The Vampire Bracelet: Erotic Paranormal Romance ( # 2: Blood Genies series)

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The Vampire Bracelet: Erotic Paranormal Romance ( # 2: Blood Genies series) Page 2

by Whitefeather, Sheri

Her uncle came to the rescue. “Don’t act smart, Nicholas. Especially with my niece.”

  “Sorry.” The smarty in question shrugged one shoulder at a time. “I was just playing around.”

  “I know,” Darrin replied. “Like you always do.” He turned to Marie. “Don’t let him intimidate you, Baby Girl. He’s harmless.”

  The gen-vamp grinned and leaned against the wall. “My wisecracks are worse than my bite.”

  She suspected that his bite was going to sting something awful. Worse yet, he winked at her when Darrin wasn’t looking. Harmless, her foot. Already he was turning into a heap of trouble, and she’d only known him for a few minutes.

  She lifted her chin, attempting to put him in his place. “I would have preferred Simone over you. But she was already on loan.”

  Nicholas tapped a hand against his heart. “You wound me, woman.”

  “Yes, I can see how broken up you are.”

  “I am.” He flashed his lazy grin. “I’m dying inside. Oh, no, wait. I’m already dead. And for the record, you’re better off with me. Simone has a raging temper.”

  “So I’ve heard.”

  “I’ve dealt with it for decades, sometimes in the most intimate of ways. Did you know that Simone and I are lovers?”

  Marie started. She had no idea that they were bedmates. But it wasn’t the sort of thing Darrin would have been compelled to tell her when she was a child, and now that she was older, he probably hadn’t seen the point.

  She said to Nicholas, “Your sex life is none of my concern.”

  “I don’t mind telling you about it. You can tell me about yours, too.”

  Good Lord. “I’m not discussing something like that with you.”

  “But I want to talk, like regular peeps.”

  “Sorry to burst your bubble, but you’re not a regular peep.”

  “I will be.” The grin resurfaced. “Once I find the love of my life.”

  “I can’t imagine anyone falling for your baloney.”

  “Someone will. I’m a great catch.”

  Marie rolled her eyes. He was still slouched against the wall, like a vampy James Dean, a rebel bloodsucker without a cause. She tossed his conceit back at him. “Gee, and so modest.”

  “If you’ve got it, flaunt it.” He stopped smiling. “So what’s this Keith fellow like?”

  She wasn’t going to provide information he could poke fun at. Of course with his devious sense of humor, who knew what would strike him as fodder? “He’s a musician.”

  “Really? Well, what do you know?” He tunneled his fingers through his already-messy hair. “So am I.”

  As if she was going to believe a convenient story like that. “You are not.”

  “I am so”

  “You are not,” she argued again.

  “Am, too.”

  Darrin jumped into the conversation. “Knock it off, both of you.”

  Nicholas wouldn’t drop it. “Tell her I’m a musician.”

  “Fine. He’s a musician.”

  She turned to face her uncle. “Is he really?”

  “Yes, he is. And a damn good one.”

  She backed down, easing the bickering. Only it didn’t work.

  Nicholas arrogantly said, “I could play your boyfriend under the table. I could play anyone under the table.”

  Bicker back on. “You wish.”

  “No, you wish,” he mimicked, then laughed. “You wish. Get it?”

  Yes, she got it. But her wish didn’t have anything to do with a play-off between the man she wanted to marry and the supernatural smartass who was going to turn the next two weeks into a game or a duel or whatever. “You’re annoying.”

  “Likewise, Baby Cakes.” Before anyone could reprimand him for mocking her nickname, he morphed into mist and circled the room.

  Darrin shook his head. “I hope he does find love someday. I’ll be glad to be rid of him.”

  Just then, Nicholas shaped himself into a heart.

  With a smiley face inside it.

  Her uncle went ahead and chuckled. Marie almost laughed, too, but she caught herself, refusing to give the bloodsucker more attention than he deserved.

  She said goodbye to Darrin, promising to keep in touch, and with the bracelet secured to her wrist, she left the magic shop, dreading her next encounter with Nicholas.

