Masterful Truth: Trinity Masters, book 10

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Masterful Truth: Trinity Masters, book 10 Page 20

by Mari Carr

“We’ll just wait for him out here,” Isaiah said stiffly.

  “Wait.” Tess stepped around in front of him. “Is he okay? He must know we’re here if he arranged for us to get passes. What did he say?”

  The woman leaned toward Mask, who immediately slid his hand into her hair and tugged her head back slightly with one hand. She moved her arms behind her back, and the fingers of his other hand snagged the large rings in her cuffs, holding them together. The woman relaxed and made a happy little noise. Mask released her hair and she looked at them. “He said he wanted you to understand once and for all who he really is.”

  * * *

  Damn it, she wasn’t wearing matching underwear. The floor under Tess’ now bare feet changed from tile to flagstone, then grass and back to tile. The black leather mask they’d placed over her eyes was padded on the inside. The padding pressed against her closed lids and prevented her from peeking under the bottom edge of the mask. Maeve, the red-haired woman, had helped her strip down to her underwear before placing the blindfold on her. She’d gasped when catching sight of Tess’ fading bruises.

  “Did Master Anderson do…” Maeve whispered.

  Tess shook her head quickly. “Oh no. Of course not. I was hit by a car. Would have been worse, but I jumped at the last minute and just sort of slid across the hood.” She felt totally badass saying that when Maeve’s eyes widened with shock.

  Unfortunately, it was hard to hold on to that feeling when Maeve lowered the blindfold. The last thing she’d seen before closing her eyes as it was put in place was Isaiah’s grim face. Strangely, the fact that he looked so worried made her less so. Caden was here somewhere, and he was obviously trying to scare them away. It wasn’t exactly subtle.

  Well, he wouldn’t be able to scare them away. She would show him exactly who he was dealing with. She wasn’t a mouse. She was a lion. With underwear that didn’t match. “Dammit.”

  “What was that, honey? Are you okay?” her redheaded escort asked.

  Tess hadn’t realized she’d spoken out loud. “I just wish I was wearing matching underwear.”

  Maeve giggled.

  “Wait, that doesn’t mean I want to be naked,” Tess yelped. Her arm was jerked nearly out of her socket as Maeve started pulling her away from the others.

  “Red.” It was Mask’s voice. “Where are you going?”

  “She wants matching underwear!”

  “She’s not a dress-up doll. Come back.”

  “I am definitely going to obey you, as soon as she’s wearing matching underwear.”

  “I am going to spank you so hard you won’t sit down—”

  “Promises, promises,” Maeve called out. She didn’t sound worried or intimidated.

  Tess had a flash of insight, and she was sure that if Caden had said something like that to Rose yesterday, she would not have reacted the way Maeve did. So what was the difference? Wasn’t it all BDSM?

  A door opened and warm air washed over her. Wherever they’d been walking, they’d been mostly outside, but now they were inside.

  “I’m not taking the blindfold off. You have to keep it on until you get to the Constellation Court.”

  Maeve unceremoniously unhooked Tess’ bra and pulled it off, then shoved her panties down.

  Okay then.

  “Are you more leather or lace?” Maeve asked.

  “Um, I work at the Smithsonian…so…”

  “Hmm, black lace and leather under a prim and proper librarian outfit.”

  “I don’t dress like a librarian.”

  “Of course you don’t.” Maeve patted her arm. “Hmm, I don’t have anything with studs in my stash.”

  “You have a stash of underwear?”

  “Have you ever heard of MissyMaven?”

  “The super-expensive lingerie?”

  “I wouldn’t say it’s super expensive, but that’s me.”

  “What’s you?”

  “Maven. Mae. It’s my company. Oh, this is what you need.”

  Tess followed instructions as she was directed to put on whatever undoubtedly expensive garment Mae was putting her in. Tess sucked in a breath as something cinched around her waist.

  “Perfect. He’s going to freak.”

  “What am I wearing?”

