

  33. What the fuck are you?

  34. I never thought I’d be that girl

  About the Author

  Copyright © 2019 CY Jones

  Published by CY Jones

  All rights reserved.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced/transmitted/distributed in any form. No part of this publication shall be shared by any means including photocopying, recording, or any electronic/mechanical method, or the Internet, without prior written consent of the authors. Cases of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law are the exception. The unauthorized reproduction/transmitting of this work is illegal

  Published in the United States of America

  Cover By: Eve’s Graphic Design

  Edited By: Merfire Minstrations, Benjamin Lubet & Meg West

  Formatted By: Kassie Morse

  A Note From the Author

  This is a Dark RH book and it contains certain triggers. This is not intended for anyone under the age of 18 years old.

  This work is a fictitious story. The names, places, occurrences, companies, organizations and such are products of the Author’s imaginations or have been used in a fictitious manner. They are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locations, companies, or organizations are purely coincidental. The authors do not assume the responsibility of the content on 3rd party websites. You can purchase a copy of this book at

  Hissy, Satan, and Pinkie. Thank You for proving imaginary friends are real. To all my Author friends whose wisdom guided me through my journey, and to myself for not giving up.


  19 years ago

  Worcestershire, England/ Saint Lawrence Church

  I didn’t think this day would ever come. All the careful planning, staying low-key, and remaining hidden has finally come to an end. He’s found us, and I’m not sure we’ll all make it out alive.

  “Miss, you need to get back in bed,” Sister Mary insists, trying to push me back onto the bed where I just gave birth a couple of hours ago. “You cannot be moving around like this so soon after delivery. You need to rest.”

  “I’m sorry, Sister, but the twins and I need to leave here immediately. Our presence here will only continue to put you all in danger,” I try to explain while I scurry around, throwing random things in my old duffle bag like a crazed maniac.

  Today wasn’t supposed to end like this. It was supposed to be a joyful occasion. My water finally broke, and a little over two hours later, I delivered my two beautiful babies, a girl and boy born a minute and a half apart from each other. Their fathers, Caleb and Conner, were right there by my side the whole time, holding my hands in support and coaching me as I pushed our babies into this world. It was such a beautiful moment, and one of the most fulfilling things I’ve ever done. Now, just hours later, the time for celebration is already over. Both Caleb and Conner left soon after the twins’ birth, when reports came in that Patrick O’Donnell had been seen here in Worcestershire, England near the church we currently used to hide.

  Saint Lawrence Church, a historical, perpendicular style church rebuilt in the early fifteenth century, has operated as our sanctuary for the past nine months. It was instrumental that we find a place to lay low after discovering I was pregnant. Nothing else mattered. Going dark, we all left The Agency where we worked and took refuge here in England after contacting Sister Mary and Brother Mark explaining we needed somewhere safe to hide.

  For the past several months our existence was a simple one, so different from the life we ran from. I cleaned, I prayed to a God I wasn’t even sure existed, and I did not give into temptation by fucking my handsome twin husbands because that seemed like the quickest way to get kicked out of our sanctuary, if there ever was one. Our particular situation was already a big no-no in the eyes of God and everyone here, so we attempted to keep the specifics of our marriage and my pregnancy to ourselves.

  Saint Lawrence Church is also known for its beautiful stained glass window depicting the Battle of Evesham, where Edward I defeated Simon de Montfort. I often found myself sitting and staring at those beautiful windows, thinking about the similarities between my life and a battle of sorts. How I was on the run from The Agency I used to wholeheartedly believe in, confident I was doing some kind of good in this fucked up world. Now here I am, on the run from the man The Agency sent after us; the man who I once considered like a brother to me, someone I thought cared about me more than anything in this world. I couldn’t have been more wrong. I was wrong about everything. Now I’m paying for it, and the cost is turning out to be too high.

  Frowning with her usual look of disapproval when it came to me, Sister Mary stopped trying to persuade me to lie down and started readying the twins for departure once she realised I was serious about leaving. It's been hours since Caleb and Conner left, and I could only assume something bad happened to them.

  Seconds later, I hear gunshots from the floors above, and a flustered looking Brother Mark storms through the door.

  “Come, child, your presence here at the Abbey has been discovered. O’Donnell’s men are swarming the floors above. We need to smuggle you and the babies out of here through the underground tunnels,” Brother Mark insists as he rushes us toward the door.

