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Gravity: A Salvation Society Novel

Page 10

by K. L. Jessop

  “Grayson…” she whispers, her eyes on my lips.

  We’re interrupted with a knock on the door, and we both pull back in time for Ryan to stick his head into the office.

  “Um, sorry guys,” he says, looking between us both and realizing he’s caught us off guard, “Nora, Makenna asked if I’d come check on you.”

  “Oh my God,” she says quickly, jumping to her feet and composing herself. “I said I wouldn’t be long.”

  “That’s okay. She’s been trying to get some SEALs to down cocktails while singing at the top of her lungs,” he laughs.

  “Jesus, how drunk is she?” she asks as I stand, trying to shake off the desire that’s burning inside me.

  “Well, she still has the use of her legs at the moment but give it another two cocktails and she’d be on the floor.”

  Nora chuckles. “Home time it is then.”

  “Do you want me to drive you?” I ask, stepping toward her. “I don’t mind.”

  She smiles, and it’s only now that I can see the flush in her cheeks. “We’ll be fine. I’ll call a cab.”

  “I’ll go call one,” Ryan says, heading out the door.

  As Nora tries to make her escape, I take hold of her elbow, not wanting to leave it like this. “Hey. Thank you. I needed this tonight. I knew you’d be the one to make me crack.”

  She smiles softly, taking a step closer. “Promise me you will always talk to me. No matter what.”

  “I promise.”

  Reaching up on her tiptoes, she kisses my cheek. “Good night, Grayson. I’ll see you tomorrow. If not on Monday.” With that, she heads out of my office and back out toward the main part of the club. My heart is still pounding, my pants now tighter, and then realization suddenly hits me that on Monday I’ve got to see her all over again when she starts her job.


  Chapter Eleven


  “So, over here we have all the condiments that are provided once food is served. Cutlery and napkins are already at the tables for when they arrive. We normally give them a few minutes to take a look at the menu before we go over and ask for their order. Any questions?”

  I’ve barely listened to a word Ryan has said because since I’ve walked through the doors of Hot Tuna, my mind has reverted to the other night, and my heart is pounding harder than ever at the thought of seeing Grayson again. Margaritas aside, I was very much aware of the intimacy between us, and my body hasn’t stop humming since. I’d texted him like I said I would once I’d got Makenna home, and we sent the odd text to each other yesterday but nothing other than that and nothing too heavy.

  Hearing him divulge his troubles had been hard, but the look in his eyes when he’d done so had felt like I’d been sliced in the stomach.

  Dad was right: even with the distance Grayson put between them, he knew in his heart that Gray was struggling. But I hadn’t truly realized just how much until that moment.

  As strong as he is, he hadn’t been able to hide how vulnerable he is, and I’ve never seen him more so, not even after his mom died. Looking back, he had put on such a brave face, only now I know it’s because he’d never wanted to be a burden on any of us because of what we were going through with Dad. He must have felt so isolated, and because of that, fell deeper into the struggles that he’s been faced with all this time.

  But I’m not going to let him hide away any longer. I can’t.


  Ryan’s voice brings me back from my thoughts. “Sorry. No. There’re no questions.” I look around the dining area of Hot Tuna. It’s a contrast of dark wood and slate, and completely different to the nightlife I’m used to seeing. There’s no doubt about it: Grayson has put everything into this place, and it shows everywhere you turn.

  “Actually, yes. I have a question. Is it normal to be this nervous?” My stomach flutters with anxiety. It’s just a little waitressing job, serving food and getting drinks. There’s really not much to it, so why do I feel like I’m about to be sick?

  Ryan laughs. “I’d be worried if you weren’t nervous. But just try to relax, and if there’s anything you need help with, give me a shout. That’s what I’m here for.”

  His warm smile and soft brown eyes are soothing, and I know that with Ryan on my shifts, I’m going to be all right.

  “Now, take a deep breath, get that positivity running your veins, and show me that pretty smile of yours. Our first customer is just about to walk through the door.”

