Alien General's Beloved: SciFi Alien Romance (Brion Brides)

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Alien General's Beloved: SciFi Alien Romance (Brion Brides) Page 17

by Vi Voxley

  Prelen stumbled back, the valor squares on his neck dimming again as he regained control. Corden didn't care; he'd already gotten what he wanted. The originals hated their clones, that much was obvious, and predictable. Corden was dying to know what Worgen had told them to make real warriors agree to something so against everything they believed in.

  Their little light show was starting to draw attention. Corden could hear footsteps approaching, wondering who was careless enough to approach a clear fight.

  It meant he had to finish Prelen off quickly. A part of him felt sorry about that. The warrior had become familiar to him in an odd way. That didn't stop him from blocking the blow of his spear, striking back a wide blow, forcing Prelen to jump back to avoid getting cut in two.

  The warrior held up surprisingly well, parrying some of his blows, but he was bleeding after a few seconds—a lifetime for a Brion warrior. Corden gave him one last look before dashing forward, sliding past Prelen, his spear cutting through the air to slice the warrior's tendons.

  His opponent slumped to the ground with a grunt of pain. From there, they both knew it was over. The general had to give Prelen credit for not giving up, though. The warrior attempted to strike back, but fighting sitting down was impossible. Corden barely noticed twisting the spear out of the man's hands. It clattered to the floor a little distance from them, and then his own spear was at the warrior's throat.

  "Go ahead," Prelen snarled. "Make it quick."

  "I will," Corden promised.

  Prelen had been a disappointment to him. He was nothing more than an average warrior, but he'd fought until the end and that deserved a swift death.

  "No last words?" Corden asked, swinging the spear.

  Prelen said nothing, only glared at him with hate as the blade cut down. The silence descended, heavy with the lack of words. Corden felt almost sad, although he'd known there was no reason to expect the dying words from an original.

  Right then, somebody rounded the corner. It was one of the Palian scientists. Corden realized that the hallway was near the Palian lab. The general cursed himself for being too preoccupied with the dying warrior to so carelessly allow someone to walk in on them.

  He considered killing the man, but the Palian's absence would be noted and it might cause Lana trouble. Corden approached the cowering man who didn't seem to be able to even beg, much less run.

  A coward, he thought, the worst that could happen.

  "One word about me," he said, low and menacing, "and I will tear your tongue out of your mouth myself. Do you understand?"

  The scientist nodded in a hurry, running away as soon as Corden allowed him to. The general returned to the captain's quarters, alerting the Torons about the body he needed to disappear.

  Lana was still sleeping, blissfully unaware of the world around her. Corden dearly wished he could keep her looking like that, happy and carefree, after she woke up, but that was not going to happen. He gathered her into his arms again and waited for her to return to cruel reality.



  Lana woke in a sweet and loving embrace, a luxury she hadn't realized she'd been missing. With a smile, she cuddled nearer to Corden, feeling him wrap his arms more tightly around her with a chuckle.

  "How long was I out?" she asked sleepily, wanting to keep the happy bubble around her. But reality was returning to her anyway, whether she wanted it to or not. A part of Lana wanted to hold onto that illusion of peace, but she needed to be more informed.

  "That depends," said a deep voice against her ear. "Are you rested?"

  "I am," Lana admitted.

  "Then just about enough."

  She laughed, idly tracing her fingers over the general's body. It took her almost a minute of doing that without thinking before she realized he was dressed.

  "You were gone for a while," she said, sitting up. "Did something happen? Is Worgen here? What did I miss—"

  "Relax," Corden said, smiling. "He is on the Abysmal. Everything is all right."

  That is definitely a lie, but I could almost believe it when you say it.

  For some reason, that brought reality crashing back down upon Lana. She'd been very content waking up next to a gorgeous man, who was unfortunately no longer naked, but still. In one heartbeat, all Lana could think about was that she was looking at her gerion.

  She'd done it. No turning back. They'd bonded now and as far as she knew, Brions didn't even have a word for divorce.

  It didn't make her feel half as bad as it could have. Lana was seriously surprised that her better judgment hadn't made an appearance. Then again, seeing her gerion sit inches away from her, regarding her with a lazy sort of desire, perhaps it had. Maybe it had said yes too, but Lana hadn't heard it over—

  Oh God did I actually say all that?

  She would have been embarrassed if the look on Corden's face hadn't been so approving. Lana thought it was usually the guy who fell asleep right after fucking, but in this case it had been her. It was her first moment seeing Corden after he'd literally pulled out of her. That image sent a shiver through her body, remembering how it felt to be fucked so hard she saw stars.

  Corden's grin was wider now and his eyes flicked to her pussy, a knowing look telling Lana everything she needed to know about the accursed Brion senses.

  "You need to stop doing that to me," she said, pulling a sheet over herself as though it covered anything.

  Or as though she didn't want him.

  "I can't turn it off," the general said with a shrug, still smiling. "Why does it bother you if I know how much you want me?"

  "For one," Lana said, standing to go look for her clothes, only to realize she was wearing what remained of them.

  Great. Definitely one of those ideas that only works in the heat of the moment.

