Gravity: A Salvation Society Novel

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Gravity: A Salvation Society Novel Page 11

by K. L. Jessop

  “I know.”

  The cool water laps at my feet as we reach the pier, soothing them like I knew it would. Finishing my ice cream, I turn and rest my back against one of the pillars, placing my hands behind me as I look out across the ocean. Grayson mirrors my position on the opposite side and faces me, still enjoying his own ice cream.

  My thoughts go back to the way things have been at home. The way they all behaved when I announced I’d got the job at Hot Tuna hadn’t been like any of them. Even Dad. But no matter how hard I try and rack my brain as to why, I get no answers.

  Looking up, I find Grayson watching me from the other side of the pier. “What’s on your mind, Shortcake?”

  I shake my head and look back down, trailing my foot from side to side in the water as the soft waves break around my ankles. “Nothing. I’m just overthinking.”

  “Tell me anyway.”

  I let out an exhale and look back at him, knowing that what I’m about to say will sound crazy. “Ever feel like you’ve done something wrong when in your heart you know you’ve done nothing at all?”

  “You’re going to have to elaborate on that.”

  “Like the other day when I said I’d got the job. Asher’s reaction was like I’d done wrong.”

  He sighs. “Yeah. I noticed that myself, too, but I can’t say I’m surprised when it comes to Asher. You know how he can be.”

  “I guess. I mean, I know I came home to spend time with Dad—and I will do; I am doing—but is it wrong that I want to do something else with part of my time at home?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Then why have I been made to feel like it is?”

  Pushing himself off the pillar, he steps over to me. Holding his ice cream, he rests his arm above my head and he leans in closer. My breath halts with his proximity, and when he tucks the hair behind my ear and cups my cheek, I have to keep myself grounded. Just the simplest of touches has my body a hot mess.

  “Whatever you’re thinking, stop. You’ve done nothing wrong. I promise you.”

  “It doesn’t feel that way,” I whisper.

  “You’ve come home to spend time with your dad, but that doesn’t mean you have to stay inside the whole time. Ignore them. Don’t let their reactions make you feel guilty.”

  I nod. I nod because it’s the only response I have as hot tingles cascade down my spine when he brushes his thumb over my cheek. One touch. With one touch, this man has the ability to turn my body into flames.

  I hold his gaze, and the soft sound of the waves breaking around us becomes nothing but white noise as I long to have him closer. His solid body is a fraction from mine, and I wish my hands weren’t pinned behind my back because I’m desperate to touch him. And he knows it. That’s the thing with Grayson and I: even in silence, our hearts have always spoken to each other, and when the tip of my tongue wets my lips and his eyes fall to my mouth, he clears his throat and steps away, drawing a line at what’s just played out between us.

  “We should be heading back. Ryan finishes soon, and I need to be there when he does.”

  Desire. That’s what it was.

  I may be inexperienced with men, but I’m not blind. He wants this as much as I do.

  Like he knows the tension between us needs to ease, he looks at me and grins.


  “Last one to my truck buys Duck donuts for a month?”

  I roll my eyes knowing I’ve lost already. “Oh, come on.”

  “Scared you’re going to lose?”

  “No. I’m just too tired to race you.”

  “Chicken shit.”

  I gasp when he pushes the last bit of his ice cream I forgot he had against my nose. His grin gets even wider as he takes another step back.

  “You did not just do that,” I protest.

  “I very much did. Last one to the truck, Shortcake.”

  Before I can do anything, he starts running backwards, laughing like an idiot. Why is it that this man can make me all kinds of crazy in a matter of seconds?

  “You are unbelievable,” I yell, running after him, already knowing I’m going to lose but loving the smile on his face.

  Chapter Twelve


  “Hey, old man.”

  I hear Nora from behind me as I finish restocking the bottles of beer on the shelf. I smile instantly and turn to find her heading into the bar holding a box. Like they constantly have a mind of their own, my eyes trail down her body the closer she gets.

