The Hit-Man: The Protectors Book 2

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The Hit-Man: The Protectors Book 2 Page 5

by Jordan Silver


  Oh crap! I held my breath to see what was going to come next. In the last twenty minutes or so my world has been turned upside down. It felt more like a dream, or something that was happening to someone else. My life of late has been full of such things though, but I have to say this one takes the cake.

  I was expecting something from Carlos, what I’m not sure, but surely not this. I wouldn’t put it past the snake to try to snatch me, to bring me back into his clutches, but murder? Then again I probably should’ve expected it, he wouldn’t want the world knowing what I did after all, and what better way to shut me up permanently?

  What I didn’t expect, and how could I, was him, the man who was even now lying on top of me. He was hot melted chocolate, with eyes that were dark as the night outside, the whites pure as snow. He sure didn’t look like any of the usual thugs that hung around my stepdad looking for handouts. But I guess that was part of what made him good at what he was. Carlos would only hire the best. No one seeing him would suspect that he was a hired killer.

  I could feel his muscles as his body pressed into mine, pushing me into the soft mattress beneath us. I don’t think I’d taken an easy breath since the second I caught sight of him in the bathroom. Now my poor heart wasn’t sure if to be afraid or enjoy the warmth that was quickly spreading through my body from his nearness.

  I didn’t feel the fear I was sure was supposed to be there. From the moment I saw that look in his eyes as he towered over me with his weapon resting against my flesh, the terror had slipped away. Something about the way he looked at me, as if seeing into the very heart of me, made that initial fear disappear. I was probably being stupid, careless, but somehow I didn’t feel like my life was in any danger from him.

  Now he’s staring at me, waiting for an answer. But how could I share something so personal with a complete stranger? I watched the hand with the gun that was now lax, then turned my eyes back up to his. It was weird but I felt I could trust him, something I hadn’t been able to do since I was a very little girl, since my own dad was murdered and taken from me.

  “He tried to rape me and I snuck out during my mom’s funeral. I had to wait because he would never let me out of his sight. During the wake when the house was full of people I got dressed in the maid’s uniform and wore one of mom’s wigs. I used the staff’s car and that’s how I got away.”

  I said it all in a rush and was surprised by the feeling of relief that overcame me after. The look in his eyes told me that I had done the right thing, and when his fingers came up to gently push the hair back from my face, I knew it for sure.

  He seemed to be choosing his words carefully as he looked down at me, and as if now realizing where we were and what he’d been doing, he rolled away from me with a curse. He flung his arm over his eyes as he laid beside me and I held my breath. This one seemed a bit volatile if you ask me.

  “So he was trying to molest you and now he’s trying to shush you.” With the haze of fear gone, I was able to appreciate the warm beauty of his voice. I couldn’t quite place the accent, it was almost British in its cadence and I wanted to ask him to keep talking, his voice was somehow relaxing. But instead I just answered his question. “Yes.”

  “You better not be lying to me. By the way what’s your name cause you’re no damn Sal.”

  “It’s Selena, Sal’s just a nickname.”

  “Okay Selena in the next few days you’re gonna have to trust me if you wanna live. I don’t know what else your stepdad have up his sleeves, but you can’t stay here.”

  That gave me pause and brought to mind the first question I should’ve asked. “How exactly did you find me?”

  “He gave me the basics, I followed the thread.”

  “But how? I was very careful, I didn’t stay in one place too long.” I maybe shouldn’t be telling him this but somehow I felt it was okay. I didn’t like the fact that Carlos knew where I was though; I’ll have to find a way to get out of here without being seen. I might find Mr. Chocolate hot as one of abuela’s tamales, but I wasn’t that stupid.

  “You were easy to find but that’s because I’m good at what I do. Right now that’s not important, getting you to some place safe is. Get your stuff.” I eased off the bed with my eyes still fastened on the gun arm, but he didn’t look like he was about to shoot and besides, I could hear people moving around outside in the hallway. Surely he wouldn’t risk anything now.

  I went around the room gathering my stuff as my mind raced with ways to escape. I could feel his eyes on me as I dragged on underwear under cover of the robe, my face heating up with embarrassment. I tried stalling for time but there was only so much I could do in this one little room.

  In the end I had no choice but to leave with him. “We’re going to walk out of here nice and slow. I will have my gun trained on you at all times so no funny stuff. And if you try anything, you’ll just get innocent people killed along with yourself.” Gulp.



  I was taking a big fucking risk, which was probably beyond stupid, but there was no other way to get out of there. The last hour had been full of surprises but I wasn’t looking forward to any more, not now anyway. I needed to process this shit first.

  I kept close to her side as we made our way from the room, with the gun pressed into her flesh. To any onlookers we would appear to be a couple in love and totally into each other. It also helped to shield my identity as I kept my face pretty much buried in the side of neck .like I was whispering to her.

  I didn’t breathe easy until we cleared the lobby and was on our way to the bungalow. “Wait, I have to check out.”

  “No you don’t, you can do that shit online or on the phone. You paid cash and they have your credit card on file for incidentals.” She didn’t seem too pleased that I knew that much about her doings. What the fuck did she think this was, a sideshow?