  Nicholas stood on Marie’s doorstep. She lived in a suburban neighborhood in Buena Park, California, just a hop, skip, and jump from where the Movieland Wax Museum used to be. He thought touristy-type places were cool, especially the Wax Museum, and he was disappointed that it no longer existed. Old Hollywood was part of his youth. He’d grown up around the film industry. He had good and bad memories of it. But at least he’d been human then. Nicholas didn’t like being immortal. It was tedious and boring. He would rather be part of a fast paced, live-and-die world.

  He’d been thrilled to discover that he could become a real person again. So, by damn, he was on a quest to find “true” love, whatever the hell that meant.

  He frowned into the dark. Wasn’t it just his luck that he couldn’t court Marie and force a love connection between them? That the first assignment he’d been given since learning about the spell was with a woman whose wish was to become engaged to someone else?

  This bites, he thought, no pun intended.

  He rang Marie’s doorbell, making it chime longer than necessary. At least he could have a little fun, making a nuisance of himself, considering how easily she became riled.

  She flung open the door and the first thing out of her mouth was, “You’re late. You said nine, and it’s nine fifteen.”

  “You need to chill, Baby Cakes.”

  “Stop calling me that.”

  “I considered bringing you a baloney sandwich.”

  “To prove that I’m going to have to put up with your baloney during the duration of my wish? Just so you know, I’m a vegetarian.”

  “Lucky for me, I always liked my meat rare. Bloody,” he added, reminding her of his purpose. He flashed his fangs, too, for the hell of it.

  “Oh, my God. Don’t do that out here. Somebody might see you.” She grabbed his arm and pulled him into her house. But she released him just as quickly.

  Not that it made a difference. Her touch had gone straight to his cock, shocking him senseless. Nicholas flirted with mortals for the fun of it, not because they stirred his desire. Gen-vamps weren’t prone to sexual yearnings toward humans. Of course, his brother had had a raging affair with the woman whose love had made him mortal. Was that a sign that Nicholas was supposed to have an affair with Marie? That she was the one? Given the circumstances, he didn’t see how that was possible.

  “Can we hurry, please?” she asked.


  “Get the feeding over with.”

  “I want to talk first.” Besides, he didn’t want to be quick about it. He suspected that drinking from her was going to be damned fine, and he would rather savor her blood than gulp it down.

  He glanced around and noticed that she’d decorated with a western flair. She collected American Indian artifacts, too, bows and arrows and the like. Strong, powerful stuff. Nicholas was secretly impressed. But it fit her, he supposed, since she was part Cherokee, like her uncle.

  Of course she was a heck of a lot prettier. He made a deliberate show of checking her out: long dark hair, almond-shaped eyes, and pinup girl curves. He’d always been a sucker for shapely brunettes. In his day, Jane Russell had been his ideal.

  “Stop doing that,” she said.

  “Doing what? Looking at you as if you’re my next meal? Relax, we’ll get there.”

  “The waiting is making me phobic. I have a right to be impatient.”

  “What about trying to rush your boyfriend into marriage? Do you have a right to be impatient about that, too?”

  “Rush him? We’ve been together for five years.”

  “Then he’s a wuss.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “A wuss. It’s slang for—”

  “I know what it means. But you shouldn’t be calling him that.”

  “It’s not my fault if that’s what he is.” Curious to see the rest of her house, he wandered down the hallway, peering into rooms.

  She followed him. “Were you ever married when you were mortal?”

  “No. But I didn’t string anyone along for five years, either. Besides, I’m willing to get married now.”

  “Only so you can become mortal again. Your sudden interest in love is unethical.”

  “If you were spending most of your time inside of a bracelet, you’d be anxious, too.”

  “Darrin would release you if he could.”

  “I know. But he can’t.” Jewelry owners didn’t have that kind of power. “If I don’t find love, I’ll never get out of that damned thing.”

  She glanced at the bracelet, but she didn’t say anything.