  “Oh my God. That was some shift.” I sigh, sitting on a stool at the bar with my head in my hands. I haven’t had time to be anxious. As soon as the first customer entered it had been all hands on deck, and we’d been rushed off our feet in no time. I’ve known the place to be busy during the day, but I swear every man and woman in Virginia Beach had decided to dine out for lunch.

  Four hours in and my little feet think I’ve walked across hot coals.

  “It was kinda crazy,” Ryan laughs.

  “And there I was thinking I’d be eased into it.”

  He hands me a soda from across the bar. “You did good. The customers seem to like you.”

  “Must be the smile. Dad has always said that my smile is a weapon.”

  “He’s not wrong. So, will you be gracing us with your presence again tomorrow, or have I tired you out already and need to find a replacement?” Ryan asks, placing the clean glasses on the shelves of the bar.

  “Hell no. Me and my aching feet will be right back at it. I don’t quit that easily, and especially not over handing out a few meals.”

  “Glad to hear it. I’ll let Grayson know you’re officially on the books for the summer.”

  “Hi, Ryan. How’s it been today?” comes a female voice from behind me.

  “Hey, Lacy. It’s been crazy.” He nods in my direction. “This is Nora, our new waitress. She’s literally been thrown in deep with it today.”

  “Hey, Lacy.” I’ve seen her a few times before when I’ve been drinking in here with Makenna, getting a strange vibe from her. I’m reassured that my gut instinct isn’t wrong because I instantly feel uncomfortable when she looks at me in a manner that suggests I’m far from welcome. Her eyes are lined with thick black liner, making her look hard-faced, and her tank top is so low that her breasts are practically spilling out.

  “The short one that Gray often talks about?”

  “That would be me. And it’s Shortcake. Grayson only calls me that.”

  “Whatever.” She brushes me off and moves past Ryan. “Welcome to the team, Shortcake. Don’t piss me off and we’ll get along just fine.” With that, she heads out the back, leaving me irritated with her standoffish attitude.

  Ryan looks at me and raises his brow. It seems Lacy is not one of the friendly ones to work here. “She can be a little frosty at times.”

  “No shit.”

  He laughs. “Right. As much as I would love to stay and chat, I need to take a break. Are you hanging around?”

  “For a bit.” I yawn, stretching my arms. “I’m too tired to move right now.”

  He smiles, heading out of the bar. “If you’re still here when I come back, I’ll bring you a blanket.”

  “You’re too kind,” I shout, hearing him laugh as he disappears out of sight.

  As my body relaxes even more, I rest my arm on the bar, tucking my hand under my chin, and look out of the window. The patio area is still busy, the customers enjoying the sunshine and good food, but inside has settled down as the lunchtime trade has passed.

  Closing my eyes, I enjoy the calm that is around me. Working a waitressing job had not been what I’d had in mind for the summer. I had hoped I’d get some work in the Aquarium, regardless of what it would have entailed, but there had been nothing going. Anything would have been good for me in that place, allowing me to be around the sea creatures and the turtles for the day.

  “Keeping you up, Shortcake?”

  I jump at the sound of Grayson’s voice. “What? No. I was just…
” My cheeks instantly heat at the sight of him, but I roll my eyes and groan, attempting to hide my sudden reaction to him. “God, my feet are so sore.”

  He laughs. “Yeah, Ryan texted to say it was a little busy.”

  “A little? Jeez, I can’t wait for when it’s really busy then.”

  He takes a seat on the barstool next to me and his sandalwood and musk fragrance makes my stomach tighten as it hits my senses. He’s dressed in dark wash jeans and a black dress shirt that’s rolled up at the sleeves. Like always, his large frame instantly gives me that sense of protection I’ve always got when around him, covering me with a warmth I never tire of.

  We hold each other’s gaze for a second before a soft smile spreads across his lips. “So, apart from your feet, how did your first day go?”

  “Well, I didn’t drop food on anyone’s lap, so I guess that’s a bonus.”