  Lana climbed back under the sheets with a sigh. "For one," she began again. "I can't do the same to you. I can't read you in that way, so it's unfair."

  "It's what I am," Corden said, but his attention was clearly on her half-naked body.

  "And secondly," Lana went on, pulling a sheet up to her chin. "It gives you way too much information."

  "I like it," Corden growled and by God if that didn't go straight to her pussy. "I like knowing you ache for my cock to fill you again."

  "Okay," Lana said, trying very hard to convince herself she wasn't blushing. Damn the Brions and their brutal honesty. "That's very nice and all, but like I said. It's unfair."

  Corden moved so quickly that the next thing she registered was him on top of her, pressing his body against hers.

  "Let me make this fairer, then," he whispered against her lips. "I want your pussy as much as you want me. I'm saying this to you now and I'll tell you when I stop wanting you, not that a day like that would ever come."

  Lana had no protests about that, arching up to meet him in a fierce kiss, moaning when Corden bit her lip. Her body whined in protest when they had to part for air after minutes of being locked together, lips swollen from the passionate play.

  "My clothes," Lana forced herself to say instead of fuck me right now, reminding herself that she still had duties.

  And that it would all be so much better if she no longer feared for her life and the lives of everyone around her.

  "If you expect me to apologize for that, you'll be disappointed," the general said with a grin.

  Lana said nothing, quietly regretting nothing.

  "No," she said. "I'm only wondering what the most subtle way is to ask someone to bring me a new pair of pants."

  "You're their captain."

  "Yes," Lana admitted. "But don't you think they'll start wondering how I ruined my old clothes? I thought we didn't want anyone knowing I had a man staying in my room."

  "Stay here," Corden said and left before Lana could utter a single word in response.

  "Don't steal," she said to the empty room and smiled.

  No, her feelings were most assuredly not what she'd expected
at all. Lana had been utterly sure that she would regret binding to Corden, but instead she felt at peace. Like she'd been alone for so long that she no longer knew the simple pleasures of having someone care for her. And it wasn't just that either. The general made her feel good, protected, loved even.

  A part of her was beginning to think it might work. Lana quickly labeled that part as hope and went to grab a shower. Hopefully she'd have something to wear once she got out. Pulling off her pants brought the night back all the more vividly. Lana couldn't help shuddering even under the hot water as she remembered every detail so clearly it was almost as if she was reliving it.

  She pushed one hand between her legs, gasping at the quick pleasure it brought. Corden had to be some kind of an aphrodisiac for her, because Lana couldn't ever remember getting so wet so quickly. The memory of the general fucking her was almost enough by itself to make her come, but Lana enjoyed the feeling of her fingers inside her pussy.

  They were a poor replacement to Corden, but they helped her imagination replace her own hand with his cock, sliding into her.

  So much for getting clean, Lana thought, but it was too good to stop.

  She kept up a slow, teasing rhythm, using her other hand to tease her clit. Moans rolled over her lips as she sped up, bringing herself closer. It felt so good that Lana lost herself in the moment, focusing only on the pleasure building inside her.

  That was why she missed the shower door sliding open again. Corden wrapping his arms around her from behind actually startled her, making her whimper in the next moment when he replaced her hands with his own.

  "Mine," the general whispered hotly against her ear. "You are mine now, Lana."

  For once, she found nothing wrong with being his and his alone. Not when he was touching her like that, his strong fingers pressing inside her pussy. Lana arched against him, riding his fingers, pushing herself down on his hand.

  The cold wall hit her back when Corden turned her around suddenly, kneeling between her legs. The general pushed his fingers into her, stretching her pussy while she moaned, stroking his short hair, urging him on. When he pressed his tongue against her, licking her pussy, her legs almost gave out.

  Corden chuckled, his lips against her sensitive flesh, making her body tremble. He repeated the motion, darting his tongue in and out of her, fucking Lana's pussy with his hot tongue. She sobbed, aching for more, but Corden was not letting her cum that easily.

  He sucked on her clit, turning Lana into a broken doll in his hands. Her legs were trembling hard from the approaching wave of her orgasm, so he had to hold her up, but he barely seemed to notice the effort. His fingers were back inside her, thrusting into her with increasing speed while the general's tongue teased her clit.

  "You are all mine," he whispered, and somehow Lana heard it over the water and the rushing in her ears.

  "Yours, yes," she gasped. "Yours, oh fuck—"

  Lana felt herself cumming, almost passing out when Corden didn't let up in his actions, slathering her with attention through her orgasm. She had to fight to stay conscious, the warm water still beating down on her, making her drowsy as heat plumed through her. Lana almost collapsed when Corden pulled back, but the general caught her easily, pulling her into his embrace and kissing her. She could taste herself on his tongue.

  When she was able to stand on her own two feet again, the general released her with a grin.

  I could get used to showering like this.

  Lana smiled and turned to wash herself like she'd intended to do in the first place, even though standing was difficult with her legs still shaking. Corden joined her, running his hands over her wet skin more than his own. It made her moan, leaning into the touch.

  Although I might never get clean if we keep this up, she thought.