  He continued down the hall and entered her bedroom. She’d combined woodsy furniture with feminine accents: mosquito netting draped around the bed and a delicate array of perfume bottles displayed on the dresser.

  With further interest, he opened her walk-in closet and went inside. Mostly what he saw were jeans, but she had some pretty dresses, too. And cowboy boots galore, lined up on a shelf.

  “Do you ride?” he asked. “Or are these just a fashion statement?”

  “I have a horse that I keep in boarding.”

  “I ride, too. English and western.”

  “Have you ridden recently? Or are you talking about when you were mortal?”

  “Fairly recently. Whenever I’m on a wish assignment and am free from the bracelet, I try to use my time wisely and get my hobbies in.” Curious to touch her belongings, he picked up a boot and pretended to sniff the leather. “Lucky for you I don’t have a foot fetish.”

  She shooed him out of her closet. “Knock it off.”

  “Spoilsport.” Keeping the momentum going, he strode over to her bed. Then he took the liberty of sliding the netting out of the way and turning down the quilt.

  Her voice leaped out of her throat. “What are you doing?”

  “Seeing what type of sheets you have. Oh, yeah, these are nice.” He smoothed his hand across the fabric. “Silk.”

  “They’re satin.”

  “Whatever. Let’s feed here.”

  “In bed?” She gave him an incredulous look.

  “When I drink your blood, you’re going to feel as if you’re stoned or drunk or both.”

  “I know what to expect.”

  “Then wouldn’t you rather be stretched out in bed when that happens?”

  “I guess.” She clutched her blouse, as if the buttons were threatening to pop, even though they were tightly fastened. “But you better behave.”

  “I’m not going to try to seduce you.” In spite of how deeply she aroused him, he added, “I’m not interested in a woman who has her heart set on another man.”

  “Darrin said that you wouldn’t waste your time on me.”

  “And Darrin was right.” He lowered the top sheet. “Go on. Get comfy.”

  She climbed in bed and lay there as stiff as a scared-shitless board. If he wasn’t so attracted to her, he would have laughed. But at the moment, he was all out of jokes. Heaven help him, but he wanted to seduce her. He imagined fucking her lovely little brains out.

  As hard as he could.

  Chapter Three

  As Nicholas positioned himself above Marie, she dug her nails into the bed. This was way too intimate, his body way too close to hers. She had a notion to push him away, to tell him not to feed. But if she stopped him, she would lose her wish.

  “I want Keith to propose,” she said, reinforcing it to herself.

  “I know what you want.”

  “I just needed to repeat it.”

  “To be sure this is worth it?”


  “Your wish will come true. A gen-vamp-generated wish always comes true.”

  “I know. “

  “Should I proceed then?”

  “Yes,” she replied again.

  Just then, his hazel eyes turned a vivid shade of green, mirroring the center stone in the bracelet and giving him an unearthly appearance. Mesmerized by the shimmering effect, she struggled to breathe.

  His fangs popped out, heightening the tension. His body was big and muscular, his skin cool to the touch. Not that she was touching him, not purposely, anyway.

  “Move your hair out of the way,” he said.

  Like a lamb about to be slaughtered, she did what he asked, giving him a clear path to her neck.

  “Thank you. That was very accommodating.”

  Was he mocking her? “Don’t tease me, not now.”

  When he pierced her flesh, she yipped. His bite stung, just as she’d assumed it would. He didn’t apologize, but she didn’t expect him to.

  The drugged/drunk sensation pulsed through her veins quickly. The more he drank, the more stoned she got. She even got a crazy urge to tug him closer. She fought it, though. She knew better than to encourage him.


  “Oh, my,” she said, her voice sloppier than she would have liked. “Is it supposed to feel this good?”

  He stopped to respond. “That depends on what this means.” He licked the wound, up and down and all around. “It isn’t supposed to be a sexual high.”

  “I didn’t say it was sexual.”

  “So it isn’t affecting your libido?”

  Yes? No? Maybe? “Quit doing that.”

  “What’s wrong with what I’m doing?”

