The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy: How the New World Order, Man-Made Diseases, and Zombie Banks Are Destroying America

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The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy: How the New World Order, Man-Made Diseases, and Zombie Banks Are Destroying America Page 53

by Jim Marrs

  Pierce, Chester M., 200

  Pierson, Melanie, 130–31

  Pittinger, Elizabeth, 225

  Plan, The: Big Ideas for America (Emanuel), 239

  Planned Parenthood, 160–61

  Pledge of Allegiance, 369

  “plutocracy,” 44–46

  Poindexter, John, 279

  police state, 251–318

  American Police Force, 259–62

  Border Patrol, 271–72

  Camp FEMA, 256–59

  Cybersecurity Act of 2009, 299–300

  DARPA, 279–81

  designated terrorists, 222–25

  Echelon and TEMPEST, 297–99

  electronic surveillance, 282–90

  full-body scanners, 309–12

  government camps, 253–55

  hate crimes, 277–78

  Homeland Security, 302–6

  microchipped ID cards, 291–97

  Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, 252–53

  National ID Act, 290–91

  no-fly lists, 306–10

  Oath Keepers, 274–76

  OSI, 273–74

  PATRIOT Act, 215–19, 284–86

  photographers under fire, 314–16

  Posse Comitatus Act, 262–71

  surveillance cameras, 316–18

  police tactics and FEMA, 220–22

  polio vaccines, 178

  political bias in news reporting, 212–13

  political conservatism, psychology of, 161–62

  poll watchers, 355–59

  Popenoe, Paul, 159

  Popular Mechanics, 297, 298–99

  population control, 118–22

  Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, 224, 262–71, 372

  Postal Service, U.S., 242, 365–66

  Postman, Neil, 205–6

  postpartum depression, 162–63

  Postpartum Mood Disorders Prevention Act of 2007, 162–63

  Potok, Mark, 276

  Poulsen, Kevin, 288–89

  Pound, Ezra, 198

  Powell, Colin, 215

  Premier Election Solutions, Inc. (PES), 357–59

  Presidential Decision Directive (PDD), 25, 267

  Presidential Determination No. 2009-15, 237

  President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board, 233

  Preska, Loretta, 82

  Price, Madelon, 144

  Prilosec, 135, 139

  Primary Dealer Credit Facility, 77

  Pringle, Evelyn, 163

  printing press, 60

  prions and mycoplasmas, 109–15

  prison systems, 373

  private profit, and public debt, 46–50

  private security contractors, 259–60

  Proctor, Paul, 271

  Proeber, David, 315

  Prohibition, 187

  Project Day Lily (Nicolson), 110–13

  Prompt Corrective Action Law, 32

  Prozac, 100, 135, 139, 148, 150

  Prusiner, Stanley B., 110

  Psychiatrists—The Men Behind Hitler (Röder), 154

  psychiatry, history of, 153–57

  puberty, and food hormones, 87–88, 90

  Public Information Requests (PIRs), 371

  Puleo, Joseph S., 112

  Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, 88

  Puzzle Palace, The (Bamford), 280–81

  Pyle, Christopher H., 280

  Pyle, David McAlpine, 142

  Quayle, Frederick M., 363

  Queenan, Joe, 296

  Quigley, Carroll, 72–73, 141

  radio frequencies, and diseases, 127–28

  Raines, Franklin D., 38

  Rapiscan Systems, 309

  Ravaglia, Raymond, 333

  Ready Reserve, 239

  Reagan, Ronald, 3–4, 17, 134, 161, 279, 304–5

  REAL ID Act of 2005, 291–92, 363–64

  Reclaiming Our Children (Breggin), 152

  recombinant bovine growth hormone (rbGH), 88, 95

  Redden, Jim, 244

  Rees, John Rawlings, 155–56

  Regan, Don, 47–48

  regulation, and Gramm, 26–32

  Reid, Harry, 250

  Reider, Jon, 331

  Reilly, Tim, 312

  Reinstein, Joseph B., 235