  As she exited the bathroom, drying her long hair, Lana smirked. There was a brand new pair of pants lying on the bed, exactly the same as the ones the general had destroyed. It appeared he had stolen, but in the end, she couldn’t fault him for it. She'd rather have a new pair than go around half-naked and if it meant a blank in some supply list, she could live with that.

  She dressed as Corden finished washing and they met up in the bedroom again. Almost immediately, Lana felt the pull that was dragging them together without asking whether they wanted it or not. Only she'd stopped trying to resist, deciding it was better to go along and see where it took her.

  No matter how irrational, something about Corden made her happy in a way she couldn't even describe. Something that made it worth exploring the crazy, impossible alien bond she didn't fully believe in, yet could feel so clearly.

  But in the back of her mind, Lana thought that maybe she could make it work her way. Only go so far as she chose and if that was the case, everything was all right.

  There has to be a way.

  Feeling more like a captain dressed than in torn pants, Lana turned to the general.

  "So, what happened while I was sleeping?" she asked. "I should go see Yarel and see what we should do about this thing. I think you should meet him too, I mean we can't—"

  "I met him," Corden said, cutting her off. "We talked."

  "Wait, what? When did that happen?" Lana asked, adding carefully: "And did you decide anything?"

  "Yes," Corden said and his tone was serious. "Do you remember saying it's better if you don't know too much? That the only way to have him trust you is to not straight-out lie."

  "Yes," she said, almost hurt. "But—"

  "The less you know about this the better. We are giving Worgen what he wants."

  That sentence knocked the air out of her lungs. For a long moment, Lana just stared at the man she thought she knew, but who seemed to be determined to prove her wrong.

  So, this was nice while it lasted. I expected the honeymoon phase to be a bit longer, or at least to be honest.

  "You can't be serious," she said. "You can't do that. We can't do that."

  "And we won't," Corden assured her, calming the storm that had been brewing in her mind already. "But I promise, the less I tell you, the better."

  That was undoubtedly true, but Lana still couldn’t help but feel left out. It was her ship, after all. But while she'd been sleeping, Corden had arranged everything. The Flora hadn't been under her command for more than a few days, but already Lana felt the tinge of annoyance when someone else decided its fate. She made herself nod, hoping to hide her distress from Corden, but naturally she failed.

  The general kissed her gently and like his touch had magical qualities, it banished the fear in her heart, at least for now.

  "I will not let Worgen harm anyone else, not while I can stop him," Corden said. "He will never get to use the army he wants and he will never reach Briolina. But you have to trust me, Lana."

  That was a loaded word. Lana hesitated. She trusted him without question when it came to his abilities, but she couldn't completely bury her doubts about his intentions. After their binding, Lana knew she herself was safe from anything Corden might bring. The general had promised he would not let anything happen to her and she believed him without question.

  Only that still left the entire fleet and Lana wasn't sure if he would devote the same attention to them as he did to her. The general was asking for her trust and the bond between them made it very easy for Lana to give it to him, but there were thousands of lives at stake.

  The thing was, Lana had her answer. All the calculations in her head were irrelevant to what she knew in her heart. Things had changed and she no longer doubted her gerion.

  "Yes," she said. "I trust you."



  Lana received a message stating that the first originals were arriving moments after her loaded response. Corden stood by her side, sensing the irritation in her as things were happening on her ship without the captain being informed about them. No one on his flagship would have ever dared to do this to him, but Corden could imagine what it must have felt lik

  He hated hurting Lana like that, but his reasons had not changed. This was for her own good. There was no way of knowing when Worgen’s mercy toward her would end.

  As soon as he realizes she isn’t going to be his fated, Corden guessed.

  "I'll be right there," Lana said into the comm link and then cut the feed.

  "You can't tell me anything," she repeated. "Not even what you're going to do when Worgen asks for his army.."

  Corden nodded, smiling. First, she had been upset at him for hiding things from her, and now she was chiding him to keep doing so? Terrans.

  "We can't be sure why he's decided to show you favor that he hasn't shown to anyone else," he said, aware of the edge of bitterness in his tone. "You already tested his patience once. And so far the only way you've been able to deal with him is by not lying."

  "He'll see right through me anyway. I swear he knows about the Levi."

  "Suspects, maybe. He can't know that, not unless you confess. That is what he does. Fear. Intimidation. He'll make you confess to things you barely remember."

  Lana nodded, deep in thought.

  "All right," she said. "So I have to tell him everything is going as planned."

  She was almost out of the door, Corden following her with his gaze, reluctant to let her leave even to the bridge. Lana turned and looked at him sadly.

  "I'm just worried that I will accidentally tell him something he shouldn't know. He ordered me to be aware of everything that is going on here. He expects me to. It all feels so risky."

  Corden truly loathed the word. And as much as it pained him to admit it, the need to purposefully keep Lana in the dark was risky. But it was the only way he dared to let her anywhere near the mad general, who he'd already seen cutting down innocent people without remorse plenty of times. If whatever it was about Lana that appealed to the fabled warlord ran out, he wouldn't hesitate to do the same to her.


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