  Wrong? Everything. She envisioned him tasting a woman between her legs in the same sensual manner. “You’re trying to turn me on.”

  “I am not.”


  “All I’m doing is feeding.”

  “You’re playing. You’re having fun at my expense.” She struggled to keep her hips still, to not thrust against his.

  “I can’t help it if you’re attracted to me.”

  “So you’re handsome. So what? I’m going to get engaged to Keith.”

  “Because of me and my magic.”

  “Shut up, Nicholas. Shut up and drink.”

  He took one last long naughty lick. Then he sucked as much blood from her neck as he was allowed to take. Or so she assumed. She had no idea what he was actually doing. If he drained her dry, she wouldn’t know the difference. She was stoned off her ass.

  “You can’t kill me,” she said, reassuring herself that she was going to survive this and not really caring if she did.

  He didn’t reply. He just kept drinking.

  The euphoria continued. Every time his fangs went deeper, it hit her like a shot of tequila, with an injection of a narcotic on the side. “When my appendix burst, they gave me morphine after the surgery.”

  He remained silent. Still drinking.

  “I’m getting way too high,” she said. Yet she wanted him to keep going, the sensation wild and exciting.

  Finally, Nicholas ceased his zealous feeding. But that didn’t help her cause. She could barely move. Her muscles had gone ridiculously lax. He sat up and retracted his fangs. His eyes returned to their natural color.

  Marie tried to sit forward, but wasn’t able to manage it. Then again, she never could hold her liquor. Medication always knocked her for a loop, too. Not just morphine, but even things as mild as over-the-counter cough syrup. Was it any wonder that she couldn’t handle a gen-vamp’s bite?

  “So,” he said. “Your appendix burst?”

  Sluggish, she nodded.


  “About three years ago.” Or was it four? No, it was three.

  “Do you have a scar from the surgery?”


  “Can I see it?”

  Without thinking, she lifted the hem of her blouse.

  “You healed nicely.” He ran a finger along the pale line.

  His touch inc
ited a series of tingling little tremors. Even in her stupor, she knew that he was taking advantage of her intoxication. “Don’t.”

  “Don’t what?”

  “Touch me like that.”

  “It’s just a scar.”

  “It’s my skin.”

  “I just drank your blood. What’s a little skin between friends?”

  She considered the way he’d licked her neck. He wasn’t her friend. “Go away and leave me alone. I need to feel better.”

  “Do you have any orange juice in the fridge? That will help.”

  “Yes. But I don’t think I’d make it to the kitchen without stumbling.”

  “I’ll get it for you.”

  “Now you’re playing nursemaid?”

  “It’s the least I can do.”

  He left the room, and she cursed the predicament she’d gotten herself into. But in the end, it would be worth it. She would be engaged to Keith, and then she could start planning the wedding. She was certain that Keith would agree to have the ceremony in a ranch-type setting. He loved the country as much as she did.

  Nicholas returned with a glass of orange juice. He set it on the nightstand and helped her to an upright position. She had little choice but to thank him. He was being surprisingly gentle. He handed her the juice, and she sipped slowly. It took a while to recover, but eventually she felt normal again.

  “Better?” he asked.


  “I’ve never seen anyone get as tipsy as you did from a feeding. Good thing you were in bed, huh?”

  She nodded. She was still in bed. So was he, seated next to her, and making a cozy pest of himself. Particularly when he said, “Should we discuss our sex lives now?”

  Goodness, gracious. She adamantly replied, “No.”

  He didn’t listen. Instead he announced, “Simone isn’t just my lover, she was Anthony’s lover, too, before he became mortal.”

  Her jaw went slack. “You shared her?”

  “Not at the same time. We were too territorial for that. But it was still a little strange, having the same lover as my brother. Simone made us into vampires because she’d lost her previous companions and we reminded her of them.”

  “Were they killed by a genie?” Marie knew there were two types of genie rulers, the type that killed vampires to gain power and the type, like Mathieu, who saved them from being killed and turned them into hybrids, also to gain power.


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