  I grabbed my bag, which had never been unpacked, and headed back out to my car. It was late already and the last ferry back to the mainland was leaving in twenty minutes, plenty of time. She was still looking around as if seeking an escape and I didn’t bother to tell her there was none. Instead I gave her one last warning to keep her ass in check.

  “You know there are places I can shoot you that won’t kill you, but would hurt like a son of a bitch.” That got her attention and I saw some of that earlier heat when her eyes spat fire at me. I guess the effects of the kiss had worn off.

  She was nervous, biting into her nails as she looked around at the few cars that had boarded the ferry. The conductor took my pay and exchanged a few pleasantries, his eyes glued to her until I glared his ass away. She was still looking around but trying hard not to let me notice. Good girl, I would’ve thought her all kinds of stupid if she relaxed her guard around me, a complete stranger, no matter how hot that kiss was.

  I was expecting her to try to make another run for it at some point, anyone who would try to knee an armed man in the nuts had more than guts, she had a survival instinct that rivaled grown men’s. “You hungry?” I wasn’t sure if she’d had room service before her bath or not, and there wouldn’t be much for choice in about an hour or so.

  Once we left the ferry it was a straight shot to New York to pick up my bike, and I still wasn’t sure where the hell I was going to take her. Until I knew for sure that I was the only one with eyes on her, I didn’t want her out in the open no more than absolutely necessary.

  “Seriously, you think I can keep anything down with a gun at my head?” She sniffed and looked back out the window at the water as we made our approach to the dock. “If you can use your mouth to bitch at me you can eat. Now do you want something or not? If you don’t grab something here it’s going to be morning before I make the offer again.”

  “I’m fine thanks.” I guess that lady of the manor shit usually worked to put lesser beings in their place where she came from. I didn’t much give a fuck. If she wanted to starve herself so be it. I could go anothe
r day or two without even thinking about food. If her little ungrateful ass wanted to be stubborn that’s her deal.


  She sat stiff as a board next to me as we disembarked and I put the foot down on the gas. I pulled a few evasive maneuvers just in case I had a tale, but I didn’t pick up on any shadows. I was on the expressway before I had any sense of where to go. I couldn’t take her back to the barrio, that would just be asking for trouble and until I decided what to do about her perverted stepdad, I think it was best if she laid low.

  I didn’t doubt her story one bit, which was strange. It had been a month of Sundays since I gave anyone the benefit of the doubt, but something about her told me I could trust her. Okay hold the phone Drake; don’t go getting ahead of yourself. Just because she has eyes that make you want to dive into them and can match you heat for heat, does not mean that you can lose your head.

  I’m gonna have to watch myself with this one. Her silence was like a siren as we drove for the next two hours after trading in the spider for a truck in the city so that I could haul my hog. She didn’t ask where we were going and I had to wonder at her bravery. Most women would be screaming their heads off already, or at the very least pleading to be let go.

  Not my little firebrand, she sat there primly, as though we were going for a ride in the country on a nice summer’s day, instead of heading into deeper darkness on a deserted highway with the man who’d been hired to kill her.

  By hour four she was slouched down in her seat and pretty much wilted. I guess the night’s activities had finally caught up with her and she was fighting to stay awake. “Go to sleep sweetheart.” Where the fuck had that come from? Her eyes flew wide open, but I kept my head straight, pretending I hadn’t just made a complete ass of myself. I didn’t miss the blush that touched her cheek though.

  Chapter 8


  I pulled up to the old cabin just before dawn. My passenger had been gently sighing and mumbling in her sleep for the better part of the night and I wasn’t faring much better. I’d driven straight through to this little out of the way place I kept for when I needed some alone time with my thoughts.

  She was the first person I’d brought up here, not even mom knew where it was. I wasn’t going to look too closely at my reasons for choosing my sanctuary to bring her to for protection. I’d had about enough of this shit for one night.

  “Wake up.” I nudged her until she awakened and looked around.”

  “Where are we?” She rubbed the sleep from her eyes like a little girl, totally innocent and unassuming. I wondered at the heart of a man who would try to harm that. It never ceases to amaze me, the depths to which some men can sink. In the fading predawn light she looked like an innocent, like someone you would bend over backwards to protect. That brought something to mind, something I should’ve asked before now.

  “Did you say you ran after your mom’s funeral?”

  “Yeah why?”

  “How did she die?”

  “She was sick.” Her voice took on a melancholy almost heartbreaking tone.

  “Did she know?” I didn’t have to explain what I meant by that, she knew. With her head lowered she shook it back and forth, brining my attention to the deep black waterfall that ran all the way down the middle of her back to her ass.

  I wanted to ask her more, but wasn’t sure of my reason so held off. “What’s this place anyway?” She looked out the windshield to the log cabin I’d built in my spare time over the years. It was my pride and joy I guess you could say, something I’d built with my own hands. I’d built it four years ago when the weight of destruction had become almost too much. I’d realized one day that I had spent the last five years give or take on the job.