  She’s in wedged sandals and those denim shorts she’s famous for wearing. Her bare, tan legs look as smooth as silk—such a temptation, and I envisage running my tongue along them as I work my way up her thighs toward the sweet spot that I’d kill to taste. Her black tank top has me smiling—‘No one puts baby in the corner’—but it’s her face and bright white smile that has my breath catching. She’s mesmerizing, and the beauty of it all is she has no fucking idea.

  “Well, that’s not the greeting I thought I’d get.”

  “I was going to say silver fox because I swear I see some little shimmers here and there”—she points to my head—“but I thought that was a little harsh.”

  “So, you went with old instead?”


  “Wow, have you come here just to crush my feelings?” I laugh curiously, brushing my fingers through my hair self-consciously, even though I know there’s not a gray hair in sight.

  “Oh of course. I just enjoy stamping on your heart at every opportunity.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  It’s been three weeks since she’s been home, five days since she first started working at the bar and way too many hours of her invading my thoughts. Like I knew she would, Nora Nelson hasn’t just occupied my mind with her beauty, she’s slowly taking over my damn heart, too. Each time I’m around her, she makes it easier to breathe, and whenever she is close, I have to work fucking hard not to pull her against me and keep her there forever. But what scares me more than ever is the fact my guard is falling fast, and sooner or later I know I won’t be able to hold back.

  My mind is stuck in a war, wanting to progress to see where this leads yet knowing it will blow up in my face if it were to be exposed. Nothing stays a secret forever. Asher will become a nightmare to be around and will not see things as they are, so I question whether it’s even worth it at all because the one who’s likely to come off the worst in all of this is Nora. The last thing I want to do is hurt anyone, and the more I see myself being with her, the more I know it will send everyone’s world spinning.

  Especially her brother’s.

  But fuck, this is hard when she consumes me like no other.

  “Why are you here anyway?” I question, wiping down the bar before flipping the cloth over my shoulder. “You’re not down to work today.”

  “Oh. Okay, well if you don’t want me around then I’ll just take these treats I bought and go shall I?” she teases, heading back out of the door and taking the box with her. I don’t want her to go of course but equally, just hearing the word treats has me intrigued and my mouth watering. Anyone who knows me knows I have a sweet tooth.

  “Stop. Wait. Turn.”

  Looking over her shoulder she says nothing, just graces me with a wicked grin.

  I raise a brow and nod my head toward the box. “You have treats? Whatcha buy me?”

  “What makes you think I bought you anything?”

  “Because you wouldn’t have taken the time to come here and find me otherwise.”

  “I could have come here just to tease you.”

  “You’re not that cruel. Now…” I lean over the bar, holding my hand out. “Give me the goods, woman.”

  She laughs, making her way back. “I thought I’d be kind and buy us a happy helping of donuts from Ducks.”

  “Be kind? Shortcake, I won that race fair and square remember?”

  “Only because you had a head start and flicked water in my face when I was begi
nning to catch up.”

  “You never caught me up. I simply slowed down to make you feel like you were getting somewhere. I’m nice like that.”

  She rolls her eyes and quips, “You’re also an asshole at times.”

  I laugh. Placing my arms on the bar so they are either side of hers, I hold her beautiful eyes with my gaze, the box of treats between us. “My apologies. It won’t happen again. Now, do I get the pleasure of spending time with a beautiful lady like yourself while we dine?” A smile tugs my lips when I see her cheeks flush, but she never takes her eyes off me.

  “Flattery won’t get you anywhere, Mr. Bennett.”

  “Anything is worth a try when it comes to donuts, Ms. Nelson.”

  Before she has a chance to stop me, I steal the box from the bar top and make my way down to one of the booths that’s free, leaving the rest of the staff to continue serving.

  “Why are you here doing a day shift anyway?” Nora asks, sliding herself into the booth seat opposite me.

  Opening the box, I move my eyes over the dozen donuts and study each one as if I’ve never seen them before. I’ve eaten so many of these over the years I’m surprised my waistline hasn’t expanded. Duck Donuts was where I’d take Nora on a Saturday before taking a walk across Oceanfront beach. From chocolate chip toppings to maple icing and chopped bacon, these bad boys are the best in Virginia Beach and fucking divine.