  Remschmidt, Helmut, 150–51

  Reno, Janet, 253

  Rense, Jeff, 128, 129

  Return to Healing, A (Saputo), 335

  Revolutionary War, 60

  “Rewards for Justice” (program), 245

  Rex, Jim, 181

  Reynolds, Diana, 268–69

  Rhodes, Cecil, 141

  Rhodes, Stewart, 276

  Rhodes Trust, 141

  Rice, Susan, 231, 232

  Richardson, Bill, 231

  Ridenhour, Ron, 268

  Ridge, Tom, 243, 262–64, 302, 307

  Riegle, Donald W., Jr., 116–17

  Rife, Royal Raymond, 127–32

  Rife-type devices, 127–32

  “Rise of the National Security State, The” (Reynolds), 268–69

  Ritalin, 148–51

  Rivers, Thomas, 128

  Roberts, Craig, 257–58

  Roberts, H. J., 144–45

  Roberts, Paul Craig, 11–12

  Rocca, Patrick, 42

  Rockefeller, David, Jr., 125

  Rockefeller, David, Sr., 231

  Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 64, 142

  Rockefeller, John D. “Jay,” IV, 299–300

  Rockefeller, John D., Sr., 108, 143, 197–98, 200, 204–5

  Rockefeller, Nick, 15

  Rockefeller, William, 64, 143

  Rockefeller family, 141–43, 197–201

  Rockefeller Foundation, 126, 141, 159–60, 198, 199–201

  Rockwell, Llewellyn H., Jr., 98–99

  Röder, Thomas, 154

  Roeder, Thomas, 134

  Roe v. Wade, 120

  Rogers, Desiree G., 235

  Romer, Bruce, 313

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 178, 209, 354, 356

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 66

  Rorem, C. Rufus, 142

  Rosenow, Edward C., 129

  Rosin, Carol, 250

  Ross, Dennis, 232

  Rotenberg, Marc, 311

  Rothschild, Amschel Mayer, 35

  Rothschild, Walter, 59

  Rothschild family, 59–60, 64

  Rothschild: The Wealth and Power of a Dynasty (Wilson), 60

  Round Table Groups, 141

  Rowley, Charles K., 9–10, 340–41

  Royal Rife Research Society, 130

  Rubin, Robert, 28

  Rubinstein, Ethan, 174

  Ruby Ridge, 253, 321

  Rüdin, Ernst, 155, 159

  Rumsfeld, Donald, 145–46, 271, 273–74

  Running Man, The (movie), 294

  Russian Revolution, 3, 11, 14–15

  Russo, Aaron, 15

  Russo, Michael, 138

  St. Louis Tea Party, 240

  St. Pierre, Allen, 186, 187

  Salk, Jonas, 178

  Salmonella, 85–86

  Sanchez, Tomas, 266–67

  Sanders, Norman, 289

  Sanders, Trooper, 235

  Sandoz Laboratories, 143, 185

  Sanofi-Pasteur, 133–34, 176

  Saputo, Len, 335–36

  Sara Lee, 86

  Sardi, Bill, 2

  Savings and Loan crisis, 24, 25, 26, 32

  Sayreville School District, 270

  Schacht, Hjalmar, 155

  Schiff, Jacob, 14, 64

  Schiff, Peter, 11, 23

  Schlink, F. J., 88

  Schmidt, Howard, 299

  Schoeni, Bob, 206

  School and Society (Dewey), 202

  school shootings, 151–52

  Schoon, Darryl Robert, 48

  Schrecker, Ellen, 271

  Schreiber, Walter Emil, 108–9

  Schroeder, Rockefeller & Company, 108

  Schroeder Bank, 15, 141

  Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 294

sp; Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC), 324

  Scott, Donald W., 107, 110, 112, 114–15, 116, 118, 125–26

  Scott, William L. C., 107, 112, 114–15, 116, 118, 125–26

  Scowcroft, Brent, 125, 229

  search and seizure, 217–18, 296

  Searle, 145–46

  Sebelius, Kathleen, 179

  Second Amendment, 383

  Second Bank of the United States, 62

  Secrets of the Federal Reserve (Mullins), 67, 101, 141–42, 143

  Secrets of the Temple (Greider), 57–58

  Section 215, 284–85

  seeds, genetically modified, 90–95

  Seidel, R. E., 127

  Seltzer, Larry, 300

  Senate Rule 16, 78

  Sennett, Laura, 316

  September 11th attacks (2001), 213–14, 215, 262–63, 265–66, 273, 281, 302

  Séralini, Gilles-Eric, 94

  Serbia, 261