  I hadn’t done anything to contribute to society, and was slowly in danger of losing my soul, my humanity. The realization had propelled me to seek out the land and get started on my project. Now, except for the home that I’d had built for my mom, it was my one major accomplishment. “A place.” She didn’t need to know any more than that.

  She looked through the place, I’m not sure what for, but she pulled up short when she realized there was only one bed. My place was an open floor plan with a loft, and lots of windows letting in the sunlight and the forestry around us. It was peaceful and quiet usually, but I had the feeling that she was going to shake things up; she just had that look about her.

  “I get the bed, I’m a girl.” She headed for the stairs with a flounce after dropping her bag on the floor. “Hold it.” I didn’t tell her that there might be a critter or two up there who had taken up residence since it had been some time since I’d been here. She ignored me of course and traipsed her hot little ass up the stairs.

  “Eeeeekkkkkk.” She came running back down the stairs fast enough to break her damn neck. Pain in the ass! I just looked down at her head when she plastered herself against my front like she was trying to climb me. She was a tiny little thing, barely reaching my chin.

  “What was it?” She turned wide frightened eyes up to me and I wanted to sink into her again. I’m thinking I better get over this affliction fast before she ends up getting bred on this mountain. All alone with nature, no one else for miles, a man might start to get ideas.

  “I don’t know, something moved up there.”

  “What?” Shit I’d already forgotten what we were talking about. She gave me a look of disgust and headed for the kitchen. “Please tell me you have food in this place, unless it’s your intention to starve me to death, in which case I choose the bullet.”

  Didn’t I offer to feed her ass? “And before you even think about mentioning your last food offer, that was yesterday. I’m starving.” She knocked around in the kitchen until she found whatever it was that she was looking for. I went upstairs to see what it was that had put fear in little Ms. Hotshot, leaving her to her own devices.

  By the time I’d made sure the place was secure and there were no more surprises, there was a nice aromatic haze making it’s way up the stairs. I found her in the kitchen taking something off the stove and dishing it into two dishes that she’d found in the cupboards.

  The place had an authentic rustic look about it by design, but it was far from a rough camp. I always made sure to keep it well stocked so wasn’t surprised that she’d found what she’d needed. “I see you like your food spicy.” I could smell the pepper from all the way over by the door.

  She’d found the cornmeal and made some kind of flapjack looking thing, which was smothered in butter, beans and some beef sausage from the freezer. Not bad for a little girl.

  “Come and eat.” She pushed a plate towards me and took a seat across from it with her own plate heaped as high as mine. If she keeps up with the surprises I’m gonna end up marrying her ass, I like a woman who can enjoy her food. “Not so fast.” I switched plates and ignored the derogatory term she lobbied at my head.

  “Yeah whatever.” I’m pretty sure I had some rodent poison around here somewhere, I wouldn’t put it past her to have found it and try to off my ass, what do I know? She dug in and hummed in her throat as the coffee perked on the counter.

  She could cook, damn. If she could come up with this shit with what little she’d found here, there was no telling what she could do with a full pantry. That was another one of my weaknesses, a woman who knew her way around the stove. Already she was knocking at a lot of my barriers without even trying.

  She seemed more relaxed now than she had a few hours ago. Maybe because she was finally convinced that I wasn’t going to kill her, or that if I was going to I would’ve done it by now. “You ready to tell me the rest of tour story?” My belly was full and even after all those hours on the road I was wide-awake.

  She’d slept almost the whole way so she shouldn’t be too tired. “What more is there to know? Carlos was trying to get in my pants, I didn’t want him in my pants so I left, end of story.” She got up and went to get coffee. I watched the way she effortlessly reached up and retrieve
d two cups and poured coffee for both of us before coming back and placing one in front of me.

  “There has to be more to it; like when did it start, how did it start?”

  “Why do you want to know all that, you into that freaky shit?” My withering look was enough to have her pulling back. “Do I look like I have time for your shit? If I’m going to give up a million dollars for your ass…” A spray of coffee came my way as she almost choked.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “ A million dollars, he paid you a million dollars to kill me?” She was back to looking scared.

  “Relax, money’s not my master. If I wanted the money that badly they’d be wrapping up your cold body on Long Island.” I decided to leave her alone for now since she seemed flustered by the fact that Carlos had wanted her dead badly enough to pay that much. That was another thing that was weighing heavy on my mind as well.

  A million dollars seemed a bit steep just to silence some chick with her claims. There were way too many ways to refute something like that, so what was it that she was hiding? “At some point, like in the next few hours after we’ve both had some sleep, you’re going to tell me what I want to know. After that I’ll know which way the wind blows; you want to live get your head out your ass.”

  I got up from the table and threw the dirty dishes in the dishwasher before heading out of the room and for bed. “Let’s go.”

  “No thanks, I’ll stay down here if you don’t mind.” Instead of answering her, I walked over and grabbed her arm, pulling her up from the table.

  “Hey.” She tried pulling away.

  “Look you, I’m tired after driving all night, I have shit on my mind that pertains to keeping your ass safe, and I don’t have time for your bullshit. Now you’ve satisfied one of my hungers, but unless you want to fuck, pipe the fuck down and let’s go.” That shut her the hell up.


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