  “I’ve been known to work a day shift so I can have an evening off from time to time,” I say, biting into a Peanut Butter Paradise and groaning as the flavor hits my taste buds. “My God, I’ve missed these.”

  “Haven’t you had any in a while?”

  “I can’t remember the last time I had them at all.”

  “You mean you starved yourself of them while I’ve been away? Now that’s friendship.”

  “You see how good I am to you.” I grin.

  Nora pulls the box toward her, and like always, analyzes the donuts before deciding.

  “How’s the unpacking going? Have you finished yet?”

  “Yeah, I’m all done, but man, I never realized how many textbooks I had until I worked through them all.”

  “Years of hard work.”

  “More like decades,” she says, finally picking out a donut covered in white icing and chocolate drizzle. “Dad used to buy me one every month—not that I understood any of it at the age of six.”

  “We all understood the obsession you had with the ocean,” I chuckle. “You would drive everyone crazy wanting to learn about the different habitats. I think he bought you the textbook to keep you quiet. And now you’ve grown up to be this super cool Oceanologist.”

  “I’m not quite there yet. I need to get through a few more exams first.”

  “Well, if you need a lucky charm, I can be it.” I grin.

  “I already have my luck in Scuttle.”

  This surprises me. “You still have him?”


  “Is that so you think of me?” I joke.

  “Oh of course. I’ve always thought you resembled a turtle.”

  I laugh.

  God, I’ve missed this: the banter—friendship. The ability she has to make me forget everything for a while and erase the tension from my shoulders is inexplicable. I’ve been naive in thinking I didn’t need her—that I didn’t need this.

  “Can I ask you something?” she says quietly.

  “Go ahead.”

  “Have you noticed a change in Asher? He seems more… grizzly.”

  “When is he not grizzly?”

  “So, it’s just me reading into things.”

  “No. It’s not you.” I think about the way he has behaved after returning home from Iraq. Although I’ve witnessed his struggles over the years and the shadows that cloud over him more, it’s these past twelve months that he seems to have fallen harder again. I question if he’s struggling with PTSD. Life as a SEAL was never easy and working with Cole’s Security now has its share of challenges too. His mood swings, the increased drinking… It’s not the Asher I once knew.

  “War changes a man, Nora. God knows what they witness out there, and his job now is just as intense.”

  “He’s not very forthcoming when it comes to things like that.”

  “No. He seemed to be doing okay, but then a few months back he was acting strange. He said he wanted some alone time and I respected that but, I don’t know.” I remember that night so clearly. It was a Saturday night and we’d been here; I was working, and he’d just sat at the end of the bar drinking. He’d suddenly disappeared without a word. When I rang to check where he was, he’d said something urgent had come up and he’d catch up with me. With only a text to say he was doing okay, he’d emerged days later, looking like he’d never slept. I was never told what was so urgent.

  “Do you feel he is drinking more?”

  That makes me look up at her. Has she noticed, too? “More than he probably should some days, but then I wonder if I’m just overthinking.”


  “Because when you watch someone drink themselves to death, you’re petrified of others doing it, too.”

  She smiles flatly, reaching over and taking hold of my hand, rubbing her thumb over my knuckles. “I’m sorry, Gray.”

  “Don’t be. It doesn’t mean Asher is drinking more. I could just be reading shit that may not be there. It’s just something I have to live with now.”

  “You know you can talk to me, right?”

  I’ve wanted to talk to her since the very day my mother died. I’d wanted to talk to her even before then because I’d known she’d be the only one to bring me back from the edge of the darkness I’d been falling deeper into. But I hadn’t been able to because I’d been engulfed by grief and believed I was better on my own—that she was better without me.

  “I know,” I say quietly, right before our time together is filled with the unpleasantness that is Lacy.

