The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy: How the New World Order, Man-Made Diseases, and Zombie Banks Are Destroying America

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The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy: How the New World Order, Man-Made Diseases, and Zombie Banks Are Destroying America Page 43

by Jim Marrs

  Each student should be taught that English is the official language of America but with all due consideration given to other languages and ethnic cultures. Americans can speak the same language and the country will still remain the “melting pot” of the world. Just try going to any other country in the world and trying to get them to speak English as the official language. In a nation filled with traffic signs, commercial signage, and media material in English, non-English speakers are at a distinct disadvantage. But it is up to them to correct this, not the nation.

  Students should be encouraged to think critically rather than simply to regurgitate names and dates that will never be relevant in their lives. Additionally, they should learn to question authority rather than blindly obey it, as this could prevent another devastating experience such as Hitler’s Germany or Stalin’s Russia.

  After a thorough grounding in reading, writing, and arithmetic, students should be encouraged to follow their own interests without being straitjacketed by government curricula. No one can be taught if they are not willing to learn. People learn when they are motivated to learn. Schools should make available the materials while the students, aside from the basics, should be allowed to pursue their own interests. By the way, whatever happened to studies in philosophy?

  Large pharmaceutical corporations should not be able to hold proprietary information and patents on discoveries made in publicly supported academic institutions. Today, should a new drug be discovered by a university department, it frequently is licensed to a drug manufacturer who, through mass marketing, gains great profits while the school merely makes the licensing fee.

  Direct-to-consumer drug ads should again be banned from visual and electronic media. Only the patient and his or her doctor should be able to influence that patient’s decision to take a certain medicine. Drug companies should provide doctors with full factual information on any given drug. Furthermore, there should be a ban on lobbying activities that border on being bribes, such as paid seminars to luxury resorts or any form of expensive gift from drug companies.

  The Codex Alimentarius, which sets standards to regulate or prohibit vitamins, minerals, and other forms of homeopathic therapies, should be done away with on the grounds that it unjustly limits personal liberties. Rather than simply dismissing homeopathic treatments (alternative medicine) because they are not sanctioned by pharmaceutical companies, government agencies like the FDA should order experiments to determine if any homeopathic therapies produce positive results in health. That said, in order to reduce the power of the giant pharmaceutical corporations, physicians should return to more natural and homeopathic remedies.

  Any new health-care plan must eliminate the waste and cost of nonproductive intermediaries. Doctors who actually treat patients, and their support systems such as testing laboratories, should be the only ones who get paid. There should be direct responsibility and obligation between the treating physician and the patient.


  THE WEBSITE FREEPEOPLEONTHELAND.WORDPRESS.COM HAS pledged to “Defeat Fascism” and stop the abuse of power by the government and top corporations. In Nazi Germany, the state gained control over the corporations. In modern America, the corporations have gained control over the state. The end result is the same.

  For all those zombies capable of awakening from their media-induced daze, the “Defeat Fascism” pledge may prove a rousing rallying call:

  I WILL TURN OFF ALL Mainstream Media NOW and question EVERYTHING I see and hear! Ask yourself what information they are editing out and why.

  I WILL Study the history of our Founding Fathers, our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution.

  I WILL let the Fed,—an un-Constitutional banking system—pay their own bills! I vow to get off their money system NOW and establish local monetary systems for exchange of goods and services.

  I WILL donate $10 in cash to [local monetary systems] and in 6 months we will have a new interest-free Constitutional economic system for a free people.

  I WILL Take the Oath Keeper Oath to defend the Constitution.

  I WILL Join the Constitutional local militia. I understand the local militia is our greatest Constitutional deterrent against a tyrannical government and I will no longer hold them in disdain, but will serve in any capacity even if I don’t have a gun. Let “Don’t Forget Katrina” be your battle cry!

  I WILL teach my children their Constitutional rights by standing up for these rights at every turn.

  I WILL leave a legacy of Liberty and Freedom for our Children and future generations.

  I WILL Start a Victory Garden and GET OFF THE GRID!!

  I PLEDGE, along with ALL Constitution-loving, Free People on the Land my life, my fortunes and my sacred honor to one another and will attack any “brownshirts,” or thugs, who come to my doors in the middle of the night. [All emphases in the original.]

  Even without a pledge, some zombies are awaking from their hypnotic state and changing their lifestyles. Former business executive Chris Martenson explained his personal awakening from living a life of material dependence and media saturation:

  “Before: I am a 40-year-old professional who has worked his way up to Vice President of a large, international Fortune 300 company and is living in a waterfront, five-bathroom house in Mystic, CT, which is mostly paid off. My three young children are either in or about to enter public school and my portfolio of investments is being managed by a broker at a large institution. I do not really know any of my neighbors, and many of my local connections are superficial at best.