  “My new twisted fairy-tale corset and bra combo. With your auburn hair, I went for the Forever Seafoam version—black peekaboo half corset with full-coverage cups with a scallop top and a seashell pattern to the lace. The underwear is a black-pearl-colored satin with some seed pearl details. The fabric you feel on your arms is a little mock off-the-shoulder drape sleeve. Sheer purple edged in black.”

  Tess had to take a moment to picture it. “Wait, is this a BDSM Little Mermaid lingerie set?”

  “It is, and I just wish you could see yourself. But don’t worry, it’s more sexy than cute. Women are the only ones who ever realize what my inspiration was. To your men, you’re just going to look like a wicked-hot princess submissive.”

  “Wicked-hot princess submissive. Awesome.” This time, when Mae grabbed Tess’ wrist and started guiding her back the way they’d come, she was no longer nervous. She was looking forward to this.

  * * *

  Caden lounged in the wood and canvas-cloth chair set in the middle of the Constellation Court. Las Palmas wasn’t a single building, but many, all done in the Spanish style with central courtyards. The buildings were linked by outdoor halls and garden paths. Each playroom was off one of the themed, named courts. This one was called the Constellation Court because each playroom was named for a major constellation. Custom paint and lights in each room replicated a group of stars.

  The central courtyards made wonderful places to put a submissive on display, or relax and watch a scene or two. Though there was no roof and it was nearing midnight, strategically placed heaters kept the courtyard warm enough that naked or nearly naked subs were comfortable.

  Caden had grabbed two large floor pillows and placed them on either side of his chair. He would show Tess and Isaiah what it meant to be submissive, and once they knew who he was, once they’d met Master Anderson in this true environment, they’d hate him the way Rose always had.

  Compared to the gardens in the Rose and Iron courts, the Constellation Court’s was simple. The others had stages or viewing areas, whereas this had only a few large flagstones set amid the desert landscaping, which included small potted palms. Night jasmine climbed the posts that supported the roof, perfuming the air.

  He could have, maybe should have, chosen one of the other courts—the spartan Iron Court, which had whipping posts and a small stage, would have been more intimidating. He chose this one because the last time he’d been at Las Palmas with Darling, he’d flogged her with a cat o’nine. Looking around, he could still see her here, arms held spread to her side by ropes, her head bowed as he worked her over with the flogger.

  The sound of footsteps jerked him from the cold memories.

  Master Xavier led a blindfolded, nearly naked Isaiah into the courtyard. Twin prongs of lust and jealousy stabbed Caden. Lust at seeing Isaiah blindfolded and submissively wearing only black boxers, and jealousy that another man was touching him, even if that touching was only Xavier’s hand wrapped around Isaiah’s upper arm.

  Xavier lead Isaiah to one of the pillows. “Kneel.”

  Isaiah stiffened.

  Xavier grabbed Caden’s husband by the back of the neck and tapped the back of Isaiah’s knees with his own, forcing him to drop down onto the pillow.

  Caden had to clench the wooden arms of the chair to keep from leaping up and shoving Xavier back.

  Isaiah started to climb to his feet.

  “Isaiah,” Caden said in his best Dom voice. His lover froze, one foot flat on the pillow. Then Caden recalled Isaiah’s anger over being called a pet. He reached out and placed his hand on Isaiah’s shoulder. “Please,” he said softly.

  Slowly, Isaiah moved his leg, resuming a kneeling position.

  More footsteps, and
Caden twisted to see Maeve leading in Tess.



  Without looking away, Caden reached over the arm of the chair and yanked Isaiah’s blindfold off. His partner’s gaze was full of fire and promised retribution as he looked at Caden, sitting beside him while he knelt. He was about to say something, but Caden placed a hand on his head and turned him to look at Tess.

  “Holy shit,” Isaiah murmured.

  Caden couldn’t agree more. She wore a black half corset that stopped just blow her belly button and left a band of creamy skin exposed between that and the top of dark colored, shimmery panties. Fabric draped across her arms, and she walked hand in hand with Mae, who wore light colors that were in contrast to Tess’ black. They both had red hair, though Tess’ was a darker auburn.

  Xavier’s aggressive posture had loosened in what was probably the same slack-jawed lust that gripped Caden.