  “Give it time.”

  “Oh, thanks for the vote of confidence. Some friend you are.”

  He grins. “Everyone’s done it. Even me.”

  “You have?”

  “Sure. A large amount of chocolate ice cream over a very white dress.”

  My eyes widen. “Oh no.”

  “She deserved it though.”

  “She did?”

  “Fuck yes. I didn’t like the way she was treating and talking to my staff. She kept complaining that her order was wrong and that everything served was cold. Which it wasn’t. So, I gave her something to actually be pissed about and accidently but very much on purpose chucked her dessert in her lap.”

  “Grayson Bennett. I never knew you had it in you.” I laugh.

  “She caught me on a very bad day, and I wasn’t having any of it. Her face was a picture when I told her I wasn’t going to pay for her dry-cleaning bill because her attitude was disgraceful. She soon left with a face like she’d swallowed a wasp. She brightened up my day that’s for sure.”

  “I always brighten up your day, Grayson,” Lacy says rounding the bar and standing to face us. “That’s why you can’t get enough of me.” She leans toward Gray and rests herself so her breasts are on show even more than they were when she entered the building. But it’s when she gives me a sly smirk that I have to swallow the irritation she’s just inflicted.

  “Lacy. I didn’t think you were on the schedule to work today.”

  “I swapped with Clara.” She leans closer. “And when I knew I’d be working with my favorite guy, I couldn’t say no.”

  “Well, you must have read the schedule wrong because Ryan will be leaving soon.” Grayson says, not a bit fazed that she’s flirting with him because he’s clearly not interested.

  Lacy lets out a little giggle that makes her sound ridiculous and desperate. “It’s you, silly. You’re my favorite guy. You know this.”

  “I do?”

  She leisurely trails her fingers across the bar, itching to touch him. “Of course. I’m always telling you. The question is, am I your favorite girl?”

  I don’t know how old she is, but this is pitiful to watch. He and I know now that her smirk was to piss me off. Well, she can damn well try.

  “No. I’m his favorite,” I say, sitting myself up straight.

  The look of distaste on her features is evident when she turns her head in my direction, but what has me smiling is when Grayson laughs and agrees with me.

  “She’s not wrong, Lace. Nora will always be my little lady.”

  “Little maybe, but she’s certainly no lady. How old are you, Nora? Ten?”

  “Lacy,” Grayson warns.

  My irritation with this woman is at a boiling point already, and I’ve been around her for no more than thirty minutes. She told me not to piss her off, but she’s sure as hell not going to be the one that calls the damn shots here and make me cave on the first day with her attitude. Fuck that.

  “Twenty-two, actually, and old enough to recognize the behavior of someone who is desperate. You should get yourself checked out, Lacy. There’s therapy for that.”

  Her mouth drops open at my comment before her nostrils flare, and she looks at Grayson. All the while I’m shaking on the inside with both anger and apprehension.

  “Are you going to let her speak to me like that?”

  Grayson leans forward, his shoulders now squared with tension. “When you learn to have respect for those around you, Lacy, you’ll earn it back. So, yes. I will. Now please go and do some work as that is what I pay you for.”

  Stepping back like she’s just been slapped with a wet fish, she glares at us both before storming off. When I finally look at Grayson, I see a shit-eating grin on his face.


  “You know, as your boss, I should call you out on that, but I’m not going to because—”

  “I’m your favorite?” I joke.

  “Because she deserved it.”

  “Does she always act like she’s trying to get into your pants, or is that her way with men in general?” I ask, hating I’ve asked the question because I’m unsure I want to know the answer.

  Stretching his arms out in front of him, he exhales. “Both. It’s no secret around here that she wants me.”

  Anxiety grips my stomach. “But… you don’t want her?”


  “Why not? Despite her sour tongue, she’s a pretty woman.”

  He turns his body to face me. “And a woman who’s bedded half of Virginia—one of those men being your brother.”