  “After: I am a 45-year-old who has willingly terminated his former high-paying, high-status position because it seemed like an unnecessary diversion from the real tasks at hand. My children are now homeschooled and the big house in Mystic was sold in July of 2003 in preference for a 1.5-bathroom rental in rural western Massachusetts. In 2002, I discovered that my broker was unable to navigate a bear market and I’ve been managing our investments ever since. Since that time, my portfolio has gained 166 percent…. I grow a garden every year; preserve food, know how to brew beer & wine, and raise chickens. I’ve carefully examined each support system (food, energy, security, etc), and for each of them I’ve figured out either a means of being more self-sufficient or a way to do without. But, most importantly, I now know that the most important descriptor of wealth is not my dollar holdings, but the depth and richness of my community.”

  Moving from the city and living off the land is not possible for everyone. But simple changes in lifestyle can be accomplished with a minimum of disruption.

  One of Newton’s laws of physics states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Though the analogy is not exact, imagine how it may work in a just world: Whatever pernicious plans tyrants create to hold down the citizens of their zombie nation, an equally powerful and beneficial force will surface to thwart such efforts.

  What must the people of the zombie nation do to achieve personal freedom and contentment? Resist the impulse to give way to anxiety, fear, or depression when you read and view the depravations of those who would enslave humanity. Citizens must know they are not alone in their dissatisfaction. Millions of thoughtful and good-hearted people are working diligently each day to bring enlightenment and peace to the planet. But these citizens must also recognize that when they hear of only suffering and hardship, they are not getting the whole story from the mass media. In fact, most times, news of a beneficial and positive nature will rarely be found in the newspapers or on TV. It simply has to become a local reality in our lives.

  These citizens must remember that what one person can make, another person can break, and whatever is broken by one can be fixed by another.

  America does not need a violent revolution. The goodness of its people and the Constitution are still in place. If enough citizens simply wake up to the treachery of the New World Order, the situation will change. After all, almost no one truly wants to live in servitude or under a tyrannical pol
ice state. And to avoid future tyranny, it will take a united citizenry dedicated to truth, justice, tolerance, and equality of opportunity. To work together, we do not need to resort to a socialist government, which could easily be transformed into a tyranny.

  What is even more terrifying is what could happen if the current administration continues with its policies unabated: Taxpaying Americans will become so disenchanted and disgusted with the government’s attempts to turn America into a socialist government that they will accept an inevitable right-wing backlash. Again, America will oscillate back to a National Socialist administration as an answer to the country’s problems. As the economy deteriorates and the police state tightens its grip, the corporate mass media will present to the public a new leader as the nation’s savior. He, or she, will mimic the words of Hitler, and essentially say, “Give me the power and I will save and protect you.” Americans must be on guard against the effort to swing the electorate back to a more right-wing version of socialism. If the out-of-control government spending, a cessation of civil rights abuses, and a restructuring of the financial system cannot be resolved in a few years, the alternative is unthinkable.

  Well into 2010, a remarkable number of Americans even continue to question President Obama’s constitutional qualification to serve. Obama’s legal, long-form birth certificate still had not been made public and the controversy over his birth was continuing, despite a lack of coverage in the mass media. Even some members of the military were questioning the legality of their commander in chief.

  First Lieutenant Scott Easterling, an active-duty soldier stationed in Iraq, in an open letter, wrote, “To Whom It May Concern: As an active-duty officer in the United States Army, I have grave concerns about the constitutional eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama to hold the office of President of the United States.” Easterling added, “Until Mr. Obama releases a ‘vault copy’ of his original birth certificate for public review, I will consider him neither my Commander in Chief nor my President, but rather a usurper to the Office—an imposter.” Easterling also noted that his officer’s oath contains the phrase “I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic.” Others who have echoed Easterling’s challenge include Major General Carroll Childers; Lieutenant Colonel Dr. David Earl-Graif; police officer Clinton Grimes, formerly of the U.S. Navy; and two state legislators, New Hampshire state representative Timothy Comerford and Tennessee state representative Frank Nicely.

  Should it be found that Obama is indeed not a natural-born citizen, a constitutional crisis would follow because every command and law issued by the Obama administration would be called into question as illegal. Lawyers would have a field day.

  The birth certificate issue is not really about President Obama nor is it a political or race issue. It touches on the most basic foundation of the United States by posing the question: Are we a nation of law or a lawless nation? Must we all abide by the Constitution or are our laws only applicable when we choose to obey them? If any chief executive of the nation can disregard the law of the land, what’s to hold in check the criminal who chooses to disobey the law? Should everyone choose which law to obey, the result would be chaos. Perhaps such confusion is part of the globalist plan to deconstruct the United States.