  “Lord have mercy,” Sister Mary mutters under her breath, clutching the beads of her rosary around her neck.

  I don’t waste any more time. I knew something was wrong when my husbands didn’t come back. T
hrowing my duffle on my back and grabbing the twins from Sister Mary, I quickly wrap them to my front and secure them tightly with a scarf. I can’t waste any more time worrying about my men. I can only hope that they’re still alive and will meet me when we’re all safe again.

  Leading us down the hall, Brother Mark pushes on a brick that triggers a hidden passage big enough for me to crawl through.

  “This passage leads to the catacombs at the cemetery about a mile from here,” Brother Mark says. He frantically beckons me forward into the dark dusty hole in the wall. “Once there, go north towards the river where a small row boat will be docked waiting for you.”

  “Thanks for all you’ve done,” I tell him as I get down on my hands and knees and climb through the tight space. The wall closes behind me, and I’m encased in darkness as I crawl forward to safety.

  With the babies attached to me I can only move at a snail's pace through the tight space, so it takes me hours to get to the catacombs. Thankfully the twins remained asleep, and neither one of them made a sound the whole way through. Once out the claustrophobic passage I’m able to stretch to my full height and take a good look around at my surroundings. I exit where Brother Mark indicated, at the old cemetery. Heading north, I take off at a jog towards the river hoping the movement won’t jostle and wake the twins. It doesn’t take long to reach the river, and I quickly spot the small rowboat hidden between some shrubbery near the river’s edge. Squating, I start to untie the boat when I feel the cold barrel of a gun pressed to the back of my head and hear the telltale click of the safety flicking off.

  “Stand up slowly and turn around,” the man behind me says.He presses the barrel of the gun harder against the back of my head.

  “Patrick,” I whisper. When I fully turn around and I lay eyes on the man I’ve been running from, my ex-best friend pointing a gun in my face.

  “Well, well, well, now I know why you ran.” His sinister tone cuts through my hardened facade as he gives a pointed look at the twins snuggled tightly to my chest.

  “Please, Patrick, you don’t have to do this,” I plead.

  “Please what, Cat? Let you go just so you can go skipping off into the sunset with those beasts you’re fucking,” he sneers. “Tell me, do you fuck them one on one or both at the same time?” He belittles me like I was some common whore.

  “Why are you doing this? We used to be best friends. How could you turn on me like this?” My voice quivers with emotion.

  “I turned on you? Don’t you mean how could you turn on me?” he yells back. The grip on his gun never wavers, keeping me firmly in his sights. He’s too good of an agent to make a rookie mistake like that, even in the midst of his anger. Just like I was watching him, he watched me just as intently.

  “You abandoned me, Cat. I loved you, and you left me, and for what? So you can play house with those twin abominations? It was supposed to be me and you, Cat. Those were supposed to be my babies.” he shouts louder, causing his fair skin to turn a bright shade of red that matches his hair.

  He’s acting completely unhinged right now, and I’m frozen in a state of shock. I never knew he felt that way about me. Sure, we were close. We grew up in the same neighborhood, with our families eating Sunday brunch together. To me he was always my best friend, nothing more. I’ve never encouraged anything further.

  “I never knew you felt that way about me,” I murmur.

  “Of course you didn’t, Cat. You’ve never seen me clearly, or even appreciated all the things I’ve done for you,” he gripes.

  ”What things? What the hell are you talking about?”

  “You’re nothing but a selfish whore, and you deserve to die,” he spits out. Venom laces his hateful words.

  “You don’t mean that,” I tell him softly.

  “Yes, I do, but before I kill you, tell me, Cat. What are their names?” He asks as he points his gun towards the twins.

  True fear consumes me. I know I will not make it out of here alive. Clutching the twins tighter to my chest, I look the devil straight in his eyes. “Remy and Rowen. Why do you want to know?” I respond, defeated and resigned to my fate.

  “So I know what to call them after I kill you,” he says.

  With a wicked smile full of malice, he pulls the trigger and shoots me in the forehead. As I watch the bullet race towards me, I send up a prayer to a God I’m not sure exists. Please watch over my babies, and if their father’s are still alive, allow them to find and save them.


  Somewhere in Russia


  “Run through the mission with me one more time,” my brother requests, annoying the shit out of me and succeeding in breaking me from my thoughts.