  “Right. That makes a lot of sense.” It makes sense because my brother’s reputation when it comes to women is on point. Being a SEAL gives him the impression he is a magnet to the ladies, and he laps up their attention like you wouldn’t believe.

  “Lacy just sees every woman I’m near as a threat to her, regardless of what I want.”

  “Well, I’m certainly no threat to her where you’re concerned.”

  I hold his stare and that electric charge between us is back. I felt it the other night and I know he did, too, only this time, I’ve no alcohol inside me to hide the effect he’s having on me. I pull my gaze from his, trying to control the butterflies that’ve just taken flight.

  “Do you have to get home soon?” he asks, leaning in closer.

  “Nope. Wade is with Dad, so he’s taken care of. Why?”

  When he turns to look out of the window, I sense something is on his mind. Coming back to face me, he smiles. “You wanna go someplace?”

  “What about work?”

  “I only came in early so I could catch you. I can escape for an hour or so. What do you say?”

  I grin, hopping off the chair before he can change his mind. “Okay. But only if you buy me an ice cream.”

  “That sounds like bribery.”

  “No, it’s called taking care of your Shortcake.”

  Once we get into Grayson’s truck, we take a short drive and head toward the north side of Chick’s Beach. After he gets us both an ice cream, we leave our shoes in the truck and make our way to the beach. My sore feet crave the softness of sand and the coolness of the water as we stroll toward Lynnhaven pier. Grayson has hardly spoken a word since we left the bar, but I don’t call him out on it because the silence between us is comfortable.

  “I can’t remember the last time I came here,” I sigh peacefully.

  “I come down here often. It’s most times quieter than Oceanfront beach.”

  Lynnhaven pier is an all wooden, quarter-mile fishing pier that has been a tourist attraction for decades. With the batterings it has been served over the years by the hurricanes that have hit Virginia, it still stands proud amongst the golden sands.

  “Can you remember that time we came down here when we were younger and went fishing with your brother?”

  I laugh, licking my mint chocolate ice cream. “You mean the time a crab decided it wanted to eat my big toe?”

  “I’ve never laughed so hard. Your face was a picture.”

  “My face was of someone in pain. In that moment, I hated
everything to do with Oceanology and just wanted to curl up and cry.”

  “Grayson to the rescue. What would you do without me?” He laughs, bumping his arm against mine.

  “I’ve no idea. You’re the only one who helps me out when I’m hurt.”

  “That’s because I don’t like seeing you hurt,” he pauses. “Even though I’m guilty of causing it of late.”

  I glance at him. “But you had your reasons, and we’ve sorted them now. Haven’t we?”

  “Of course. Still doesn’t make me feel any better, though.”

  “Dad’s been telling me for ages not to give up on you and to give you time. So, I did.”

  He frowns “He has?”

  “Yeah. And even though you were an ass, I guess deep down, I knew I’d never give up on you.”


  I’m in two minds whether to say what’s on the tip of my tongue or to say nothing at all. But the moment we shared the other night keeps playing on my mind, and I want him to know just how valuable he is to me. “Because you mean too much to me for me to just throw it all away.” I hold his gaze for a moment before I turn back and look toward the water, knowing he's watching me.

  The breeze picks up the closer we get to the water, and I have to keep brushing the loose strands of hair from my face to avoid them getting caught in my ice cream. Like always, the weather this time of year is glorious and it warms my skin, just the way I love it.

  “How are things at home with your dad? Is he more willing to have his physical therapy now? Asher mentioned he was a little off at first.”

  “He was only off because he couldn’t have his own way. As easy going as Dad is, you know he can be stubborn at times, and a young man like Wade being a voice of authority is not how Dad saw his life. In his eyes, it should be the other way around.”

  “Yeah. I get it. It’s a pride thing.”

  “With a little encouragement he’s soon let go and accepted he needs to do it in order to become stronger at home. He’s doing a lot better with it now.”

  “I’ve certainly seen an improvement in him. That’s great to see. And it’s clear that he’s happy you’re home.”


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