  Caden leaned to the side and looked down at Isaiah, whose boxers had a nice bulge.

  “This is your new sub?” Xavier asked as the women got closer. “You’re willing to share?”

  If it had been Rose, he wouldn’t have hesitated to say yes. “No, I won’t share her any more than you would share Mae with me.”

  “I wasn’t going to touch her, just watch her with Mae.”

  “No,” Caden said, but slower this time.

  “Watch the women together? Hold up, let’s just think about this for a second,” Isaiah said.

  Master Xavier snorted. “Take your woman, mine needs a spanking. Come here, Red.”

  Maeve unlinked her hand with Tess’ and Caden stood, taking Tess by the upper arm and guiding her to the other pillow. “Kneel.”

  “Can you take off the blindfold so I can see what I’m doing?”

  “Trust me and kneel.”

  “I do trust you. I just don’t want to fall on my butt.”

  Caden would never have let Darling question him or issue complaints like this. Problem was, this was Tess. She was too inexperienced to know better. “You have to trust that I won’t let you hurt yourself.”

  I won’t let anyone hurt you.

  “There’s a pillow,” Isaiah called out. Caden shook his head at the other man, trying to show with stern looks that he was forbidden to speak, but Isaiah was too enthralled by Tess’ outfit to notice.

  Caden waited for his future wife to kneel, then wheeled on Isaiah. “I did not give you permission to speak.”

  “I need permission?”

  “You want to understand me? Then submit to me.”

  “I can understand you without submitting to you.” Isaiah rose, facing Caden. “I don’t know what you’re trying to prove, but it won’t work.”

  Caden grabbed Isaiah by the jaw. It was less effective than it might have been, given that Isaiah was taller than most of the subs Caden had worked with.

  “I could break you. I could make you crave my touch, pleasure or pain. Give me time and I’ll know your darkest secrets, what you’re afraid to admit to wanting.”

  “You’re my lover. Ask me and I’ll tell you.”

  Caden released Isaiah and stepped back as if he’d been stuck. “Isaiah—” he started.

  “Move!” Tess demanded. “You’re blocking my view.”

  They both looked at her. Tess had lifted the blindfold and was watching avidly as Master Xavier hauled Maeve over his lap and yanked down her panties, baring her naked ass. The base of a heavy black plug was visible between the cheeks of her buttocks.

  “Butt plug?” Tess asked. She braced one hand on Caden’s leg as she leaned forward, trying to get a better view.

  “Yes. I thought you’d experimented with toys and anal play.” He recalled her comments the first night they were together.

  “Just a slim vibrator. Nothing like…” She stopped speaking when Master Xavier raised his hand and spanked Mae, who jumped. It wasn’t a gentle tap, and when he pulled his hand away, the imprint of Xavier’s fingers was there.

  “It’s a large one, either to stretch her or as punishment, not something delicate and…fun,” Caden said as he studied Tess’ face. He’d expected to see fear there, not rapt fascination.

  “Does she like it?” Isaiah asked.

  “She submits.”

  Isaiah, ever the writer, wanted to dig deeper, understand the emotional as well as the physical. “But why?”

  “Because she needs it.”

  “Needs it?” Tess asked. “Or wants it?”

  Caden frowned. “They’re the same thing.”

  Tess shook her head. “No, they’re not.”

  Isaiah backed up Tess’ assertion. “It looks like she likes it.”

  “Because she likes submitting. The pain is an indication of how well she submits,” Caden tried to explain.

  “But what if she’s a masochist?” Tess asked.

  Caden’s eye started to twitch. Why was she trying to put a rosy spin on this? Nothing with these two ever went the way he intended. He’d been trying to push them away since day one, yet they wouldn’t budge. No matter how many times he pulled the curtain farther back, revealing the darkness inside him, they simply dug their heels in and asked for more.

  Master Xavier continued to spank Maeve, who started to yelp and cry.

  “Who do you belong to?” Xavier asked.

  Good, Caden thought. Now they’d understand.

  “You, Master,” Maeve breathed.

  “And do you know what you are to me?” Xavier asked.

  Maeve took a shaky breath, then said, “Your beloved.”