  serotonin, 166

  Service Employees International Union (SEIU), 240–41

  Sessions, Jeff, 278

  Shadow Elite (Wedel), 14

  shark liver oil, 171

  Sharp, Eric, 383

  Shaw, Isabel, 331–32

  Shay, Becky, 260

  Shepard, Matthew, 278

  Sher, Susan, 235

  Shipley, Curtis, 384–85

  Shiro, Ishii, 109

  Shuford, Reginald T., 307

  Siegel, Marc, 105

  Siemens, 296

  Siems, Larry, 325

  Silverstein, Ken, 277

  Simian vacuolating virus 40 (SV-40), 178

  Similac, 98

  single-payer health insurance, 336–37

  Sizer, Theodore, 202

  Skilling, Jeffrey, 27

  Skinner, B. F., 156

  Skinner, Sam, 145

  Skousen, Joel, 180–81

  Skull and Bones, 155, 356

  Smart Choices Program, 83–84

  Smith, Charles C., 142–43

  Smith, William French, 269

  Snider, Britt, 267–68

  snooping, 242–45

  Snowe, Olympia, 300

  Soap Box, 322–38


  defined, 11

  dichotomy of capitalism and, 349

  loss of individuality and, 11–13

  Social Security, 105–6, 301, 366, 368

  sodium fluoride, 100–103

  Soehnge, Walter, 284

  solar energy, 364–65

  Solmonese, Joe, 278

  Solomon, Rebecca, 313

  Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 251, 381–82

  Sommer, Robert, 150–51

  Sonoma State Home, 159

  Soros, George, 125

  Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), 244, 276–78

  Sparapani, Timothy, 306–7

  Sparks, 85

  Spencer, Herbert, 19

  Spencer, Ted, 101, 102

  Spiro, Rand, 334

  Splenda, 146

  squalene, 170–76

  Stalin, Joseph, 356, 382

  Standard Oil Co., 143

  Starkey, Frances M., 235

  State Fair of Virginia, 258–59

  State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC), 23

  state sovereignty, 359–65, 371

  Steinberg, James, 232

  Stone, I. F., 328

  Strategic Vision, 191

  Streeter, Elmer, 175

  Strong, Benjamin, 64

  Strossen, Nadine, 271, 286

  Stutte, Hermann, 150–51

  subprime loans, 24–26

  sulfanilamide, 143

  Summers, Larry, 39, 231

  Suniva, 364–65

  Supreme Court, term limits for, 369


  Echelon and TEMPEST, 297–99

  electronic, 282–90

  neighborhood snooping, 242–45

  surveillance cameras, 316–18

  Surviving America’s Depression Epidemic (Levine), 167

  Sweet, Robert W., 91

  swine flu, 119, 121, 176–81, 182

  vaccinations, 169–76, 179–85, 294

  Switzerland, 45, 70

  SYColeman Inc., 324

  Syntek Technologies, 279

  Taft, William Howard, 65–66

  Tahoe Truckee High School, 114

  tainted foods, 85–86

  Tamiflu, 146

  Tancredo, Tom, 271

  TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program), 30, 31, 51

  Tarullo, Daniel, 67, 68

  Tasers, 219–20

  Tate, Arthur, Jr., 228

  taxes, 10, 39

  taxpayer bailouts, 29–33, 35, 39–42, 74–75, 340

  Taylor, John, 61

  Taylor, Mark, 329–30

  Taylor, Maxwell, 119, 124

  Taylor, Michael, 90

  Teaching as a Subversive Activity (Postman and Weingartner), 205–6

  tea parties, 3, 13–14, 225, 240

  Teller, Edward, 246

  TEMPEST, 297–99

  Tennessee Center for Policy Research (TCPR), 248

  Tenth Amendment, 61, 359–65

  Tenth Amendment Movement, 360, 364

  term limits, 352, 369

  Term Securities Lending Facility, 77

  Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment (TIDE), 308

  Then, Christoph, 91

  thimerosal, 164, 172

  Thomas, Clarence, 145

  Thomas, Norman Mattoon, 13

  Thompson, Doug, 214–15

  Thompson, Tommy, 294

  Thomson-CSF, 297

  Thornton, Sean M., 54–55

  TIPS (Terrorism Information and Prevention System), 242–44

  Toxic Psychiatry (Breggin), 149


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