  “Well, doesn’t this look cozy?” She comes to stand by my side of the booth, her cheap perfume almost suffocating and her skin-tight clothing practically painted on. “Good afternoon, Grayson.” Her eyes dart to mine and Nora’s joined hands, and I pull away, disliking the broken contact.

  “Lacy.” I acknowledge, already sensing the unrest coming from Nora at being ignored by her.

  “How are you today, Gray?”


  “Good.” She slowly slides the tips of her fingers along the edge of the table toward me, and I can smell the seduction coming from her as she once again tries to lure me into her trap.

  Not today princess.

  “Those donuts look good enough to eat.”

  “Well, there’s a reason why they are part of the food industry,” Nora deadpans, and I have to hold back a grin, predicting the glare that Lacy has no doubt given her over my shoulder.

  “Would you like one?” I ask. Anything to have her leave us.

  “I’d love one.” Knowing exactly what she’s doing, she leans over, brushing her body against me and turning herself a little so I get a full view of her cleavage as she takes the lime and crushed nut donut, licking it with a smirk on her face.

  Cheap. She looks fucking cheap.

  I don’t know how many times I’ve had to express my disinterest for her games. There’s no way on fucking Earth I want her in my bed, but the girl just keeps on pushing. “Thank you, Grayson. What’s the occasion?”

  “There isn’t one. Nora and I were just catching up while I took a break. She bought the donuts, so you should be thanking her not me.” I keep my eye on her but nod toward Nora, letting Lacy know with my stare that she’s blatantly ignored her since she got here.

  “Right. Thanks, Nora.” She fake smiles.

  “You’re welcome. We don’t like the lime one anyway. We find it too… sour.”

  I fight back a chuckle. This girl kills me.

  Lacy stands upright and takes a spare napkin from the table, her body language now making it evident Nora h
as pissed her off. “Well, I’ll see you both later.”

  As she steps away, Nora smiles at her sarcastically before saying, “Don’t choke on the nuts,” only for Lacy to curse under her breath as she struts her way out of the dining area.

  Laughing softly, I screw my napkin up and throw it at Nora, pointing at her. “You are naughty. Stop winding her up.”

  “Stop winding her up? Grayson, have you seen the way she looks at me? The woman detests me, so if she’s not going to play nice then I don’t see why I should take the hits without having a little fun myself.” She takes another bite of her donut before leaning forwards. “And please tell Ryan not to schedule me with her because it’s not going to be long before I stab her in the eyes to stop the death stares I continue to get.”

  “I’ll give him the heads up that a catfight may occur.”

  “She seriously does not like the connection we have.”

  “She doesn’t like the connection I have with any woman. I just don’t know how to make her see I’m not interested.”

  “Tell her you’re gay.” Nora shrugs with a mouthful of donut. “Or you could just tell her we’re fucking.”

  It’s an innocent comment, but the explicit images that have just invaded my mind from her words cause my dick to twitch, and I have to shift my position to gain control. If only she knew I step into the shower and let the water run over my head while I whisper her name over and over to the friction that has my body trembling.

  Needing to touch her, I reach across and wipe the corner of her mouth with my thumb to remove the remaining sugar of her donut. I don’t miss the change in her eyes, nor do I miss the rosy color that once again covers her cheeks. Resting back in my seat, I suck the topping off my thumb and hold her heated gaze, knowing my resistance is slipping that little bit more.

  “Yeah. I like the sound of option two better.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  “So, Peter Nelson, you’re telling me that your daughter bought you a jigsaw with hot, half-naked girls on it?” Mark grins, placing a puzzle piece on the board. He has come around with the news that Asher, Rex and Linc all have to fly out to California on Friday to do business with Jackson Cole for a few days while Mark stays in Virginia to man the offices. While we sit and keep Pete company, the ladies of the house are either working or doing their own thing. Fiona is on another night shift while Nora is off out someplace else, no doubt with Makenna. We’d soon escaped the eyes of Lacy, and once I’d finished my shift, I’d again driven us down to the beach where we’d walked along the shore of Chick’s Beach until we got to Lynnhaven Pier.


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