  AMERICAN CITIZENS HAVE A rich heritage of individual freedom and liberty that is legally reinforced by the Constitution. But perhaps more important, they have guns—the means to ensure their individual liberty. The early American colonists’ petitions for meaningful change fell on deaf ears in England. It was only after armed clashes that they were able to gain their independence. Thomas Jefferson clearly understood the importance of the right to bear arms when he said, “Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not.”

  During World War II, the Japanese generals scrapped plans to invade America once they realized that a great many of the American citizenry possessed guns. “You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass,” warned Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto. According to Injury Prevention Journal, there are 308 million guns in the hands of citizens, which is an average of one per adult in the United States. Today, with nuclear weapons as a deterrent, and millions of guns in the hands of the American public, it is highly improbable that any outside enemy will successfully invade the continental United States. If the danger cannot come from the outside, then it can only come from within.

  One of our nation’s looming threats is the specter of martial law. Today, the federal government is adding firepower to its existing armed military. Even the IRS is arming. In February 2010, the IRS solicited bids on the purchase of sixty Remington Model 870 Police 12-gauge pump-action shotguns for its Criminal Investigation Division agents.

  But ordinary citizens might consider putting a stop to armed government intervention before it starts. In The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956, Nobel Prize winner Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn explained how Russians held in detention camps bemoaned the fact that nothing was done to prevent government terrorism until it was too late: “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?…The Organs would quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!” It is hoped that the rising American police state does not force its citizenry to respond in the way that Solzhenitsyn suggests. But as President John Kennedy observed, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

  Any thinking person fervently wishes that any serious change in America should come about through the peaceful exercise of the basic rights contained in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, the supreme law of the land. But after recent Democratic and Republican regimes shredded individual rights and stripped the U.S. economy, firearm and ammunition sales went through the roof. According to Federal National Instant Criminal Background Check system statistics, between January and March 2009, Americans bought 3,818,056 firearms. This is enough weaponry to arm both the Chinese and Indian armies. In reality, this number is quite low since it does not include the significant number of denials issued or private gun sales that bypass paperwork.

  Is it possible that the nation is arming for something other than self-protection? Is a violent revolution inevitable?


  IN AN ATTEMPT TO mollify gun owners during a 2008 campaign rally in Lebanon, Virginia, presidential hopeful Barack Obama said, “I don’t want any misunderstanding when you all go home, and you’re talking to your buddies, and they say, ‘Aw, he wants to take my gun away.’ You’ve heard it here; I’m on television, so everybody knows it. I believe in the Second Amendment. I believe in people’s lawful right to bear arms. I will not take your shotgun away. I will not take your rifle away. I won’t take your handgun away…. There are some common-sense gun safety laws that I believe in. But I am not going to take your guns away. So if you want to find an excuse not to vote for me, don’t use that one…. It just ain’t true.” Despite President Obama’s assurances, presidential promises are often weak. Many Americans still recall that President George H. W. Bush pledged “no new taxes” during his campaign, then raised them after taking office. Many are not taking chances to see whether Obama goes back on his promise—guns and ammunition sales boomed during the economic crisis.

esident Barack Obama is the best thing to happen to American gun and ammunition manufacturers since they invented the Defense Department,” wrote Eric Sharp in the April 9, 2009, edition of the Detroit Free Press. No one could image a business increasing its sales by 60 percent in these times. But this appears to be the case with firearm stores, online ammo sites, and regional gun shows, where sales exploded beginning in late 2008.

  Joe DeSaye opened a family sporting goods store in Montana in 1946. In 1977, he moved the business to Prescott, Arizona, and began to sell guns and ammo under the name J&G Sales. His son, Brad DeSaye, said that since 2008 their business has tripled normal sales. “It’s unprecedented,” remarked DeSaye.

  Roy Eicher of Hunter’s Den in Cincinnati told newsmen, “The issue with ammo is a pretty simple one, supply and demand, and it’s not so much that people are shooting it…it’s that they’re buying it. You can talk to gun ranges around town, around the country, nobody is shooting the ammo, people are just buying the ammo, in fear of the fact they won’t be able to get the ammo.” John Woniewski, operations manager at Cabela’s (the nation’s largest sporting goods store) in Dundee, Michigan, said ammunition there was “selling like wildfire.” “Anything that’s a center fire round is selling,” he said.

  Although many argued that the rise in gun sales and ammunition is mostly due to an expectation that Obama will go back on his promise and will restrict firearms in some way, there was nevertheless a darker undercurrent to sales trends: Americans were arming themselves at an alarming rate—and with guns that aren’t necessary for hunting.

  Many stores’ ammo shelves, especially surplus outlets, were depleted of military-type munitions, such as AK-47s, large .380-caliber rounds, 7.62 x 54 Russian rounds, and .223 rifle rounds (the caliber for the AR-15, the civilian model of the military’s M-16 rifle in common use around the world). Stocks of 9mm and 8mm Mauser ammo were dwindling.


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