  “Row, we’ve been through it a thousand times already,” I complain. “I got it. I couldn’t forget the plan even if I wanted to, thanks to you.”

  “I’m just making sure your head is still in the game, Rem.”

  “Why wouldn’t it be? This is no different than the thousands of other missions we’ve been on,” I tell him, quickly looking away.

  “That’s a lie, and you know it, Rem. We finally tracked down the men who killed our mother. You can’t compare this mission to any of our others.”

  It’s been nineteen years since our mother was murdered, and six long years of trying to track down the men who did it with only their names. Caleb and Conner Daniels. Like us, they were ghosts. Untraceable, as if they never existed. With all their years of experience they were good, but my brother and I were better, and we had something else on our side tipping the scales in our favor. Vengeance. It drove us to the point where nothing was impossible. It lived in our veins and tarnished our souls. It shaped us into the ruthless assassins we are today.

  At only nineteen years of age my brother and I were what nightmares are based on. The boogeyman under your bed, the ones that hide in the shadows, only seen when you look death in the eye and beg for forgiveness. We are the nightmares whose names you whisper, like Harry Potter’s Voldemort. Not our real names of course; no one but our father knows that information, but our code names are well known in our community. We carry reputations so fearful they'll make a grown man tremble in fear and piss his pants. My code name is Shadow and my brother’s is Phantom, and just like Caleb and Conner Daniels, we are ghosts.

  When we turned twelve years old our father gave us a choice. We could become agents for his corporation, only working from the sidelines, or we could train to become assassins and learn the skills we needed to avenge our mother. He gave us four years to prove ourselves, and at the end of that time, if he deemed us worthy, he would provide the resources we needed to hunt down our mother’s killers.

  In those four years we grew up quickly, though our childhoods weren’t quite normal. Despite our years of intense martial arts training, it barely scratched the surface of the shit we had to do. Unspeakable things were done to us, things that no kid should ever experience, horrors no child should see. With all the people we’ve killed, there’s no coming back from the taint on our souls and the black stain on our hearts. But it will be worth it once we make our mother’s murderers choke on their own blood.

  A monster raised us, but it was all necessary to achieve our end goal. Nothing ever worth wanting comes without sacrifices. It helped us become the feared assassins we are today. Without our childhood we would not be where we are today. After receiving the resources we needed, it took us another three years to track them down, and now we finally found them. Now we will exact our revenge, and everything we’ve been through to get here will finally be worth it. When we complete this job, we will finally be free.

  “I’m fine, Row. You’re the one who needs to disable their security for us to even be able to get close enough to kill our targets. Maybe it’s you who should worry,” I tease.

  I know my brother’s got this. He is one of the best hackers in the world, and I’m not saying that just because he’s my brother. His capabilities largely enabled us to become ghosts.
Any picture or information on us that may somehow make it onto the web, he’ll wipe in mere seconds. Anyone stupid enough to speak of us, I’ll kill just as quickly.

  “I’ll get us in, sister. No need to worry about that. Just be ready to shoot when I do,” he says, winking at me.

  There's no need for me to say anything else. My brother already knows I’ll be ready when the time comes. He acts as the brains of this two man operation, and I’m the weapon. I have waited all my life for this, so instead I give him my most wicked smile, one that would send a lesser man shaking in his boots.

  “Get ready, we’re approaching the drop zone,” the pilot calls over the jet’s loudspeakers.

  “Alright, Shadow. Time to go to work,” Rowen says, putting his game face on while unbuckling the harness strapping him to his seat.

  We both slip on our insulated wetsuits at the back of the plane while waiting for the pilot to open the hatch. The suits are heated and specially built with an adjustable wingspan to absorb our fall when we jump from the plane. We’ll free fall from over 13,000 feet without a chute into the cold abyss where we will then swim another five miles to make it to our first rendezvous point. After that we will split up until the end of the mission.

  The security on the base we’re breaking into is insane. The military grade stealth jet we’re flying on could only get us so far before being detected, the main reason behind why we’re jumping, and then swimming five miles in the freezing water to a dead zone close to the base. Upon arrival, Rowen will perform his magic and hack into their system, causing a temporary disruption to their security with a self-generating virus. Once executed there's no time for second guessing, and no backup will arrive. This mission depends solely on my brother and myself, which is nothing new to us. We always work alone, and even if we didn’t, we would still handle this mission ourselves. This mission is personal, and I trust no one but us to pull it off or die trying.


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