  He started toying with the plug. “Yes…my beloved.”

  Seriously? Caden hadn’t been away from the club that long, had he? When did Xavier, of all people, fall in love with a sub and go all mushy?

  “When was the last time I fucked your ass?” Xavier asked Maeve.

  “Three days. Far too long. Please, Master, will you fuck my ass?” She wiggled on his lap.

  Xavier started thrusting the plug in and out of her, sometimes pushing it back in deep enough to re-seat it, making her jump.

  Isaiah had his hands in front of his crotch, totally failing to hide his erection. Tess was practically panting, she was so turned on. Caden looked back and forth between them—and the light went on.

  They weren’t going anywhere.

  And not because the Grand Master commanded it…but because they didn’t want to.

  He hadn’t needed to claim or collar them. They didn’t have to be with him. They wanted to.

  Tess was right. There was a big difference.

  “You finished making your point?” Isaiah was looking at him, and it was clear his lover realized he’d turned a corner.

  “Yeah. I’m an idiot.”

  Tess giggled. “Maybe so, but I got some awesome underwear out of it.”

  “Are there bedrooms here?” Isaiah asked after Tess drew their attention back to her sexy lingerie.

  Caden nodded, knew exactly where he was taking them. The club had several large suites, tailor-made for private interludes.

  Seeing their excitement had him hard as a rock.

  Caden grasped Tess’ upper arm, pulling her to her feet. He reached out and cupped her breast, enjoying the silky feel of the lingerie Mae had provided for her.

  “I want to tie you up,” he murmured to her. “Claim every part of you, angel.”

  Isaiah stepped behind her, his gaze meeting Caden’s. “That line needs some editing. Fix the pronoun. You’re not alone anymore, Cade.”

  Caden smiled. “We. We’re going to tie you up, Tess. You belong to us.”

  Tess ran her hand along Caden’s chest. “Us. My favorite word.”

  Mistress Faith must have been watching on the surveillance cameras because she met them at the door to the suite. He didn’t blame her for wanting to keep an eye on him. The things he’d said earlier had no doubt been concerning.


  Caden gestured for Tess and Isaiah to go in ahead of him, the
n he closed the door to keep his conversation with Faith private.

  “It looks like Darling isn’t the only one leaving the lifestyle.”

  He shook his head. “She isn’t.”

  “Consider your membership revoked…in the morning.” She smiled. “I’m very happy for you, Caden.”

  He returned the smile she gave him, then turned to open the door. For the first time in his life, Caden could actually see a future for himself.

  And he couldn’t wait to get started.

  Chapter Seventeen

  At first glance, it looked like nothing more than a nice hotel suite—there was a massive Spanish-style four-poster bed, a fireplace with hand-painted tiles worked into the surround, and an en suite bathroom. That impression lasted until Tess opened the elegant armoire to find it stocked with a fortune’s worth of BDSM and kinky sex toys, all neatly laid out, the plastic ones still in their protective packaging.

  She could feel Caden watching her as she looked around the room, running her hands over the carved posts of the bed, toying with the large rings embedded in the posts. She may have been a technical virgin until she’d met them, but she knew exactly what those were for.

  Isaiah was looking around too, and his nearly naked state ensured she knew exactly how he felt about the room.

  “What do we do first?” Tess asked.

  Caden moved over to the armoire, opened a drawer, and pulled out a black silk scarf. He approached her. “Open.”

  Tess backed up. “I don’t want to be gagged.”

  Caden stopped. “Submit to me. Let me master you.” He shook his head. “No, not me, us. I wouldn’t let you submit only to me. I might hurt you. But Isaiah is here, and I think…” He trailed off, frowning. “I think, with you, I can make this about pleasure and kink, not about the D/s.”

  “Kink like butt stuff?” she asked.

  Caden’s voice lowered. “Yes, angel. I’m going to tie you down and use plugs to train that sweet ass. Next time we fuck you, you’ll have a cock in your pussy and one in your ass.”

  Tess opened her mouth, and when Caden didn’t move fast enough, she grabbed the scarf, biting down on it. Isaiah appeared beside Caden, taking the ends.


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